Ecosystems where Salvelinus malma occurs
n = 23
Ecosystem Type Status Ref.
Am-nok River (basin) questionable 51717
Amur River (basin) questionable 51717
Beaufort Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Central Arctic Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Doo-man River (basin) questionable 51717
Fraser River (basin) native 78809
Gulf of Alaska Sea/Bay/Gulf native 11377
Hecate Strait Sea/Bay/Gulf native 95143
Juan de Fuca Strait Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6885
Kuroshio Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 559
Mackenzie River (basin) native 78981
Nearctic Zoogeographic realm native 27436
Northern Bering - Chukchi Seas Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5723
Oyashio Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 37812
Pacific Coastal Complex River (basin) native 81264
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6885
Palearctic Zoogeographic realm native 5723
Puget Sound Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6885
Salish Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6885
Sea of Japan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 559
Sea of Okhotsk Sea/Bay/Gulf native 50550
Strait of Georgia Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6885
Yukon River (basin) native 78812
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