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Definition of Term

principle of name-bearing types
(english) According to the Code, the principle that each nominal taxon has, actually or potentially, its name-bearing type that provides the objective standard of reference by which the application of the name is determined. (See also: Code, name-bearing type, nominal taxon)
principe des types porte-nom
(french) Selon le Code, principe que chaque taxon nominal possède, réellement ou potentiellement, son type porte-nom qui devient le standard objectif de référence selon lequel l'application du nom est déterminée. (See also: Code, name-bearing type, nominal taxon)
princípio dos nomes tipo
(portuguese) Do Código, o princípio em que cada taxon nominal tem, actualmente ou potencialmente, o seu nome tipo que fornece o standard objectivo da referência pela qual a aplicação do nome foi determinada. (See also: Code, name-bearing type, nominal taxon)

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