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Scorpaenodes minor : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary | FishBase |  Close
n = 125   (GBIF = 102, OBIS = 17, FB = 6)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
no year 1980-0572 Portal: GBIF.
Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year 1977-0702 Portal: GBIF.
Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year ROM 60587Pacific Ocean, Just N of Teavaro on E Coast of Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year MNHN 1980-0572 Portal: GBIF.
Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year I.25109-069Osprey Reef, SE reef flat Portal: GBIF.
Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
1987 32222E side; off Pertamina oil storage site; Waipare Reef Portal: GBIF.
Source: BPBM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
American Samoa1990D. Greenfield and G. CockrellS. G. Poss GCRL 2353914 - 21Tutuila Island. Coconut Point off Nu'uuli southside. Portal: FB.
Source: GCRL
American Samoa1990D. Greenfield and G. CockrellS. G. Poss GCRL 235421Tutuila Island. Sinamano'o Point, west of Leone just east of Amalaia, south shore (windward). Portal: FB.
Source: GCRL
American Samoa1990D. Greenfield and G. CockrellS. G. Poss GCRL 2354618 - 21Tutuila Island. Tiapen Pt., just east N side of island. Portal: FB.
Source: GCRL
American Samoa1990D. Greenfield and G. CockrellS. G. Poss GCRL 235609 - 12Tutuila Island, Coconut point off Nu`uuli southside. Portal: FB.
Source: GCRL
Australiano year I.20775-033RAINE ISLAND : W TIP RAINE ISLAND Portal: GBIF.
Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Comores1986 SAIAB-021343 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Comores1986 30868Charming Hole, 10km N of Moroni Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Comores1986 SAIAB-021343Charming Hole, 10km N of Moroni Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Comorosno year ROM 57944Indian Ocean, North Edge of Barc Boa Sadia Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Comorosno year ROM 57399Indian Ocean, North Side of Isle Malandzamiayatsini Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Comorosno year RUSI 30868"Charming Hole", 10km N of Moroni Portal: GBIF.
Source: RUSI
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Comoros1988 57399Indian Ocean; North Side of Isle Malandzamiayatsini Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Comoros1988 57944Indian Ocean; North Edge of Barc Boa Sadia Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year 4495Suva, outside of Suva Harbor, "Fish Patch", ~ 100m closer to wreck than previous Portal: GBIF.
Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year 4491Suva, outside of Suva Harbor, "Fish Patch", ~ 100m closer to wreck than previous Portal: GBIF.
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year 4491Suva, outside of Suva Harbor, "Fish Patch", ~ 100m closer to wreck than previous Portal: GBIF.
Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year 4495Suva, outside of Suva Harbor, "Fish Patch", ~ 100m closer to wreck than previous Portal: GBIF.
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year CAS 214151Barrier Reef off Suva, north of wreck on reef, main channel; "Fish Patch". Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52070South Pacific Ocean, NW Corner of Herald Pass on Outer Reef, 4.1 km NW of Yanu-Yanu-Sau Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year CAS 206980Matuku I., south side, about 100 ft. south of channel entrance. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year CAS 214156Barrier reef off Suva, north of wreck on reef - main channel - 'Fish Patch'. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52072South Pacific Ocean, South Coast of Vanuakula Off Sandy Beach Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52071South Pacific Ocean, 2.7 km N of Dravuni Island on A Coral Bommie Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52065South Pacific Ocean, 200 Yards S of Usborne Pass on Outside Reef, 3.1 km NW of Vanuakula Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52074South Pacific Ocean, Suva Harbour at Rattail Pass, East Side Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52069South Pacific Ocean, Eastern Side of The Offshore Reef at About The Level of Dravuni Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52067South Pacific Ocean, On Outer Reef, Halfway Between Usborn Pass And Herald Pass Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52073South Pacific Ocean, Just S of S Side of Herald Pass Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year CAS 206965Yangasa Cluster, NE corner between oceanside of barrier reef and sand cay to the east. Portal: GBIF.
Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fijino year ROM 52068South Pacific Ocean, On Outer Edge of Reef on NWern Side Just SW of Beagle Pass, 3.5 km NW of Solo Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52065South Pacific Ocean; 200 Yards S of Usborne Pass on Outside Reef, 3.1 km NW of Vanuakula Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52072South Pacific Ocean; South Coast of Vanuakula Off Sandy Beach Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52067South Pacific Ocean; On Outer Reef, Halfway Between Usborn Pass And Herald Pass Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52071South Pacific Ocean; 2.7 km N of Dravuni Island on A Coral Bommie Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52068South Pacific Ocean; On Outer Edge of Reef on NWern Side Just SW of Beagle Pass, 3.5 km NW of Solo Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52073South Pacific Ocean; just S of S side of Herald Pass Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52069South Pacific Ocean; Eastern Side of The Offshore Reef at About The Level of Dravuni Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52074South Pacific Ocean; Suva Harbour at Rattail Pass, East Side Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Fiji1983 52070South Pacific Ocean; NW Corner of Herald Pass on Outer Reef, 4.1 km NW of Yanu-Yanu-Sau Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Flores Sea1987 3222221.3 Portal: OBIS.
Source: BPBM
Flores Sea1987 32222E side; off Pertamina oil storage site; Waipare Reef Portal: GBIF.
Source: BPBM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Indonesia1974 266025.5124463North Shore of Great Banda Island Directly South of Naira Island, Banda Islands, Indonesia. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Indonesia1974 266022.5124460SE Coast of Naira Island, Banda Islands, Indonesia. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Source: UWFC
Micronesia1980 224509.5083057Ponape: SW Side, Ocean Side of Barrier Reef. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Micronesia1980 223155.5081703Ponape: SW Side, Ocean Side of Barrier Reef. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledoniano year ROM 65706Coral Sea, Recif Mbere, North of Passe De Dumbea Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledoniano year ROM 65704Coral Sea, North West of Recif Mbere Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledoniano year ROM 65723Coral Sea, North Side of Isle Ua Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledoniano year ROM 65713Coral Sea, Lagoon Just Inside Recif Mbere North West of Passe De Dumbea Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 65706Coral Sea; Recif Mbere, North of Passe De Dumbea Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 65704Coral Sea; North West of Recif Mbere Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 65723Coral Sea; North Side of Isle Ua Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 65713Coral Sea; Lagoon Just Inside Recif Mbere North West of Passe De Dumbea Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 324422.5219592Loyalty Islands, Ouvea Atoll, Bagaat; Small Cave In the Fringing Reef On the Ocean Side At the SW Corner of the Reef. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Palau2004 77909Philippine Sea; W coast Babeldaob Island to N of main pass Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Palau2004 77912Philippine Sea; NW of N tip of Babeldaob Is. Cormoran Reef Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Palau2004 77919Philippine Sea; S of Shark City, W side of Koror, S of Ulong Pass Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Palau2004 77904Philippine Sea; off W coast of Babeldaob Is. N of main pass, outer reef Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Papua New Guinea1978 380373.5295656Papua-New Guinea: Hermit Islands, Amot Island, Ocean Side of Reef At Drop Off Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Papua New Guinea1987S.G Poss and D.CataniaS.G Poss GCRL 233159 - 15Ca. 300m N. of Tab (Pig)I., on ouater reef face. Portal: FB.
Source: GCRL
Papua New Guinea1987S.G Poss and D. CataniaS.G Poss GCRL 233046 - 15On barrier reef just south of passage E. of Nagada Harbour. Portal: FB.
Source: GCRL
Philippine Islan1995 SAIAB-039031 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Philippine Islan1995 SAIAB-039032 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Philippine Islan1995 SAIAB-039033 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Philippine islan1995 53351Bolinao Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Philippine Islan1995 SAIAB-039033Bolinao Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Philippine Islan1995 SAIAB-039031Bolinao Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Philippine Islan1995 SAIAB-039032Bolinao Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Philippinesno year RUSI 53351Bolinao Portal: GBIF.
Source: RUSI
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Philippines1978 372689.5286069Philippine Is.: Oriental Negros, Just Off Bonbonon Point At Southern Tip of Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057768 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057769 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057770 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057771 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057772 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Rodrigues2001 70479off Ile aux Sables Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057768off Ile aux Sables Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057769off Ile aux Sables Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057771off Ile aux Sables Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057772off Ile aux Sables Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Rodrigues2001 SAIAB-057770off Ile aux Sables Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Society Islands1989 60587Pacific Ocean; Just N of Teavaro on E Coast of Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islandsno year I.39031-081Santa Cruz Is, Graciosa Bay at Riley Pt, just S of Luetopalelao River. Portal: GBIF.
Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 384521.5302348Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Ndendo Island (Santa Cruz Island), Graciosa Bay, Off Shaw Point At West End of Luesalo On Coral Reef Face Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 385710.5305017Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands, Just Inside West Point At the Western End of the Reef, Steep Sloping Channel On Lee Side of Reef Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 385317.5304155Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Duff Islands, NW Point of Taumako Island, Just North of Pangave Point On Outer Reef Slope Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 389177.5312340Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands, deep reef drop-off on exposed SE corner of Fenualoa Island at NW mouth of Forrest Passage Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 389540.5312859Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands, Fenualoa Island, Coral Reef Face and Outer Slope Just West of Nota Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwanno year ASIZP0056858Nanliao, Lyudao, Taidung Portal: GBIF.
Source: ASIZP0056858
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwanno year ASIZP0056237Wanlitong, Pingtung Portal: GBIF.
Source: ASIZP0056237
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011