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Definition of Term

marine realm
(english) Portion of the earth's biosphere, geosphere and waters generally seaward of mean high water and/or vegetation line, including embayments, lagoons, and other water bodies with measurable salinity and surface water connection to the ocean. (See also: marine, coastline, salinity)
domaine marin
(french) Portion de la biosphère, de la géosphère et des eaux marines à partir du niveau moyen de la marée haute et/ou de la limite de végétation, y compris des baies, lagons, et autres zones aquatiques dont la salinité est mesurable et avec un rapport de l'eau de surface à l'océan. (See also: marine, coastline, salinity)
meio marinho
(portuguese) Parte da biosfera, geosfera e hidrosfera contida até à linha de costa terrestre. (See also: marine, coastline, salinity)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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