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Definition of Term

(english) In a general sense, the extent to which a stock is susceptible to fishing; quantitatively, the proportion of the stock removed by 1 unit of fishing effort. Catchability usually is in pelagic fishes, an inverse function of stock biomass. (See also: fishing effort, catch per unit of effort)
(french) Dans un sens général, l'ampleur à qu'une réserve est susceptible à la pêche; quantitativement, la proportion de la réserve enlevée par 1 unité d'effort de la pêche. Le capturabilité est, chez les poissons pélagiques, habituellement une fonction inverse de la biomasse de stock. (See also: fishing effort, catch per unit of effort)
(portuguese) Quantidade do stock susceptível de poder ser explorada; quantitativamente é a porporção do stock capturada por unidade de esforço; nas espécies pelágicas é função inversa da biomassa. (See also: fishing effort, catch per unit of effort)

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