Nazi Fondo, E., M. Knight Osore and E. Vander Bergke, 2004
Citation Nazi Fondo, E., M. Knight Osore and E. Vander Bergke, 2004. The marine species database for eastern Africa (MASDEA). p. 65-70. In Vanden Berghe, E., M.J. Costello, C. Heip, S. Levitus and P. Pissierssens (eds.) Proceedings of 'The Colour of Ocean Data' Symposium, Brussels, 25-27 November 2002 IOC Workshop Report 188 (UNESCO, Paris), 308 pp. (also published as VLIZ Special Publication 16).
Paper URL
Address Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, P.O. Box 81651, Mombasa, Kenya
Ref. No. 52137
Language English
Usage not used yet
Remarks Cites FishBase in page 66; cited as a global initiative to inventory published taxonomic names. Cites FishBase in page 68; source of fish information for MASDEA. 1997 version.
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