Family Melamphaidae - Bigscale fishes or ridgeheads
Order |
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Class |
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Actinopterygii |
No. in FishBase |
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Genera : 5 | Species : 63 Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes |
Environment |
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Fresh : No |
Brackish : No |
Marine : Yes |
Division |
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Marine |
Aquarium |
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none |
First Fossil Record |
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Miocene |
Remark |
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Distribution: most oceans but not in the Arctic and Mediterranean. Bathypelagic. Dorsal fin with 1-3 weak spines. Pelvic fin insertion thoracic or subthoracic; with 1 spine, 6-8 soft rays. Caudal fin
3-4 procurrent spines. Cycloid scales often large and deciduous. Lateral line absent, or limited to one or two pored scales. Vertebrae 24-31. |
Etymology |
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Greek, melan, melanos = black + greek, amphi = by both sides ( Ref. 45335). |
Reproductive guild |
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nonguarders |
Typical activity level |
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Coordinator |
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Osteichthyes | Actinopterygii | Actinopteri | Neopterygii | Teleostei | Osteoglossocephalai | Clupeocephala | Euteleosteomorpha | Neoteleostei | Eurypterygia | Ctenosquamata | Acanthomorphata | Euacanthomorphacea | Berycimorphaceae | Beryciformes | Melamphaidae |
Important recommendation:
The list below must not be used as an authority reference synonymy list like those found in scientific published revisions, which must be the source to be used and cited eventually when they exist.
Rather, it reflects the current content of FishBase, and the progress with respect to synchronization with the Catalog of Fishes. However, we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in FishBase, to start new work on the family, or to cross-check with other lists.
But we appreciate to be cited in publications when this list has been of any working value. In particular, for published scientific, we suggest then to cite it in the Material and Method section as a useful tool to conduct the research, but again, not as a taxonomic or nomenclatural authority reference.
Unless it is explicitly precised, the list is not complete, please search all original names published for the family in the Catalog of Fishes (genera, species), including those with uncertain or unknown status, that are not included in FishBase when they are not attached to a valid species.
This list uses some data from Catalog of Fishes (not shown but used to sort names).
In the column CofF, the digit indicates the status of synchronization with CofF: 0: Not checked; 1: Same status; 2: Different status; 3: Other combination; 4: Synonym in CofF; 5: Species/Subspecies issue; 6: Synonym of another species in CofF; 7: Not in CofF; 8: Should not be in CofF. The CofF version currently used is the one published on 23-07-2014 (Ref. 97102).
The list ordered as follows:
Please send comments and corrections if you detect errors or missing names.
Scientifc name | Status | Senior/Junior synonym | Combination | CofF |
Melamphaes typhlops (Lowe, 1843) | accepted | senior | new | |
Metopias typhlops Lowe, 1843 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes crassicauda Koefoed, 1953 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes microps (Günther, 1878) | accepted | senior | new | |
Scopelus microps Günther, 1878 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Plectromus microps (Günther, 1878) | synonym | senior | new | |
Melamphaes suborbitalis (Gill, 1883) | accepted | senior | new | |
Plectromus suborbitalis Gill, 1883 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes lugubris Gilbert, 1890 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Plectromus lugubris (Gilbert, 1890) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Melamphaës lugubris Gilbert, 1890 | synonym | senior | original | |
Melamphaes cavernosus Chapman, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes macrocephalus Parr, 1931 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes longivelis Parr, 1933 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Melamphaes microps longivelis Parr, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Melamphaes microps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Melamphaes acanthomus Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes danae Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes eulepis Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes hubbsi Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes indicus Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes janae Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes laeviceps Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes leprus Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes parvus Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes polylepis Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes pumilus Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Melanphaes pumilus Ebeling, 1962 | synonym | senior | original | |
Melamphaes simus Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes spinifer Ebeling, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes ebelingi Keene, 1973 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes microps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Melamphaes parini Kotlyar, 1999 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes falsidicus Kotlyar, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes microps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Melamphaes manifestus Kotlyar, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes pachystomus Kotlyar, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes polylepis (non Ebeling, 1962) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Melamphaes xestoachidus Kotlyar, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes nikolayi Kotlyar, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes occlusus Kotlyar, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra capito Goode & Bean, 1883 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lophocephalus anthrax Osório, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes triceratops Roule & Angel, 1933 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Poromitra triceratops (Roule & Angel, 1933) | synonym | junior | new | |
Poromitra crassiceps (Günther, 1878) | accepted | senior | new | |
Scopelus crassiceps Günther, 1878 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes crassiceps (Günther, 1878) | synonym | senior | new | |
Melamphaes unicornis (non Gilbert, 1905) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Poromitra megalops (Lütken, 1878) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes megalops Lütken, 1878 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra cristiceps (Gilbert, 1890) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes cristiceps Gilbert, 1890 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Plectromus cristiceps (Gilbert, 1890) | synonym | senior | new | |
Poromitra crassiceps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Poromitra frontosa (Garman, 1899) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes frontosus Garman, 1899 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra crassiceps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Poromitra nigrofulva (Garman, 1899) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes nigrofulvus Garman, 1899 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra macrophthalma (Gilchrist, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Plectromus macrophthalmus Gilchrist, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes megalops (non Lütken, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Poromitra megalops (non Lütken, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Poromitra unicornis (Gilbert, 1905) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes unicornis Gilbert, 1905 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra crassiceps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Poromitra nigriceps (Zugmayer, 1911) | accepted | senior | new | |
Poromitrella nigriceps Zugmayer, 1911 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra crassiceps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Melamphaës nigrofulvus (non Garman, 1899) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Poromitra coronata (Gilchrist & von Bonde, 1924) | accepted | senior | new | |
Plectromus coronatus Gilchrist & von Bonde, 1924 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra atlantica (Norman, 1929) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes atlanticus Norman, 1929 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra crassiceps (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Poromitra rugosa (Chapman, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes rugosus Chapman, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra oscitans Ebeling, 1975 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra crassa Parin & Ebeling, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra gibbsi Parin & Borodulina, 1989 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra curilensis Kotlyar, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra decipiens Kotlyar, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra glochidiata Kotlyar, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra indooceanica Kotlyar, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra kukuevi Kotlyar, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra agafonovae Kotlyar, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Poromitra agofonovae Kotlyar, 2009 | ambiguous | other | original | |
Poromitra jucunda Kotlyar, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Poromitra megalops (non Lütken, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Scopelogadus mizolepis (Günther, 1878) | accepted | senior | new | |
Scopelus mizolepis Günther, 1878 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes mizolepis (Günther, 1878) | synonym | senior | new | |
Plectromus mizolepis (Günther, 1878) | synonym | senior | new | |
Scopelogadus mizolepis mizolepis (Günther, 1878) | synonym | senior | new | |
Scopelogadus cocles Vaillant, 1888 | synonym | junior | original | 5 |
Melamphaes cocles (Vaillant, 1888) | synonym | junior | new | |
Scopelogadus beanii (Günther, 1887) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes beanii Günther, 1887 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Plectromus beanii (Günther, 1887) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Scopelogadus beani (Günther, 1887) | synonym | senior | new | |
Plectromus crassiceps Bean, 1885 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Melamphaes eurylepis Holt & Byrne, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes mizolepis (non Günther, 1878) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Scopelogadus bispinosus (Gilbert, 1915) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes bispinosus Gilbert, 1915 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Scopelogadus mizolepis bispinosus (Gilbert, 1915) | synonym | senior | new | |
Scopelogadus unispinis Ebeling & Weed, 1963 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx robustus (Günther, 1887) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes robustus Günther, 1887 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes nigrescens Brauer, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx opercularis Zugmayer, 1911 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Melamphaes nycterinus Gilbert, 1915 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx nycterinus (Gilbert, 1915) | synonym | junior | new | |
Melamphaes maxillaris (non Garman, 1899) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Melamphaes malayanus (non Weber, 1913) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Scopeloberyx maxillaris (Garman, 1899) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes maxillaris Garman, 1899 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx malayanus (Weber, 1913) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes malayanus Weber, 1913 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx malayanus malayanus (Weber, 1913) | synonym | senior | new | |
Scopeloberyx malayanus balushkini Kotlyar, 2004 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx opisthopterus (Parr, 1933) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes opisthopterus Parr, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx microlepis (Norman, 1937) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes microlepis Norman, 1937 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx rubriventer (Koefoed, 1953) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes rubriventer Koefoed, 1953 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx bannikovi Kotlyar, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx pequenoi Kotlyar, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Scopeloberyx rossicus Kotlyar, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sio nordenskjoldii (Lönnberg, 1905) | accepted | senior | new | |
Melamphaes nordenskjoldii Lönnberg, 1905 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Melamphaes nordenskjoeldii Lönnberg, 1905 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Melamphaes nordenskjöldii Lönnberg, 1905 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Sio nordenskjoeldii (Lönnberg, 1905) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Sio nordenskjöldii (Lönnberg, 1905) | synonym | senior | new |