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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Latidae Lates perches

Genus: Lates

(See list of species below)

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11 species (see list below)

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Photo by de Vos, L.

Max. Length 200 cm SL
Lates angustifrons Boulenger, 1906

Photo by de Vos, L.
Lates angustifrons
[Tanganyika lates]

Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 200 cm TL
Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790)

Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand
Lates calcarifer

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 130 cm TL
Lates japonicus Katayama & Taki, 1984

Photo by IGFA
Lates japonicus
[Japanese lates]
No picture found
Max. Length 25.6 cm SL

Lates lakdiva
No picture found
Max. Length 57 cm TL

Lates longispinis
[Rudolf lates]

Photo by Payne, A.

Max. Length 29 cm TL
Lates macrophthalmus Worthington, 1929

Photo by Payne, A.
Lates macrophthalmus
[Albert lates]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 80 cm TL
Lates mariae Steindachner, 1909

Photo by FAO
Lates mariae
[Bigeye lates]

Photo by de Vos, L.

Max. Length 93 cm TL
Lates microlepis Boulenger, 1898

Photo by de Vos, L.
Lates microlepis
[Forktail lates]

Photo by Admassu, D.

Max. Length 200 cm TL
Lates niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Admassu, D.
Lates niloticus
[Nile perch]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 45 cm SL
Lates stappersii (Boulenger, 1914)

Photo by FAO
Lates stappersii
[Sleek lates]
No picture found
Max. Length 36.3 cm SL

Lates uwisara
11 Species of Family Latidae with Genus Lates
(Lates perches)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1906 Lates angustifrons Tanganyika lates Africa 200 SL
1790 Lates calcarifer Barramundi Indo-West Pacific 200 TL
1984 Lates japonicus Japanese lates Northwest Pacific 130 TL
2012 Lates lakdiva Asia 25.6 SL
1932 Lates longispinis Rudolf lates Africa 57 TL
1929 Lates macrophthalmus Albert lates Africa 29 TL
1909 Lates mariae Bigeye lates Africa 80 TL
1898 Lates microlepis Forktail lates Africa 93 TL
1758 Lates niloticus Nile perch Africa 200 TL
1914 Lates stappersii Sleek lates Africa 45 SL
2012 Lates uwisara Asia 36.3 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013