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Definition of Term

aspect ratio
(english) A dimensionless ratio expressing how elongated the shape of a flat organ, e.g., a fin might be. Here calculated for the caudal fin as the ratio h^2/s, where h^2 is the height squared and s the surface of that fin. (See also: morphology, natural mortality)
indice de forme
(french) Rapport qui exprime l'élongation d'un organe plat (une nageoire par exemple). Dans le cas de la nageoire caudale, il correspond au rapport h^2/s, avec h = hauteur et s = surface de la nageoire. (See also: morphology, natural mortality)
razão adimensional
(portuguese) Porporção adimensional que expressa quão alongado é uma forma plana. (See also: morphology, natural mortality)

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