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Definition of Term

(english) A member of a large group of small crustaceans lacking a carapace and usually having a depressed body. The group occurs in marine and fresh waters and on land; some of its members are parasitic on other invertebrates and fishes. (See also: crustaceans, carapace, parasitic)
(french) Membre d'un grand groupe de petits crustacés avec un corps généralement aplati. Ce groupe est présent en eaux marines, en eaux douces et sur terre ; certains de ses membres sont parasites d'autres invertébrés et de poissons. (See also: crustaceans, carapace, parasitic)
(portuguese) Membro dum grande grupo de pequenos crustáceos sem carapaça e usualmente com o corpo deprimido. Este grupo é marinho, dulceaquícola e terrestre. Alguns dos seus membro são parasitas de outros invertebados e de peixes. (See also: crustaceans, carapace, parasitic)

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