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Family: Sebastidae Rockfishes, rockcods and thornyheads

(See list of species below)

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132 species (see list below)

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Photo by Amaoka, K.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm SL
Adelosebastes latens Eschmeyer, Abe & Nakano, 1979

Photo by Amaoka, K.
Adelosebastes latens
No picture found
Northwest Pacific

Helicolenus avius

Photo by Hutson, K.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 36.5 cm SL
Helicolenus barathri (Hector, 1875)

Photo by Hutson, K.
Helicolenus barathri
[Bigeye sea perch]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809)

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Helicolenus dactylopterus
[Blackbelly rosefish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm SL

Helicolenus fedorovi

Photo by Shiina, M.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm SL
Helicolenus hilgendorfii (Döderlein, 1884)

Photo by Shiina, M.
Helicolenus hilgendorfii

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 45 cm TL
Helicolenus lahillei Norman, 1937

Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Helicolenus lahillei
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 30.7 cm SL

Helicolenus lengerichi

Photo by Tyler, P.

Southeast Atlantic

Helicolenus mouchezi (Sauvage, 1875)

Photo by Tyler, P.
Helicolenus mouchezi

Photo by Duffy, C.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 47 cm TL
Helicolenus percoides (Richardson & Solander, 1842)

Photo by Duffy, C.
Helicolenus percoides
[Red gurnard perch]

Photo by Shiina, M.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 45 cm SL
Hozukius emblemarius (Jordan & Starks, 1904)

Photo by Shiina, M.
Hozukius emblemarius
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm SL

Hozukius guyotensis

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

North Pacific
Max. Length 97 cm TL
Sebastes aleutianus (Jordan & Evermann, 1898)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes aleutianus
[Rougheye rockfish]

Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.

North Pacific
Max. Length 53 cm TL
Sebastes alutus (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish.
Sebastes alutus
[Pacific ocean perch]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 42 cm TL
Sebastes atrovirens (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes atrovirens
[Kelp rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 56 cm TL
Sebastes auriculatus Girard, 1854

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes auriculatus
[Brown rockfish]

Photo by NOAA / NMFS

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Sebastes aurora (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by NOAA / NMFS
Sebastes aurora
[Aurora rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

North Pacific
Max. Length 64 cm TL
Sebastes babcocki (Thompson, 1915)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes babcocki
[Redbanded rockfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm SL

Sebastes baramenuke

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

North Pacific
Max. Length 108 cm TL
Sebastes borealis Barsukov, 1970

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes borealis
[Shortraker rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 71 cm TL
Sebastes brevispinis (Bean, 1884)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes brevispinis
[Silvergray rockfish]

Photo by Scott, S.

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 37 cm TL
Sebastes capensis (Gmelin, 1789)

Photo by Scott, S.
Sebastes capensis
[Cape redfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Sebastes carnatus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes carnatus
[Gopher rockfish]

Photo by Lonhart, S.I.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 58 cm TL
Sebastes caurinus Richardson, 1844

Photo by Lonhart, S.I.
Sebastes caurinus
[Copper rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Sebastes chlorostictus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes chlorostictus
[Greenspotted rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Sebastes chrysomelas (Jordan & Gilbert, 1881)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes chrysomelas
[Black-and-yellow rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

North Pacific
Max. Length 53 cm TL
Sebastes ciliatus (Tilesius, 1813)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes ciliatus
[Dusky rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 46 cm TL
Sebastes constellatus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes constellatus
[Starry rockfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 25.5 cm SL
Sebastes cortezi (Beebe & Tee-Van, 1938)

Photo by FAO
Sebastes cortezi
[Cortez rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 58 cm TL
Sebastes crameri (Jordan, 1897)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes crameri
[Darkblotched rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Sebastes dallii (Eigenmann & Beeson, 1894)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes dallii
[Calico rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 46 cm TL
Sebastes diploproa (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes diploproa
[Splitnose rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Sebastes elongatus Ayres, 1859

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes elongatus
[Greenstriped rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Sebastes emphaeus (Starks, 1911)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes emphaeus
[Puget Sound rockfish]

Photo by Buck, T.L.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Sebastes ensifer Chen, 1971

Photo by Buck, T.L.
Sebastes ensifer
[Swordspine rockfish]

Photo by Nichols, J.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Sebastes entomelas (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Nichols, J.
Sebastes entomelas
[Widow rockfish]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 56 cm TL

Sebastes eos
[Pink rockfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 21.2 cm SL
Sebastes exsul Chen, 1971

Photo by FAO
Sebastes exsul
[Buccaneer rockfish]

Photo by Flescher, D.

Northwest Atlantic
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Sebastes fasciatus Storer, 1854

Photo by Flescher, D.
Sebastes fasciatus
[Acadian redfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm SL

Sebastes flammeus

Photo by Nichols, J.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 66 cm TL
Sebastes flavidus (Ayres, 1862)

Photo by Nichols, J.
Sebastes flavidus
[Yellowtail rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 71 cm TL
Sebastes gilli (Eigenmann, 1891)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes gilli
[Bronzespotted rockfish]

Photo by Orlov, A.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm SL
Sebastes glaucus Hilgendorf, 1880

Photo by Orlov, A.
Sebastes glaucus
[Gray rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 56 cm TL
Sebastes goodei (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes goodei
[Chilipepper rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Sebastes helvomaculatus Ayres, 1859

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes helvomaculatus
[Rosethorn rockfish]

Photo by Roberts III, E.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 29 cm TL
Sebastes hopkinsi (Cramer, 1895)

Photo by Roberts III, E.W.
Sebastes hopkinsi
[Squarespot rockfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 15.6 cm SL

Sebastes hubbsi

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific

Sebastes ijimae (Jordan & Metz, 1913)

Photo by IGFA
Sebastes ijimae

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Sebastes inermis Cuvier, 1829

Photo by IGFA
Sebastes inermis

Photo by Orlov, A.

Northwest Pacific.
Max. Length 60 cm SL
Sebastes iracundus (Jordan & Starks, 1904)

Photo by Orlov, A.
Sebastes iracundus
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm SL

Sebastes itinus

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 32 cm TL
Sebastes jordani (Gilbert, 1896)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes jordani
[Shortbelly rockfish]

Photo by Shiina, M.

Northwest Pacific

Sebastes joyneri Günther, 1878

Photo by Shiina, M.
Sebastes joyneri
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 21.6 cm SL

Sebastes kiyomatsui

Photo by Park, J.-H.

Northwest Pacific

Sebastes koreanus Kim & Lee, 1994

Photo by Park, J.-H.
Sebastes koreanus

Photo by Roberts III, E.W.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 23 cm TL
Sebastes lentiginosus Chen, 1971

Photo by Roberts III, E.W.
Sebastes lentiginosus
[Freckled rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 100 cm FL
Sebastes levis (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes levis
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL

Sebastes longispinis

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 66 cm TL
Sebastes macdonaldi (Eigenmann & Beeson, 1893)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes macdonaldi
[Mexican rockfish]

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 61 cm TL
Sebastes maliger (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Wirtz, P.
Sebastes maliger
[Quillback rockfish]

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 60 cm SL
Sebastes matsubarai Hilgendorf, 1880

Photo by IGFA
Sebastes matsubarai

Photo by Lonhart, S.I.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 63 cm TL
Sebastes melanops Girard, 1856

Photo by Lonhart, S.I.
Sebastes melanops
[Black rockfish]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Sebastes melanosema
[Semaphore rockfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 53.9 cm SL

Sebastes melanostictus
[Blackspotted rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 61 cm TL
Sebastes melanostomus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes melanostomus
[Blackgill rockfish]

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 58 cm TL
Sebastes mentella Travin, 1951

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Sebastes mentella
[Beaked redfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 91 cm TL
Sebastes miniatus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes miniatus
[Vermilion rockfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Sebastes minor
No picture found
Northeast Pacific.
Max. Length 16.4 cm SL

Sebastes moseri
[Whitespeckled rockfish]

Photo by Nichols, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 61 cm TL
Sebastes mystinus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1881)

Photo by Nichols, J.
Sebastes mystinus
[Blue rockfish]

Photo by Lonhart, S.I.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 45 cm TL
Sebastes nebulosus Ayres, 1854

Photo by Lonhart, S.I.
Sebastes nebulosus
[China rockfish]

Photo by Valkenier - Pope, C.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 61 cm TL
Sebastes nigrocinctus Ayres, 1859

Photo by Valkenier - Pope, C.
Sebastes nigrocinctus
[Tiger rockfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm SL

Sebastes nivosus

Photo by Tveskov, E.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 100 cm TL
Sebastes norvegicus (Ascanius, 1772)

Photo by Tveskov, E.
Sebastes norvegicus
[Golden redfish]
No picture found
Eastern Pacific

Sebastes notius

Photo by Miyahara, H.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 23.7 cm SL
Sebastes nudus Matsubara, 1943

Photo by Miyahara, H.
Sebastes nudus

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm SL
Sebastes oblongus Günther, 1877

Photo by IGFA
Sebastes oblongus

Photo by Díaz de Astarloa, J.M.

Southeast Pacific and Sou
Max. Length 31.2 cm SL
Sebastes oculatus Valenciennes, 1833

Photo by Díaz de Astarloa, J.M.
Sebastes oculatus
[Patagonian redfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 56 cm TL
Sebastes ovalis (Ayres, 1862)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes ovalis
[Speckled rockfish]

Photo by Shiina, M.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm SL
Sebastes owstoni (Jordan & Thompson, 1914)

Photo by Shiina, M.
Sebastes owstoni

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 42 cm TL
Sebastes pachycephalus Temminck & Schlegel, 1843

Photo by IGFA
Sebastes pachycephalus

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 91 cm TL
Sebastes paucispinis Ayres, 1854

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes paucispinis
[Bocaccio rockfish]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific.

Sebastes peduncularis

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 43 cm TL
Sebastes phillipsi (Fitch, 1964)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes phillipsi
[Chameleon rockfish]

Photo by JJPhoto

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 76 cm FL
Sebastes pinniger (Gill, 1864)

Photo by JJPhoto
Sebastes pinniger
[Canary rockfish]

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Sebastes polyspinis (Taranetz & Moiseev, 1933)

Photo by Orlov, A.
Sebastes polyspinis
[Northern rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

North Pacific
Max. Length 61 cm TL
Sebastes proriger (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes proriger
[Redstripe rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 56 cm TL
Sebastes rastrelliger (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes rastrelliger
[Grass rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 58 cm TL
Sebastes reedi (Westrheim & Tsuyuki, 1967)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes reedi
[Yellowmouth rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 36 cm TL
Sebastes rosaceus Girard, 1854

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes rosaceus
[Rosy rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 48 cm TL
Sebastes rosenblatti Chen, 1971

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes rosenblatti
[Greenblotched rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 104 cm TL
Sebastes ruberrimus (Cramer, 1895)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes ruberrimus
[Yelloweye rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 51 cm TL
Sebastes rubrivinctus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes rubrivinctus
[Flag rockfish]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 17 cm TL

Sebastes rufinanus
[Dwarf-red rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 54 cm TL
Sebastes rufus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes rufus
[Bank rockfish]

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 38 cm TL
Sebastes saxicola (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes saxicola
[Stripetail rockfish]

Photo by Kim, I.-S.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 65 cm TL
Sebastes schlegelii Hilgendorf, 1880

Photo by Kim, I.-S.
Sebastes schlegelii
[Korean rockfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm SL

Sebastes scythropus

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Sebastes semicinctus (Gilbert, 1897)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes semicinctus
[Halfbanded rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 61 cm TL
Sebastes serranoides (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes serranoides
[Olive rockfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Sebastes serriceps (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes serriceps

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Sebastes simulator Chen, 1971

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes simulator
[Pinkrose rockfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 15.2 cm SL
Sebastes sinensis (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by FAO
Sebastes sinensis
[Blackmouth rockfish]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific.

Sebastes spinorbis
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 37 cm TL

Sebastes steindachneri

Photo by Markevich, A.I.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 32 cm TL
Sebastes taczanowskii Steindachner, 1880

Photo by Markevich, A.I.
Sebastes taczanowskii

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm SL
Sebastes thompsoni (Jordan & Hubbs, 1925)

Photo by IGFA
Sebastes thompsoni

Photo by IGFA

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 62 cm TL
Sebastes trivittatus Hilgendorf, 1880

Photo by IGFA
Sebastes trivittatus

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 29.8 cm TL
Sebastes umbrosus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Sebastes umbrosus
[Honeycomb rockfish]
No picture found
North Pacific
Max. Length 43.1 cm SL

Sebastes variabilis

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 38 cm TL
Sebastes variegatus Quast, 1971

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes variegatus
[Harlequin rockfish]
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific.

Sebastes varispinis

Photo by Shiina, M.

Northwest Pacific

Sebastes ventricosus Temminck & Schlegel, 1843

Photo by Shiina, M.
Sebastes ventricosus

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Sebastes viviparus Krøyer, 1845

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Sebastes viviparus
[Norway redfish]

Photo by Miyahara, H.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 43 cm TL
Sebastes vulpes Döderlein, 1884

Photo by Miyahara, H.
Sebastes vulpes
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 24 cm TL

Sebastes wakiyai

Photo by Love, M.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 23 cm TL
Sebastes wilsoni (Gilbert, 1915)

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastes wilsoni
[Pygmy rockfish]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Sebastes zacentrus (Gilbert, 1890)

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastes zacentrus
[Sharpchin rockfish]

Photo by Myoung, J.-G.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 37 cm SL
Sebastes zonatus Chen & Barsukov, 1976

Photo by Myoung, J.-G.
Sebastes zonatus

Photo by Chiang, S.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Sebastiscus albofasciatus (Lacepède, 1802)

Photo by Chiang, S.
Sebastiscus albofasciatus

Photo by Cook, D.C.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Sebastiscus marmoratus (Cuvier, 1829)

Photo by Cook, D.C.
Sebastiscus marmoratus
[False kelpfish]

Photo by Chiang, S.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 37 cm SL
Sebastiscus tertius (Barsukov & Chen, 1978)

Photo by Chiang, S.
Sebastiscus tertius

Photo by Love, M.

North Pacific
Max. Length 80 cm SL
Sebastolobus alascanus Bean, 1890

Photo by Love, M.
Sebastolobus alascanus
[Shortspine thornyhead]

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Sebastolobus altivelis Gilbert, 1896

Photo by Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Sebastolobus altivelis
[Longspine thornyhead]

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 44 cm SL
Sebastolobus macrochir (Günther, 1877)

Photo by Orlov, A.
Sebastolobus macrochir
[Broadbanded thornyhead]
No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 36.9 cm SL

Trachyscorpia carnomagula
[Deepsea Scorpionfish]

Photo by García Rodríguez, M.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 50 cm SL
Trachyscorpia cristulata cristulata (Goode & Bean, 1896)

Photo by García Rodríguez, M.
Trachyscorpia cristulata cristulata
[Atlantic thornyhead]

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 50 cm SL
Trachyscorpia cristulata echinata (Köhler, 1896)

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.
Trachyscorpia cristulata echinata
[Spiny scorpionfish]

Photo by SFSA

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm SL
Trachyscorpia eschmeyeri Whitley, 1970

Photo by SFSA
Trachyscorpia eschmeyeri
[Cape rockfish]
No picture found
Indian Ocean
Max. Length 21.9 cm SL

Trachyscorpia longipedicula
[Stylish Scorpionfish]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 14.7 cm SL

Trachyscorpia osheri

Photo by Béarez, P.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 29.8 cm SL
Trachyscorpia verai Béarez & Motomura, 2009

Photo by Béarez, P.
Trachyscorpia verai
[Ecuadorian Deep-sea Scorpionfish]
132 Species of Family Sebastidae
(Rockfishes, rockcods and thornyheads)
Sort by: Species Length Year
1 of 1 Jump to:
Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1979 Adelosebastes latens Northwest Pacific 30 SL
1972 Helicolenus avius Northwest Pacific
1875 Helicolenus barathri Bigeye sea perch Southwest Pacific 36.5 SL
1809 Helicolenus dactylopterus Blackbelly rosefish Western Atlantic 50 TL
1973 Helicolenus fedorovi Northwest Pacific 27 SL
1884 Helicolenus hilgendorfii Northwest Pacific 27 SL
1937 Helicolenus lahillei Southwest Atlantic 45 TL
1937 Helicolenus lengerichi Southeast Pacific 30.7 SL
1875 Helicolenus mouchezi Rosefish Southeast Atlantic
1842 Helicolenus percoides Red gurnard perch Southwest Pacific 47 TL
1904 Hozukius emblemarius Northwest Pacific 45 SL
1975 Hozukius guyotensis Northwest Pacific 50 SL
1898 Sebastes aleutianus Rougheye rockfish North Pacific 97 TL
1890 Sebastes alutus Pacific ocean perch North Pacific 53 TL
1880 Sebastes atrovirens Kelp rockfish Eastern Pacific 42 TL
1854 Sebastes auriculatus Brown rockfish Eastern Pacific 56 TL
1890 Sebastes aurora Aurora rockfish Northeast Pacific 41 TL
1915 Sebastes babcocki Redbanded rockfish North Pacific 64 TL
1917 Sebastes baramenuke Northwest Pacific 40 SL
1970 Sebastes borealis Shortraker rockfish North Pacific 108 TL
1884 Sebastes brevispinis Silvergray rockfish Northeast Pacific 71 TL
1789 Sebastes capensis Cape redfish Southeast Atlantic 37 TL
1880 Sebastes carnatus Gopher rockfish Eastern Pacific 39 TL
1844 Sebastes caurinus Copper rockfish Eastern Pacific 58 TL
1880 Sebastes chlorostictus Greenspotted rockfish Eastern Pacific 50 TL
1881 Sebastes chrysomelas Black-and-yellow rockfish Eastern Pacific 39 TL
1813 Sebastes ciliatus Dusky rockfish North Pacific 53 TL
1880 Sebastes constellatus Starry rockfish Eastern Pacific 46 TL
1938 Sebastes cortezi Cortez rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 25.5 SL
1897 Sebastes crameri Darkblotched rockfish Northeast Pacific 58 TL
1894 Sebastes dallii Calico rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 25 TL
1890 Sebastes diploproa Splitnose rockfish Northeast Pacific 46 TL
1859 Sebastes elongatus Greenstriped rockfish Northeast Pacific 39 TL
1911 Sebastes emphaeus Puget Sound rockfish Northeast Pacific 18 TL
1971 Sebastes ensifer Swordspine rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 30 TL
1880 Sebastes entomelas Widow rockfish Northeast Pacific 60 TL
1890 Sebastes eos Pink rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 56 TL
1971 Sebastes exsul Buccaneer rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 21.2 SL
1854 Sebastes fasciatus Acadian redfish Northwest Atlantic 30 TL
1904 Sebastes flammeus Northwest Pacific 50 SL
1862 Sebastes flavidus Yellowtail rockfish Northeast Pacific 66 TL
1891 Sebastes gilli Bronzespotted rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 71 TL
1880 Sebastes glaucus Gray rockfish Northwest Pacific 50 SL
1890 Sebastes goodei Chilipepper rockfish Eastern Pacific 56 TL
1859 Sebastes helvomaculatus Rosethorn rockfish Eastern Pacific 41 TL
1895 Sebastes hopkinsi Squarespot rockfish Eastern Pacific 29 TL
1937 Sebastes hubbsi Northwest Pacific 15.6 SL
1913 Sebastes ijimae Northwest Pacific
1829 Sebastes inermis Northwest Pacific 35 TL
1904 Sebastes iracundus Northwest Pacific. 60 SL
1904 Sebastes itinus Northwest Pacific 40 SL
1896 Sebastes jordani Shortbelly rockfish Eastern Pacific 32 TL
1878 Sebastes joyneri Northwest Pacific
2004 Sebastes kiyomatsui Northwest Pacific 21.6 SL
1994 Sebastes koreanus Northwest Pacific
1971 Sebastes lentiginosus Freckled rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 23 TL
1889 Sebastes levis Cowcod Eastern Central Pacific 100 FL
1934 Sebastes longispinis Northwest Pacific 18 SL
1893 Sebastes macdonaldi Mexican rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 66 TL
1880 Sebastes maliger Quillback rockfish Eastern Pacific 61 TL
1880 Sebastes matsubarai Northwest Pacific 60 SL
1856 Sebastes melanops Black rockfish Eastern Pacific 63 TL
1979 Sebastes melanosema Semaphore rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 20 TL
1934 Sebastes melanostictus Blackspotted rockfish Pacific 53.9 SL
1890 Sebastes melanostomus Blackgill rockfish Eastern Pacific 61 TL
1951 Sebastes mentella Beaked redfish Eastern Atlantic 58 TL
1880 Sebastes miniatus Vermilion rockfish Eastern Pacific 91 TL
1972 Sebastes minor Northwest Pacific 20 TL
1999 Sebastes moseri Whitespeckled rockfish Northeast Pacific. 16.4 SL
1881 Sebastes mystinus Blue rockfish Eastern Pacific 61 TL
1854 Sebastes nebulosus China rockfish Eastern Pacific 45 TL
1859 Sebastes nigrocinctus Tiger rockfish Eastern Pacific 61 TL
1880 Sebastes nivosus Northwest Pacific 35 SL
1772 Sebastes norvegicus Golden redfish Eastern Atlantic 100 TL
1971 Sebastes notius Eastern Pacific
1943 Sebastes nudus Northwest Pacific 23.7 SL
1877 Sebastes oblongus Northwest Pacific 35 SL
1833 Sebastes oculatus Patagonian redfish Southeast Pacific and Sou 31.2 SL
1862 Sebastes ovalis Speckled rockfish Eastern Pacific 56 TL
1914 Sebastes owstoni Northwest Pacific 25 SL
1843 Sebastes pachycephalus Northwest Pacific 42 TL
1854 Sebastes paucispinis Bocaccio rockfish Eastern Pacific 91 TL
1975 Sebastes peduncularis Eastern Central Pacific.
1964 Sebastes phillipsi Chameleon rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 43 TL
1864 Sebastes pinniger Canary rockfish Eastern Pacific 76 FL
1933 Sebastes polyspinis Northern rockfish North Pacific 41 TL
1880 Sebastes proriger Redstripe rockfish North Pacific 61 TL
1880 Sebastes rastrelliger Grass rockfish Eastern Pacific 56 TL
1967 Sebastes reedi Yellowmouth rockfish Eastern Pacific 58 TL
1854 Sebastes rosaceus Rosy rockfish Eastern Pacific 36 TL
1971 Sebastes rosenblatti Greenblotched rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 48 TL
1895 Sebastes ruberrimus Yelloweye rockfish Eastern Pacific 104 TL
1880 Sebastes rubrivinctus Flag rockfish Eastern Pacific 51 TL
1972 Sebastes rufinanus Dwarf-red rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 17 TL
1890 Sebastes rufus Bank rockfish Eastern Pacific 54 TL
1890 Sebastes saxicola Stripetail rockfish Eastern Pacific 38 TL
1880 Sebastes schlegelii Korean rockfish Northwest Pacific 65 TL
1900 Sebastes scythropus Northwest Pacific 25 SL
1897 Sebastes semicinctus Halfbanded rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 25 TL
1890 Sebastes serranoides Olive rockfish Eastern Pacific 61 TL
1880 Sebastes serriceps Treefish Eastern Central Pacific 41 TL
1971 Sebastes simulator Pinkrose rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 30 TL
1890 Sebastes sinensis Blackmouth rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 15.2 SL
1975 Sebastes spinorbis Eastern Central Pacific.
1880 Sebastes steindachneri Northwest Pacific 37 TL
1880 Sebastes taczanowskii Northwest Pacific 32 TL
1925 Sebastes thompsoni Northwest Pacific 30 SL
1880 Sebastes trivittatus Northwest Pacific 62 TL
1882 Sebastes umbrosus Honeycomb rockfish Eastern Central Pacific 29.8 TL
1814 Sebastes variabilis North Pacific 43.1 SL
1971 Sebastes variegatus Harlequin rockfish Northeast Pacific 38 TL
1975 Sebastes varispinis Eastern Central Pacific.
1843 Sebastes ventricosus Northwest Pacific
1845 Sebastes viviparus Norway redfish Northeast Atlantic 35 TL
1884 Sebastes vulpes Northwest Pacific 43 TL
1934 Sebastes wakiyai Northwest Pacific 24 TL
1915 Sebastes wilsoni Pygmy rockfish Eastern Pacific 23 TL
1890 Sebastes zacentrus Sharpchin rockfish Eastern Pacific 39 TL
1976 Sebastes zonatus Northwest Pacific 37 SL
1802 Sebastiscus albofasciatus Western Pacific 25 TL
1829 Sebastiscus marmoratus False kelpfish Western Pacific 30 TL
1978 Sebastiscus tertius Western Pacific 37 SL
1890 Sebastolobus alascanus Shortspine thornyhead North Pacific 80 SL
1896 Sebastolobus altivelis Longspine thornyhead Eastern Pacific 39 TL
1877 Sebastolobus macrochir Broadbanded thornyhead North Pacific 44 SL
2007 Trachyscorpia carnomagula Deepsea Scorpionfish Pacific Ocean 36.9 SL
1896 Trachyscorpia cristulata cristulata Atlantic thornyhead Western Atlantic 50 SL
1896 Trachyscorpia cristulata echinata Spiny scorpionfish Eastern Atlantic 50 SL
1970 Trachyscorpia eschmeyeri Cape rockfish Southeast Atlantic 35 SL
2007 Trachyscorpia longipedicula Stylish Scorpionfish Indian Ocean 21.9 SL
2008 Trachyscorpia osheri Southeast Pacific 14.7 SL
2009 Trachyscorpia verai Ecuadorian Deep-sea Scorpionfish Pacific Ocean 29.8 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013