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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
active reproductive state, reproductive state, state
aerofoils voilures aerodeslizadores aerofólios
alien allochtone alóctono espécie introduzida
anterodorsal palpebral depressor muscle, palpebral depressor muscle, depressor muscle
asexual reproduction, reproduction reproduction asexuée reproducción asexual reprodução assexuada
batch spawner, spawner reproducteur multiple ponedor parcial fecundo
breeding élevage cría; cultivo reprodução intraespecífica
broadcast spawners, spawners reproducteurs en eau libre reproductores en aguas libres espécies que libertam os gâmetas na água
broodstock stock de reproducteurs stock de cría; stock de cultivo stock reprodutor
Bullhead sharks, sharks requins dormeurs bouledogues heterodóntidos; tiburones toro? Heterodontídeo
cobble galet callao; canto rodado; guijarro gravilha
consecutive hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
dualistic reproductive behavior, reproductive behavior, behavior
electrosensing électro-détection electrodetección percepção eléctrica
fishing rod
hermaphroditic hermaphrodite hermafrodita hermafrodita
heterodont dentition, dentition
Horn sharks, sharks requins-dormeurs heterodóntidos Heterodontídeos
hydrodynamic noise, noise bruit hydrodynamique ruido hidrodinámico ruído hidrodinâmico
inactive reproductive state, reproductive state, state
in-situ production, production production in-situ producción in-situ produção in-situ
Introduced introduit introducido Introduzida
introduced species, species espèce introduite especie introducida espécie introduzida
maximum sustainable yield, yield MSY production maximum équilibrée captura máxima sustentada
monoecious monoïque hermafroditas
net primary production
output controls, controls contrôles de la production controles por output
Port Jackson sharks, horn, or Port Jackson sharks, or Port Jackson sharks requins de Port Jackson Heterodontídeos
primary production, production production primaire produção primária
primary productivity, productivity productivité primaire productividade primária
produced prolongé projectado
production pond, pond
productivity productivité
proterogynous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
reintroduced réintroduit Reintroduzido
reproduction reproduction reprodução
reproduction curve
reproductive guild, guild groupe de même éthologie reproductive guilda reprodutora
reproductive isolation
reproductive load, load charge reproductive índice do comprimento médio Àreprodução
reproductive potential
Rode kaviaar, kaviaar
secondary production, production
sequential hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite hermaphrodite séquentiel hermafrodita sequencial
sib selection, selection sélection de reproducteur selecção pelo fenótipo
simultaneous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
simultaneous hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism
spawning stock, stock population frayeure stock reprodutor
surplus production
surplus production model, production model, model modèle de production soutenue modelo de produção
synchronous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
synchronous hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism
tertiary production
tetrodotoxic fishes
total productivity productivité totale
true hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism hermaphrodisme vrai hermafroditismo suficiente
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