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Family: Galaxiidae Galaxiids

(See list of species below)

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53 species (see list below)

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South America

Aplochiton marinus

Photo by Hawkins, B. Waterhouse

South America
Max. Length 33.4 cm SL
Aplochiton taeniatus Jenyns, 1842

Photo by Hawkins, B. Waterhouse
Aplochiton taeniatus

Photo by Busse, K.

South America
Max. Length 27.8 cm SL
Aplochiton zebra Jenyns, 1842

Photo by Busse, K.
Aplochiton zebra

Photo by Busse, K.

South America
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL
Brachygalaxias bullocki (Regan, 1908)

Photo by Busse, K.
Brachygalaxias bullocki

Photo by Busse, K.

South America

Brachygalaxias gothei Busse, 1983

Photo by Busse, K.
Brachygalaxias gothei
No picture found
Max. Length 6.8 cm FL

Galaxias anomalus

Photo by Bursell, J.J.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm NG
Galaxias argenteus (Gmelin, 1789)

Photo by Bursell, J.J.
Galaxias argenteus
[Giant kokopu]
No picture found
Max. Length 24 cm SL

Galaxias auratus
[Golden Galaxias]

Photo by Bursell, J.J.

Max. Length 28 cm SL
Galaxias brevipinnis Günther, 1866

Photo by Bursell, J.J.
Galaxias brevipinnis
No picture found

Galaxias cobitinis
No picture found
Max. Length 8.2 cm FL

Galaxias depressiceps

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 6.8 cm FL
Galaxias divergens Stokell, 1959

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Galaxias divergens
[Dwarf galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 8.4 cm FL

Galaxias eldoni

Photo by Kerr, V.

Max. Length 25.3 cm TL
Galaxias fasciatus Gray, 1842

Photo by Kerr, V.
Galaxias fasciatus
[Banded kokopu]
No picture found
Max. Length 13.5 cm SL

Galaxias fontanus
[Swan galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 12.3 cm SL

Galaxias fuscus

Photo by Berra, T.M.

South America
Max. Length 10.7 cm SL
Galaxias globiceps Eigenmann, 1928

Photo by Berra, T.M.
Galaxias globiceps
No picture found

Galaxias gollumoides

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 6.2 cm SL
Galaxias gracilis McDowall, 1967

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Galaxias gracilis
[Dwarf inanga]
No picture found
Max. Length 14 cm SL

Galaxias johnstoni
[Clarence galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 7 cm SL

Galaxias macronasus

Photo by Busse, K.

Max. Length 19 cm SL
Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842)

Photo by Busse, K.
Galaxias maculatus

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Max. Length 5.2 cm FL
Galaxias neocaledonicus Weber & de Beaufort, 1913

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Galaxias neocaledonicus
No picture found

Galaxias niger
[Black galaxias]

Photo by Busse, K.

Max. Length 19 cm SL
Galaxias occidentalis Ogilby, 1899

Photo by Busse, K.
Galaxias occidentalis
[Western galaxias]

Photo by Aland, G.

Max. Length 15 cm SL
Galaxias olidus Günther, 1866

Photo by Aland, G.
Galaxias olidus
[Mountain galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 10 cm SL

Galaxias parvus
[Swamp galaxias]

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 10.1 cm TL
Galaxias paucispondylus Stokell, 1938

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Galaxias paucispondylus
[Alpine galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 16 cm SL

Galaxias pedderensis
[Pedder galaxias]

Photo by Berra, T.M.

South America
Max. Length 30.9 cm SL
Galaxias platei Steindachner, 1898

Photo by Berra, T.M.
Galaxias platei

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 26 cm SL
Galaxias postvectis Clarke, 1899

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Galaxias postvectis
[Shortjaw kokopu]

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 9.1 cm TL
Galaxias prognathus Stokell, 1940

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Galaxias prognathus
[Longjawed galaxias]
No picture found

Galaxias pullus
No picture found
Max. Length 12 cm SL

Galaxias rostratus
[Flathead galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 14.5 cm SL

Galaxias tanycephalus
[Saddled galaxias]

Photo by Colman, J.G.

Max. Length 20 cm SL
Galaxias truttaceus Valenciennes, 1846

Photo by Colman, J.G.
Galaxias truttaceus
[Spotted mountain trout]

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 10 cm FL
Galaxias vulgaris Stokell, 1949

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Galaxias vulgaris
[Common river galaxias]

Photo by Marr, S.

Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Galaxias zebratus (Castelnau, 1861)

Photo by Marr, S.
Galaxias zebratus
[Cape galaxias]

Photo by Berra, T.M.

Max. Length 6 cm SL
Galaxiella munda McDowall, 1978

Photo by Berra, T.M.
Galaxiella munda
[Western dwarf galaxias]

Photo by Berra, T.M.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 4.8 cm TL
Galaxiella nigrostriata (Shipway, 1953)

Photo by Berra, T.M.
Galaxiella nigrostriata
[Blackstriped dwarf galaxias]

Photo by Kuiter, R.H.

Max. Length 4.8 cm SL
Galaxiella pusilla (Mack, 1936)

Photo by Kuiter, R.H.
Galaxiella pusilla
[Eastern dwarf galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 4.2 cm TL

Galaxiella toourtkoourt
[Little galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 8 cm TL

Lovettia sealii
[Tasmanian whitebait]

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 11 cm TL
Neochanna apoda Günther, 1867

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Neochanna apoda
[Brown mudfish]

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 15 cm
Neochanna burrowsius (Phillipps, 1926)

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Neochanna burrowsius
[Canterbury mudfish]

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Max. Length 12.5 cm SL
Neochanna cleaveri (Scott, 1934)

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Neochanna cleaveri
[Tasmanian mudfish]

Photo by Kerr, V.

Max. Length 12.2 cm SL
Neochanna diversus Stokell, 1949

Photo by Kerr, V.
Neochanna diversus
[Black mudfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 11.8 cm TL

Neochanna heleios
[Northland mudfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 7.5 cm FL

Neochanna rekohua
No picture found
Max. Length 7.5 cm SL

Paragalaxias dissimilis
[Shannon galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 5.9 cm SL

Paragalaxias eleotroides
[Great Lake Galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 10 cm SL

Paragalaxias julianus
[Julian galaxias]
No picture found
Max. Length 8 cm SL

Paragalaxias mesotes
[Arthurs galaxias]
53 Species of Family Galaxiidae
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1928 Aplochiton marinus South America
1842 Aplochiton taeniatus South America 33.4 SL
1842 Aplochiton zebra South America 27.8 SL
1908 Brachygalaxias bullocki South America 5.5 SL
1983 Brachygalaxias gothei South America
1959 Galaxias anomalus Oceania 6.8 FL
1789 Galaxias argenteus Giant kokopu Southwest Pacific 40 NG
1883 Galaxias auratus Golden Galaxias Oceania 24 SL
1866 Galaxias brevipinnis Koaro Oceania 28 SL
2002 Galaxias cobitinis Oceania
1996 Galaxias depressiceps Oceania 8.2 FL
1959 Galaxias divergens Dwarf galaxias Oceania 6.8 FL
1997 Galaxias eldoni Oceania 8.4 FL
1842 Galaxias fasciatus Banded kokopu Oceania 25.3 TL
1978 Galaxias fontanus Swan galaxias Oceania 13.5 SL
1936 Galaxias fuscus Oceania 12.3 SL
1928 Galaxias globiceps South America 10.7 SL
1999 Galaxias gollumoides Oceania
1967 Galaxias gracilis Dwarf inanga Oceania 6.2 SL
1936 Galaxias johnstoni Clarence galaxias Oceania 14 SL
2003 Galaxias macronasus Oceania 7 SL
1842 Galaxias maculatus Inanga Oceania 19 SL
1913 Galaxias neocaledonicus Oceania 5.2 FL
1985 Galaxias niger Black galaxias Oceania
1899 Galaxias occidentalis Western galaxias Oceania 19 SL
1866 Galaxias olidus Mountain galaxias Oceania 15 SL
1968 Galaxias parvus Swamp galaxias Oceania 10 SL
1938 Galaxias paucispondylus Alpine galaxias Oceania 10.1 TL
1968 Galaxias pedderensis Pedder galaxias Oceania 16 SL
1898 Galaxias platei South America 30.9 SL
1899 Galaxias postvectis Shortjaw kokopu Oceania 26 SL
1940 Galaxias prognathus Longjawed galaxias Oceania 9.1 TL
1997 Galaxias pullus Oceania
1872 Galaxias rostratus Flathead galaxias Oceania 12 SL
1978 Galaxias tanycephalus Saddled galaxias Oceania 14.5 SL
1846 Galaxias truttaceus Spotted mountain trout Oceania 20 SL
1949 Galaxias vulgaris Common river galaxias Oceania 10 FL
1861 Galaxias zebratus Cape galaxias Africa 7.5 TL
1978 Galaxiella munda Western dwarf galaxias Oceania 6 SL
1953 Galaxiella nigrostriata Blackstriped dwarf galaxias Eastern Indian Ocean 4.8 TL
1936 Galaxiella pusilla Eastern dwarf galaxias Oceania 4.8 SL
2015 Galaxiella toourtkoourt Little galaxias Oceania 4.2 TL
1883 Lovettia sealii Tasmanian whitebait Oceania 8 TL
1867 Neochanna apoda Brown mudfish Oceania 11 TL
1926 Neochanna burrowsius Canterbury mudfish Oceania 15
1934 Neochanna cleaveri Tasmanian mudfish Oceania 12.5 SL
1949 Neochanna diversus Black mudfish Oceania 12.2 SL
2001 Neochanna heleios Northland mudfish Oceania 11.8 TL
1995 Neochanna rekohua Oceania 7.5 FL
1906 Paragalaxias dissimilis Shannon galaxias Oceania 7.5 SL
1978 Paragalaxias eleotroides Great Lake Galaxias Oceania 5.9 SL
1978 Paragalaxias julianus Julian galaxias Oceania 10 SL
1978 Paragalaxias mesotes Arthurs galaxias Oceania 8 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013