
CichlidaeCichlids nei122.40.57

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p. 130-137. In D. Pauly and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26.

Cirrhinus mrigalaMrigal carp112.70.34

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Cirrhinus mulitorellaMud carp112.70.34

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Citharus linguatulaSpotted flounder313.50.26

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Clarias anguillarisMudfish133.10.28

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Clarias batrachusPhilippine catfish133.10.59

Delos Reyes, M.R.. 1993. Fishpen culture and its impact on the ecosystem of Laguna de Bay, Philippines. p. 74-84. In D.

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Clarias fuscusHong Kong catfish133.10.28

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Clarias gariepinusNorth African catfish132.90.55

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Clarias macrocephalusBighead catfish133.10.28

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Clarias sppTorpedo-shaped catfishes133.30.41

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Clupanodon thrissaChinese gizzard shad242.80.27

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Clupea harengusAtlantic herring353.80.44

Christensen, V.. 1995. A model of trophic interactions in the North Sea in 1981, the year of the stomach. Dana 11(1):1-28.

Clupea pallasiiPacific herring3530.15

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ClupeidaeHerrings, sardines, nei352.60.52

Mendoza, J.J.. 1993. A preliminary biomass budget for the northeastern Venezuela Shelf ecosystem. p. 285-297. In D. Pauly

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ClupeoideiDiadromous clupeoids nei242.10.35

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ClupeoideiClupeoids nei352.70.54

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to the South China Sea. p. 148-174. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.) Stress, Mitigation and

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Clupeonella cultriventrisAzov sea sprat242.80.27

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Coilia mystusOsbeck's grenadier anchovy352.80.27

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Cololabis sairaPacific saury343.80.13

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

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