Citation |
Quéméner, L., M. Suquet, D. Mero and J.-L. Gaignon, 2002. Selection method of new candidates for finfish aquaculture: the case of the French Atlantic, the Channel and the North Sea coasts. Aquat. Living Resour. 15:293-302. |
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Address |
Ifremer, Laboratoire de Physiologie des Poissons, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané, France |
Ref. No. |
53957 |
Language |
English |
Usage |
not used yet |
Comments |
Remarks |
Cites FishBase in page 294; cited that information on 20,000 fish species on their biology and fishery were obtained from FishBase. Also cited in page 295; cited that information on 20,000 fish species were obtained from FB. Cited also in page 296; mentioned the von Bertalanffy functions. 1998 CD-ROM version. |
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