
Eleutheronema tetradactylumFourfinger threadfin343.30.28

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Elops saurusLadyfish3530.15

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Emmelichthys nitidusCape bonnetmouth333.40.06

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EngraulidaeAnchovies nei352.70.54

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Engraulis anchoitaArgentine anchoita352.80.27

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Engraulis capensisSouthern African anchovy352.80.27

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Engraulis encrasicolusEuropean anchovy352.80.27

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Engraulis japonicusJapanese anchovy352.80.27

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Engraulis mordaxCalifornian anchovy352.60.56

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Engraulis ringensAnchoveta(=Peruvian anchovy)352.20.42

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Ensis directusAtl.jackknife(=Atl.razor clam)562.10.13

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Epigonus telescopusBlack cardinal fish333.50.26

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Epinephelus aeneusWhite grouper333.90.35

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Epinephelus akaaraHong Kong grouper333.90.35

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Epinephelus analogusSpotted grouper333.90.35

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Epinephelus areolatusBrown spotted grouper333.90.35

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Epinephelus guaza(=marginatus)Dusky grouper333.90.35

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