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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Serranidae Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets
Subfamily: Serraninae
Genus: Paralabrax

(See list of species below)

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9 species (see list below)

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Photo by Hawkins, B. Waterhouse

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 50.8 cm SL
Paralabrax albomaculatus (Jenyns, 1840)

Photo by Hawkins, B. Waterhouse
Paralabrax albomaculatus

Photo by Lavan, J.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 71 cm TL
Paralabrax auroguttatus Walford, 1936

Photo by Lavan, J.
Paralabrax auroguttatus
[Goldspotted sand bass]

Photo by Jimenez Prado, P.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm SL
Paralabrax callaensis Starks, 1906

Photo by Jimenez Prado, P.
Paralabrax callaensis
[Southern rock bass]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 72 cm TL
Paralabrax clathratus (Girard, 1854)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Paralabrax clathratus
[Kelp bass]

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 43 cm TL
Paralabrax dewegeri (Metzelaar, 1919)

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.
Paralabrax dewegeri

Photo by Wolfe, G.

East Pacific
Max. Length 54.5 cm TL
Paralabrax humeralis (Valenciennes, 1828)

Photo by Wolfe, G.
Paralabrax humeralis
[Peruvian rock seabass]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 38 cm TL
Paralabrax loro Walford, 1936

Photo by Robertson, R.
Paralabrax loro
[Parrot sand bass]

Photo by Shelton, J.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Paralabrax maculatofasciatus (Steindachner, 1868)

Photo by Shelton, J.
Paralabrax maculatofasciatus
[Spotted sand bass]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 67 cm TL
Paralabrax nebulifer (Girard, 1854)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Paralabrax nebulifer
[Barred sand bass]
9 Species of Family Serranidae with Genus Paralabrax
(Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1840 Paralabrax albomaculatus Camotillo Southeast Pacific 50.8 SL
1936 Paralabrax auroguttatus Goldspotted sand bass Eastern Central Pacific 71 TL
1906 Paralabrax callaensis Southern rock bass Southeast Pacific 35 SL
1854 Paralabrax clathratus Kelp bass Eastern Pacific 72 TL
1919 Paralabrax dewegeri Vieja Western Atlantic 43 TL
1828 Paralabrax humeralis Peruvian rock seabass East Pacific 54.5 TL
1936 Paralabrax loro Parrot sand bass Eastern Central Pacific 38 TL
1868 Paralabrax maculatofasciatus Spotted sand bass Eastern Central Pacific 60 TL
1854 Paralabrax nebulifer Barred sand bass Eastern Pacific 67 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013