Ecosystems where Arius latiscutatus occurs
n = 21
Ecosystem Type Status Ref.
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3876
Benguela Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3876
Buba River (basin) native 28587
Canary Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3876
Casamance River (basin) native 28587
Congo River (basin) native 12818
Ébrié Lagoon Lagoon native 28587
Ethiopian Zoogeographic realm native 3876
Fatala River (basin) native 28587
Gambia River (basin) native 13331
Guinea Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6269
Kouilou-Niari River (basin) native 81640
Kunene River (basin) native 27121
Marine Lower Congo River (basin) native 12818
Niger River (basin) native 13331
Nkomi River (basin) native 80286
Ogowe River (basin) native 80286
Saloum River (basin) native 28587
Sanaga River (basin) native 51193
Senegal River (basin) native 28587
Wouri River (basin) native 81640
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cfm script by eagbayani, 20.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 07/05/08 ,  last modified by elaxamana, 11:05 AM 06/03/09