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Class: Elasmobranchii
Order: Rhinopristiformes
Family: Rhinobatidae Guitarfishes

Genus: Pseudobatos

(See list of species below)

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8 species (see list below)

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Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 85 cm TL
Pseudobatos glaucostigmus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1883)

Photo by FAO
Pseudobatos glaucostigmus
[Speckled guitarfish]

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Western South Atlantic
Max. Length 138 cm TL
Pseudobatos horkelii (Müller & Henle, 1841)

Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Pseudobatos horkelii
[Brazilian guitarfish]

Photo by Murch, A.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 76 cm TL
Pseudobatos lentiginosus (Garman, 1880)

Photo by Murch, A.
Pseudobatos lentiginosus
[Atlantic guitarfish]

Photo by Béarez, P.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 70.2 cm TL
Pseudobatos leucorhynchus (Günther, 1867)

Photo by Béarez, P.
Pseudobatos leucorhynchus
[Whitesnout guitarfish]

Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 100 cm WD
Pseudobatos percellens (Walbaum, 1792)

Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.
Pseudobatos percellens
[Chola guitarfish]

Photo by Elasmolab Universidad Austral de Chile

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 76.3 cm TL
Pseudobatos planiceps (Garman, 1880)

Photo by Elasmolab Universidad Austral de Chile
Pseudobatos planiceps
[Pacific guitarfish]

Photo by Béarez, P.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 90 cm TL
Pseudobatos prahli (Acero P. & Franke, 1995)

Photo by Béarez, P.
Pseudobatos prahli
[Gorgona guitarfish]

Photo by Murch, A.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 170 cm TL
Pseudobatos productus (Ayres, 1854)

Photo by Murch, A.
Pseudobatos productus
[Shovelnose guitarfish]
8 Species of Family Rhinobatidae with Genus Pseudobatos
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1883 Pseudobatos glaucostigmus Speckled guitarfish Eastern Central Pacific 85 TL
1841 Pseudobatos horkelii Brazilian guitarfish Western South Atlantic 138 TL
1880 Pseudobatos lentiginosus Atlantic guitarfish Western Atlantic 76 TL
1867 Pseudobatos leucorhynchus Whitesnout guitarfish Eastern Central Pacific 70.2 TL
1792 Pseudobatos percellens Chola guitarfish Western Atlantic 100 WD
1880 Pseudobatos planiceps Pacific guitarfish Eastern Pacific 76.3 TL
1995 Pseudobatos prahli Gorgona guitarfish Eastern Pacific 90 TL
1854 Pseudobatos productus Shovelnose guitarfish Eastern Pacific 170 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013