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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
parts per thousand, per thousand, thousand ppt parties par milliers
sand sable areia
sand beach, beach plage de sable praia
Sand eel, eel Hipoptiquídeos
Sand lances, lances lançons Amoditídeos
Sand stargazers, stargazers Dactiloscopídeos
Sand tigers, tigers requins-taureaux Odontaspídeos
Sandburrowers Creediídeos
Sanddivers Triconotídeos
Sandfishes toroumoques Tricodontídeos
Sandfishes or sand gobies, or sand gobies, sand gobies bourgettes Krameriídeos
Sandperches serrans de sable Pinguipedídeos
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory SHML Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center Laboratório Marítimo de Nova Jersey
Southern sandfishes, sandfishes Leptoescopídeos
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