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Family: Somniosidae Sleeper sharks

(See list of species below)

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17 species (see list below)

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Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 120 cm TL
Centroscymnus coelolepis Barbosa du Bocage & de Brito Capello, 1864

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Centroscymnus coelolepis
[Portuguese dogfish]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 130 cm TL
Centroscymnus crepidater (Barbosa du Bocage & de Brito Capello, 1864)

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Centroscymnus crepidater
[Longnose velvet dogfish]

Photo by Duffy, C.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 68 cm TL
Centroscymnus macracanthus Regan, 1906

Photo by Duffy, C.
Centroscymnus macracanthus
[Largespine velvet dogfish]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Atlantic, Pacific and Ind
Max. Length 121 cm TL
Centroscymnus owstonii Garman, 1906

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Centroscymnus owstonii
[Roughskin dogfish]

Photo by FAO

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 170 cm TL
Centroscymnus plunketi (Waite, 1910)

Photo by FAO
Centroscymnus plunketi
[Plunket shark]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 111 cm TL

Scymnodalatias albicauda
[Whitetail dogfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Atlantic

Scymnodalatias garricki Kukuev & Konovalenko, 1988

Photo by FAO
Scymnodalatias garricki
[Azores dogfish]

Photo by FAO

Southeast Pacific.

Scymnodalatias oligodon Kukuev & Konovalenko, 1988

Photo by FAO
Scymnodalatias oligodon
[Sparsetooth dogfish]

Photo by FAO

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 80.3 cm TL
Scymnodalatias sherwoodi (Archey, 1921)

Photo by FAO
Scymnodalatias sherwoodi
[Sherwood dogfish]

Photo by Serrano, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 110 cm TL
Scymnodon ringens Barbosa du Bocage & de Brito Capello, 1864

Photo by Serrano, A.
Scymnodon ringens
[Knifetooth dogfish]

Photo by Reyes, P.

South Indo-Pacific and So
Max. Length 438 cm TL
Somniosus antarcticus Whitley, 1939

Photo by Reyes, P.
Somniosus antarcticus
[Southern sleeper shark]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 130.1 cm TL

Somniosus longus

Photo by Salesjö, A.

Arctic and North Atlantic
Max. Length 730 cm TL
Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Photo by Salesjö, A.
Somniosus microcephalus
[Greenland shark]

Photo by Gadig, O.B.F.

North Pacific.
Max. Length 440 cm TL
Somniosus pacificus Bigelow & Schroeder, 1944

Photo by Gadig, O.B.F.
Somniosus pacificus
[Pacific sleeper shark]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 143 cm TL
Somniosus rostratus (Risso, 1827)

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Somniosus rostratus
[Little sleeper shark]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific

Zameus ichiharai
[Japanese velvet dogfish]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 84 cm TL
Zameus squamulosus (Günther, 1877)

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Zameus squamulosus
[Velvet dogfish]
17 Species of Family Somniosidae
(Sleeper sharks)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1864 Centroscymnus coelolepis Portuguese dogfish Western Atlantic 120 TL
1864 Centroscymnus crepidater Longnose velvet dogfish Eastern Atlantic 130 TL
1906 Centroscymnus macracanthus Largespine velvet dogfish Southeast Pacific 68 TL
1906 Centroscymnus owstonii Roughskin dogfish Atlantic, Pacific and Ind 121 TL
1910 Centroscymnus plunketi Plunket shark Southwest Pacific 170 TL
1986 Scymnodalatias albicauda Whitetail dogfish Eastern Indian Ocean 111 TL
1988 Scymnodalatias garricki Azores dogfish Eastern Central Atlantic
1988 Scymnodalatias oligodon Sparsetooth dogfish Southeast Pacific.
1921 Scymnodalatias sherwoodi Sherwood dogfish Southwest Pacific 80.3 TL
1864 Scymnodon ringens Knifetooth dogfish Eastern Atlantic 110 TL
1939 Somniosus antarcticus Southern sleeper shark South Indo-Pacific and So 438 TL
1912 Somniosus longus Western Pacific 130.1 TL
1801 Somniosus microcephalus Greenland shark Arctic and North Atlantic 730 TL
1944 Somniosus pacificus Pacific sleeper shark North Pacific. 440 TL
1827 Somniosus rostratus Little sleeper shark Northeast Atlantic 143 TL
1984 Zameus ichiharai Japanese velvet dogfish Northwest Pacific
1877 Zameus squamulosus Velvet dogfish Atlantic, Indian and Paci 84 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013