alimentary canal, canal |
tube digestif |
tubo digestivo |
canal alimentar |
anal |
anal |
anal |
anal |
anal fin, fin |
nageoire anale |
aleta anal |
barbatana anal |
anal fin origin, fin origin, origin |
origine de la nageoire anale |
anal fin ray count, fin ray count, ray count |
anal papilla, papilla |
papille anale |
papila anal |
papila anal |
analogous |
analytical watershed |
artificial channel, channel |
canal artificiel |
canal artificial |
canal artificial |
artisanal fisheries, fisheries |
pêche artisanale |
pesquerías artesanales |
pesca artesanal |
basal communicating canals, communicating canals, canals |
biochemical analysis, analysis |
analyse biochimique |
análisis bioquímico |
análise bioquímica |
circumnarial grooves, grooves |
sillons circumnasaux |
canal circumnarinal |
depressões das narinas |
cohort analysis |
dorsal and anal fin ray counts, and anal fin ray counts, anal fin ray counts |
nombre de rayons des nageoires dorsales et anales |
recuento de los radios de las aletas dorsal y anal |
electrophoretic analysis, analysis |
fringing reef channel, reef channel, channel |
passe de récif frangeant |
canal de arrecife franjeante |
canal do recife |
infraorbital canal, canal |
canal sous-orbitaire |
canal suborbital |
canal infraorbital |
inter-islet channel, channel |
hoa |
canal inter-islotes |
canal entre ilhas |
lateral canal, canal |
canal latéral |
canal lateral |
canal da linha lateral |
microprobe analysis, analysis |
analyse microradiographique |
análise com raios X |
mucous canal, canal |
canal muqueux |
canal mucoso |
nasal canal |
neural canal, canal |
opercular canal |
pelvic-anal interspace, interspace |
distance pelviennes-anale |
espaço pélvico-anal |
perianal |
Population Viability Analysis, Viability Analysis, Analysis |
analyse de la viabilité d'une population |
Análise de Viabilidade duma População |
postanal membrane, membrane |
postanal myomeres, myomeres |
preanal fin, fin |
preanal length, length |
preanal membrane, membrane |
preanal myomeres, myomeres |
preanal ridge, ridge |
preoperculo-mandibular canal, canal |
canal préoperculo-mandibulaire |
canal preopérculomandibular |
preorbital canals, canals |
proximate analysis, analysis |
analyse de la composition |
análise tecidual |
sea channel, channel |
vallée sous-marine |
canal marinho |
semicircular ear canal, ear canal, canal |
sensory canal, canal |
canal sensoriel |
canal sensorial |
shallow pass, pass |
passe peu profonde |
canal recifal |
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama, Smithsonian Tropical Research Inst |
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama |
Instituto de Investigação Tropical Smithsonian, Balboa,Canal Zone |
snout to vent length, to vent length, vent length |
longueur de corps du museau à l'orifice anal |
sound channel, channel |
chenal sonore |
canal de som |
supraorbital canal, canal |
canal supraorbitaire |
canal supraorbital |
supratemporal canal, canal |
canal supratemporal |
canal supratemporal |
vent to anal fin length, to anal fin length, anal fin length |
virtual population analysis |
yield-per-recruit analysis, analysis |