Talaue-McManus, L., W. Licuanan, L. Asuncion, K. Silvano, M. Bonga and C. de Castro, 2001
Citation Talaue-McManus, L., W. Licuanan, L. Asuncion, K. Silvano, M. Bonga and C. de Castro, 2001. Primary production and fisheries in Lingayen Gulf, northern Philippines: biological oceanography component. p. 88-92. In L.Talaue-McManus, H.H. Kremer and J.I. Marshall Crossland. SARCS/WOTRO/LOICZ: biogeochemical and human dimensions of coastal functioning and change in Southeast Asia.Final report of the SARCS/WOTRO/LOICZ project 1996-1999. LOICZ Rep. Stud. 17, LOICZ, Texel, The Netherlands, 277p.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
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Ref. No. 52563
Language English
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