Hop, H., T. Pearson, E.N. Hegseth, K.M. Kovacs, C. Wiencke, S. Kwasniewski, K. Eiane, F. Mehlum, B. Gulliksen, M. Wlodarska-K., C. Lydersen, J.M. Weslawski, S. Cochrane, G.W. Gabrielsen, R.J.G. Leakey, O.J. Lønne et al. …, 2002
Citation Hop, H., T. Pearson, E.N. Hegseth, K.M. Kovacs, C. Wiencke, S. Kwasniewski, K. Eiane, F. Mehlum, B. Gulliksen, M. Wlodarska-K., C. Lydersen, J.M. Weslawski, S. Cochrane, G.W. Gabrielsen, R.J.G. Leakey, O.J. Lønne et al. …, 2002. The marine ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Polar Research 21(1):167-208.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
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Address Norwegian Polar Institute, Polar Environmental Centre, N-9296 Tromsø, Norway
Ref. No. 51589
Language English
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