Identification keys available for Family Lamnidae

Key Title
277 Key to the species of mackerel sharks, makos, white sharks, porbeagles (Lamnidae) occurring in the Western Central Pacific.
421 Key to the genera of mackerel sharks, makos, porbeagles, and white sharks (Lamnidae).
422 Key to the species of Isurus (mako sharks).
423 Key to the species of Lamna (porbeagle and salmon sharks).
877 Key to the species of mackerel sharks, makos, white sharks, and porbeagles (Lamniformes) occurring in the Western Central Atlantic.
1316 Key to the Lamnidae of Alaska.
cfm script by eagbayani, 10.5.01 ,  php script by kbanasihan 05/31/2010 ,  last modified by kbanasihan, 05/31/2010