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Definition of Term

(english) A flat elasmobranch fish, e.g. skate or ray, with the pectoral fins fused to the sides of the head and the gill openings on the ventral surface. Species of the order Rajiformes: the sawfish, sharkray, wedgefish, guitarfish, thornrays, panrays, electric rays, skates, stingrays, stingarees, butterfly rays, eagle rays, cownose rays and devilrays. (See also: elasmobranchs, gill, pectoral fins)
(french) Un poisson élasmobranche plat, par exemple patin ou rayon, avec les nageoires pectorales unies aux côtés de la tête et les ouvertures branchiales sur la surface ventrale. (See also: elasmobranchs, gill, pectoral fins)
(portuguese) Elasmobrânquio plano (p. ex., a raia), com as barbatanas peitorais unidas junto Àcabeça e as aberturas branquiais na face ventral. (See also: elasmobranchs, gill, pectoral fins)

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