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Sebastes miniatus : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary | FishBase |  Close
n = 175   (FB = 124, GBIF = 33, OBIS = 18)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
no year 284245 Portal: GBIF.
Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year 355023 Portal: GBIF.
Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year 354981 Portal: GBIF.
Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year 326787 Portal: GBIF.
Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year MNHN A-3330 Portal: GBIF.
Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
no year SIO UNCAT.osteological preparation - contact Collection for more information Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
no year SIO UNCAT.osteological preparation - contact Collection for more information Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
no year SIO UNCAT.osteological preparation - contact Collection for more information Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Source: UWFC
1973M Vrooman SIO 79-341 Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Source: AMNH
1999 284245 Portal: OBIS.
Source: AFSC
VERMILION ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
2000 326787 Portal: OBIS.
Source: AFSC
VERMILION ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
2001 354981 Portal: OBIS.
Source: AFSC
VERMILION ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
2001 355023 Portal: OBIS.
Source: AFSC
VERMILION ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Canadano year RBCM 976-01394 Portal: GBIF.
Source: RBCM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year RBCM 977-00176channel west of Norman Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: RBCM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year IGFA 3982-14233Barkley Sound, B.C., Canada Portal: GBIF.
Source: IGFA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year RBCM 977-00165Bull Harbour Entrance, west side Portal: GBIF.
Source: RBCM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year IGFABarkley Sound, British Columbia Portal: FB.
Canadano year UBC 700024Hot Springs Cove Camp of Canadian Fishing Co. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Source: UWFC
Canada1934 NOT STATED55 - 55Clayoquot Sound near Flores Island Portal: FB.
Source: NOT
Canada1934Reduction Plant At Deep Cove NOT STATEDStrait of Georgia Portal: FB.
Source: NOT
Canada1965 CMNFI 1965-0175.17 Portal: GBIF.
Source: CMN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canada1965 CMNFI 1965-0175.17 Portal: GBIF.
Source: CMN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canada1988 CMNFI 1987-0426.1 Portal: GBIF.
Source: CMN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1945Mexican fisherman SIO 45-214off Santo Tomas anchorage, off 1st point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945CL Hubbs & party SIO 45-213anchorage just S of Punta Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1945Mexican fisherman SIO 45-220just S of Santo Tomas anchorage Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1948Mexican fisherman SIO 48-259vicinity of Punta Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1948H Mann & party SIO 48-233Bahia Descanso: around Sugarloaf Rock Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1948Mexican fisherman SIO 48-258Punta China: 1 mi S of Arroyo Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1949San Diego fisherman SIO 49- 92Aoff Punta Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1949San Diego fisherman SIO 49- 93off mouth of Rio Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1950P Margerum SIO 50-101Santo Tomas anchorage Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1950JE Fitch & party, Calif. Fish & Game SIO 50-196Bahia San Bartolome (Turtle Bay) Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1950A Allanson & J Fleet SIO 50-162Coronado Islands: Coronado Canyon Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1952 48754-1San Benitos Islands (near Cedros Island) about 1/4 mi. off island Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1952KS Norris & party SIO 52-15114 mi S of Rosalia Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1955local fishermen SIO 55- 79Bahia Santo Tomas Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1956C Limbaugh & party SIO 56- 178 mi S of Coronado Islands Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1956CL Hubbs & party SIO 56- 81off SE end of Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1957RL Wisner & F Munz SIO 57- 47Guadalupe Island: off Barracks Cove Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1957RL Wisner SIO 57-215off E side of Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1957RL Wisner SIO 57-220off E side of Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1957AO Flechsig & AJ Stover SIO 57- 51Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1958RL Wisner & party SIO 58- 90Guadalupe Island: just S of Barracks Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1963AJ Stover SIO 63-161E side of Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1964CW Jerde & party SIO 64-952bank NW of Cabo Colnett Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 60E side of Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 59E side of Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 54Guadalupe Island N of Discovery Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 54Guadalupe Island N of Discovery Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 58Guadalupe Island: S of Discovery Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 56Guadalupe Island: off Discovery Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965CL Hubbs & party SIO 65- 63Guadalupe Island: N of Middle Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 74Guadalupe Island: off Lobster Camp Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 57Guadalupe Island: S of Discovery Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner & party SIO 65- 55Guadalupe Island: off Discovery Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965RL Wisner SIO 65- 66Guadalupe Island: off 'nursery' Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965CL Hubbs & party SIO 65- 70E end of Guadalupe Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965CL Hubbs & party SIO 65-441SW side of 60-Mile Bank Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1965CL Hubbs & party SIO 65-442N part of 60-Mile Bank Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1966CL Hubbs & party SIO 66-532SW of Bahia Descanso Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1966CL Hubbs & party SIO 66-534SW of Bahia Descanso Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1967G Moser, NMFS SIO 68- 6Ranger Bank Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1969 30867-113 miles SW (225°T) off Point Cabras Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1969CL Hubbs & party SIO 70- 160-Mile Bank Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1970 37846-3Off Punta Colnett Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1970 37846-1Off Punta Colnett Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1970 37846-2Off Punta Colnett Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Mexico1970CL Hubbs & DF Hoese SIO 70- 47Guadalupe Island: off Discovery Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1971CL Hubbs & party SIO 71-12960-Mile Bank, near south platform Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1971CL Hubbs & party SIO 71-126W of Cabo San Quintin Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1971RL Pleasant SIO 71- 66off Bahia Descanso Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
Mexico1977 56137-3Bens Rock, Off San Martin Portal: GBIF.
Source: LACM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1991 4319Channel Islands; Between Santa Rosa Island and San Miguel Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: SBMNH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1998 4953Santa Rosa Island; E Side Portal: GBIF.
Source: SBMNH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States1998 4994Santa Rosa Island; E Side Portal: GBIF.
Source: SBMNH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
United States (cno year IGFADepoe Bay Portal: FB.
United States (cno year IGFADepoe Bay Portal: FB.
United States (cno year IGFASan Diego Portal: FB.
United States (cno year IGFASan Nicolas Island Portal: FB.
United States (c1945commercial fisherman SIO 45- 36edge of La Jolla Submarine Canyon Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1945Encinitas fisherman SIO 45- 50La Jolla Bay Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1945Encinitas fisherman SIO 45- 91Bjust beside Scripps Submarine Canyon Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1945T Black SIO 45- 60NW of La Jolla Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1945commercial fisherman SIO 45- 39ca 2 mi W of SIO Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1946Encinitas fisherman SIO 46- 1off La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1946fisherman SIO 46- 10on S side of La Jolla Canyon Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1947commercial fisherman SIO 47- 32off Point Loma Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1947crewmen SIO 47- 94Santa Rosa Island: 0.35 mi S of China Point Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1947G Wernham SIO 47-129off La Jolla Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1947C Hiner via G Wernham SIO 47-197off La Jolla Cove Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47- 84Santa Rosa Island: off S coast, near E end Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1947G Wernham SIO 47- 35La Jolla: off Bird Rock Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1947CL Hubbs & party SIO 47- 96between San Miguel Island and Santa Rosa Island Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1948D Hiner via G Wernham SIO 48- 12off SIO Pier Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
United States (c1948A Allanson & J Fleet SIO 48-111ca 2 mi off Torrey Pines Portal: FB.
Source: SIO
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011