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Definition of Term

fyke net
(english) Set in lakes and streams for the catching of eels. Having swum into the net the eels are unable to escape past the fyke (non-return) entrance. A bag-shaped, cylindrical or cone-shaped fish trap, mounted on rings, with funnels which direct the fish into successive compartments. The net is fixed in place by stakes or anchors. Fish are deflected towards the mouth of the bag by leader nets set obliqely on either side of the mouth. Used particularly in rivers. Also called wing net. (See also: fishery, fisher, funnel)
(french) Installé dans des lacs et des ruisseaux pour attraper des anguilles. Les anguilles, après avoir nagé dans le filet, sont incapables de s'échapper devant l’entrée du verveux (non-retour). (See also: fishery, fisher, funnel)
rede de enguias
(portuguese) Rede posta nos rios ou nos lagos para capturar enguias. Uma vez dentro da rede as enguias não conseguem encontrar a saída. (See also: fishery, fisher, funnel)

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