Hubold, G., W. Hagen, A. Kunzmann, A.P.A. Wöhrmann and C.F. von Dorrien, 1990
Citation Hubold, G., W. Hagen, A. Kunzmann, A.P.A. Wöhrmann and C.F. von Dorrien, 1990. Adaptations of Pleuragramma antarcticum to life in high-Antarctic waters. p. 65-66. In G. di Prisco, B. Maresca and B. Tota (eds.) Abstract II Int. Conf. Biology of Antarctic Fishes. IIGB Press, Naples.
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Address Institute of Polar Ecology, University of Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40, 2300 Kiel 1, FRG
Ref. No. 40364
Language English
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