Photo(s) contributed by Adán E. Gómez González
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Scientific Name Country Locality Date taken Picture
Heterophallus milleri Mexico Noypac River, tributary of Oxolotán River Hemil_m1.jpg
Heterophallus milleri Mexico Noypac River, tributary of Oxolotán River Hemil_m0.jpg
Heterophallus milleri Mexico Noypac River, tributary of Oxolotán River Hemil_f0.jpg
Priapella chamulae Mexico Noypac River, tributary of Oxolotán River Prcha_m0.jpg
Profundulus candalarius Mexico Río Grande de Comitán, Comitán 2014-12-14 Prcan_m1.jpg
Profundulus candalarius Mexico Santa Bárbara Stream, Teopisca 2007-12-15 Prcan_m0.jpg
Profundulus candalarius Mexico Santa Bárbara Stream, Teopisca 2014-12-14 Prcan_f0.jpg
Profundulus guatemalensis Guatemala Río Achiguate, Escuintla 2017-04-10 Prgua_m0.jpg
Profundulus guatemalensis Guatemala Río Cantil, Escuintla 2017-04-10 Prgua_f0.jpg
Profundulus hildebrandi Mexico Amarillo River, San Cristóbal de Las Casas 2014-12-11 Prhil_m0.jpg
Profundulus hildebrandi Mexico Amarillo River, San Cristóbal de Las Casas 2014-12-11 Prhil_f0.jpg
Profundulus kreiseri El Salvador Arroyo Los Tecomates, tributary Río Lempa 2017-04-12 Prkre_u0.jpg
Profundulus labialis Mexico La Venta River, Ocozocoautla 2007-08-13 Prlab_m0.jpg
Profundulus labialis Mexico Sabinal River, Tuxtla Gutiérrez 2015-01-27 Prlab_f0.jpg
Profundulus punctatus Mexico Cintalapa River, Escuintla 2007-04-21 Prpun_f0.jpg
Profundulus punctatus Mexico La Venta River, Ocozocoautla 2007-08-13 Prpun_m0.jpg
Rhamdia laluchensis Mexico La Lucha cave system, Oaxaca-Chiapas border 2009-04-13 Rhlal_u3.jpg
Rhamdia macuspanensis Mexico Agua Blanca cave system, Macuspana 2015-07-11 Rhmac_u4.jpg
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