Ecosystem | Type | Status | Ref. |
Atlantic Ocean | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 4779 |
Baltic Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 36252 |
Barents Sea Islands basins | River (basin) | native | 59043 |
Barents Sea river drainages and lakes | River (basin) | native | 59043 |
Beaufort Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 28503 |
Canadian Eastern Arctic - West Greenland | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 4779 |
Central Arctic | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 4779 |
Dwina | River (basin) | native | |
East Bering Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 96339 |
German Bight | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | |
Great Lakes | Lake | introduced | 50315 |
Greenland Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 4779 |
Gulf of Alaska | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 95143 |
Iberian Coastal | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 683 |
Iceland river drainages and lakes | River (basin) | native | 59043 |
Iceland Shelf and Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 37032 |
Labrador - Newfoundland | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 37032 |
Mezen' River | River (basin) | native | |
Nearctic | Zoogeographic realm | native | 27547 |
North Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 683 |
Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 5723 |
Northern Atlanto-Baltic river drainages and lakes | River (basin) | native | 59043 |
Northern Bering - Chukchi Seas | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 4779 |
Norwegian Sea | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 4779 |
Novaya Zemlya basins | River (basin) | native | 59043 |
Pacific Ocean | Sea/Bay/Gulf | native | 95143 |
Palearctic | Zoogeographic realm | native | 4779 |
Pechora | River (basin) | native | 59043 |
St. Lawrence | River (basin) | native | 37032 |
Svalbard basins | River (basin) | native | 59043 |
Torne River | River (basin) | native | 59043 |