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Definition of Term

(english) An organ which emits light; the pattern of photophores is an important character in the identification of deepsea fishes. Light may be produced from compounds produced by the fish itself or from prey it has ingested, or by symbiotic bacteria. The organ may be simple or variously equipped with reflectors, lenses, shutters, etc., e.g. in Myctophidae, Gonostomatidae, Batrachoididae. (See also: identification, symbiosis, bacteria)
(french) Organe qui émet de la lumière ; la disposition des photophores est un caractère important dans l'identification des poissons des eaux profondes. (See also: identification, symbiosis, bacteria)
(portuguese) Orgão emissor de luz; o padrão de localização dos fotóforos é um caractere importante na identificação de muitos peixes de profundidade. (See also: identification, symbiosis, bacteria)

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