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Definition of Term

surplus production model
(english) Mathematical representation of the way fish stocks respond to fishing or other removals of individuals, with the central assumption that a large stock size, reproductive rates and rate of stock growth is slowed by self-regulating mechanisms, and that stock growth rates are faster after removals as the stocks attempt to rebuild. (See also: stock, fishery, sustainable use)
modelo de produção
(portuguese) Representação matemática do modo como um stock de peixes responde à pesca ou a outra qualquer remoção de indivíduos, assumindo-se que num stock numeroso as taxas de crescimento e de reprodução são reduzidas pelo mecanismo da auto-regulação e que as taxas de crescimento aumentam depois duma remoção à medida que o stock se tenta reconstituir. (See also: stock, fishery, sustainable use)

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