Morphology Data of Fundulopanchax kamdemi
Identification keys
Main Ref. Akum, C., R. Sonnenberg, J.R. Van der Zee and R.H. Wildekamp, 2007
Appearance refers to
Bones in OsteoBase

Sex attributes

Specialized organs
Different appearance
Different colors

Descriptive characteristics of juvenile and adult

Striking features
Body shape lateral fusiform / normal
Cross section
Dorsal head profile
Type of eyes
Type of mouth/snout
Position of mouth

Fundulopanchax kamdemi shares with all other Fundulopanchax species except those of the subgenus Paludopanchax 16 or more scales around the caudal peduncle versus 12 in Aphyosemion s.l. It is distinguished

from all Aphyosemion species and many Fundulopanchax except F. arnoldi, F. deltaensis, F. gularis, F. kribianus, F. ndianus, F. robertsoni, F. rubrolabialis, F. schwoiseri, F. sjoestedti, and F. walkeri by the high number of dorsal (15–18) and anal fin rays (16–19) (according to the descriptions and data in Huber 2000). It is distinguished from all Fundulopanchax species by its unique male coloration of a red longitudinal band on the middle of the sides versus no red band, with the exception of F. amieti, F. avichang, F. deltaensis and some individual specimens of F. ndianus, F. puerzli and F. spoorenbergi. It is distinguished from all Fundulopanchax species, except F. ndianus and some specimens of F. puerzli, by a red ventral band from the pelvic fins to the lower caudal fin base. F. kamdemi is distinguished from the latter species and most other Fundulopanchax

except F. spoorenbergi by the coloration of the unpaired fins as given below. Females can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of an orange-red margin at the dorsal fin and a narrow red band at the base of the anal fin (Ref. 58752).

Ease of Identification

Meristic characteristics of Fundulopanchax kamdemi

Lateral Lines Interrupted: No
Scales on lateral line
Pored lateral line scales
Scales in lateral series
Scale rows above lateral line
Scale rows below lateral line
Scales around caudal peduncle
Gill clefts (sharks/rays only)
Gill rakers
on lower limb
on upper limb


Dorsal fin(s)

Fins number
Finlets No. Dorsal   
Spines total
Soft-rays total
Adipose fin

Caudal fin


Anal fin(s)

Fins number
Spines total
Soft-rays total

Paired fins

Pectoral Attributes  
Pelvics Attributes  
Main Ref. (e.g. 9948)
Glossary ( e.g. cephalopods )
Entered by Busson, Frédéric
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