Photo(s) contributed by Daniel J. Faber
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n = 116
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Scientific Name Country Locality Date taken Picture
Ambloplites rupestris Canada Lac Heney 1979-07-01 Amrup_l0.gif
Ammodytes americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-05-01 Amame_l0.gif
Ammodytes americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-05-01 Amame_l1.gif
Anarhichas lupus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Anlup_l0.gif
Aspidophoroides monopterygius Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-05-01 Asmon_l2.gif
Aspidophoroides monopterygius Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-05-01 Asmon_l1.gif
Aspidophoroides olrikii Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-05-01 Ulolr_l1.gif
Aspidophoroides olrikii Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-05-01 Ulolr_l0.gif
Brosme brosme Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Brbro_l2.gif
Brosme brosme Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Brbro_l1.gif
Catostomus commersonii Canada South Bay, Lake Huron 1964-05-01 Cacom_l2.gif
Catostomus commersonii Canada South Bay, Lake Huron 1964-05-01 Cacom_l1.gif
Catostomus commersonii Canada South Bay, Lake Huron 1964-05-01 Cacom_l0.gif
Coregonus artedi Canada Lake Opeongo 1980-05-01 Coart_l0.gif
Coregonus clupeaformis Canada Lake Opeongo 1980-05-01 Coclu_l0.gif
Cottus bairdii Canada Lake Erie 1981-06-01 Cobai_l2.gif
Cottus bairdii Canada Lake Erie 1981-06-01 Cobai_l1.gif
Cottus bairdii Canada Lake Erie 1981-06-01 Cobai_l0.gif
Cottus ricei Canada Lac Heney 1979-05-01 Coric_l0.gif
Cottus ricei Canada Lac Heney 1979-05-01 Coric_l2.gif
Cottus ricei Canada Lac Heney 1979-05-01 Coric_l1.gif
Cryptacanthodes maculatus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Crmac_l0.gif
Culaea inconstans Canada Sarsparilla Pond, Ottawa 1979-06-01 Cuinc_l1.gif
Culaea inconstans Canada Sarsparilla Pond, Ottawa 1979-06-01 Cuinc_l0.gif
Culaea inconstans Canada Sarsparilla Pond, Ottawa 1979-06-01 Cuinc_l2.gif
Cyclopterus lumpus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-08-01 Cylum_l3.gif
Cyclopterus lumpus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-08-01 Cylum_l2.gif
Enchelyopus cimbrius Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Encim_l1.gif
Enchelyopus cimbrius Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Encim_l0.gif
Etheostoma exile Canada Lac Heney 1979-06-01 Etexi_l2.gif
Etheostoma exile Canada Lac Heney 1979-06-01 Etexi_l0.gif
Etheostoma exile Canada Lac Heney 1979-06-01 Etexi_l1.gif
Fundulus diaphanus Canada Lac Heney 1979-07-01 Fudia_l0.gif
Gasterosteus aculeatus Canada Boat Harbour 1971-07-01 Gaacu_l2.gif
Gasterosteus aculeatus Canada Boat Harbour 1971-07-01 Gaacu_l1.gif
Gasterosteus aculeatus Canada Boat Harbour 1971-07-01 Gaacu_l0.gif
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-08-01 Glcyn_l2.gif
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-08-01 Glcyn_l1.gif
Hemitripterus americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Heame_l1.gif
Hemitripterus americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Heame_l0.gif
Hippoglossoides platessoides Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Hipla_l2.gif
Hippoglossoides platessoides Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Hipla_l1.gif
Labidesthes sicculus Canada Lake Erie 1986-06-01 Lasic_l0.gif
Lepisosteus osseus Canada Shirleys Bay, Ottawa River 1980-06-01 Leoss_l0.gif
Lepomis gibbosus Canada Lac Heney 1981-07-01 Legib_l2.gif
Lepomis gibbosus Canada Lac Heney 1981-07-01 Legib_l1.gif
Lepomis gibbosus Canada Lac Heney 1981-07-01 Legib_l0.gif
Leptoclinus maculatus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Lemac_l3.gif
Leptoclinus maculatus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Lemac_l2.gif
Leptoclinus maculatus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Lemac_l1.gif
Limanda ferruginea Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-08-01 Lifer_l1.gif
Limanda ferruginea Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-08-01 Lifer_l0.gif
Pleuronectes putnami Canada Passamaquoddy Bay 1972-08-01 Plput_l1.gif
Pleuronectes putnami Canada Passamaquoddy Bay 1972-08-01 Plput_l0.gif
Lophius americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-08-01 Loame_l0.gif
Lota lota Canada Lake Opeongo 1979-05-01 Lolot_l0.gif
Lumpenus lampretaeformis Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1974-05-01 Lulum_l1.gif
Zoarces americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Zoame_l1.gif
Melanostigma atlanticum Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Meatl_l0.gif
Merluccius bilinearis Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Mebil_l1.gif
Merluccius bilinearis Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Mebil_l0.gif
Micropterus dolomieu Canada Lake Opeongo Midol_l2.gif
Micropterus dolomieu Canada Lake Opeongo Midol_l1.gif
Micropterus dolomieu Canada Lake Opeongo Midol_l0.gif
Myoxocephalus aenaeus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Myaen_l1.gif
Myoxocephalus aenaeus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Myaen_l0.gif
Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Myoct_l0.gif
Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Myoct_l1.gif
Myoxocephalus quadricornis Canada Tuktoyaktuk Harbour 1966-08-01 Trqua_l0.gif
Myoxocephalus scorpius Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Mysco_l2.gif
Myoxocephalus scorpius Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Mysco_l1.gif
Myoxocephalus thompsonii USA Lake Michigan 1964-05-01 Mytho_l1.gif
Myoxocephalus thompsonii USA Lake Michigan 1964-05-01 Mytho_l0.gif
Notemigonus crysoleucas Canada Lake Heney 1979-06-01 Nocry_l0.gif
Notropis atherinoides Canada Centre Creek, Lake Erie 1971-07-01 Noath_l0.gif
Notropis atherinoides Canada Centre Creek, Lake Erie 1971-07-01 Noath_l2.gif
Notropis atherinoides Canada Centre Creek, Lake Erie 1971-07-01 Noath_l1.gif
Notropis hudsonius Canada South Bay, Lake Huron 1965-06-01 Nohud_l0.gif
Osmerus mordax Canada Lake Erie 1981-05-01 Osmor_l2.gif
Osmerus mordax Canada Lake Erie 1981-05-01 Osmor_l1.gif
Osmerus mordax Canada Lake Erie 1981-05-01 Osmor_l0.gif
Perca flavescens Canada Lake Opeongo 1980-06-01 Pefla_l1.gif
Perca flavescens Canada Lake Opeongo 1980-06-01 Pefla_l0.gif
Perca flavescens Canada Lake Opeongo 1980-06-01 Pefla_l3.gif
Perca flavescens Canada Lake Opeongo 1980-06-01 Pefla_l2.gif
Percina caprodes Canada Lake Opinicon 1966-06-01 Pecap_l0.gif
Pholis gunnellus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Phgun_l1.gif
Pholis gunnellus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Phgun_l2.gif
Chrosomus eos Canada Sarsparilla Pond 1979-06-01 Pheos_l2.gif
Chrosomus eos Canada Sarsparilla Pond 1979-06-01 Pheos_l1.gif
Chrosomus eos Canada Sarsparilla Pond 1979-06-01 Pheos_l0.gif
Pimephales promelas USA Rhar's Pond, near Manitowoc 1962-06-01 Pipro_l0.gif
Pollachius virens Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-09-01 Povir_l1.gif
Pseudopleuronectes americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1974-05-01 Psame_l0.gif
Pseudopleuronectes americanus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1974-05-01 Psame_l1.gif
Pungitius pungitius Canada Eastmain River 1972-08-01 Pupun_l0.gif
Pungitius pungitius Canada Eastmain River 1972-08-01 Pupun_l2.gif
Pungitius pungitius Canada Eastmain River 1972-08-01 Pupun_l1.gif
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-05-01 Rehip_l1.gif
Scomber scombrus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1974-08-01 Scsco_l1.gif
Scomber scombrus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1974-08-01 Scsco_l2.gif
Scophthalmus aquosus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Scaqu_l1.gif
Scophthalmus aquosus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Scaqu_l0.gif
Sebastes norvegicus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Semar_l1.gif
Sebastes norvegicus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Semar_l0.gif
Stichaeus punctatus punctatus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-05-01 Stpun_l2.gif
Stichaeus punctatus punctatus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-05-01 Stpun_l1.gif
Sander vitreus Canada Centre Creek, Lake Erie 1981-05-01 Stvit_l0.gif
Tautogolabrus adspersus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Taads_l1.gif
Tautogolabrus adspersus Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1972-08-01 Taads_l0.gif
Triglops murrayi Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Trmur_l0.gif
Triglops murrayi Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-05-01 Trmur_l1.gif
Ulvaria subbifurcata Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-08-01 Ulsub_l1.gif
Ulvaria subbifurcata Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1975-08-01 Ulsub_l0.gif
Urophycis tenuis Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-08-01 Urten_l1.gif
Urophycis tenuis Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence 1973-08-01 Urten_l0.gif
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.May.1999 ,  php script by elaxamana, 01.June.2009 ,  last modified by elaxamana, 11:05 AM, 01.June.2009