Ecosystems where Salvelinus alpinus alpinus occurs
n = 31
Ecosystem Type Status Ref.
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4779
Baltic Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 36252
Barents Sea Islands basins River (basin) native 59043
Barents Sea river drainages and lakes River (basin) native 59043
Beaufort Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 28503
Canadian Eastern Arctic - West Greenland Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4779
Central Arctic Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4779
Dwina River (basin) native
East Bering Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 96339
German Bight Sea/Bay/Gulf native
Great Lakes Lake introduced 50315
Greenland Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4779
Gulf of Alaska Sea/Bay/Gulf native 95143
Iberian Coastal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 683
Iceland river drainages and lakes River (basin) native 59043
Iceland Shelf and Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 37032
Labrador - Newfoundland Sea/Bay/Gulf native 37032
Mezen' River River (basin) native
Nearctic Zoogeographic realm native 27547
North Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 683
Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Northern Atlanto-Baltic river drainages and lakes River (basin) native 59043
Northern Bering - Chukchi Seas Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4779
Norwegian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 4779
Novaya Zemlya basins River (basin) native 59043
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 95143
Palearctic Zoogeographic realm native 4779
Pechora River (basin) native 59043
St. Lawrence River (basin) native 37032
Svalbard basins River (basin) native 59043
Torne River River (basin) native 59043
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