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Family: Linophrynidae Leftvents

(See list of species below)

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27 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 10.5 cm SL

Acentrophryne dolichonema
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm SL

Acentrophryne longidens
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 8.3 cm TL

Borophryne apogon

Photo by Pohl, R.E.

Tropical and subtropical
Max. Length 15.9 cm SL
Haplophryne mollis (Brauer, 1902)

Photo by Pohl, R.E.
Haplophryne mollis
[Soft leafvent angler]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 23.1 cm TL
Linophryne algibarbata Waterman, 1939

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Linophryne algibarbata
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 3.2 cm SL

Linophryne andersoni

Photo by Reiner, F.

Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 7.7 cm SL
Linophryne arborifera Regan, 1925

Photo by Reiner, F.
Linophryne arborifera
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 5.1 cm

Linophryne arcturi

Photo by Pohl, R.E.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 6.1 cm SL
Linophryne argyresca Regan & Trewavas, 1932

Photo by Pohl, R.E.
Linophryne argyresca

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Northwestern Atlantic and
Max. Length 18.5 cm SL
Linophryne bicornis Parr, 1927

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Linophryne bicornis
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Linophryne bipennata
No picture found
North Atlantic

Linophryne brevibarbata

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 22.5 cm
Linophryne coronata Parr, 1927

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Linophryne coronata
No picture found
Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 9 cm SL

Linophryne densiramus
[Thickbranch angler]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 3.7 cm SL

Linophryne escaramosa

Photo by Pohl, R.E.

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL
Linophryne indica (Brauer, 1902)

Photo by Pohl, R.E.
Linophryne indica
[Headlight angler]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

North Atlantic, from off
Max. Length 27.5 cm SL
Linophryne lucifer Collett, 1886

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Linophryne lucifer
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 9.1 cm SL

Linophryne macrodon
No picture found
Eastern Central Atlantic

Linophryne maderensis
No picture found
Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 6.4 cm SL

Linophryne parini

Photo by Reiner, F.

Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 4.7 cm
Linophryne pennibarbata Bertelsen, 1980

Photo by Reiner, F.
Linophryne pennibarbata
No picture found
Eastern Central Atlantic
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Linophryne polypogon
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific

Linophryne quinqueramosa

Photo by Pohl, R.E.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 8.2 cm
Linophryne racemifera Regan & Trewavas, 1932

Photo by Pohl, R.E.
Linophryne racemifera
No picture found
Eastern Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3.8 cm NG

Linophryne sexfilis
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 7.4 cm SL

Linophryne trewavasae

Photo by Pietsch, T.W.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 4.3 cm
Photocorynus spiniceps Regan, 1925

Photo by Pietsch, T.W.
Photocorynus spiniceps
27 Species of Family Linophrynidae
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
2005 Acentrophryne dolichonema Pacific Ocean 10.5 SL
1926 Acentrophryne longidens Eastern Pacific 5 SL
1925 Borophryne apogon Netdevil Eastern Pacific 8.3 TL
1902 Haplophryne mollis Soft leafvent angler Tropical and subtropical 15.9 SL
1939 Linophryne algibarbata Northeast Atlantic 23.1 TL
1992 Linophryne andersoni Eastern Central Pacific 3.2 SL
1925 Linophryne arborifera Atlantic Ocean 7.7 SL
1926 Linophryne arcturi Eastern Atlantic 5.1
1932 Linophryne argyresca Eastern Indian Ocean 6.1 SL
1927 Linophryne bicornis Northwestern Atlantic and 18.5 SL
1982 Linophryne bipennata Eastern Indian Ocean 3.8 SL
1932 Linophryne brevibarbata North Atlantic
1927 Linophryne coronata Atlantic Ocean 22.5
1941 Linophryne densiramus Thickbranch angler Atlantic Ocean 9 SL
1982 Linophryne escaramosa Eastern Central Pacific 3.7 SL
1902 Linophryne indica Headlight angler Indo-Pacific. 4.3 SL
1886 Linophryne lucifer North Atlantic, from off 27.5 SL
1925 Linophryne macrodon Eastern Central Pacific 9.1 SL
1961 Linophryne maderensis Eastern Central Atlantic
1980 Linophryne parini Southeast Atlantic 6.4 SL
1980 Linophryne pennibarbata Atlantic Ocean 4.7
1925 Linophryne polypogon Eastern Central Atlantic 4.5 TL
1947 Linophryne quinqueramosa Eastern Central Pacific
1932 Linophryne racemifera Eastern Atlantic 8.2
1973 Linophryne sexfilis Eastern Central Atlantic 3.8 NG
1978 Linophryne trewavasae Western Central Pacific 7.4 SL
1925 Photocorynus spiniceps Western Atlantic 4.3

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013