Family Merlucciidae - Merluccid hakes
Order |
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Class |
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Actinopterygii |
No. in FishBase |
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Genera : 5 | Species : 24 Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes |
Environment |
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Fresh : No |
Brackish : No |
Marine : Yes |
Division |
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Marine |
Aquarium |
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none |
First Fossil Record |
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Oligocene |
Ref.. Berg, L.S. 1958 | |
Remark |
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Distribution: Atlantic, eastern Pacific, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Dorsal fins 2, except Lyconodes with one. Second dorsal fin and anal fin with a posterior notch. Chin barbel lacking. Small cycloid scales. Teeth present on head of vomer. Spinous first principal dorsal ray. Mouth large and terminal; long, pointed teeth in most species. A large V-shaped ridge appears on the upper side of the head. Pelvic fin rays 7-10. Branchiostegal rays 7. Pyloric caeca absent. Species of Merluccius are voracious predators inhabiting the continental shelf and upper slope. The three species of Macruronus live in large schools on the continental shelf in Subantarctic waters. |
Etymology |
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Latin, mare, maris = sea + Latin lucius = pike ( Ref. 45335). |
Reproductive guild |
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nonguarders |
Typical activity level |
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normal |
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Coordinator |
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Osteichthyes | Actinopterygii | Actinopteri | Neopterygii | Teleostei | Osteoglossocephalai | Clupeocephala | Euteleosteomorpha | Neoteleostei | Eurypterygia | Ctenosquamata | Acanthomorphata | Paracanthomorphacea | Zeiogadaria | Gadiformes | Gadoidei | Merlucciidae |
Important recommendation:
The list below must not be used as an authority reference synonymy list like those found in scientific published revisions, which must be the source to be used and cited eventually when they exist.
Rather, it reflects the current content of FishBase, and the progress with respect to synchronization with the Catalog of Fishes. However, we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in FishBase, to start new work on the family, or to cross-check with other lists.
But we appreciate to be cited in publications when this list has been of any working value. In particular, for published scientific, we suggest then to cite it in the Material and Method section as a useful tool to conduct the research, but again, not as a taxonomic or nomenclatural authority reference.
Unless it is explicitly precised, the list is not complete, please search all original names published for the family in the Catalog of Fishes (genera, species), including those with uncertain or unknown status, that are not included in FishBase when they are not attached to a valid species.
This list uses some data from Catalog of Fishes (not shown but used to sort names).
In the column CofF, the digit indicates the status of synchronization with CofF: 0: Not checked; 1: Same status; 2: Different status; 3: Other combination; 4: Synonym in CofF; 5: Species/Subspecies issue; 6: Synonym of another species in CofF; 7: Not in CofF; 8: Should not be in CofF. The CofF version currently used is the one published on 23-07-2014 (Ref. 97102).
The list ordered as follows:
Please send comments and corrections if you detect errors or missing names.
Scientifc name | Status | Senior/Junior synonym | Combination | CofF |
Merlucciinae | ||||
Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gadus merluccius Linnaeus, 1758 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gadus byrkelange Walbaum, 1792 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Molva byrkelange (Walbaum, 1792) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gadus ruber Lacepède, 1803 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Merluccius smiridus Rafinesque, 1810 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Onus riali Rafinesque, 1810 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Merlucius esculentus Risso, 1827 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius esculentus Risso, 1827 | synonym | junior | original | |
Merluccius vulgaris Fleming, 1828 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Hydronus marlucius Minding, 1832 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Hidronus marlucius Minding, 1832 | synonym | junior | original | |
Merlucius sinuatus Swainson, 1838 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Merlucius ambiguus Lowe, 1841 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius ambiguus Lowe, 1841 | ambiguous | questionable | original | |
! Merluccius ambiguous Lowe, 1841 | ambiguous | questionable | original | |
Merlucius lanatus Gronow, 1854 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius argentatus Günther, 1862 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius linnei Malm, 1877 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Trachinoides moroccanus Borodin, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Trachinoides maroccanus Borodin, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | |
Merluccius merluccius lessepsianus Lloris, Matallanas & Oliver, 2003 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Onus guttatus (non Collett, 1890) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchill, 1814) | accepted | senior | new | |
Stomodon bilinearis Mitchill, 1814 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius vulgaris (non Fleming, 1828) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Merluccius albidus (Mitchill, 1818) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gadus albidus Mitchill, 1818 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Merluccius magnoculus Ginsburg, 1954 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius bilinearis (non Mitchill, 1814) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Merluccius vulgaris (non Fleming, 1828) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Merluccius gayi gayi (Guichenot, 1848) | accepted | senior | new | |
Merlus gayi Guichenot, 1848 | synonym | senior | original | 5 |
Epicopus gayi (Guichenot, 1848) | synonym | senior | new | |
Merluccius gayi (Guichenot, 1848) | accepted | senior | new | |
Merluccius productus (Ayres, 1855) | accepted | senior | new | |
Merlangus productus Ayres, 1855 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Homalopomus trowbridgii Girard, 1856 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius capensis Castelnau, 1861 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius capensis capensis Castelnau, 1861 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Merluccius merluccius capensis Castelnau, 1861 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Merluccius vulgaris (non Fleming, 1828) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Merluccius australis (Hutton, 1872) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gadus australis Hutton, 1872 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Merlangius australis (Hutton, 1872) | synonym | senior | new | |
Merluccius gayi australis (Hutton, 1872) | synonym | senior | new | |
Merluccius polylepis Ginsburg, 1954 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius australis polylepis Ginsburg, 1954 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Merluccius gayi polylepis Ginsburg, 1954 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Merluccius gayi hubbsi (non Marini, 1933) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank | |
Merluccius angustimanus Garman, 1899 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Merluccius angusticeps Hildebrand, 1946 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius gayi (non Guichenot, 1848) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius gayi hubbsi Marini, 1933 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Merluccius merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Merluccius bilinearis (non Mitchill, 1814) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Merluccius gayi (non Guichenot, 1848) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Merluccius polli Cadenat, 1950 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius merluccius polli Cadenat, 1950 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Merluccius cadenati Doutre, 1960 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Merluccius merluccius cadenati Doutre, 1960 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Merluccius senegalensis Cadenat, 1950 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius merluccius senegalensis Cadenat, 1950 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Merluccius gayi peruanus Ginsburg, 1954 | accepted | senior | original | 5 |
! Merluccius gayi peruvianus Ginsburg, 1954 | synonym | senior | original | |
Merluccius gayi (non Guichenot, 1848) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Merluccius paradoxus Franca, 1960 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Merluccius capensis paradoxus Franca, 1960 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Merluccius merluccius paradoxus Franca, 1960 | synonym | senior | change in species | |
Merluccius hernandezi Mathews, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius patagonicus Lloris & Matallanas, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius tasmanicus Matallanas & Lloris, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Merluccius gayi (non Guichenot, 1848) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Merluccius australis (non Hutton, 1872) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Macruronus novaezelandiae (Hector, 1871) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coryphaenoides novaezelandiae Hector, 1871 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Macruronus novaezealandiae (Hector, 1871) | synonym | senior | new | |
Coryphaenoides tasmaniae Johnston, 1883 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Macruronus magellanicus Lönnberg, 1907 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Macrouronus magellanicus Lönnberg, 1907 | synonym | senior | original | |
Macruronus argentinae Lahille, 1915 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Macruronus novae-zelandiae (non Hector, 1871) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Macruronus capensis Davies, 1950 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Macruronus maderensis Maul, 1951 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lyconus pinnatus Günther, 1887 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lyconus brachycolus Holt & Byrne, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Macruronus brachycolus (Holt & Byrne, 1906) | synonym | senior | new | |
Macruronus caninus Maul, 1951 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Lyconodes argenteus Gilchrist, 1922 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Steindachneriinae | ||||
Steindachneria argentea Goode & Bean, 1896 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Steinachneria argentea Goode & Bean, 1896 | synonym | senior | original |