System Glossary
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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
adipose eyelid, eyelid paupière adipeuse párpado adiposo pálpebra adiposa
Barreleyes or spookfishes, or spookfishes, spookfishes opistopróctidos? Opistoproctídeos
Bigeyes or catalufas, or catalufas, catalufas beauclaires catalufas; priacántidos Priacantídeo
block eye, eye ringot
cloudy eyes, eyes
eye oeil ojo olho
eye diameter, diameter ED
eye fork length, fork length, length distance de l'oeil à la fourche longitud ojo - furca Comprimento olho-furca
eye length, length diamètre de l'oeil longitud ocular
eye notch, notch
eye spot, spot
eyed egg, egg
eyed eggs, eggs
eyed side, side
eyelid paupière párpado pálpebra
Eyemouth cure, cure
eyestalks pédoncules oculaires
fatty eyelid, eyelid
Four-eyed fishes and jenynsiids, fishes and jenynsiids, and jenynsiids poissons-à-quatre-yeux anablépidos Anablepídeos
Greeneyes verdoeils cloroftálmidos, ojitos verdes Cloroftalmídeos
Kelly's eye, eye huit; craquelin
Lanterneye fishes, fishes anomalópidos Anomalopídeos
Lefteye flounders, flounders bótidos, tapaculos Botídeos
Loweye catfishes, catfishes Hipoftalmídeos
Mooneyes Hiodontídeos
nictitating eyelid, eyelid paupière nictitante pálpebra nictitante
Pearleyes scopélarchidés Scopelarquídeos
pineal eye, eye
postocular eyelid muscles, eyelid muscles, muscles
protrusion of the eye, of the eye, the eye
Righteye flounders, flounders plies Pleuronectídeos
stalked eye
stalked eyes, eyes
telescopic eye, eye oeil télescopique
Tube-eye or thread-tail, or thread-tail, thread-tail Estiloforídeos
tubular eye
upper eyelid, eyelid
white spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, on skin, fins, tails or eyes
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