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Definition of Term

(english) A large group containing most bony fishes; refers to the Teleostei, the highest superorder of the ray-finned bony fishes. The others are the Chondrostei and Holostei, which may be polyphyletic, so these superordinal group names, though often heard, are usually omitted from recent formal classifications. (See also: bone)
(french) Grand groupe qui contient la plupart des poissons osseux ; fait référence aux Teleostei, le plus haut superordre des poissons osseux. Les autres sont les Chondrostei et les Holostei qui peuvent être polyphylétiques, ainsi ces noms de groupes superordinaux, pourtant souvent entendu, sont souvent omis des classifications officielles récentes. (See also: bone)
(portuguese) Grande grupo que contém os teleósteos; refere-se aos Teleostei, a superordem dos peixes ósseos com raios nas barbatanas. As outras são os Condrostei e Holostei, que podem ser polifiléticas, e portanto estes nomes, embora utilizados, estão postos de lado na classificação moderna. (See also: bone)

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