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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
adaptive behavior, behavior comportement adaptatif comportamiento adaptativo comportamento adaptativo
angling pêche à la ligne pesca a la línea (liña) pesca desportiva
Baccalà portoghese giallo, portoghese giallo, giallo
bag limit, limit limite de prises cuota de bolsa; cuota de captura captura máxima permitida em pesca desportiva
berry oeufs bayas; huevos fecundados de crustáceos postura de crustáceo transportada pela fêmea no abdomen
exporting country, country
hotspot point chaud punto caliente sítio importante
keystone species, species espèces-clés especies clave espécie importante no ecossistema
Museu municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal, municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal, do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal MMF Museu municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madère, Portugal Museu Municipal do Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
name-bearing type, type type porte-nom tipo nominal
Natural History Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius, History Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius, Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius NHMI
nuclear organizing region, organizing region, region NOR régions porteuses des organisateurs nucléolaires região nuclear
opportunistic feeding, feeding alimentation opportuniste alimentação oportunística
opportunity cost
passport data, data données de collecte etiqueta de amostra
Port Jackson sharks, horn, or Port Jackson sharks, or Port Jackson sharks requins de Port Jackson Heterodontídeos
principle of name-bearing types, of name-bearing types, name-bearing types principe des types porte-nom princípio dos nomes tipo
sport fish, fish
sport fishing
tidal stream transport, stream transport, transport
University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences, Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences UPRM University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences Departamento de Ciências Marinhas da Universidade de Porto Rico, Porto Rico
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