
Fluta albaLai133.10.28

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Formio nigerBlack pomfret343.80.35

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Fugu vermicularis porphyreusPurple puffer333.50.26

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GadiformesGadiformes nei323.80.25

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Gadus macrocephalusPacific cod323.80.25

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Gadus morhuaAtlantic cod323.80.59

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Gadus ogacGreenland cod323.80.25

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Gadus sppNorthern cods323.80.25

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GalatheidaeCraylets, squat lobsters442.60.3

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Galeichthys felicepsWhite barbel333.50.26

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Galeocerdo cuvierTiger shark384.50.54

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Galeoides decadactylusLesser African threadfin343.30.28

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Galeorhinus galeusTope shark383.60.24

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Galeorhinus sppLiveroil sharks383.60.24

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Galeus melastomusBlackmouth catshark383.80.59

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Garnet coralGarnet coral822.30.61

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Gasterochisma melampusButterfly kingfish3640.12

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Gasterosteus sppSticklebacks333.50.26

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GastropodaGastropods nei522.10.13

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

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