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List of Fish Occurrence Records for Alaska

Occurrence point list      Next435
Species Locality
No. Species Locality Year Identifier
1   Agonopsis vulsa Kasitsna Bay 1967  
2   Allocareproctus kallaion Aleutian Is, 2002  
3   Allocareproctus unangas Aleutian Is. 2002  
4   Allocareproctus ungak [occurrence summary] 2000  
5   Ammodytes hexapterus [occurrence summary] 1964  
6   Ammodytes hexapterus [occurrence summary]    
7   Ammodytes hexapterus Adak Island: Clam Lagoon 1958  
8   Ammodytes hexapterus Baranof Island: Little Port Walter 1959  
9   Ammodytes hexapterus Baranof Island: Little Port Walter 1959  
10   Ammodytes hexapterus Bernero Bay 1970  
11   Ammodytes hexapterus Bristol Bay 1968  
12   Ammodytes hexapterus Chukchi Sea, SW of Point Barrow 1970  
13   Ammodytes hexapterus Chukchi Sea, SW of Point Barrow 1970  
14   Ammodytes hexapterus Kasitsna Bay 1967  
15   Ammodytes hexapterus Kasitsna Bay 1967  
16   Ammodytes hexapterus Kodiak Island: Larsen Bay 1992  
17   Ammodytes hexapterus Noyes Island, Utika Bay 1956  
18   Ammodytes hexapterus Unalaska Island: Unalaska village 1953  
19   Anarhichas orientalis Aleutian Islands 1994  
20   Anisarchus medius Afognak Island: Kito Bay 1968  
21   Anisarchus medius Aleutian Islands 1994  
22   Anisarchus medius Aleutian Islands 1994  
23   Anisarchus medius Auke Bay, between Baltzo Bay and Auke Creek 1962  
24   Anisarchus medius Auke Bay, recreation area 1963  
25   Anisarchus medius Kodiak Island: Alitak Bay 1992  
26   Anisarchus medius Kodiak Island: Ugak Bay 1992  
27   Anisarchus medius Kukak Bay 1963  
28   Anisarchus medius Peterson Bay 1966  
29   Anisarchus medius Peterson Bay 1967  
30   Anisarchus medius Peterson Bay 1967  
31   Anisarchus medius Tutka Bay 1967  
32   Anisarchus medius Tutka Bay 1967  
33   Anisarchus medius Tutka Bay 1967  
34   Anisarchus medius Tutka Bay 1967  
35   Anoplagonus inermis Ivanov Bay, E of Stepovak Bay 1964  
36   Anoplagonus inermis Kasitsna Bay 1967  
37   Anoplagonus inermis Kodiak Shelf 1976  
38   Anoplagonus inermis Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
39   Anoplagonus inermis Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
40   Anoplarchus purpurescens 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
41   Anoplarchus purpurescens Kasitsna Bay 1967  
42   Anoplarchus purpurescens SW of Ancow estuary, S of bridge 1963  
43   Anoplopoma fimbria [occurrence summary]    
44   Apristurus brunneus off Icy Point    
45   Aptocyclus ventricosus [occurrence summary] 1958  
46   Aptocyclus ventricosus Bering Sea, 240 mi W of Pribilof Islands 1958  
47   Aptocyclus ventricosus Kachemak Bay area 1965  
48   Aptocyclus ventricosus Kodiak Island, 2.5 mi NE of Kodiak Harbor 1971  
49   Artediellus pacificus Bering Sea 1976  
50   Artediellus pacificus Bering Sea 1976  
51   Artediellus pacificus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
52   Artedius fenestralis 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
53   Artedius fenestralis 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
54   Artedius fenestralis 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
55   Artedius fenestralis Little Port Walter, SE Baranof Island 1957  
56   Artedius harringtoni McKenzie Inlet, 29 mi W of Ketchican 1962  
57   Artedius lateralis Shrimp Rocks, 28 mi W of Ketchikan 1962  
58   Aspidophoroides monopterygius Alaska    
59   Aspidophoroides monopterygius Alaska, U.S.A., 56°14'N, 161°41'W, 66 m.    
60   Aspidophoroides monopterygius Kodiak Island: Ugak Bay 1992  
61   Aspidophoroides monopterygius Kodiak Island: Uyak, Cormorant Rock 1992  
62   Aspidophoroides monopterygius Kodiak Shelf 1976  
63   Aspidophoroides monopterygius Kupreanov Island: Onion Bay 1992  
64   Aspidophoroides monopterygius middle Kupreanor Island 1992  
65   Aspidophoroides monopterygius S of Unimak Island 1964  
66   Atheresthes evermanni Aleutian Islands 1994  
67   Atheresthes evermanni Aleutian Islands 1994  
68   Atheresthes evermanni Aleutian Islands 1994  
69   Atheresthes evermanni Aleutian Islands 1994  
70   Atheresthes evermanni Aleutian Islands 1994  
71   Atheresthes evermanni Aleutian Islands 1994  
72   Atheresthes stomias Afognak Island, S arm of Izhur Bay 1968  
73   Atheresthes stomias Aleutian Islands 1994  
74   Atheresthes stomias Aleutian Islands 1994  
75   Atheresthes stomias Aleutian Islands 1994  
76   Atheresthes stomias Gulf of Alaska 1976  
77   Atheresthes stomias Gulf of Alaska 1976  
78   Atheresthes stomias Katlian Bay, Baranof Island, Cedar Cove 1967  
79   Atheresthes stomias Kodiak Shelf 1976  
80   Atheresthes stomias Kodiak Shelf 1976  
81   Atheresthes stomias Stephen's Passage, Limestone Inlet 1967  
82   Aulorhynchus flavidus Revillagigedo Islands, Traitor's Cove 1964  
83   Bathyagonus alascanus Baranof Island sill of Katlian Bay 1967  
84   Bathyagonus alascanus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
85   Bathyagonus alascanus Marmot Island 1992  
86   Bathyagonus alascanus middle Kupreanor Island 1992  
87   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Auke Bay recreation area 1963  
88   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Auke Bay, Spohn Island 1965  
89   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Baranof Island: Whale Bay, E cove 1971  
90   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Gulf of Alaska, Pye Island: Seal Rock 1963  
91   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Kodiak Island: Ugak Bay 1992  
92   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
93   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Kupreanov Island: Onion Bay 1992  
94   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Port Bainbridge, 40 mi ESE of Seward 1963  
95   Bathyagonus infraspinatus Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
96   Bathyagonus nigripinnis Baranof Island: Katlian Bay 1967  
97   Bathyagonus nigripinnis outer Cedar Cove to Katlian Bay 1967  
98   Bathylychnops exilis Ca. 1500 mi. south of Dutch Harbor, Aleutians, North Pacific, 39°08'N, 164°51'W, 0-100 m.    
99   Bathymaster caeruleofasciatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
100   Bathymaster caeruleofasciatus Stephen's Passage, Limestone Inlet 1967  
101   Bathymaster caeruleofasciatus W side of Shelter Island (NW of Juneau) 1961  
102   Bathymaster leurolepis Kasitsna Bay 1966  
103   Bathymaster signatus [occurrence summary]    
104   Bathymaster signatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
105   Bathymaster signatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
106   Bathymaster signatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
107   Bathymaster signatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
108   Bathymaster signatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
109   Bathymaster signatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
110   Bathymaster signatus Aleutian Islands: Adak Island: Scabbard Bay 1947  
111   Bathymaster signatus Baranof Island: Katlian Bay 1967  
112   Bathymaster signatus between Salisbury Point and Dupont Point 1960  
113   Bathymaster signatus Chatham Strait, Kuiu Island 1960  
114   Bathymaster signatus Gulf of Alaska 1990  
115   Bathymaster signatus Gulf of Alaska 1976  
116   Bathymaster signatus Gulf of Alaska 1976  
117   Bathymaster signatus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
118   Bathymaster signatus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
119   Bathymaster signatus Marmot Island 1992  
120   Bathymaster signatus middle Kupreanor Island 1992  
121   Bathymaster signatus Peterson Bay 1967  
122   Bathymaster signatus Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
123   Bathymaster signatus Tutka Bay 1963  
124   Bathymaster signatus Tutka Bay 1963  
125   Bathyraja aleutica Aleutian Islands 1994  
126   Bathyraja interrupta Clarence Strait, near Luck Point 1950  
127   Bathyraja interrupta Kodiak Shelf 1976  
128   Bathyraja interrupta Tenakee Inlet 1950  
129   Bathyraja maculata Aleutian Islands 1994  
130   Bathyraja maculata Aleutian Islands 1994  
131   Bathyraja mariposa Tanaga Pass, Aleutian Islands. 2002  
132   Bathyraja minispinosa Aleutian Islands 1994  
133   Benthalbella dentata Aleutian Islands 1994  
134   Blepsias bilobus [occurrence summary]    
135   Blepsias bilobus Deep Hole, Tutka Bay 1961  
136   Blepsias bilobus Gulf of Alaska 1990  
137   Blepsias bilobus Kodiak Island: Women's Bay 1951  
138   Blepsias bilobus Viekoda Island 1992  
139   Blepsias cirrhosus Adak Island: Pier #9, Adak Harbor 1953  
140   Blepsias cirrhosus Kasitsna Bay 1967  
141   Blepsias cirrhosus Little Port Walter, SE Baranof Island 1957  
142   Blepsias cirrhosus Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
143   Boreogadus saida Beaufort Sea 1952  
144   Bothrocara pusillum [occurrence summary]    
145   Bothrocara pusillum Alaska, U.S.A., 55°10'00"N, 160°18'00"W, Albatross sta. 2848, 110 fm.    
146   Bryozoichthys lysimus Aleutian Islands 1994  
147   Bryozoichthys lysimus Aleutian Islands 1994  
148   Bryozoichthys lysimus Aleutian Islands 1994  
149   Bryozoichthys lysimus Aleutian Islands 1994  
150   Careproctus canus Near Unalga I., Aleutian Is., Alaska, 51°35.1'N, 179°21.6'W, 300-350 m.    
151   Careproctus canus Near Unalga Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska    
152   Careproctus comus North of Unalaska I., Aleutian Islands 2000  
153   Careproctus cypselurus Off Bogoslof I., Bering Sea, 54°51'00"N, 167°27'00"W, Albatross sta. 3634 [not 3644], 664 fm.    
154   Careproctus ectenes North of Unalaska I., Bering Sea, Alaska, 54°01'40"N, 166°48'50"W, Albatross sta. 3331, 350 fm.    
155   Careproctus faunus Amukta Pass, Aleutian Islands 2002  
156   Careproctus gilberti Nuka Bay, 50 mi SW of Seward 1963  
157   Careproctus melanurus [occurrence summary]    
158   Careproctus melanurus Gulf of Alaska 1990  
159   Careproctus mollis Off East Cape, Attu I., Bering Sea, Albatross sta. 4784, 52°55'40"N, 173°26'E, 135 fm.    
160   Careproctus ostentum North of Unalaska I., Aleutian Is., Alaska, Albatross sta. 3324, 53°33'50"N, 167°46'50"W, 109 fm.    
161   Careproctus phasma Bristol Bay, Alaska, U.S.A., Albatross sta. 3254, 56°50'00"N, 164°27'50"W, 46 fm.    
162   Careproctus rastrinus Aleutian Islands 1994  
163   Careproctus rastrinus Aleutian Islands 1994  
164   Careproctus rastrinus Bering Sea 1964  
165   Careproctus simus Bering Sea, north of Unalaska I., 54°01'40"N, 166°48'50"W, Albatross sta. 3331, 350 fm.    
166   Careproctus zachirus Near Unalga I., Aleutian Is., 51°35.1'N, 179°21.6'W, 300-350 m.    
167   Catostomus catostomus Bonasila River, 45 mi from juncture w/ Yukon River 1957  
168   Chauliodus macouni Aleutian Islands: W of Attu Island 1953  
169   Chitonotus pugetensis Aleutian Islands 1994  
170   Citharichthys sordidus [occurrence summary]    
171   Clinocottus acuticeps 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
172   Clinocottus acuticeps 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
173   Clinocottus acuticeps 0.25 N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
174   Clinocottus acuticeps estuary E of White Alice Site 1963  
175   Clinocottus acuticeps Unimak Island 1932  
176   Clupea pallasii pallasii Kodiak Island: Womens Bay 1968  
177   Clupea pallasii pallasii Shumagin Islands: E side of Pepoe Island 1948  
178   Cololabis saira Aleutian Trench, S of Aleutian Islands 1956  
179   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
180   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
181   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
182   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
183   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
184   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
185   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
186   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
187   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
188   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
189   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1957  
190   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1957  
191   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1957  
192   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1957  
193   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
194   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
195   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
196   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
197   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
198   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1956  
199   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1957  
200   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1957  
201   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska 1957  
202   Cololabis saira Gulf of Alaska (Dixon Entrance) 1957  
203   Coregonus nasus Bonasila River, 80 mi from juncture w/ Yukon River 1957  
204   Coregonus sardinella Telaguana Lake, N of Lake Clark 1963  
205   Coryphaenoides armatus Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Is., 55°23'00"N, 170°31'00"W, Albatross sta. 3603, 1771 fm.    
206   Coryphaenoides filifer Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Is., 54°54'00"N, 168°59'00"W, Albatross sta. 3604, 1401 fm.    
207   Coryphaenoides longifilis Off Bogoslof I., Bering Sea, 54°51'00"N, 167°27'00"W, Albatross sta. 3634, 664 fm.    
208   Cottus aleuticus Anchor River, 15 mi NW of Homer 1957  
209   Cottus aleuticus estuary E of White Alice Site 1963  
210   Cottus asper estuary E of White Alice Site 1963  
211   Cottus asper Prince of Wales Island, Skowl Arm 1963  
212   Cottus cognatus [occurrence summary]    
213   Cottus cognatus Hawk River, 2 mi from juncture w/ Bonasila River 1957  
214   Couesius plumbeus [occurrence summary]    
215   Cryptacanthodes aleutensis Baranof Island: Katlian Bay, Cedar Cove 1967  
216   Cryptacanthodes aleutensis North of Unalaska I., Alaska, 53°59'11"N, 166°25'09"W, *Albatross* sta. 3312, 45 fm.    
217   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Aleutian Islands 1994  
218   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Aleutian Islands 1994  
219   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Aleutian Islands 1994  
220   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Aleutian Islands 1994  
221   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Aleutian Islands 1994  
222   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Aleutian Islands 1994  
223   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Bering Sea 1976  
224   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Bering Sea 1976  
225   Crystallichthys cyclospilus Petrel Bank, Bering Sea, Albatross sta. 4779, 52°11'N, 179°57'W, 54-56 fm.    
226   Cymatogaster aggregata Traitor's Cove, N of Ketchikan 1964  
227   Dallia pectoralis [occurrence summary]    
228   Dallia pectoralis Akularale Slough, 20 mi S of Yukon River 1956  
229   Dasycottus setiger Aleutian Islands 1994  
230   Dasycottus setiger Aleutian Islands 1994  
231   Dasycottus setiger Aleutian Islands 1994  
232   Dasycottus setiger Baranof Island: Katlian Bay 1967  
233   Dasycottus setiger Bering Sea 1976  
234   Dasycottus setiger Kodiak Island: Uyak, Cormorant Rock 1992  
235   Dasycottus setiger Kodiak Shelf 1976  
236   Dasycottus setiger Kupreanov Island: Onion Bay 1992  
237   Dasycottus setiger Marmot Island 1992  
238   Dasycottus setiger middle Kupreanor Island 1992  
239   Dasycottus setiger Peterson Bay 1966  
240   Eleginus gracilis [occurrence summary]    
241   Eleginus gracilis Bering Sea, Nunivak Island: Mekoryuk 1968  
242   Eleginus gracilis Bering Sea: Nunivak Island, Mercoryuk 1969  
243   Eleginus gracilis Point Barrow 1958  
244   Eleginus gracilis Point Hope, Chukchi Sea 1975  
245   Eleginus gracilis Tutka Bay 1963  
246   Eleginus gracilis Tutka Bay 1967  
247   Eleginus gracilis Tutka Bay 1967  
248   Enophrys bison Auke Bay, S of Auke Creek 1962  
249   Enophrys diceraus Tugidak Island 1992  
250   Enophrys lucasi Aleutian Islands: Adak Island: Scabbard Bay 1947  
251   Enophrys lucasi Stephen's Passage, Limestone Inlet 1967  
252   Entosphenus tridentatus [occurrence summary] 2002  
253   Entosphenus tridentatus 11 km southwest of Nome 1973  
254   Eptatretus deani Albatross station 4235, off Square Island, Spacious Bay, Cleveland Peninsula    
255   Eptatretus deani Station 4238, off Nose Point, Revillagigedo Island    
256   Esox lucius Bonasila River, 3 mi from juncture w/ Yukon River 1957  
257   Eumicrotremus andriashevi Aleutian Islands 1994  
258   Eumicrotremus andriashevi Bering Sea, 63°05'N, 171°47'W, s. of St. Lawrence I., Alaska, U.S.A., 55-65 m.    
259   Eumicrotremus derjugini Bering Sea 1976  
260   Eumicrotremus orbis Aleutian Islands 1994  
261   Eumicrotremus orbis Aleutian Islands 1994  
262   Eumicrotremus orbis Aleutian Islands 1994  
263   Eumicrotremus orbis Aleutian Islands 1994  
264   Eumicrotremus orbis Aleutian Islands 1994  
265   Eumicrotremus orbis Aleutian Islands 1994  
266   Eumicrotremus orbis Bering Sea 1976  
267   Eumicrotremus orbis Bering Sea, 5 mi N of St George Island 1958  
268   Eumicrotremus orbis Eagle River Landing, NW of Juneau 1962  
269   Eumicrotremus orbis Great Sitkin Island: Yolk Bay 1958  
270   Eumicrotremus orbis Kachemak Bay area 1967  
271   Eumicrotremus orbis Unimak Pass, SW of Unimak Island 1964  
272   Eumicrotremus phrynoides Cook Inlet, Barren Islands 1963  
273   Eumicrotremus phrynoides Montague Strait, W of Montague Island 1963  
274   Gadus chalcogrammus Afognak Island, S arm of Izhur Bay 1968  
275   Gadus chalcogrammus Aleutian Islands 1994  
276   Gadus chalcogrammus Aleutian Islands 1994  
277   Gadus chalcogrammus Gulf of Alaska 1962  
278   Gadus chalcogrammus Kasitsna Bay 1966  
279   Gadus chalcogrammus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
280   Gadus chalcogrammus Peterson Bay 1967  
281   Gadus chalcogrammus Tutka Bay 1967  
282   Gadus chalcogrammus Tutka Bay 1967  
283   Gadus macrocephalus Adak Island: Pier #9, Adak Harbor 1953  
284   Gadus macrocephalus Bering Sea 1976  
285   Gadus macrocephalus Kodiak Island: middle Gurney Bay 1992  
286   Gadus macrocephalus Marmot Bay, Marmot Flats 1968  
287   Gadus macrocephalus Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
288   Gadus macrocephalus Unalaska Island: Dutch Harbor 1953  
289   Gasterosteus aculeatus estuary E of White Alice Site 1963  
290   Gasterosteus aculeatus Jakolof Bay 1967  
291   Gasterosteus aculeatus Kodiak Island: Women's Bay 1951  
292   Gasterosteus aculeatus Kvichak River, 4 mi below Lake Iliamna 1960  
293   Gasterosteus aculeatus Ocean Cape estuary 1963  
294   Gasterosteus aculeatus Yakutat, estuary at White Alice Station 1963  
295   Gasterosteus microcephalus Etolin Island: Kunk Lake 1957  
296   Glyptocephalus zachirus Gulf of Alaska 1976  
297   Glyptocephalus zachirus Gulf of Alaska 1976  
298   Glyptocephalus zachirus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
299   Glyptocephalus zachirus S Baranof Island: Port Conclusion 1971  
300   Glyptocephalus zachirus Yakutat, 37 mi W of Ocean Cape 1961  
301   Gymnelus hemifasciatus Gulf of Alaska 1976  
302   Gymnelus hemifasciatus Gulf of Alaska 1976  
303   Gymnocanthus galeatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
304   Gymnocanthus galeatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
305   Gymnocanthus galeatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
306   Gymnocanthus galeatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
307   Gymnocanthus galeatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
308   Gymnocanthus galeatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
309   Gymnocanthus galeatus Bering Sea 1976  
310   Gymnocanthus galeatus Bering Sea 1976  
311   Gymnocanthus galeatus Cold Bay 1968  
312   Gymnocanthus galeatus Dolgi Island: Dolgoi Harbor 1968  
313   Gymnocanthus galeatus Kasitsna Bay 1963  
314   Gymnocanthus galeatus Kasitsna Bay 1966  
315   Gymnocanthus galeatus Kodiak Island, 2.5 mi NE of Kodiak Harbor 1971  
316   Gymnocanthus galeatus Kodiak Island: Womens Bay 1968  
317   Gymnocanthus galeatus SW Shelter Island, 15 mi NW of Juneau 1963  
318   Gymnocanthus tricuspis Beaufort Sea, SW end of Herschel Island 1960  
319   Gyrinichthys minytremus North of Unalaska I., Aleutian Is., Alaska, 54°01'40"N, 166°48'50"W, Albatross sta. 3331, 350 fm.    
320   Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Adak Island: Pier #9, Adak Harbor 1953  
321   Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Aleutian Islands: Adak Island: Scabbard Bay 1947  
322   Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
323   Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
324   Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Salisbury Point, Gastineau Channel 1960  
325   Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Unalaska Island: Dutch Harbor 1953  
326   Hemilepidotus jordani [occurrence summary]    
327   Hemilepidotus jordani 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
328   Hemilepidotus jordani 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
329   Hemilepidotus jordani Aleutian Islands 1994  
330   Hemilepidotus jordani Aleutian Islands 1994  
331   Hemilepidotus jordani Aleutian Islands 1994  
332   Hemilepidotus jordani Aleutian Islands 1994  
333   Hemilepidotus jordani Aleutian Islands 1994  
334   Hemilepidotus jordani Bering Sea 1976  
335   Hemilepidotus jordani Bering Sea 1976  
336   Hemilepidotus jordani Gulf of Alaska 1962  
337   Hemilepidotus jordani Kachemak Bay area 1967  
338   Hemilepidotus jordani Kasitsna Bay 1966  
339   Hemilepidotus jordani Kasitsna Bay 1967  
340   Hemilepidotus jordani Kasitsna Bay 1967  
341   Hemilepidotus jordani Kodiak Island: Ugak Bay 1992  
342   Hemilepidotus jordani Kodiak Island: Uyak, Cormorant Rock 1992  
343   Hemilepidotus jordani Kodiak Shelf 1976  
344   Hemilepidotus jordani middle Kupreanor Island 1992  
345   Hemilepidotus jordani mouth of Sadic Cove 1963  
346   Hemilepidotus jordani Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
347   Hemilepidotus jordani Sitkinak Island: Cape Sitkinak 1992  
348   Hemilepidotus jordani Tugidak Island 1992  
349   Hemilepidotus jordani Tutka Bay 1963  
350   Hemilepidotus papilio Bering Sea 1976  
351   Hemilepidotus zapus Aleutian Islands 1994  
352   Hemilepidotus zapus Aleutian Islands 1994  
353   Hemilepidotus zapus Aleutian Islands 1994  
354   Hemilepidotus zapus Aleutian Islands 1994  
355   Hemitripterus bolini Aleutian Islands 1994  
356   Hemitripterus bolini Aleutian Islands 1994  
357   Hemitripterus bolini Bering Sea 1976  
358   Hemitripterus bolini Bering Sea 1975  
359   Hemitripterus bolini Kasitsna Bay 1963  
360   Hemitripterus bolini Unimak Pass 1964  
361   Hexagrammos decagrammus 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
362   Hexagrammos decagrammus Gulf of Alaska 1990  
363   Hexagrammos decagrammus Icy Strait, Lemesurier Island 1962  
364   Hexagrammos lagocephalus 0.25 mi N of RCA White Alice Site 1963  
365   Hexagrammos lagocephalus Adak Island: Pier #9, Adak Harbor 1953  
366   Hexagrammos lagocephalus Adak Island: Pier No. 9 1953  
367   Hexagrammos lagocephalus Aleutian Islands: Adak Island: Scabbard Bay 1947  
368   Hexagrammos lagocephalus Ankah Bridge 1963  
369   Hexagrammos lagocephalus near Unalaska Island 1958  
370   Hexagrammos lagocephalus Tugidak Island 1992  
371   Hexagrammos octogrammus Viekoda Island 1992  
372   Hexagrammos stelleri Dolgi Island: Dolgoi Harbor 1968  
373   Hexagrammos stelleri Kasitsna Bay 1966  
374   Hexagrammos stelleri Kasitsna Bay 1963  
375   Hexagrammos stelleri Kasitsna Bay 1967  
376   Hexagrammos stelleri Kasitsna Bay 1967  
377   Hexagrammos stelleri Kasitsna Bay 1967  
378   Hexagrammos stelleri Kodiak Island: middle Gurney Bay 1992  
379   Hexagrammos stelleri Stephen's Passage, Limestone Inlet 1967  
380   Hexagrammos stelleri Tutka Bay 1963  
381   Hexagrammos stelleri Viekoda Island 1992  
382   Hippoglossoides elassodon Afognak Island, S arm of Izhur Bay 1968  
383   Hippoglossoides elassodon Aleutian Islands 1994  
384   Hippoglossoides elassodon Aleutian Islands 1994  
385   Hippoglossoides elassodon Aleutian Islands 1994  
386   Hippoglossoides elassodon Dolgi Island: Dolgoi Harbor 1968  
387   Hippoglossoides elassodon Gulf of Alaska 1976  
388   Hippoglossoides elassodon Gulf of Alaska, near Kenai Peninsula 1962  
389   Hippoglossoides elassodon Kachemak Bay 1967  
390   Hippoglossoides elassodon Kasitsna Bay 1963  
391   Hippoglossoides elassodon Kasitsna Bay 1967  
392   Hippoglossoides elassodon Kodiak Shelf 1976  
393   Hippoglossoides elassodon Peterson Bay 1967  
394   Hippoglossoides elassodon Peterson Bay 1967  
395   Hippoglossoides elassodon Tutka Bay 1967  
396   Hippoglossoides elassodon Tutka Bay 1967  
397   Hippoglossoides elassodon Tutka Bay 1967  
398   Hippoglossoides elassodon Tutka Bay 1967  
399   Hippoglossoides robustus Bering Sea, 56°14'N, 164°08'W, Albatross sta. 3541, 49 fm.    
400   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
401   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
402   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
403   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
404   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
405   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
406   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
407   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
408   Hippoglossus stenolepis Aleutian Islands 1994  
409   Hippoglossus stenolepis Kachemak Bay 1967  
410   Hippoglossus stenolepis Kodiak Shelf 1976  
411   Hydrolagus colliei off the east side of Kodiak Island, Gulf of Alaska 1994  
412   Hypomesus olidus Bristol Bay: Kvichak Bay 1965  
413   Hypomesus olidus mouth of Wood River, Nushagak Bay 1960  
414   Hypomesus pretiosus Chignik Lagoon    
415   Hypsagonus quadricornis Aleutian Islands 1994  
416   Hypsagonus quadricornis Kodiak Island: Uyak, Cormorant Rock 1992  
417   Hypsagonus quadricornis Kodiak Shelf 1976  
418   Hypsagonus quadricornis Kodiak Shelf 1976  
419   Icelinus borealis Cook Inlet, NW of Barren Island 1963  
420   Icelinus borealis Gulf of Alaska 1976  
421   Icelinus borealis Kodiak Shelf 1976  
422   Icelinus borealis Kupreanov Island: Onion Bay 1992  
423   Icelinus borealis Marmot Island 1992  
424   Icelinus cavifrons Kodiak Shelf 1976  
425   Icelus canaliculatus Aleutian Islands 1994  
426   Icelus euryops Aleutian Islands 1994  
427   Icelus euryops Aleutian Islands 1994  
428   Icelus euryops Bristol Bay, Alaska, U.S.A., 53°33'50"N, 167°46'50"W, Albatross sta. 3324, 200 m.    
429   Icelus euryops Off Trinity I., Alaska, U.S.A., Albatross sta. 2853, 56°N, 154°20'W, 159 fm.    
430   Icelus spatula Kodiak Shelf 1976  
431   Icelus spiniger Alaska, U.S.A., 54°48'30"N, 165°49'00"W, Albatross sta. 3225, 85 fm.    
432   Icelus spiniger Bering Sea 1976  
433   Icelus spiniger Kodiak Shelf 1976  
434   Icelus uncinalis Aleutian Islands 1994  
435   Icelus uncinalis Near Attu I., Aleutian Is., Bering Sea, 52°55'40"N, 173°26'E, Albatross sta. 4784, 135 fm.    
436   Icichthys lockingtoni 10 mi S of Unalaska Island 1958  
437   Icichthys lockingtoni 9 mi S of Agattu Island 1958  
438   Lampanyctus jordani Alaska Trench, off Aleutian Islands 1958  
439   Lampanyctus jordani Aleutian Islands 1994  
440   Lampanyctus macdonaldi Aleutian Islands 1994  
441   Lampanyctus simulator Aleutian Islands 1994  
442   Lampetra richardsoni Bear Creek, Mitkof Island 1982  
443   Lampetra richardsoni McDonald Lake, on the Cleveland Peninsula north of Yes Bay 1907  
444   Lampetra richardsoni McDonald Lake, on the Cleveland Peninsula north of Yes Bay 1907  
445   Lepidopsetta bilineata Afognak Island: Kito Bay 1968  
446   Lepidopsetta bilineata Aleutian Islands 1994  
447   Lepidopsetta bilineata Aleutian Islands 1994  
448   Lepidopsetta bilineata Aleutian Islands: Kodiak Island 1962  
449   Lepidopsetta bilineata Baranof Island: Katlian Bay 1967  
450   Lepidopsetta bilineata Katlian Bay, Baranof Island: Cedar Cove 1967  
451   Lepidopsetta bilineata Kodiak Shelf 1976  
452   Lepidopsetta bilineata Lituya Bay, 5 mi SW of Harbor Bay 1961  
453   Lepidopsetta polyxystra Afognak Island: Kito Bay 1968  
454   Lepidopsetta polyxystra Aleutian Islands 1994  
455   Lepidopsetta polyxystra Kodiak Shelf 1976  
456   Lepidopsetta polyxystra St. Tersia's shrine, NW of Juneau 1963  
457   Leptagonus decagonus Aleutian Islands 1994  
458   Leptoclinus maculatus Afognak Island, S arm of Izhur Bay 1968  
459   Leptoclinus maculatus Bering Sea 1976  
460   Leptoclinus maculatus Coghlan Island, 12 mi NW of Juneau 1963  
461   Leptoclinus maculatus Cook Inlet, Kachemak Bay 1963  
462   Leptoclinus maculatus Juneau, A.J. Dock 1960  
463   Leptoclinus maculatus Kasitsna Bay 1967  
464   Leptoclinus maculatus Kodiak Island 1963  
465   Leptoclinus maculatus Kodiak Island: Alitak Bay 1992  
466   Leptoclinus maculatus Kodiak Island: Ugak Bay 1992  
467   Leptoclinus maculatus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
468   Leptoclinus maculatus Kodiak Shelf 1976  
469   Leptoclinus maculatus Kupreanov Island: Onion Bay 1992  
470   Leptoclinus maculatus middle Kupreanor Island 1992  
471   Leptoclinus maculatus Tutka Bay 1967  
472   Leptoclinus maculatus Tutka Bay 1967  
473   Leptocottus armatus Kasitsna Bay 1967  
474   Leptocottus armatus Prince William Sound, Olsen Bay 1965  
475   Leptocottus armatus Yakutat, estuary at White Alice Station 1963  
476   Lethenteron camtschaticum Yukon River: Tanana 1958  
477   Lethotremus muticus Aleutian Islands 1994  
478   Lethotremus muticus Aleutian Islands 1994  
479   Lethotremus muticus Aleutian Islands 1994  
480   Leuroglossus schmidti Aleutian Islands: SE of Umnak Island 1953  
481   Leuroglossus stilbius Gulf of Alaska 1990  
482   Limanda aspera Afognak Island: Kito Bay 1968  
483   Limanda aspera Aleutian Islands 1994  
484   Limanda aspera Aleutian Islands 1994  
485   Limanda aspera Aleutian Islands 1994  
486   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, Bering Shelf. 1975  
487   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, Bristol Bay 1979  
488   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, Kuskokwim Bay. 1979  
489   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, N of Pribilof Islands 1960  
490   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, Norton Sound. 1979  
491   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, Nunivak Island 1979  
492   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, St. Paul Island 1977  
493   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, Strogonof Pt. 1977  
494   Limanda aspera Bering Sea, Unimak Island. 1975  
495   Limanda aspera Bristol Bay, Bering Sea 1979  
496   Limanda aspera Cold Bay 1968  
497   Limanda aspera Dolgi Island: Dolgoi Harbor 1968  
498   Limanda aspera Gulf of Alaska, Chirikof Island. 1980  
499   Limanda aspera Gulf of Alaska, Kayak Island. 1980  
500   Limanda aspera Gulf of Alaska, Kodiak Island. 1980  
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cfm script by eagbayani, 06.01.99 ,  php script by mortiz, 14.07.10 ,  last modified by kbanasihan, 11.05.11