Family Gobiidae - Gobies
Order |
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Class |
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Actinopterygii |
No. in FishBase |
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Genera : 258 | Species : 1771 Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes |
Environment |
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Fresh : Yes |
Brackish : Yes |
Marine : Yes |
Division |
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Marine |
Aquarium |
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many |
First Fossil Record |
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Remark |
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Chiefly marine and brackish, some species are catadromous. Often the most abundant fish in freshwater on oceanic islands. Distribution: mostly tropical and subtropical areas. Pelvic fins fused into an adhesive disc, when well developed. Spinous dorsal present or absent; when present with 2-8 flexible spines and discontinuous with soft dorsal. Cycloid or ctenoid scales almost always present. Prominent head barbels present in some species. To 50 cm maximum length; most species below 10 cm. The largest family of marine fishes (possibly > 2,000). The smallest fishes (and vertebrates) in the world belong to this family. Mostly marine in shallow coastal waters and around coral reefs. Most are cryptic bottom dwelling carnivores of small benthic invertebrates; others are planktivores. Some species have symbiotic relationships with invertebrates (e.g. shrimps) and others are known to remove ecto-parasites from other fishes. Typically nest spawners with non-spherical eggs guarded by the male. Many are popular aquarium fishes. The following subfamilies are recognized: Oxudercinae, Amblyopinae, Sicydiinae, Gobionellinae and Gobiinae.
Reported to have 230 genera and around 1,500 species by Hoese and Larson, 2006 (Ref. 75154).
Oxudercinae are elongate gobiid fishes, compressed posteriorly; cycloid scales and vary in size from small to large; predorsal scales 0 or as many as 113; head is small to moderate (15-34% SL); eyes located dorsally on head; moderate to wide gape; caninoid teeth, obtusely pointed, or bifid, and uniserialin both jaws (Ref. 92840)
Amblyopinae are elongate, mud-dwelling fishes of the Indo-West Pacific region commonly reffered to as "eel gobies" or "worm gobies"; 12 genera and 23 species are currently recognized; usual colors are pink, purple or red; continuous dorsal fin; first spinous and second soft dorsal fins connected by membrane; eyes reduced in size and may have limited function; subdivided into three units based on axial skeletal features: 'Gobioides', 'Taenioides', and 'Trypauchen' (Ref. 92840).
Sicydiinae pelvic fins are highly modified into rounded sucking disc; disc has highly branched pelvic fin rays and thickened pelvic fin spines with fleshy pad at distal tip; thick interspinal frenum joins posterior tips of left and right pelvic spines; pelvic spines and first ray separated from remaining four pelvic rays by distinct gap; premaxilla expanded dorsally; small rostral cartilage; palatine bone with long dorsal process that articulates with lateral ethmoid; 4-5 branchiostegal rays; one epural bone and dorsal pterygiophore formula 3-12210 (Ref. 92840).
Gobionellinae is characterized by two anterior interorbital pores, two epurals and 3-12210 spinous dorsal pterygiophore pattern (Pezold 1993); possess 25-28 vertebrae and 2 or 3 (occasionally 4) anal pterygiophores before first hemal spine; temperate northern Pacific gobionellines are characterized by a prolifiration of vertebrae however, having counts as high as 42 in some species; two other groups proposed as monophyletic: Mugilogobius group and Stenogobius group (Larson 2001) (Ref. 92840).
Males have a unique paired, secretory, accessory gonadal structures (AGS) associated with the testis which is now recognized as a synapomorphy not only for the Gobiidae (Ref. 50987) but for all Gobioidei (Ref. 103907) (Ref. 103904).
Tribe Gobiosomatini - ecologically diverse and species rich assemblage of gobies; endemic to western hemisphere; common name American seven-spined gobies; includes over 130 species of gobies in 27 genera (Van Tassell 2011; Van Tassell et al. 2012); occur from Massachusetts to Uruguay in the western Atlantic Ocean, and from the Pacific coast of southern Baja California and Gulf of California to Peru, including far-offshore islands (Isla del
Cocos, Isla Malpelo, Galapagos) in the eastern Pacific Ocean (Ref. 95098). |
Etymology |
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Latin, gobius = goby ( Ref. 45335). |
Reproductive guild |
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guarders |
Typical activity level |
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normal |
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Coordinator |
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Osteichthyes | Actinopterygii | Actinopteri | Neopterygii | Teleostei | Osteoglossocephalai | Clupeocephala | Euteleosteomorpha | Neoteleostei | Eurypterygia | Ctenosquamata | Acanthomorphata | Euacanthomorphacea | Percomorphaceae | Gobiomorpharia | Gobiiformes | Gobioidei | Gobiidae |
Important recommendation:
The list below must not be used as an authority reference synonymy list like those found in scientific published revisions, which must be the source to be used and cited eventually when they exist.
Rather, it reflects the current content of FishBase, and the progress with respect to synchronization with the Catalog of Fishes. However, we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in FishBase, to start new work on the family, or to cross-check with other lists.
But we appreciate to be cited in publications when this list has been of any working value. In particular, for published scientific, we suggest then to cite it in the Material and Method section as a useful tool to conduct the research, but again, not as a taxonomic or nomenclatural authority reference.
Unless it is explicitly precised, the list is not complete, please search all original names published for the family in the Catalog of Fishes (genera, species), including those with uncertain or unknown status, that are not included in FishBase when they are not attached to a valid species.
This list uses some data from Catalog of Fishes (not shown but used to sort names).
In the column CofF, the digit indicates the status of synchronization with CofF: 0: Not checked; 1: Same status; 2: Different status; 3: Other combination; 4: Synonym in CofF; 5: Species/Subspecies issue; 6: Synonym of another species in CofF; 7: Not in CofF; 8: Should not be in CofF. The CofF version currently used is the one published on 23-07-2014 (Ref. 97102).
The list ordered as follows:
Please send comments and corrections if you detect errors or missing names.
Scientifc name | Status | Senior/Junior synonym | Combination | CofF |
Wuhanlinigobius malayensis Huang, Zeehan & Chen, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiinae | ||||
Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius jozo Linnaeus, 1758 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius niger jozo Linnaeus, 1758 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
! Gobius iozo Linnaeus, 1758 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius gorgione Rafinesque, 1810 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius viridis Otto, 1821 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius longiradiatus Risso, 1827 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius brittanicus Thompson, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius fuliginosus McCoy, 1841 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius jozo pontica Kessler, 1859 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius jozo albescens Canestrini, 1862 | ambiguous | other | original | 1 |
Gobius jozo nigrescens Canestrini, 1862 | ambiguous | other | original | 1 |
Gobius punctulatus Cocco, 1884-85 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius jozo minor Kolombatovic, 1891 | ambiguous | other | original | 1 |
Gobius jozo major Kolombatovic, 1891 | ambiguous | other | original | 1 |
Gobius niger hispanicus de Buen, 1928 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius niger nigerrimus de Buen, 1928 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius nebulosus (non Forsskål, 1775) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius quadricapillus (non Pallas, 1814) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius paganellus Linnaeus, 1758 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius paganellus (Linnaeus, 1758) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius bicolor Gmelin, 1789 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius capito Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius punctipinnis Canestrini, 1862 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius capitonellus Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius albosignatus Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius niger ß (non Linnaeus, 1758) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius tropicus Osbeck, 1765 | provisionally accept | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius cruentatus Gmelin, 1789 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius rubens Rafinesque, 1810 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 1 |
Gobius auratus Risso, 1810 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eleotris auratus (Risso, 1810) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius paganellus auratus Risso, 1810 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Gobius auratus luteus Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius luteus Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Gobius cobitis Pallas, 1814 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Macrogobius cobitis (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius guttatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius limbatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius algarbiensis de Brito Capello, 1880 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius spilogonurus Cocco, 1885 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius exanthematosus gibbosus Ninni, 1938 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius niger (non Linnaeus, 1758) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
! Gobius exanthematicus (non Pallas, 1811) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius exanthematosus (non Pallas, 1814) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius capito (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius paganellus capito (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius geniporus Valenciennes, 1837 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius cruentatus geniporus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius arenae Bath, 1972 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius bontii Bleeker, 1849 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius bontii (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Drombus bontii (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Acentrogobius bonti (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius hypselosoma Bleeker, 1867 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus hypselosoma (Bleeker, 1867) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius nigripinnis Valenciennes, 1837 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Gobius isognathus Bleeker, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius melanopterus Bleeker, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius ocellaris (non Broussonet, 1782) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
! Awavus ocellaris (non Broussonet, 1782) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Chonophorus ocellaris (non Broussonnet, 1782) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius leucomelas Peters, 1868 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius bucchichi Steindachner, 1870 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobius bucchichii Steindachner, 1870 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Gobius buchichii Steindachner, 1870 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobius lynx Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius serotinus Sarato, 1891 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius koseirensis Klunzinger, 1871 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius vittatus Vinciguerra, 1883 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius ater Bellotti, 1888 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius balearicus Lozano-Rey, 1919 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius fallax Sarato, 1889 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius auratus ruginosa Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius strictus Fage, 1907 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cabotia schmidti de Buen, 1930 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius assoi de Buen, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius senegambiensis Metzelaar, 1919 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius roulei de Buen, 1928 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius rubropunctatus Delais, 1951 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius scorteccii Poll, 1961 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius couchi Miller & El-Tawil, 1974 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius gasteveni Miller, 1974 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius niger (non Linnaeus, 1758) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius auratus (non Risso, 1810) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius xanthocephalus Heymer & Zander, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius kolombatovici Kova?i? & Miller, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius ateriformis Brito & Miller, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius tetrophthalmus Brito & Miller, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius incognitus Kova?i? & Sanda, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon rivulatus (Rüppell, 1830) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius rivulatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon rivulatus rivulatus (Rüppell, 1830) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobiodon riculatus (Rüppell, 1830) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius coryphaenula Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon albolineatus Smith, 1959 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobiodon citrinus (non Rüppell, 1838) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobiodon ceramensis (non Bleeker, 1853) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius ceramensis (non Bleeker, 1853) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobiodon histrio (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius histrio Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon verticalis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon quinquestrigatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius quinquestrigatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon citrinus (Rüppell, 1838) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius citrinus Rüppell, 1838 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon hypselopterus Bleeker, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon ceramensis (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ceramensis Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon heterospilos Bleeker, 1856 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon micropus Günther, 1861 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon reticulatus Playfair, 1867 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon unicolor (Castelnau, 1873) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ellerya unicolor Castelnau, 1873 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Elleya unicolor Castelnau, 1873 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobiodon erythrospilus Bleeker, 1875 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius douglasi Saville-Kent, 1893 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon histrio (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobiodon axillaris De Vis, 1884 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon atrangulatus Garman, 1903 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon fulvus Herre, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon spilophthalmus Fowler, 1944 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon albofasciatus Sawada & Arai, 1972 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon okinawae Sawada, Arai & Abe, 1972 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon multilineatus Wu, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon oculolineatus Wu, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon acicularis Harold & Winterbottom, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon brochus Harold & Winterbottom, 1999 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon prolixus Winterbottom & Harold, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon sp. 3 DFH Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon winterbottomi Suzuki, Yanao & Senou, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon aoyagii Shibukawa, Suzuki & Aizawa, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon sp Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon rivulatus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobiodon rivulatus rivulatus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank | |
Gobiodon erythrospilus (non Bleeker, 1875) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobiodon ater Herler, Bogorodsky & Suzuki, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon bilineatus Herler, Bogorodsky & Suzuki, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon fuscoruber Herler, Bogorodsky & Suzuki, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon sp. 5 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon sp. D Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiodon unicolor (non Castelnau, 1873) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobiodon irregularis Herler, Bogorodsky & Suzuki, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiosoma bosc (Lacepède, 1800) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius bosc Lacepède, 1800 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobiosoma bosci (Lacepède, 1800) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma molestum Girard, 1858 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma paradoxum (Günther, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius paradoxus Günther, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma paradoxa (Günther, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma seminudum (Günther, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius seminudus Günther, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Enypnias seminudus (Günther, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma hemigymnum (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius hemigymnus Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Garmannia hemigymna (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma parri Ginsburg, 1933 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Austrogobius parri (Ginsburg, 1933) | synonym | junior | new | |
Garmannia parri (Ginsburg, 1933) | synonym | junior | new | |
Garmannia mediocricula Ginsburg, 1942 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma chiquita (Jenkins & Evermann, 1889) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius chiquita Jenkins & Evermann, 1889 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma ginsburgi Hildebrand & Schroeder, 1928 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma nudum (Meek & Hildebrand, 1928) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gerhardinus nudus Meek & Hildebrand, 1928 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma longipala Ginsburg, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma robustum Ginsburg, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma aceras (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Enypnias aceras Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Gobiosoma hildebrandi (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia hildebrandi Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma homochroma (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia homochroma Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma spes (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia spes Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobiosoma spec (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma spilotum (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia spilota Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma spilota (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma schultzi (Ginsburg, 1944) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia schultzi Ginsburg, 1944 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma grosvenori (Robins, 1964) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia grosvenori Robins, 1964 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma yucatanum Dawson, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma alfiei Joyeux & Macieira, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma hemigymnum (non Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobiosoma parri (non Ginsburg, 1933) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobiosoma spilotum (non Ginsburg, 1939) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobiopsis macrostoma Steindachner, 1861 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Gobiopsis macrostomus Steindachner, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Gobius macrostoma (Steindachner, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius planifrons Day, 1873 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis planifrons (Day, 1873) | synonym | junior | new | |
Pogonogobius planifrons (Day, 1873) | synonym | junior | new | |
Barbatogobius asanai Koumans, 1941 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis arenaria (Snyder, 1908) | accepted | senior | new | |
Hetereleotris arenarius Snyder, 1908 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis quinquecincta (Smith, 1931) | accepted | senior | new | |
Pipidonia quinquecincta Smith, 1931 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Papidonia quinquecinta Smith, 1931 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobiopsis atrata (Griffin, 1933) | accepted | senior | new | |
Callogobius atratus Griffin, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis malekulae (Herre, 1935) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius malekulae Herre, 1935 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis bravoi (Herre, 1940) | accepted | senior | new | |
Macgregorella bravoi Herre, 1940 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis pinto (Smith, 1947) | accepted | senior | new | |
Abranches pinto Smith, 1947 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis angustifrons Lachner & McKinney, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis aporia Lachner & McKinney, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 1 |
Gobiopsis canalis Lachner & McKinney, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis woodsi Lachner & McKinney, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis exigua Lachner & McKinney, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis springeri Lachner & McKinney, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiopsis namnas Shibukawa, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius, 1779) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius flavescens Fabricius, 1779 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus flavescens (Fabricius, 1779) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius flauescens Fabricius, 1779 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobius ruuthensparri Euphrasen, 1786 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius ruthensparri Euphrasen, 1786 | synonym | junior | original | |
! Gobius rvvthensparri Euphrasen, 1786 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobulus crescentalis (Gilbert, 1892) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma crescentalis Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobulus hancocki Ginsburg, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobulus myersi Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobulus meyersi Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobulus birdsongi Hoese & Reader, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Aphia minuta (Risso, 1810) | accepted | senior | new | |
Atherina minuta Risso, 1810 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Aphya minuta (Risso, 1810) | synonym | senior | new | |
Argentina aphia Rafinesque, 1810 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius pellucidus Nardo, 1824 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Aphya pellucida (Nardo, 1824) | synonym | junior | new | |
Brachyochirus pellucidus (Nardo, 1824) | synonym | junior | new | |
Aphia meridionalis Risso, 1827 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius albus Parnell, 1831-37 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius stuvitzii Düben, 1845 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius stuwitzii Düben, 1845 | synonym | junior | original | |
Brachyochirus aphya Bonaparte, 1846 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius pellucidus Kessler, 1859 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Asterropteryx semipunctata Rüppell, 1830 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Asterropterix semipunctatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Asteropteryx semipunctatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Asterropterix semipunctata Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Asterropteryx semipunctatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Prioolepis auriga Ehrenberg, 1871 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Priolepis auriga Ehrenberg, 1871 | synonym | junior | original | |
Eleotris miniatus Seale, 1901 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Asterropterix semipunctatus quisqualis Whitley, 1932 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Asterropterix eumeces Pietschmann, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiomorphus hypselopteryx Pietschmann, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiomorphus robustus Pietschmann, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Asterropteryx ensifera (Bleeker, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Brachyeleotris ensifera Bleeker, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Asterropterix ensiferus (Bleeker, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Asterropteryx ensiferus (Bleeker, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Asterropteryx ensifer (Bleeker, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Asterropteryx spinosa (Goren, 1981) | accepted | senior | new | |
Oplopomus spinosus Goren, 1981 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Asterropteryx spinosus (Goren, 1981) | synonym | senior | new | |
Asterropteryx bipunctata Allen & Munday, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Asterropteryx bipunctatus Allen & Munday, 1995 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Asterropteryx striata Allen & Munday, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Asterropteryx striatus Allen & Munday, 1995 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Asterropterix striata Allen & Munday, 1995 | synonym | senior | original | |
Asterropteryx atripes Shibukawa & Suzuki, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Asterropteryx ovata Shibukawa & Suzuki, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Asterropteryx senoui Shibukawa & Suzuki, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus macrocephalus (Pallas, 1787) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius macrocephalus Pallas, 1787 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus stellatus (Sauvage, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Doliichthys stellatus Sauvage, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Bentophilus stellatus (Sauvage, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Benthophilus macrocephalus maeotica Kuznetsov, 1888 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Benthophilus monstrosus Kuznetsov, 1888 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus macrocephalus nudus (non Berg, 1898) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Benthophilus macrocephalus ponticus (non Berg, 1916) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Benthophilus baeri Kessler, 1877 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus ctenolepidus Kessler, 1877 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus granulosus Kessler, 1877 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus grimmi Kessler, 1877 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus grimmi grimmi Kessler, 1877 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Benthophilus leptocephalus Kessler, 1877 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus leptorhynchus Kessler, 1877 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus spinosus Kessler, 1877 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus nudus Berg, 1898 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Benthophilus macrocephalus nudus Berg, 1898 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Benthophilus macrocephalus ponticus Berg, 1916 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus kessleri Berg, 1927 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Benthophilus grimmi kessleri Berg, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Benthophilus magistri Iljin, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus macrocephalus magistri Iljin, 1927 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Benthophilus leobergius Berg, 1949 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Benthophilus stellatus leobergius Berg, 1949 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Benthophilus leobergi Berg, 1949 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Benthophilus mahmudbejovi Ragimov, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus casachicus Ragimov, 1978 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Benthophilus stellatus casachicus Ragimov, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Benthophilus svetovidovi Pinchuk & Ragimov, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus durrelli Boldyrev & Bogutskaya, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Benthophilus ragimovi Boldyrev & Bogutskaya, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus cryptocentrus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cryptocentrus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus meleagris Ehrenberg, 1837 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus fasciatus Ehrenberg, 1871 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus octofasciatus (non Regan, 1908) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Cryptocentrus lutheri (non Klausewitz, 1960) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Cryptocentrus caeruleopunctatus (Rüppell, 1830) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius caeruleopunctatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius pavoninus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus niveatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius niveatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus pavoninoides (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius pavoninoides Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus russus (Cantor, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius russus Cantor, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Tomiyamichthys russus (Cantor, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cyanotaenia Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus polyophthalmus (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius polyophthalmus Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Cryptocentrus melanopus (Bleeker, 1860) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius melanopus Bleeker, 1860 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus (non Bleeker, 1876) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Cryptocentrus fasciatus (Playfair, 1867) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma fasciatum Playfair, 1867 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus leucostictus (Günther, 1872) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius leucostictus Günther, 1872 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus diproctotaenia Bleeker, 1876 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Bleeker, 1876 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Smilogobius obliquus Herre, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus obliquus (Herre, 1934) | synonym | junior | new | |
Smilogobius singapurensis Herre, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus singapurensis (Herre, 1936) | synonym | junior | new | |
Cryptocentrus strigilliceps (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | accepted | senior | new | |
Mars strigilliceps Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Obtortiophagus koumansi Whitley, 1933 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus koumansi (Whitley, 1933) | synonym | junior | new | |
Cryptocentrus octofasciatus Regan, 1908 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Cryptocentrus octafasciatus Regan, 1908 | synonym | senior | original | |
Cryptocentrus pretiosus (Rendahl, 1924) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius pretiosus Rendahl, 1924 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus cebuanus Herre, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus leonis Smith, 1931 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus sericus Herre, 1932 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus (Herre, 1933) | accepted | senior | new | |
Mars caeruleomaculatus Herre, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius culionensis Herre, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus inexplicatus (Herre, 1934) | accepted | senior | new | |
Smilogobius inexplicatus Herre, 1934 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus cinctus (Herre, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
Smilogobius cinctus Herre, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus flavus (non Yanagisawa, 1978) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Cryptocentrus yatsui Tomiyama, 1936 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus maudae Fowler, 1937 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Cryptocentrus maude Fowler, 1937 | synonym | senior | original | |
Cryptocentrus wehrlei Fowler, 1937 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus callopterus Smith, 1945 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus bulbiceps (Whitley, 1953) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentroides bulbiceps Whitley, 1953 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus insignitus (Whitley, 1956) | accepted | senior | new | |
Batman insignitus Whitley, 1956 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus shigensis Kuroda, 1956 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus malindiensis (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Iotogobius malindiensis Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus lutheri Klausewitz, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus albidorsus (Yanagisawa, 1978) | accepted | senior | new | |
Mars albidorsus Yanagisawa, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus flavus Yanagisawa, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus nigrocellatus (Yanagisawa, 1978) | accepted | senior | new | |
Mars nigrocellatus Yanagisawa, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus tentaculatus Hoese & Larson, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus cyanospilotus Allen & Randall, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Cryptocentrus sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Cryptocentrus sp. A Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Cryptocentrus sp. C Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Cryptocentrus multicinctus Allen & Randall, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia (non Bleeker, 1853) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Oplopomus oplopomus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius oplopomus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Opolomus opolomus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Oplopomus caninoides (Bleeker, 1852) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius caninoides Bleeker, 1852 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis semidoliata (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius semidoliatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Zonogobius semidoliatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Priolepis semidoliatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Zonogobius semidokiatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius semifasciatus Kner, 1868 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Quisquilius eugenius (non Jordan & Evermann, 1903) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Priolepis nuchifasciata (Günther, 1873) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nuchifasciatus Günther, 1873 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis nuchifasciatus (Günther, 1873) | synonym | senior | new | |
Zonogobius nuchifasciatus (Günther, 1873) | synonym | senior | new | |
Cremornea francoisi Whitley, 1962 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Priolepis eugenius (Jordan & Evermann, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius eugenius Jordan & Evermann, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis farcimen (Jordan & Evermann, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiopterus farcimen Jordan & Evermann, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis cincta (Regan, 1908) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiomorphus cinctus Regan, 1908 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Quisquilius cinctus (Regan, 1908) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Priolepis cinctus (Regan, 1908) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblygobius naraharae Snyder, 1908 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Priolepis naraharae (Snyder, 1908) | synonym | junior | new | |
Zonogobius naraharae (Snyder, 1908) | synonym | junior | new | |
Pleurogobius boulengeri Seale, 1910 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cingulogobius boulengeri (Seale, 1910) | synonym | junior | new | |
Hetereleotris eugenius (non Jordan & Evermann, 1903) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Quisquilius eugenius (non Jordan & Evermann, 1903) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Priolepis boreus (Snyder, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Zonogobius boreus Snyder, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis profunda (Weber, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Priolepis sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Quisquilius profundus Weber, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Quisquilus profundus Weber, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | |
Quisquilius eugenius (non Jordan & Evermann, 1903) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Priolepis hipoliti (Metzelaar, 1922) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius hipoliti Metzelaar, 1922 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Quisquilius hipoliti (Metzelaar, 1922) | synonym | senior | new | |
Priolepis inhaca (Smith, 1949) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius inhaca Smith, 1949 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Quisquilius inhaca (Smith, 1949) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Priolepis inhace (Smith, 1949) | synonym | senior | new | |
Priolepis nocturna (Smith, 1957) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius nocturnus Smith, 1957 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis anthioides (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius anthioides Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis aureoviridis (Gosline, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius aureoviridis Gosline, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis limbatosquamis (Gosline, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius limbatosquamis Gosline, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis compita Winterbottom, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis semidoliatus (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Priolepis ascensionis (Dawson & Edwards, 1987) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius ascensionis Dawson & Edwards, 1987 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis dawsoni Greenfield, 1989 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Prioleps dawsoni Greenfield, 1989 | synonym | senior | original | |
Priolepis squamogena Winterbottom & Burridge, 1989 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis robinsi Garzón-Ferreira & Acero P., 1991 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis aithiops Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis fallacincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis randalli Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis sticta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis agrena Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis ailina Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis kappa Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis latifascima Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis semidoliatus (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Priolepis pallidicincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Priolepis pallidocincta Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | synonym | senior | original | |
Priolepis psygmophilia Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis RW sp. 20 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Priolepis sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Priolepis triops Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis vexilla Winterbottom & Burridge, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis goldshmidtae Goren & Baranes, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis winterbottomi Nogawa & Endo, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis akihitoi Hoese & Larson, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Priolepis RW sp. 8 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Priolepis sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Priolepis cyanocephala Hoese & Larson, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea strigata (Broussonet, 1782) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius strigatus Broussonet, 1782 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Eleotriodes strigatus (Broussonet, 1782) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienea strigata (Broussonet, 1782) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienna strigata (Broussonet, 1782) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valenciennea strigatus (Broussonet, 1782) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiomorus taiboa Lacepède, 1800 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea strigata arcusbranchiae Fowler, 1946 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea muralis (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris muralis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Eleotroides muralis (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienna muralis (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eleotris trabeatus Richardson, 1843 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eleotris lineata Castelnau, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eleotris nigrifilis Ogilby, 1897 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea aruensis Ogilby, 1910 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea sexguttata (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris sexguttata Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Eleotriodes sexguttatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienea sexguttata (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valenciennea sexguttatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eleotris lantzii Thominot, 1878 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Salarigobius stuhlmannii Pfeffer, 1893 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea violifera Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eleotriodes pallidus Klausewitz, 1960 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris longipinnis Lay & Bennett, 1839 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Calleleotris longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eleotriodes longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienea longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienna longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valenciennae longipinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valenciennea longispinnis (Lay & Bennett, 1839) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eleotris ikeineur Montrouzier, 1857 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eleotris lineatooculatus Kner, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Eleotris lineooculatus Kner, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | |
Eleotris taeniura Macleay, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotriodes helsdingenii Bleeker, 1858 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Calleleotris helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858) | synonym | senior | new | |
Valenciennesia helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Eleotriodes helsdingeni Bleeker, 1858 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Valenciennea helsdingeni (Bleeker, 1858) | synonym | senior | new | |
Valenciennea wardii (Playfair, 1867) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris wardii Playfair, 1867 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea wardi (Playfair, 1867) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Calleleotris wardi (Playfair, 1867) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Eleotroides wardi (Playfair, 1867) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienna wardii (Playfair, 1867) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eleotris ellioti Day, 1888 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea phaeochalina Tanaka, 1917 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea nigromaculata Herre, 1932 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea puellaris (Tomiyama, 1956) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotriodes puellaris Tomiyama, 1956 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Eleotrioides puellaris Tomiyama, 1956 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Valencienea puellaris (Tomiyama, 1956) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Valencienna puellaris (Tomiyama, 1956) | synonym | senior | new | |
Valenciennea immaculata (Ni, 1981) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotriodes immaculatus Ni, 1981 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Valencienna immaculata (Ni, 1981) | synonym | senior | new | |
Valenciennea alleni Hoese & Larson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea bella Hoese & Larson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea decora Hoese & Larson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea limicola Hoese & Larson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea parva Hoese & Larson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea persica Hoese & Larson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea randalli Hoese & Larson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Valenciennea sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton, 1822) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius giuris Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius giuris (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
Glossogobius giuris giuris (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Glossigobius giuris (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Glossogabius giuris (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Glossogobius giurus (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Glossogobius guirus (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius giurus Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobius gutum Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous gutum (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | junior | new | |
Glossogobius gutum (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius russelii Cuvier, 1829 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius russelli Cuvier, 1829 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius catebus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius kora Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius kurpah Sykes, 1839 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius phaiospilosoma Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius phiopsilosoma Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius sublitus Cantor, 1849 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius spectabilis Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Euctenogobius striatus Day, 1868 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius striatus (Day, 1868) | ambiguous | homonym | new | |
Gobius grandidierii Playfair, 1868 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius grandidieri Playfair, 1868 | synonym | junior | original | |
Glossogobius tenuiformis Fowler, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius celebius (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius kokius (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius platycephalus (non Richardson, 1846) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Glossogobius celebius (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius celebius Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Glossogobius celebensis (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Glossogobius kokius (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius kokius Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius filosus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius filosus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | junior | new | |
Glossogobius olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius olivaceus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius obscuripinnis (Peters, 1868) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius obscuripinnis Peters, 1868 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius giurus obscuripinnis (Peters, 1868) | synonym | senior | new | |
Glossogobius circumspectus (Macleay, 1883) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius circumspectus Macleay, 1883 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius concavifrons (Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius concavifrons Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius bicirrhosus (Weber, 1894) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius bicirrhosus Weber, 1894 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Illana bicirrhosa (Weber, 1894) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Illana bicirrhosus (Weber, 1894) | synonym | senior | new | |
Illana cacabet Smith & Seale, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius matanensis (Weber, 1913) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius matanensis Weber, 1913 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius koragensis Herre, 1935 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius callidus (Smith, 1937) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius callidus Smith, 1937 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius gulosus Girard, 1858 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Glossogobius giuris (non Hamilton, 1822) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius giuris (non Hamilton, 1822) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Glossogobius flavipinnis (Aurich, 1938) | accepted | senior | new | |
Stupidogobius flavipinnis Aurich, 1938 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius intermedius Aurich, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius giuris (non Hamilton, 1822) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Glossogobius brunnoides (Nichols, 1951) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius brunnoides Nichols, 1951 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius asaro Whitley, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius bulmeri Whitley, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius aureus Akihito & Meguro, 1975 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius sparsipapillus Akihito & Meguro, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius hoesei Allen & Boeseman, 1982 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius minutus Geevarghese & John, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius coatesi Hoese & Allen, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius torrentis Hoese & Allen, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius ankaranensis Banister, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius bellendenensis Hoese & Allen, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius muscorum Hoese & Allen, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius robertsi Hoese & Allen, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius clitellus Hoese & Allen, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius illimis Hoese & Allen, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius munroi Hoese & Allen, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius mahalonensis Hoese, Hadiaty & Herder, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lophogobius cyprinoides (Pallas, 1770) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cyprinoides Pallas, 1770 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lophogobius bleekeri Popta, 1921 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lophogobius cristulatus Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus glaucofraenum Gill, 1863 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus tortugae (Jordan, 1904) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius tortugae Jordan, 1904 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus personatus (Jordan & Thompson, 1905) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eviota personata Jordan & Thompson, 1905 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus urospilus Ginsburg, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus alloides Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus dicrus Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Coriphopterus dicrus Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | synonym | senior | original | |
Coryphopterus eidolon Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus punctipectophorus Springer, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus thrix Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus hyalinus Böhlke & Robins, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Coryphopterus hialinus Böhlke & Robins, 1962 | synonym | senior | original | |
Coryphopterus lipernes Böhlke & Robins, 1962 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus venezuelae Cervigón, 1966 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Coryphopterus glaucofraenum venezuelae Cervigón, 1966 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Coryphopterus bol Victor, 2008 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus kuna Victor, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Crystallogobius linearis (Düben, 1845) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius linearis Düben, 1845 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius nilssonii Düben & Koren, 1846 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Crystallogobius nilssonii (Düben & Koren, 1846) | synonym | junior | new | |
Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius quadrimaculatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius scagioctus Nardo, 1847 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius quadrimaculatus trimaculatus Ninni, 1938 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius quadrimaculatus quinquemaculatus Ninni, 1938 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius quinquemaculatus Ninni, 1938 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Deltentosteus collonianus (Risso, 1820) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius collonianus Risso, 1820 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Deltentosteus colonianus (Risso, 1820) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius lichtensteinii Steindachner & Kolombatovic, 1883 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Deltentosteus lichtensteinii (Steindachner & Kolombatovic, 1883) | synonym | junior | new | |
Ophiogobius jenynsi Hoese, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius ophicephalus Jenyns, 1842 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ophiogobius ophicephalus (Jenyns, 1842) | synonym | junior | new | |
Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius minutus Pallas, 1770 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus minutus minutus (Pallas, 1770) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius gracilis Jenyns, 1835 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Gobius unipunctatus Parnell, 1838 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius ekstromii Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius elongatus Canestrini, 1862 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus minutus elongatus (Canestrini, 1862) | ambiguous | homonym | new | |
Gobius gracilis Cabrera, Pérez & Haenseler, 1868 | synonym | other | original | 2 |
Gobius cobitiformis Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius taalmankipii Hubrecht, 1877 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius minutus major Heincke, 1880 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius minutus guitelli Le Danois, 1913 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Risso, 1810) | accepted | senior | new | |
Atherina marmorata Risso, 1810 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius marmoratus (Risso, 1810) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius reticulatus Valenciennes, 1837 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Gobius leopardinus Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus microps leopardinus (Nordmann, 1840) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius rhodopterus Günther, 1861 | ambiguous | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius ferrugineus Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Syrrhothonus charrieri Chabanaud, 1933 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus quagga (Heckel, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius quagga Heckel, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius microps Krøyer, 1838 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius microps microps Krøyer, 1838 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Pomatoschistus microps microps (Krøyer, 1838) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius pusillus Lowe, 1874 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Gobius minutus minor Heincke, 1880 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius parnelli Day, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius laticeps Moreau, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius microps puckensis Lawacz, 1965 | ambiguous | other | original | 1 |
Pomatoschistus knerii (Steindachner, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius knerii Steindachner, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Pomatoschistus kneri (Steindachner, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Pomatoschistus pictus (Malm, 1865) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius pictus Malm, 1865 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus pictus pictus (Malm, 1865) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius rhodopterus Günther, 1861 | ambiguous | junior | original | |
Gobius affinis Kolombatovic, 1891 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus pictus adriaticus Miller, 1973 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius reticulatus (non Eichwald, 1831) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius minutus minor (non Heincke, 1880) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Pomatoschistus canestrinii (Ninni, 1883) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius canestrinii Ninni, 1883 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobius canestrini Ninni, 1883 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Pomatoschistus canestrini (Ninni, 1883) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius jadrensis Giglioli, 1883 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus norvegicus (Collett, 1902) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius minutus norvegicus Collett, 1902 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius elongatus (non Canestrini, 1862) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Pomatoschistus lozanoi (de Buen, 1923) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius minutus lozanoi de Buen, 1923 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus tortonesei Miller, 1969 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus bathi Miller, 1982 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus montenegrensis Miller & Sanda, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lophiogobius ocellicauda Günther, 1873 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Paragobiodon echinocephalus (Rüppell, 1830) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius echinocephalus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius amiciensis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Paragobiodon melanosoma (non Bleeker, 1852) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius melanosoma (non Bleeker, 1853) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Paragobiodon melanosomus (non Bleeker, 1853) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Paragobiodon melanosomus (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius melanosoma Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Paragobiodon melaosomus (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Paragobiodon xanthosoma (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius xanthosoma Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Paragobiodon xanthosomus (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Paragobiodon echinocephalus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Paragobiodon modestus (Regan, 1908) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiopterus modestus Regan, 1908 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Paragobiodon echinocephalus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Paragobiodon lacunicolus (Kendall & Goldsborough, 1911) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ruppellia lacunicola Kendall & Goldsborough, 1911 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Paragobiodon lacunicola (Kendall & Goldsborough, 1911) | synonym | senior | new | |
Paragobiodon kasaii Suzuki & Randall, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius viridipunctatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius viridipunctatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius viridipunctatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius sealei (Smith, 1831) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius chlorostigma Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Creisson sealei Smith, 1931 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nebulosus Forsskål, 1775 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Ctenogobius nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775) | synonym | senior | new | |
Yongeichthys nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius brevifilis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius baliuroides Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius baliuroides (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius petersii Steindachner, 1866 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius petersenii (Steindachner, 1866) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius auchenotaenia Bleeker, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius caninus var. africana Playfair, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius caninus africanus Playfair, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius festivus De Vis, 1884 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius lungi Jordan & Seale, 1907 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius criniger decaryi Pellegrin, 1932 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius caninus (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Acentrogobius caninus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius caninus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amoya caninus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius caninus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Yongeichthys caninus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Radigobius caninus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius philipi Tirant, 1883 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius philippi Tirant, 1883 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius zanzibarensis Liénard, 1891 | ambiguous | questionable | original | |
Acentrogobius chlorostigmatoides (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius chlorostigmatoides Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amoya chlorostigmatoides (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Creisson chlorostigmatoides (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius atripinnatus (non Smith, 1931) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Rhinogobius atripinnatus (non Smith, 1931) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Acentrogobius cyanomos (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cyanomos Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Aulopareia cyanomos (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius janthinopterus (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius janthinopterus Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amoya janthinopterus (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Creisson janthinopterus (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius pflaumii (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius pflaumii Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amoya pflaumii (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Acanthogobius pflaumi (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Acentrogobius pflaumi (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Amoya pflaumi (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Rhinogobius pflaumi (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius masoni (Day, 1873) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius masoni Day, 1873 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius griseus (Day, 1876) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius griseus Day, 1876 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius simplex (Sauvage, 1880) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius simplex Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius ferox Smith, 1959 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius viganensis (Steindachner, 1893) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius viganensis Steindachner, 1893 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Aboma viganensis (Steindachner, 1893) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amoya viganensis (Steindachner, 1893) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius moloanus (Herre, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Aparrius moloanus Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amoya moloanus (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius moloanus (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Amoya moloana (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Mindorogobius lopezi Herre, 1945 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amoya lopezi (Herre, 1945) | synonym | junior | new | |
Acentrogobius multifasciatus (Herre, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius multifasciatus Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amoya multifasciata (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius multifasciatus (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius suluensis (Herre, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius suluensis Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amoya suluensis (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius suluensis (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius dayi Koumans, 1941 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius audax Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius therezieni Kiener, 1963 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius simplex (non Sauvage, 1880) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius simplex (non Sauvage, 1880) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Acentrogobius ennorensis Menon & Rema Devi, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius pellidebilis Lee & Kim, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius cenderawasih Allen & Erdmann, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris periophthalma (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris periophthalmus Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris periophthalmus (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrops exilis Smith, 1958 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris maculata Yanagisawa, 1976 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris fontanesii (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius fontanesii Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris fontanesi (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus fontanesi (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblyeleotris gymnocephala (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius gymnocephalus Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus gymnocephalus (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblyeleotris guttata (Fowler, 1938) | accepted | senior | new | |
Pteroculiops guttatus Fowler, 1938 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris fasciata (Herre, 1953) | accepted | senior | new | |
Zebreleotris fasciata Herre, 1953 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Amblyeleotris fasciatus (Herre, 1953) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblyeleotris katherine Randall, 2004 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris japonica Takagi, 1957 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Amblyeleotris japonicus Takagi, 1957 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Amblyeleotris delicatulus Smith, 1958 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris sungami (Klausewitz, 1969) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus sungami Klausewitz, 1969 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris steinitzi (Klausewitz, 1974) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus steinitzi Klausewitz, 1974 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris aurora (Polunin & Lubbock, 1977) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus aurora Polunin & Lubbock, 1977 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris wheeleri (Polunin & Lubbock, 1977) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus wheeleri Polunin & Lubbock, 1977 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis Yanagisawa, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese & Steene, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris callopareia Polunin & Lubbock, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris diagonalis Polunin & Lubbock, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris latifasciata Polunin & Lubbock, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris macronema Polunin & Lubbock, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris rhyax Polunin & Lubbock, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris novaecaledoniae Goren, 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris cephalotaenius (Ni, 1989) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus cephalotaenius Ni, 1989 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris downingi Randall, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris triguttata Randall, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris masuii Aonuma & Yoshino, 1996 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris yanoi Aonuma & Yoshino, 1996 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Amblyeleotris sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Amblyeleotris arcupinna Mohlmann & Munday, 1999 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris melanocephala Aonuma, Iwata & Yoshino, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris harrisorum Mohlmann & Randall, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris marquesas Mohlmann & Randall, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata Mohlmann & Randall, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris bellicauda Randall, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris biguttata Randall, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris ellipse Randall, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris sp. 20 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Amblyeleotris stenotaeniata Randall, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris sp. 4 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Amblyeleotris bleekeri Chen, Shao & Chen, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris neumanni Randall & Earle, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris taipinensis Chen, Shao & Chen, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris morishitai Senou & Aonuma, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris neglecta Jaafar & Randall, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius sphynx Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Ambligobius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius deilus Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius rubrotaeniatus Liénard, 1891 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius stagon Smith, 1947 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius albimaculatus (Rüppell, 1830) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius albimaculatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobius albomaculatus (Rüppell, 1830) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius papilio Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius quinqueocellatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius vonbondei Smith, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius albimaculatus semicinctus (non Bennett, 1833) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Amblygobius semicinctus (non Bennett, 1833) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius semicinctus (non Bennett, 1833) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Amblygobius phalaena (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius phalaena (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
! Gobius semicirculatus (non Bennett, 1933) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Amblygobius semicinctus (Bennett, 1833) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius semicinctus Bennett, 1833 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius phalaena (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius phalaena Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Amblygobius phaelena (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Amblygobius phalaene (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius annulatus De Vis, 1884 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius bynoensis (Richardson, 1844) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius bynoensis Richardson, 1844 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Apocryptes lineatus Alleyne & Macleay, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Apocryptes bivittatus Macleay, 1878 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius stethophthalmus (Bleeker, 1851) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius stethophthalmus Bleeker, 1851 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius decussatus (Bleeker, 1855) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius decussatus Bleeker, 1855 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Amblygobius decussates (Bleeker, 1855) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblygobius sewardii (Playfair, 1867) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius sewardii Playfair, 1867 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius buanensis Herre, 1927 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Amblygobius perpusillus buanensis Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Amblygobius linki Herre, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius esakiae Herre, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyeleotris esakiae (Herre, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblygobius nocturnus (Herre, 1945) | accepted | senior | new | |
Yabotichthys nocturnus Herre, 1945 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Amblygobius nocturnes (Herre, 1945) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobiops klausewitzi Goren, 1978 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius klausewitzi (Goren, 1978) | synonym | junior | new | |
Amblygobius tekomaji (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Seychellea tekomaji Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Seychellia tekomaji Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | |
Amblygobius magnusi (Klausewitz, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Biat magnusi Klausewitz, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblycentrus magnusi (Klausewitz, 1968) | synonym | senior | new | |
Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker, 1851) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris hasseltii Bleeker, 1851 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Callogobius hasselti (Bleeker, 1851) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius hasseltii Bleeker, 1851 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Macgregorella moroana Seale, 1910 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Callogobius mucosus (Günther, 1872) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius mucosus Günther, 1872 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Mucogobius gobiosoma Whitley, 1931 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner, 1879) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris sclateri Steindachner, 1879 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Metagobius sclateri (Steindachner, 1879) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Callogobius scaleri (Steindachner, 1879) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Callogobius scalteri (Steindachner, 1879) | synonym | senior | new | |
Callogobius depressus (Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius depressus Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gunnamatta insolita Whitley, 1928 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Callogobius okinawae (Snyder, 1908) | accepted | senior | new | |
Doryptena okinawae Snyder, 1908 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Macgregorella intonsa Herre, 1927 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Callogobius tanegasimae (Snyder, 1908) | accepted | senior | new | |
Doryptena tanegasimae Snyder, 1908 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius centrolepis Weber, 1909 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius maculipinnis (Fowler, 1918) | accepted | senior | new | |
Drombus maculipinnis Fowler, 1918 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Intonsagobius kuderi Herre, 1943 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Intonsagobius vanclevei Herre, 1950 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Drombus irrasus Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Callogobius irrasus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Callogobius producta (Herre, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Galera producta Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius liolepis Koumans, 1931 | accepted | senior | original | 1 |
Callogobius snelliusi Koumans, 1953 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Callogobius snelliuri Koumans, 1953 | synonym | senior | original | |
Callogobius bifasciatus (Smith, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Mucogobius bifasciatus Smith, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Drombus clarki Goren, 1978 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Callogobius clarki (Goren, 1978) | synonym | junior | new | |
Callogobius flavobrunneus (Smith, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Mucogobius flavobrunneus Smith, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius plumatus (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Drombus plumatus Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius seshaiyai Jacob & Rangarajan, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eleotris seshaiya (Jacob & Rangarajan, 1960) | synonym | senior | new | |
Callogobius melanoptera (non Visweswara Rao, 1971) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Callogobius andamanensis Menon & Chatterjee, 1974 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius clitellus McKinney & Lachner, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Callogobius clittelus McKinney & Lachner, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | |
Callogobius hastatus McKinney & Lachner, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius stellatus McKinney & Lachner, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius bauchotae Goren, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius dori Goren, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius crassus McKinney & Lachner, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius amikami Goren, Miroz & Baranes, 1991 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius nigromarginatus Chen & Shao, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Callogobius sheni Chen, Chen & Fang, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gymneleotris seminuda (Günther, 1864) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris seminudus Günther, 1864 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gymneleotris seminudus (Günther, 1864) | synonym | senior | new | |
Hetereleotris diademata (Rüppell, 1830) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius diadematus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lioteres simulans Smith, 1958 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris vulgaris (Klunzinger, 1871) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma vulgare Klunzinger, 1871 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris vulgare (Klunzinger, 1871) | synonym | senior | new | |
Hetereleotris zonata (Fowler, 1934) | accepted | senior | new | |
! Leioeleotris zonatus Fowler, 1934 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Hetereleotris zonatus (Fowler, 1934) | synonym | senior | new | |
Hetereleotris diadematus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Hetereleotris poecila (Fowler, 1946) | accepted | senior | new | |
Riukiuia poecila Fowler, 1946 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris caminata (Smith, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Lioteres caminatus Smith, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris kenyae Smith, 1958 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris nebulofasciata (Smith, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Chriolepidops nebulofasciatus Smith, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris tentaculata (Smith, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
! Dactyleleotris tentaculatus Smith, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Hetereleotris tentaculatus (Smith, 1958) | synonym | senior | new | |
Hetereleotris zanzibarensis (Smith, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Satulinus zanzibarensis Smith, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Monishia oculata Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris bipunctata Tortonese, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris apora (Hoese & Winterbottom, 1979) | accepted | senior | new | |
Lioteres aporus Hoese & Winterbottom, 1979 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris margaretae Hoese, 1986 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris vinsoni Hoese, 1986 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepidops nebulofasciatus (non Smith, 1958) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Hetereleotris georgegilli Gill, 1998 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris readerae Hoese & Larson, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pascua readerae (Hoese & Larson, 2005) | synonym | senior | new | |
Hetereleotris exilis Shibukawa, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris psammophila Kova?i? & Bogorodsky, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Heterogobius chiloensis (Guichenot, 1848) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius chiloensis Guichenot, 1848 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Mesogobius batrachocephalus (Pallas, 1814) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius batrachocephalus Pallas, 1814 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius batrachocephalus (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Mesogobius nigronotatus (Kessler, 1877) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nigronotatus Kessler, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Mesogobius nonultimus (Iljin, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nonultimus Iljin, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Parachaeturichthys polynema (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Chaeturichthys polynema Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius polynema (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Prachaeturichthys palynema (Bleeker, 1853) | synonym | senior | new | |
Parachaeturichthys ocellatus (Day, 1873) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ocellatus Day, 1873 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Porogobius schlegelii (Günther, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius schlegelii Günther, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius schlegelii (Günther, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Coronogobius schlegeli (Günther, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius pappenheimi Ahl, 1925 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 1 |
Microgobius signatus Poey, 1876 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Microgobius signathus Poey, 1876 | synonym | senior | original | |
Microgobius gulosus (Girard, 1858) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius gulosus Girard, 1858 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius emblematicus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius emblematicus Jordan & Gilbert, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius thalassinus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1883) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius thalassinus Jordan & Gilbert, 1883 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius cyclolepis Gilbert, 1890 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius meeki Evermann & Marsh, 1899 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius miraflorensis Gilbert & Starks, 1904 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius tabogensis Meek & Hildebrand, 1928 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius erectus Ginsburg, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius brevispinis Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius curtus Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Microgobius curtis Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | |
Microgobius microlepis Longley & Hildebrand, 1940 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius carri Fowler, 1945 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius crocatus Birdsong, 1968 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius urraca Tornabene, van Tassell & Robertson, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lebetus scorpioides (Collett, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius scorpioides Collett, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius orca Collett, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Lebetus orca (Collett, 1874) | synonym | junior | new | |
Lebetus guilleti (Le Danois, 1913) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius scorpioides guilleti Le Danois, 1913 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius scorpioides (non Collett, 1874) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Lebetus scorpioides (non Collett, 1874) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Bathygobius fuscus (Rüppell, 1830) | accepted | senior | new | |
Bathygobius fuscus fuscus Ruppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Gobius fuscus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius fuscus fuscus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Gobius punctillatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius nebulopunctatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius obscurus Peters, 1855 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius samberanoensis Bleeker, 1867 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Bathygobius samberanoensis (Bleeker, 1867) | ambiguous | questionable | new | |
! Bathygobius sambiranoensis (Bleeker, 1867) | ambiguous | questionable | new | |
! Gobius samberanensis Bleeker, 1867 | ambiguous | questionable | original | |
! Gobius sambiranoensis Bleeker, 1867 | ambiguous | questionable | original | |
Gobius vergeri Bleeker, 1867 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Bathygobius vergeri (Bleeker, 1867) | ambiguous | questionable | new | |
Stenogobius vergeri (Bleeker, 1867) | ambiguous | questionable | new | |
Gobius darnleyensis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius nigripinnis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Gobius marginalis De Vis, 1884 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius coalitus (non Bennett, 1832) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius albopunctatus (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius elegans (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius soporator (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Ctenogobius meggitti (non Hora & Mukerji, 1936) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Bathygobius coalitus (Bennett, 1832) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius coalitus Bennett, 1832 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Bathygobius coalitue (Bennett, 1832) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius albopunctatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius albopunctatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Bathygobius albpunctatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius padangensis Bleeker, 1851 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius padangensis (Bleeker, 1851) | synonym | junior | new | |
Bathygobius fuscus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Bathygobius punctillatus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Bathygobius cyclopterus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cyclopterus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius nox Bleeker, 1851 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius nox (Bleeker, 1851) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius variabilis Steindachner, 1901 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius varius Steindachner, 1901 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Mapo mearnsi Evermann & Seale, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius mearnsi (Evermann & Seale, 1906) | synonym | junior | new | |
Mapo crassiceps Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius crassiceps (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | synonym | junior | new | |
Bathygobius laoe Roxas & Ablan, 1940 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius soporator (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius soporator Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Mapo soporator (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Bathygobius soprator (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius humeralis Duméril, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius fuscus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Bathygobius burtoni (non O'Shaughnessy, 1875) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius burtoni (non O'Shaugnessy, 1875) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Bathygobius lineatus (Jenyns, 1841) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lineatus Jenyns, 1841 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius lineatus lineatus (Jenyns, 1841) | synonym | senior | new | |
Bathygobius lineatus lupinus Ginsburg, 1847 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius arundelii Garman, 1899 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius arundelii (Garman, 1899) | synonym | junior | new | |
Bathygobius ramosus (non Ginsburg, 1947) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank | |
Bathygobius petrophilus (Bleeker, 1853) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius petrophilus Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius cocosensis (Bleeker, 1854) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cocosensis Bleeker, 1854 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius homocyanus Vaillant & Sauvage, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius sandvicensis Günther, 1880 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius corallinus Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius ophthalmicus Weber, 1909 | synonym | junior | original | 9 |
Gobius elmeri Herre, 1940 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius fuscus pulcher Fowler, 1945 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Chlamydes versicolor Fowler, 1945 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius versicolor (Fowler, 1945) | synonym | junior | new | |
Bathygobius fuscus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Bathygobius lacertus (Poey, 1860) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lacertus Poey, 1860 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Bathygobius krefftii (Steindachner, 1866) | accepted | senior | new | |
! Gobius kreftii Steindachner, 1866 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Bathygobius kreffti (Steindachner, 1866) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Bathygobius kreftii (Steindachner, 1866) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius flavidus Macleay, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius watkinsoni De Vis, 1884 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Bathygobius burtoni (O'Shaughnessy, 1875) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius burtoni O'Shaughnessy, 1875 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius cotticeps (Steindachner, 1879) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cotticeps Steindachner, 1879 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chlamydes laticeps Jenkins, 1903 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Chlamydes leytensis Herre, 1927 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius fuscus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Bathygobius andrei (Sauvage, 1880) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius andrei Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius andrei andrei (Sauvage, 1880) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius andraei Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | senior | original | |
Bathygobius andrei heteropoma Ginsburg, 1947 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius casamancus (Rochebrune, 1880) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius casamancus Rochebrune, 1880 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius congoensis Sauvage, 1884 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius lateristriga (non Duméril, 1861) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Bathygobius aeolosoma (Ogilby, 1889) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius aeolosoma Ogilby, 1889 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius panayensis (Jordan & Seale, 1907) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius panayensis Jordan & Seale, 1907 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius ostreicola (Chaudhuri, 1916) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ostreicola Chaudhuri, 1916 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Paragobiopsis ostreicola (Chaudhuri, 1916) | synonym | senior | new | |
Paragobiopsis orbicularis Visweswara Rao, 1971 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Bathygobius orbicularis (Visweswara Rao, 1971) | ambiguous | questionable | new | |
Bathygobius curacao (Metzelaar, 1919) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius curacao Metzelaar, 1919 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius curacao lepidopoma Ginsburg, 1947 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Bathygobius laddi (Fowler, 1931) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius laddi Fowler, 1931 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius meggitti (Hora & Mukerji, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius meggitti Hora & Mukerji, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius blancoi Roxas & Ablan, 1940 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius mystacium Ginsburg, 1947 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius ramosus Ginsburg, 1947 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Bathygobius ramosus ramosus Ginsburg, 1947 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Bathygobius ramosus curticeps Ginsburg, 1947 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius ramosus micromma Ginsburg, 1947 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius ramosus longipinnis Ginsburg, 1947 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius longipinnis Ginsburg, 1947 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Bathygobius niger (Smith, 1960) | accepted | senior | new | |
Pyosicus niger Smith, 1960 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius fishelsoni Goren, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius hongkongensis Lam, 1986 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius karachiensis Hoda & Goren, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius smithi Fricke, 1999 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius antilliensis Tornabene, Baldwin & Pezold, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius geminatus Tornabene, Baldwin & Pezold, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Barbulifer ceuthoecus (Jordan & Gilbert, 1884) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma ceuthoecum Jordan & Gilbert, 1884 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Barbulifer pantherinus (Pellegrin, 1901) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma pantherinum Pellegrin, 1901 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma spiritisancti Wade, 1946 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Barbulifer antennatus Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Barbulifer mexicanus Hoese & Larson, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Barbulifer enigmaticus Joyeux, van Tassell & Macieira, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bollmannia chlamydes Jordan, 1890 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bollmannia macropoma Gilbert, 1892 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Bollmania macropoma Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Bollmannia ocellata Gilbert, 1892 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Bollmania ocellata Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Bollmannia longipinnis Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Bollmannia longipinnus Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | |
! Bollmannia longpinnus Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | |
! Bollmania pawneea Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bollmannia pawneea Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | |
Bollmannia stigmatura Gilbert, 1892 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Bollmania stigmatura Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Bollmannia eigenmanni (Garman, 1896) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius eigenmanni Garman, 1896 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bollmannia boqueronensis Evermann & Marsh, 1899 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bollmannia jeannae Fowler, 1941 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Bollmannia litura Ginsburg, 1935 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Bollmania litura Ginsburg, 1935 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Bollmannia marginalis Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Bollmania marginalis Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Bollmannia umbrosa Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Bollmania umbrosa Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Bollmannia communis Ginsburg, 1942 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bollmannia gomezi Acero P., 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis minutillus Gilbert, 1892 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis minutilla Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Chirolepis minutillus Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Chriolepis minutilus Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | |
Chriolepis semisquamata (Rutter, 1904) | accepted | senior | new | |
Pycnomma semisquamatum Rutter, 1904 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis zebra Ginsburg, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Chirolepis zebra Ginsburg, 1938 | synonym | senior | original | |
Chriolepis roosevelti (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Pycnomma roosevelti Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis fisheri Herre, 1942 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis benthonis Ginsburg, 1953 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis tagus Ginsburg, 1953 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Chirolepis tagus Ginsburg, 1953 | synonym | senior | original | |
Chriolepis lepidota Findley, 1975 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Chriolepis lepidotus Findley, 1975 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Chirolepis lepidota Findley, 1975 | synonym | senior | original | |
Chriolepis vespa Hastings & Bortone, 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis cuneata Bussing, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Chirolepis cuneata Bussing, 1990 | synonym | senior | original | |
Chriolepis dialepta Bussing, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Chirolepis dialepta Bussing, 1990 | synonym | senior | original | |
Chriolepis atrimelum Bussing, 1997 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis atrimela Bussing, 1997 | synonym | senior | original | |
Chriolepis bilix Hastings & Findley, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Aboma etheostoma Jordan & Starks, 1895 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma etheostoma (Jordan & Starks, 1895) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma polyporosum Dawson, 1969 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Evermannia zosterura (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma zosterurum Jordan & Gilbert, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannia longipinnis (Steindachner, 1879) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma longipinne Steindachner, 1879 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannia panamensis Gilbert & Starks, 1904 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannia erici Bussing, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus dalli (Gilbert, 1890) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius dalli Gilbert, 1890 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Microgobius cinctus Nichols, 1952 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus zebra (Gilbert, 1890) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius zebra Gilbert, 1890 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus gilberti (Heller & Snodgrass, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius gilberti Heller & Snodgrass, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus rhizophora (Heller & Snodgrass, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius rhizophora Heller & Snodgrass, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus mowbrayi (Bean, 1906) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius mowbrayi Bean, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus crocodilus (Beebe & Tee-Van, 1928) | accepted | senior | new | |
Leptophilypnus crocodilus Beebe & Tee-Van, 1928 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus pulchellus Ginsburg, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus heterochroma Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Lytrhypnus heterochroma Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | |
Lythrypnus elasson Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus nesiotes Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Lythypnus nesiotes Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | synonym | senior | original | |
Lythrypnus phorellus Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus spilus Böhlke & Robins, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus okapia Robins & Böhlke, 1964 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus solanensis Acero P., 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus brasiliensis Greenfield, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus minimus Garzón & Acero P., 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus alphigena Bussing, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus cobalus Bussing, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus insularis Bussing, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lythrypnus lavenbergi Bussing, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Caffrogobius nudiceps (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nudiceps Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus nudiceps (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius capensis Castelnau, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius gilchristi (non Boulenger, 1898) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Caffrogobius caffer (Günther, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius caffer Günther, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus caffer (Günther, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius nudiceps (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Caffrogobius natalensis (Günther, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius natalensis Günther, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus natalensis (Günther, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amoya nudiceps (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius nudiceps (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Chonophorus melanocephalus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius melanocephalus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius gymnauchen (non Bleeker, 1860) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius malabaricus (non Day, 1865) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Caffrogobius gilchristi (Boulenger, 1898) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius gilchristi Boulenger, 1898 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius multifasciatus Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Caffrogobius multifasciatus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Coryphopterus multifasciatus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius multifasciatus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius nudiceps (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Caffrogobius agulhensis (Barnard, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius agulhensis Barnard, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus agulhensis (Barnard, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Nematogobius agulhensis (Barnard, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Caffrogobius saldanha (Barnard, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius saldanha Barnard, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius saldanha (Barnard, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius saldanha (Barnard, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Monishia saldanha (Barnard, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Nematogobius saldanha (Barnard, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius olivaceus Castelnau, 1861 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius cloatus Smith, 1960 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius spectabilis (non Günther, 1861) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Caffrogobius dubius (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coryphopterus dubius Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas, 1814) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius marmoratus nasalis pontica Smitt, 1899 | synonym | other | original | |
Gobius marmoratus Pallas, 1814 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Proterorhynus marmoratus (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius quadricapillus Pallas, 1814 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius macropterus Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius rubromaculatus Kriesch, 1873 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius blennioides Kessler, 1877 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius semilunaris (non Heckel, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius nasalis (non De Filippi, 1863) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Proterorhinus semilunaris (Heckel, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius semilunaris Heckel, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Proterorhinus nasalis (De Filippi, 1863) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nasalis De Filippi, 1863 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Proterorhinus semipellucidus (Kessler, 1877) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius semipellucidus Kessler, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Proterorhinus tataricus Freyhof & Naseka, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hazeus otakii Jordan & Snyder, 1901 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hazeus elati (Goren, 1984) | accepted | senior | new | |
Oplopomops elati Goren, 1984 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Opua elati (Goren, 1984) | synonym | senior | new | |
Hazeus maculipinna (Randall & Goren, 1993) | accepted | senior | new | |
Opua maculipinna Randall & Goren, 1993 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Hazeus maculipinnis (Randall & Goren, 1993) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eviota epiphanes Jenkins, 1903 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota prasina (Klunzinger, 1871) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris prasinus Klunzinger, 1871 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota prasinia (Kluzinger, 1871) | synonym | senior | new | |
Allogobius viridis Waite, 1904 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eviota verna Smith, 1958 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eviota abax (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) | accepted | senior | new | |
Asterropteryx abax Jordan & Snyder, 1901 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota afelei Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota afeli Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | |
Eviota distigma Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota stigmapteron Smith, 1958 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eviota herrei Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota prasites Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota parasites Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | |
Eviota sebreei Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota seebreei Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Eviota seebrei Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | |
Eviota smaragdus Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota zonura Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota gymnocephalus Weber, 1913 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eviota queenslandica Whitley, 1932 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Eviota viridis queenslandica Whitley, 1932 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Eviota gueenslandica Whitley, 1932 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Eviota lachdeberei Giltay, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota lachbrederi Giltay, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | |
Eviota nigriventris Giltay, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota inutilis Whitley, 1943 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Eviota viridis inutilis Whitley, 1943 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Eviota saipanensis Fowler, 1945 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota infulata (Smith, 1957) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eviotops infulatus Smith, 1957 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota nebulosa Smith, 1958 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota storthynx (Rofen, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eviotops storthynx Rofen, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota monostigma Fourmanoir, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota pellucida Larson, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Eviota pellucidus Larson, 1976 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Eviota guttata Lachner & Karnella, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota albolineata (non Jewett & Lachner, 1983) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
! Eviota albilineata (non Jewett & Lachner, 1983) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Eviota pardalota Lachner & Karnella, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota zebrina Lachner & Karnella, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota bifasciata Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota bimaculata Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota indica Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota melasma Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota nigripinna Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota pseudostigma Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota spilota Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota variola Lachner & Karnella, 1980 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota disrupta Karnella & Lachner, 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota fasciola Karnella & Lachner, 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota irrasa Karnella & Lachner, 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota albolineata Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota cometa Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota japonica Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota latifasciata Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota latifasciatus Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | synonym | senior | original | |
Eviota punctulata Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota punctatulata Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | synonym | senior | original | |
Eviota afelei (non Jordan & Seale, 1906) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota sigillata Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sparsa Jewett & Lachner, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota lacrimae Sunobe, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota susanae Greenfield & Randall, 1999 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota rubra Greenfield & Randall, 1999 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eviota mikiae Allen, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota raja Allen, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota hoesei Gill & Jewett, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota readerae Gill & Jewett, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota korechika Shibukawa & Suzuki, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota ocellifer Shibukawa & Suzuki, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota masudai Matsuura & Senou, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota natalis Allen, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota partimacula Randall, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota lachdeberei (non Giltay, 1933) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota tigrina Greenfield & Randall, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota randalli Greenfield, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota karaspila Greenfield & Randall, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota smaragdus (non Jordan & Seale, 1906) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota melasma (non Lachner & Karnella, 1980) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota nigrispina Greenfield & Suzuki, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Eviota pellucida (non Larson, 1976) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota rubrisparsa Greenfield & Randall, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota shimadai Greenfield & Randall, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota sp. 4 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota toshiyuki Greenfield & Randall, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota epiphanes (non Jenkins, 1903) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota winterbottomi Greenfield & Randall, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota ancora Greenfield & Suzuki, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sp. 7 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota dorsogilva Greenfield & Randall, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota nigriventris (non Giltay, 1933) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota dorsopurpurea Greenfield & Randall, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota rubriceps Greenfield & Jewett, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota Raja Ampat sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota rubriguttata Greenfield & Suzuki, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sp. 15 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota atriventris Greenfield & Suzuki, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota pellucida (non Larson, 1976) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota fallax Greenfield & Allen, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota jewettae Greenfield & Winterbottom, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota Palau sp. 6 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota Raja Ampat sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota kermadecensis Hoese & Stewart, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota notata Greenfield & Jewett, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota pinocchioi Greenfield & Winterbottom, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota Palau sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota springeri Greenfield & Jewett, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota deminuta Tornabene, Ahmadia & Williams, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota dorsimaculata Tornabene, Ahmadia & Williams, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota hinanoae Tornabene, Ahmadia & Williams, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota Moorea sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota lacrimosa Tornabene, Ahmadia & Williams, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota nigramembrana Greenfield & Suzuki, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota sp. C Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota pamae Allen, Brooks & Erdmann, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota santanai Greenfield & Erdmann, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota algida Greenfield & Algida, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota aquila Greenfield & Jewett, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota brahmi Greenfield & Tornabene, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota nigriventris (non Giltay, 1933) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eviota epistigmata Greenfield & Jewett, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota filamentosa Suzuki & Greenfield, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota flebilis Greenfield, Suzuki & Shibukawa, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Eviota geminata Greenfield & Bogorodsky, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota minuta Greenfield & Jewett, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota occasa Greenfield, Winterbottom & Suzuki, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota oculopiperita Greenfield & Bogorodsky, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota piperata Greenfield & Winterbottom, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota shibukawai Suzuki & Greenfield, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota specca Greenfield, Suzuki & Shibukawa, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota tetha Greenfield & Erdmann, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota flavipinnata Suzuki, Greenfield & Motomura, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota asymbasia Greenfield & Jewett, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | |
Eviota bilunula Greenfield & Suzuki, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota bipunctata Greenfield & Jewett, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota erdmanni Tornabene & Greenfield, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota eyreae Greenfield & Randall, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota lateritea Greenfield & Winterbottom, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota maculibotella Greenfield & Winterbottom, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota melanosphena Greenfield & Jewett, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota mimica Greenfield & Randall, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota richardi Greenfield & Randall, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota singula Greenfield & Winterbottom, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota sodwanaensis Greenfield & Winterbottom, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | |
Eviota teresae Greenfield & Randall, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota thamani Greenfield & Randall, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus oceanops Jordan, 1904 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma oceanops (Jordan, 1904) | synonym | senior | new | |
Elacatinus horsti (Metzelaar, 1922) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma horsti Metzelaar, 1922 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus chancei (Beebe & Hollister, 1933) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma chancei Beebe & Hollister, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus puncticulatus (Ginsburg, 1938) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma puncticulatum Ginsburg, 1938 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Elacatinus punticulatus (Ginsburg, 1938) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma rubrifrons Fowler, 1944 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus atronasus (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma atronasum Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus atronasum (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | synonym | senior | new | |
Elacatinus evelynae (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma evelynae Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus genie (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma genie Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus illecebrosus (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma illecebrosum Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus illecebrosum (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | synonym | senior | new | |
Elacatinus louisae (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma louisae Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus prochilos (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma prochilos Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus randalli (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma randalli Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus tenox (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma tenox Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus xanthiprora (Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma xanthiprora Böhlke & Robins, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus figaro Sazima, Moura & Rosa, 1997 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus lori Colin, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma horsti (non Metzelaar, 1922) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobiosoma illecebrosum (non Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Elacatinus pridisi Guimarães, Gasparini & Rocha, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus jarocho Taylor & Akins, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus redimiculus Taylor & Akins, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tigrigobius redimiculus (Taylor & Akins, 2007) | synonym | senior | new | |
Elacatinus phthirophagus Sazima, Carvalho-Filho & Sazima, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus colini Randall & Lobel, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus lobeli Randall & Colin, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Elacatinus lobelia Randall & Colin, 2009 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobiosoma oceanops (non Jordan, 1904) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Elacatinus serranilla Randall & Lobel, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma xanthiprora (non Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Elacatinus panamensis Victor, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus rubrigenis Victor, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus cayman Victor, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus evelynae (non Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobiosoma evelynae (non Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobiosoma genie (non Böhlke & Robins, 1968) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Elacatinus centralis Victor, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma horsti (non Metzelaar, 1922) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Drombus palackyi Jordan & Seale, 1905 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius palackyi (Jordan & Seale, 1905) | synonym | senior | new | |
Drombus ocyurus (Jordan & Seale, 1907) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius ocyurus Jordan & Seale, 1907 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius ocyurus (Jordan & Seale, 1907) | synonym | senior | new | |
Quisquilius malayanus Herre, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Drombus triangularis (Weber, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius triangularis Weber, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius bontii triangularis (Weber, 1909) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius triangularis (Weber, 1909) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius triangularis (Weber, 1909) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius oligactis Bleeker, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius elberti Popta, 1921 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Drombus dentifer (Hora, 1923) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius dentifer Hora, 1923 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Drombus globiceps (Hora, 1923) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius globiceps Hora, 1923 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius globiceps (Hora, 1923) | synonym | senior | new | |
Drombus halei Whitley, 1935 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Drombus kranjiensis (Herre, 1940) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius kranjiensis Herre, 1940 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Drombus lepidothorax Whitley, 1945 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Drombus halei lepidothorax Whitley, 1945 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Drombus key (Smith, 1947) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius key Smith, 1947 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius key (Smith, 1947) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius triangularis (non Weber, 1909) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Drombus triangularis (non Weber, 1909) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Drombus simulus (Smith, 1960) | accepted | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius simulus Smith, 1960 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops simula (Smith, 1960) | synonym | senior | new | |
Monishia simula (Smith, 1960) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Monishia simulans (Smith, 1960) | synonym | senior | new | |
Kelloggella oligolepis (Jenkins, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Enypnias oligolepis Jenkins, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Kellogella oligolepis (Jenkins, 1903) | synonym | senior | new | |
Kelloggella cardinalis Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Kellogella cardinalis Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | |
Itbaya nuda Herre, 1927 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Kelloggella tricuspidata (Herre, 1935) | accepted | senior | new | |
Atuona tricuspidata Herre, 1935 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Kelloggella quindecimfasciata (Fowler, 1946) | accepted | senior | new | |
Agunia quindecimfasciata Fowler, 1946 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Kelloggella quindecemfasciata Fowler, 1946 | synonym | senior | original | |
Kelloggella centralis Hoese, 1975 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Kelloggella disalvoi Randall, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Kelloggella oligolepis (non Jenkins, 1903) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Exyrias puntang (Bleeker, 1851) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius puntang Bleeker, 1851 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius puntang (Bleeker, 1851) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Eryxias puntang (Bleeker, 1851) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Exirias puntang (Bleeker, 1851) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius puntangoides Bleeker, 1854 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Exyrias puntangoides (Bleeker, 1854) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gnatholepis puntangoides (Bleeker, 1854) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius andamanensis Day, 1871 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius canalae Sauvage, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius maculipinnis Macleay, 1883 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius concolor De Vis, 1884 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gnatholepis sindonis Snyder, 1908 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Exyrias volcanus (Herre, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gnatholepis volcanus Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Exyrias belissimus (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius belissimus Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Acentrogobius bellissimus Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Exyrias bellissimus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Exyrius belissimus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
Exyrias ferrarisi Murdy, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Exyrias akihito Allen & Randall, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Exyrias sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Exyrias sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Exyrias sp. new Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Exyrias belissimus (non Smith, 1959) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Trimma caesiura Jordan & Seale, 1906 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Trimma caesuira Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | |
Trimma grammistes (Tomiyama, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eviota grammistes Tomiyama, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma macrophthalmum (Tomiyama, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
! Eviota macrophthalmus Tomiyama, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Eviota macrophthalma Tomiyama, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Trimma macrophthalma (Tomiyama, 1936) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Trimma macrophthalmus (Tomiyama, 1936) | synonym | senior | new | |
Trimma flammeus (non Smith, 1959) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Zonogobius flammeus (non Smith, 1959) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Trimma striatum (Herre, 1945) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coronogobius striatus Herre, 1945 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Trimma striata (Herre, 1945) | synonym | senior | new | |
Trimma okinawae (Aoyagi, 1949) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eviota caesiura okinawae Aoyagi, 1949 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma naudei Smith, 1957 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma corallinum (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Zonogobius corallinus Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Trimma corallina (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Trimma corallinus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
Trimma flammeum (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Zonogobius flammeus Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma macrophthalma (non Tomiyama, 1936) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Trimma necopina (Whitley, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Priolepis necopinus Whitley, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma necopinum (Whitley, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Trimma necopinus (Whitley, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
Trimma unisquamis (Gosline, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Hazeus unisquamis Gosline, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma tevegae Cohen & Davis, 1969 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma caudomaculata Yoshino & Araga, 1975 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
! Trimma caudomaculatum Yoshino & Araga, 1975 | synonym | junior | original | |
Trimma avidori (Goren, 1978) | accepted | senior | new | |
Zonogobius avidori Goren, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma mendelssohni (Goren, 1978) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius mendelssohni Goren, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma taylori Lobel, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma capostriatum (Goren, 1981) | accepted | senior | new | |
Zonogobius capostriatus Goren, 1981 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma flavicaudatum (Goren, 1982) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius flavicaudatus Goren, 1982 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Trimma flavicaudata (Goren, 1982) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Trimma flavicaudatus (Goren, 1982) | synonym | senior | new | |
Trimma dalerocheila Winterbottom, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma fraena Winterbottom, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma griffithsi Winterbottom, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma haima Winterbottom, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma hoesei Winterbottom, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sheppardi Winterbottom, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma winchi Winterbottom, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma emeryi Winterbottom, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma mendelssohni (non Goren, 1978) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Trimma fishelsoni Goren, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma winterbottomi Randall & Downing, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius townsendi Boulenger, 1897 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Trimma barralli Winterbottom, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Trimma filamentosus Winterbottom, 1995 | provisionally accept | senior | original | 1 |
! Trimma filamentosum Winterbottom, 1995 | synonym | senior | original | |
Trimma rubromaculatum Allen & Munday, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Trimma rubromaculatus Allen & Munday, 1995 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Trimma benjamini Winterbottom, 1996 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 2 (DFH 4) Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 5 (DFH 4) Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 8 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. A Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma anaima Winterbottom, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Trimma amaima Winterbottom, 2000 | synonym | senior | original | |
Trimma bisella Winterbottom, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma halonevum Winterbottom, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma omanensis Winterbottom, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma stobbsi Winterbottom, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma milta Winterbottom, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma woutsi Winterbottom, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma annosum Winterbottom, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma lantana Winterbottom & Villa, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma volcana Winterbottom, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma agrena Winterbottom & Chen, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma cana Winterbottom, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimmatom sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma fangi Winterbottom & Chen, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sostra Winterbottom, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma squamicana Winterbottom, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma marinae Winterbottom, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma griffithsi (non Winterbottom, 1984) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Trimma nasa Winterbottom, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma anthrenum Winterbottom, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma preclarum Winterbottom, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma flavatrum Hagiwara & Winterbottom, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. 10 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma fucatum Winterbottom & Southcott, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma gigantum Winterbottom & Zur, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma hayashii Hagiwara & Winterbottom, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma nomurai Suzuki & Senou, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma randalli Winterbottom & Zur, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sanguinellus Winterbottom & Southcott, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma tauroculum Winterbottom & Zur, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma yanagitai Suzuki & Senou, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma kudoi Suzuki & Senou, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. 12 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma yanoi Suzuki & Senou, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma caudipunctatum Suzuki & Senou, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma hotsarihiensis Winterbottom, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma imaii Suzuki & Senou, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma cheni Winterbottom, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma RW sp. 51 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 7 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma erdmanni Winterbottom, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma RW sp. 68 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma anaima (non Winterbottom, 2000) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Trimma habrum Winterbottom, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma RW sp. 95 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma haimassum Winterbottom, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma RW sp. 63 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 10 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma maiandros Hoese, Winterbottom & Reader, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma papayum Winterbottom, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma RW sp. 93 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 6 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma xanthochrum Winterbottom, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma RW sp. 94 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma tevegae (non Cohen & Davis, 1969) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Trimma fasciatum Suzuki, Sakaue & Senou, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 13 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma matsunoi Suzuki, Sakaue & Senou, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma helenae Winterbottom, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma irinae Winterbottom, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma meranyx Winterbotton, Erdmann & Dita Cahyani, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma species 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma pajama Winterbotton, Erdmann & Dita Cahyani, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma species 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma zurae Winterbotton, Erdmann & Dita Cahyani, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma aturirii Winterbottom, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma insularum Winterbottom & Hoese, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma kardium Winterbottom, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma kitrinum Winterbottom & Hoese, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma meristum Winterbottom & Hoese, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma pentherum Winterbottom & Hoese, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma readerae Winterbottom & Hoese, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma trioculatum Winterbottom, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma xanthum Winterbottom & Hoese, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma burridgeae Winterbottom, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma tevegae (non Cohen & Davis, 1969) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Trimma corerefum Winterbottom, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma hollemani Winterbottom, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma bathum Winterbottom, 2017 | accepted | senior | original | |
Trimma RW sp. 97 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Trimma finistrinum Winterbottom, 2017 | accepted | senior | original | |
Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius maindroni Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobius mendroni (Sauvage, 1880) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius uaindroni (Sauvage, 1880) | synonym | senior | new | |
Nematogobius ansorgii Boulenger, 1910 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Nematogobius ansorgei Boulenger, 1910 | synonym | junior | original | |
! Nematogobius ansori Boulenger, 1910 | synonym | junior | original | |
Nematogobius brachynemus Pfaff, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya boldinghi Weber, 1913 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius muscarum Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicyops timidus Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya timidus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Pleurosicya labiata (Weber, 1913) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius labiatus Weber, 1913 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya annandalei Hornell & Fowler, 1922 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cottogobius bilobatus Koumans, 1941 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya bilobatus (Koumans, 1941) | synonym | senior | new | |
Pleurosicya mossambica Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | |
Pleurosycia micheli Fourmanoir, 1971 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Pleurosicya prognatha Goren, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya sinaia Goren, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya australis Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya carolinensis Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya coerulea Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya elongata Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya fringilla Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya occidentalis Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya spongicola Larson, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Pleurosicya larsonae Greenfield & Randall, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lubricogobius exiguus Tanaka, 1915 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Lubricogobius exigus Tanaka, 1915 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobiodonella macrops Lindberg, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobiodon gnathus Tomiyama, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Lubricogobius ornatus Fourmanoir, 1966 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lubricogobius dinah Randall & Senou, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lubricogobius tre Prokofiev, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lubricogobius nanus Allen, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannichthys metzelaari Hubbs, 1923 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannichthys spongicola Metzelaar, 1919 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Evermannichthys spongicola (Radcliffe, 1917) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia spongicola Radcliffe, 1917 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannichthys convictor Böhlke & Robins, 1969 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannichthys silus Böhlke & Robins, 1969 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Evermannichthys bicolor Thacker, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentroides insignis (Seale, 1910) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblygobius insignis Seale, 1910 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentroides dentatus Popta, 1922 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentroides arabicus (Gmelin, 1789) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius arabicus Gmelin, 1789 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentroides gobioides (Ogilby, 1886) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius gobioides Ogilby, 1886 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cristatogobius gobioides (Ogilby, 1886) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius cristatus Macleay, 1881 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Cryptocentroides cristatus (Macleay, 1881) | ambiguous | homonym | new | |
Opua nephodes Jordan, 1925 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hazeus nephodes (E.K. Jordan, 1925) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobiops nicholsii (Bean, 1882) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nicholsii Bean, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus nicholsii (Bean, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Coryphopterus nicholsi (Bean, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amoya signata (Peters, 1855) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius signatus Peters, 1855 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Acentrogobius signatus (Peters, 1855) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Amoya signatus (Peters, 1855) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius pavidus Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Yongeichthys pavidus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Amoya madraspatensis (Day, 1868) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius madraspatensis Day, 1868 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius madraspatensis (Day, 1868) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amoya gracilis (Bleeker, 1875) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius gracilis Bleeker, 1875 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius gracilis (Bleeker, 1875) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amoya veliensis (Geevarghese & John, 1982) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius veliensis Geevarghese & John, 1982 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Babka gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius gymnotrachelus Kessler, 1857 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Mesogobius gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857) | synonym | senior | new | |
Neogobius gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius macropus De Filippi, 1863 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius burmeisteri Kessler, 1877 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Mesogobius gymnotrachelus otschakovinus Zubovich, 1925 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Benthophiloides brauneri Beling & Iljin, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Benthophiloides braunei Beling & Iljin, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | |
Benthophiloides turcomanus (Iljin, 1941) | accepted | senior | new | |
Asra turcomanus Iljin, 1941 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Caspiosoma caspium (Kessler, 1877) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma caspium Kessler, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cristatogobius lophius Herre, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cristatogobius sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Cristatogobius nonatoae (Ablan, 1940) | accepted | senior | new | |
Lophogobius nonatoae Ablan, 1940 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Cristatogobius nanotoae (Ablan, 1940) | synonym | senior | new | |
Cristatogobius albius Chen, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cristatogobius aurimaculatus Akihito & Meguro, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cristatogobius sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Cristatogobius rubripectoralis Akihito, Meguro & Sakamoto, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cristatogobius sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Knipowitschia longecaudata (Kessler, 1877) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius longecaudatus Kessler, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus longecaudatus (Kessler, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Knipowitschia longicaudata (Kessler, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Pomatoschistus longicaudata (Kessler, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
Pomatoschistus knipowitschi Beling, 1927 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia georghievi Pinchuk, 1978 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia panizzae (Verga, 1841) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius panizzae Verga, 1841 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus panizzai (Verga, 1841) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Knipowitschia panizzai (Verga, 1841) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Padogobius panizzai (Verga, 1841) | synonym | senior | new | |
Knipowitschia punctatissima (Canestrini, 1864) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius punctatissimus Canestrini, 1864 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Orsinigobius punctatissimus (Canestrini, 1864) | synonym | senior | new | |
Knipowitschia caucasica (Berg, 1916) | accepted | senior | new | |
Pomatoschistus caucasicus Berg, 1916 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius lencoranicus Kessler, 1877 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius caucasicus Kavraisky, 1899 | synonym | other | original | 2 |
Bubyr caucasicus kosswigii Sözer, 1941 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia thessala (Vinciguerra, 1921) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius thessalus Vinciguerra, 1921 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobius thessalicus Vinciguerra, 1921 | synonym | senior | original | |
Knipowitschia iljini Berg, 1931 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia milleri (Ahnelt & Bianco, 1990) | accepted | senior | new | |
Orsinigobius milleri Ahnelt & Bianco, 1990 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia goerneri Ahnelt, 1991 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia cameliae Nalbant & O?el, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia ephesi Ahnelt, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia mermere Ahnelt, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia croatica Mrakovcic, Kerovec, Misetic & Schneider, 1996 | accepted | senior | change in rank | |
Knipowitschia punctatissima croatica Mrakovcic, Kerovec, Misetic & Schneider, 1996 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Knipowitschia radovici Kova?i?, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia montenegrina Kova?i? & Sanda, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia mrakovcici Miller, 2009 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia mrakovcici Mrakovcic, Misetic & Povz, 1995 | synonym | other | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia byblisia Ahnelt, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia caunosi Ahnelt, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius fluviatilis Pallas, 1814 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Apollonia fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Neogobius fluviatilis fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius sordidus Bennett, 1835 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius stevenii Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius steveni Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius fluviatilis nigra Kessler, 1859 | ambiguous | other | original | 1 |
Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius melanostomus Pallas, 1814 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Apollonia melanostoma (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Neogobius melanostoma (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius cephalarges Pallas, 1814 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Neogobius cephalarges (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | junior | new | |
Neogobius cephalarges cephalarges (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | junior | new | |
Ponticola cephalarges (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius chilo Pallas, 1814 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius melanio Pallas, 1814 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius virescens Pallas, 1814 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius exanthematosus Pallas, 1814 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius sulcatus Eichwald, 1831 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius affinis Eichwald, 1831 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Neogobius melanostomus affinis (Eichwald, 1831) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius lugens Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius grossholzii Steindachner, 1894 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Neogobius caspius (Eichwald, 1831) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius caspius Eichwald, 1831 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius pallasi (Berg, 1916) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius fluviatilis pallasi Berg, 1916 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius fluviatilis pallasi (Berg, 1916) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ponticola ratan (Nordmann, 1840) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ratan Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius ratan (Nordmann, 1840) | synonym | senior | new | |
Neogobius ratan ratan (Nordmann, 1840) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius goebelii Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Neogobius ratan goebeli (Kessler, 1874) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius bogdanowi Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Neogobius bogdanowi (Kessler, 1874) | synonym | junior | new | |
Ponticola platyrostris (Pallas, 1814) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius platyrostris Pallas, 1814 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius platyrostris (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ponticola constructor (Nordmann, 1840) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius constructor Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius cephalarges constructor Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Neogobius cephalarges constructor (Nordmann, 1840) | synonym | senior | new | |
Neogobius constructor (Nordmann, 1840) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ponticola syrman (Nordmann, 1840) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius syrman Nordmann, 1840 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius syrman (Nordmann, 1840) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius trautvetteri Kessler, 1859 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius eurystomus Kessler, 1877 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Neogobius syrman eurystomus (Kessler, 1877) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius hybridus Iljin, 1956 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ponticola kessleri (Günther, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius kessleri Günther, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius kessleri (Günther, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius platycephalus Kessler, 1857 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Ponticola cyrius (Kessler, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cyrius Kessler, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius cyrius (Kessler, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius weidemanni Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius weidemani Kessler, 1874 | synonym | junior | original | |
Ponticola eurycephalus (Kessler, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius eurycephalus Kessler, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius eurycephalus (Kessler, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Neogobius platyrostris odessicus Pinchuk, 1977 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Neogobius eurycephalus odessicus Pinchuk, 1977 | synonym | junior | change in species | |
Ponticola bathybius (Kessler, 1877) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius bathybius Kessler, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius bathybius (Kessler, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ponticola gorlap (Iljin, 1949) | accepted | senior | new | |
Neogobius kessleri gorlap Iljin, 1949 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius gorlap Iljin, 1949 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Neogobius iljini Vasil'eva & Vasil'ev, 1996 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ponticola cephalargoides (Pinchuk, 1976) | accepted | senior | new | |
Neogobius cephalargoides Pinchuk, 1976 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius cephalarges (non Pallas, 1814) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius ratan (non Nordmann, 1840) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius syrman (non Nordmann, 1840) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Ponticola rhodioni (Vasil'eva & Vasil'ev, 1994) | accepted | senior | new | |
Neogobius rhodioni Vasil'eva & Vasil'ev, 1994 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ponticola rizensis (Kova?i? & Engín, 2008) | accepted | senior | new | |
Neogobius rizensis Kova?i? & Engín, 2008 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ponticola turani (Kova?i? & Engín, 2008) | accepted | senior | new | |
Neogobius turani Kova?i? & Engín, 2008 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ponticola iranicus Vasil'eva, Mousavi-Sabet & Vasil'ev, 2015 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Neogobius cephalarges constructor (non Nordmann, 1840) | misapplied | misapplied | change in species | |
Gobius cyrius (non Kessler, 1874) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius platyrostris cyrius (non Kessler, 1874) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank | |
Neogobius cyrius (non Kessler, 1874) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Ponticola cyrius (non Kessler, 1874) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Hyrcanogobius bergi Iljin, 1928 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Knipowitschia bergi (Iljin, 1928) | synonym | senior | new | |
Nesogobius hinsbyi (McCulloch & Ogilby, 1919) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius hinsbyi McCulloch & Ogilby, 1919 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Nesogobius pulchellus (Castelnau, 1872) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius pulchellus Castelnau, 1872 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Nesogobius greeni Hoese & Larson, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Nesogobius maccullochi Hoese & Larson, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Anatirostrum profundorum (Berg, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Benthophilus profundorum Berg, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Arenigobius bifrenatus (Kner, 1865) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius bifrenatus Kner, 1865 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius bifrenatus (Kner, 1865) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius bassensis Castelnau, 1872 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius caudatus Castelnau, 1873 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius filamentosus Castelnau, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius infaustus Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius castelnaui Macleay, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Arenigobius frenatus (Günther, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius frenatus Günther, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius frenatus (Günther, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius semifrenatus Macleay, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Arenigobius leftwichi (Ogilby, 1910) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius leftwichi Ogilby, 1910 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius leftwichi (Ogilby, 1910) | synonym | senior | new | |
Buenia jeffreysii (Günther, 1867) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius jeffreysii Günther, 1867 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobius jeffreysi Günther, 1867 | synonym | senior | original | |
Buenia affinis Iljin, 1930 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Buenia affinis (non Kolombatovic, 1891) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius affinis (non Kolombatovic, 1891) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Buenia massutii Kovacic, Ordines & Schliewen, 2017 | accepted | senior | original | |
Chromogobius quadrivittatus (Steindachner, 1863) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius quadrivittatus Steindachner, 1863 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius depressus quadrivittata Steindachner, 1863 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Gobius planiceps Bellotti, 1879 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius depressus Kolombatovic, 1891 | ambiguous | homonym | original | |
Relictogobius kryzhanovskii Ptchelina, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Chromogobius kryzanowskii (Ptchelina, 1939) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius paganellus var. capito (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Chromogobius zebratus (Kolombatovic, 1891) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius depressus var. zebratus Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chromogobius zebratus zebratus (Kolombatovic, 1891) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius depressus zebratus Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Gobius depressus Kolombatovic, 1891 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Chromogobius zebratus levanticus Miller, 1971 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Chromogobius britoi Van Tassell, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Favonigobius lateralis (Macleay, 1881) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lateralis Macleay, 1881 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Favonigobius lentiginosus (Richardson, 1844) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lentiginosus Richardson, 1844 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius lentiginosus (Richardson, 1844) | synonym | senior | new | |
Favonigobius reichei (Bleeker, 1854) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius reichei Bleeker, 1854 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius reichei (Bleeker, 1854) | synonym | senior | new | |
Papillogobius reichei (Bleeker, 1854) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Papillonigobius reichei (Bleeker, 1854) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius neilli Day, 1868 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius neilli (Day, 1868) | synonym | junior | new | |
Favonigobius neilli (Day, 1868) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius zanzibarensis Liénard, 1891 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius robinsoni Fowler, 1934 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius godavariensis Visweswara Rao, 1971 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Favonigobius gymnauchen (Bleeker, 1860) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius gymnauchen Bleeker, 1860 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Favonigobius melanobranchus (Fowler, 1934) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius melanobranchus Fowler, 1934 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Papillogobius melanobranchus (Fowler, 1934) | synonym | senior | new | |
Favonigobius aliciae (Herre, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
Aboma aliciae Herre, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius reichei (non Bleeker, 1854) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Favonigobius opalescens (Herre, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius opalescens Herre, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Favonigobius exquisitus Whitley, 1950 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Favonigobius exquisites Whitley, 1950 | synonym | senior | original | |
Favonigobius punctatus (Gill & Miller, 1990) | accepted | senior | new | |
Papillogobius punctatus Gill & Miller, 1990 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius neophytus (Günther, 1877) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius neophytus Günther, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus neophytus (Günther, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
Fusigobius neophyta (Günther, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
Thalassogobius corallinus Herre, 1953 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Eviota woolacottae Whitley, 1958 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius neophytus africanus Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius africanus Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Fusigobius longispinus Goren, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus longispinus (Goren, 1978) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Fusigobius longipinnis Goren, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | |
Fusigobius duospilus Hoese & Reader, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus duospilus (Hoese & Reader, 1985) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Coryphopterus duospilos (Hoese & Reader, 1985) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Fusigobius duospilos Hoese & Reader, 1985 | synonym | senior | original | |
Fusigobius neophytus africanus (non Smith, 1959) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Fusigobius signipinnis Hoese & Obika, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Coryphopterus signipinnis (Hoese & Obika, 1988) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Fusigobius signipirris Hoese & Obika, 1988 | synonym | senior | original | |
Fusigobius inframaculatus (Randall, 1994) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coryphopterus inframaculatus Randall, 1994 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius aureus Chen & Shao, 1997 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryphopterus aureus (Chen & Shao, 1997) | synonym | senior | new | |
Fusigobius gracilis (Randall, 2001) | accepted | senior | new | |
Fusigobius sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Coryphopterus gracilis Randall, 2001 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius humeralis (Randall, 2001) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coryphopterus humeralis Randall, 2001 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius maximus (Randall, 2001) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coryphopterus maximus Randall, 2001 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius melacron (Randall, 2001) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coryphopterus melacron Randall, 2001 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Fusigobius pallidus (Randall, 2001) | accepted | senior | new | |
Coryphopterus pallidus Randall, 2001 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Odondebuenia balearica (Pellegrin & Fage, 1907) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris balearicus Pellegrin & Fage, 1907 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius liechtensteini (non Kolombatovic, 1891) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Pseudaphya ferreri (de Buen & Fage, 1908) | accepted | senior | new | |
Aphya ferreri de Buen & Fage, 1908 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Pseudaphia ferreri (de Buen & Fage, 1908) | synonym | senior | new | |
Pseudaphya pelagica de Buen, 1931 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Zebrus zebrus (Risso, 1827) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius zebrus Risso, 1827 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tigrigobius macrodon (Beebe & Tee-Van, 1928) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma macrodon Beebe & Tee-Van, 1928 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus macrodon (Beebe & Tee-Van, 1928) | synonym | senior | new | |
Garmannia macrodon (Beebe & Tee-Van, 1928) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius multifasciatus (Steindachner, 1876) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma multifasciatum Steindachner, 1876 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus multifasciatum (Steindachner, 1876) | synonym | senior | new | |
Elacatinus multifasciatus (Steindachner, 1876) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius lineatus Poey, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Tigrigobius digueti (Pellegrin, 1901) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma digueti Pellegrin, 1901 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus digueti (Pellegrin, 1901) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma brocki Ginsburg, 1938 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Elacatinus inornatus Bussing, 1990 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Tigrigobius gemmatus (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia gemmata Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus gemmatus (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma gemmata (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma gemmatum (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Elacatinus gemmatum (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Tigrigobius gemmatum (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius pallens (Ginsburg, 1939) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia pallens Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus pallens (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma pallens (Ginsburg, 1939) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius zebrella (Robins, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia zebrella Robins, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus zebrella (Robins, 1958) | synonym | senior | new | |
Elacatinus zebrellus (Robins, 1958) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma zebrella (Robins, 1958) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius zebrellus (Robins, 1958) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius saucrus (Robins, 1960) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia saucra Robins, 1960 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus saucrus (Robins, 1960) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma saucrum (Robins, 1960) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius saucrum (Robins, 1960) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius dilepis (Robins & Böhlke, 1964) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia dilepis Robins & Böhlke, 1964 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Elacatinus dilepis (Robins & Böhlke, 1964) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma dilepis (Robins & Böhlke, 1964) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tigrigobius janssi (Bussing, 1981) | accepted | senior | new | |
Elacatinus janssi Bussing, 1981 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tigrigobius nesiotes (Bussing, 1990) | accepted | senior | new | |
Elacatinus nesiotes Bussing, 1990 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tigrigobius limbaughi (Hoese & Reader, 2001) | accepted | senior | new | |
Elacatinus sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Elacatinus limbaughi Hoese & Reader, 2001 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma limbaughi Burgess & Axelrod, 1984 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Tigrigobius harveyi Victor, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiosoma multifasciatum (non Steindachner, 1876) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Istigobius ornatus (Rüppell, 1830) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ornatus Rüppell, 1830 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius ornatus (Rüppell, 1830) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius ehrenbergii Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius elegans Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Istigobius elegans (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius ventralis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius interstinctus Richardson, 1844 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius periophthalmoides Bleeker, 1851 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius thurstoni Day, 1888 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius venustulus Fowler, 1904 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius calderae Evermann & Seale, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius calderae (Evermann & Seale, 1906) | synonym | junior | new | |
Rhinogobius calderae (Evermann & Seale, 1906) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius stephensoni Whitley, 1932 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Istigobius stephensoni (Whitley, 1932) | synonym | junior | new | |
Sicyopterus maritimus Fourmanoir, 1955 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Innoculus nigroocellatus (non Günther, 1873) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Istigobius goldmanni (Bleeker, 1852) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius goldmanni Bleeker, 1852 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius goldmanni (Bleeker, 1852) | synonym | senior | new | |
Istigobius nigroocellatus (Günther, 1873) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nigroocellatus Günther, 1873 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Innoculus nigroocellatus (Günther, 1873) | synonym | senior | new | |
Istigobius diadema (Steindachner, 1876) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius diadema Steindachner, 1876 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius perspicillatus Herre, 1945 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Istigobius perspicillatus (Herre, 1945) | synonym | junior | new | |
Istigobius campbelli (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius campbelli Jordan & Snyder, 1901 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius campbelli (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius hongkongensis Seale, 1914 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Istigobius hoshinonis (Tanaka, 1917) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius hoshinonis Tanaka, 1917 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius hoshinonis (Tanaka, 1917) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius ornatus hoshinonis (Tanaka, 1917) | synonym | senior | new | |
Istigobius decoratus (Herre, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius decoratus Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius decoratus (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius decoratus (Herre, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius ornatus (non Rüppell, 1830) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Acentrogobius aestuarius (non Smith, 1959) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Istigobius spence (Smith, 1947) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius spence Smith, 1947 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius spence (Smith, 1947) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius aestuarius Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Istigobius aestuarius (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Istigobius rigilius (Herre, 1953) | accepted | senior | new | |
Pallidogobius rigilius Herre, 1953 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Istigobius rigillius (Herre, 1953) | synonym | senior | new | |
Bikinigobius welanderi Herre, 1953 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Istigobius hoesei Murdy & McEachran, 1982 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Mahidolia mystacina (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius mystacinus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Waitea mystacina (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius mystacina Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | |
! Mahidoria mystacina (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius pulverulentus Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Mahidiolia normani Smith & Koumans, 1932 | synonym | junior | original | |
Mahidiolia duque Smith, 1947 | synonym | junior | original | |
Waitea buchanani Rao, 1972 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Padogobius bonelli (Bonaparte, 1846) | accepted | senior | new | |
Padogobius panizzae Berg, 1931 | ambiguous | other | original | |
Gobius bonelli Bonaparte, 1846 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius fluviatilis Nardo, 1824 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Gobius fluviatilis Valenciennes, 1837 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Gobius martensii Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Padogobius martensii (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Padagobius martensi (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
Padogobius nigricans (Canestrini, 1867) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius fluviatilis nigricans Canestrini, 1867 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius nigricans Canestrini, 1867 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Gobius avernensis Canestrini, 1868 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Yongeichthys criniger (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius criniger Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Acentrogobius criniger (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius criniger (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Youngichthys criniger (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Yongeichthys thomasi (Boulenger, 1916) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius thomasi Boulenger, 1916 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius thomasi (Boulenger, 1916) | synonym | senior | new | |
Stenogobius thomasi (Boulenger, 1916) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius bequaerti Fowler, 1923 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Yongeichthys tuticorinensis (Fowler, 1925) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius tuticorinensis Fowler, 1925 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Aruma histrio (Jordan, 1884) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma histrio Jordan, 1884 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Eleotrica cableae Ginsburg, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gladiogobius ensifer Herre, 1933 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Gladigobius ensifer Herre, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gladiogobius brevispinis Shibukawa & Allen, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gladiogobius rex Shibukawa & Allen, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Nes longus (Nichols, 1914) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma longum Nichols, 1914 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Risor ruber (Rosén, 1911) | accepted | senior | new | |
Garmannia rubra Rosén, 1911 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Myersina macrostoma Herre, 1934 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Myersina filifer (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius filifer Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus filifer (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Myersina papuanus (Peters, 1877) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius papuanus Peters, 1877 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Cryptocentrus papuanus (Peters, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Cryptocentrus papuensis (Peters, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Myersina papuensis (Peters, 1877) | synonym | senior | new | |
Myersina pretoriusi (Smith, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus pretoriusi Smith, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Myersina yangii (Chen, 1960) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus yangii Chen, 1960 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Myersina crocata (Wongratana, 1975) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus crocatus Wongratana, 1975 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Myersina crocatus (Wongratana, 1975) | synonym | senior | new | |
Myersina lachneri Hoese & Lubbock, 1982 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Myersina nigrivirgata Akihito & Meguro, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Myersina adonis Shibukawa & Satapoomin, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Austrolethops wardi Whitley, 1935 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Psammogobius knysnaensis Smith, 1935 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Psammogobius biocellatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius biocellatus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius biocellatus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius sumatranus Bleeker, 1854 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius giuris (non Hamilton, 1822) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Tasmanogobius lordi Scott, 1935 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tasmanogobius gloveri Hoese, 1991 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tasmanogobius lasti Hoese, 1991 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Zosterisessor ophiocephalus (Pallas, 1814) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ophiocephalus Pallas, 1814 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Zosterisessor opiocephalus (Pallas, 1814) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius viridis Otto, 1821 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius filamentosus Risso, 1827 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 1 |
Gobius reticulatus Eichwald, 1831 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius lota Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius venetiarum Nardo, 1847 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Gobius gous Nardo, 1847 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Gobius ophiocephalus citrina Ninni, 1938 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Heteroplopomus barbatus (Tomiyama, 1934) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius barbatus Tomiyama, 1934 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Macrodontogobius wilburi Herre, 1936 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gnatholepis hendersoni Herre, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius hendersoni (Herre, 1936) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gnatholepis hololepis Schultz, 1943 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Parrella maxillaris Ginsburg, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Parella maxillaris Ginsburg, 1938 | synonym | senior | original | |
Parrella lucretiae (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lucretiae Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Parella lucretiae (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888) | synonym | senior | new | |
Parrella fusca Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Parella fusca Ginsburg, 1939 | synonym | senior | original | |
Parrella macropteryx Ginsburg, 1939 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Parrella ginsburgi Wade, 1946 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Koumansetta rainfordi Whitley, 1940 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius rainfordi (Whitley, 1940) | synonym | senior | new | |
Koumansetta hectori (Smith, 1957) | accepted | senior | new | |
Seychellea hectori Smith, 1957 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblygobius hectori (Smith, 1957) | synonym | senior | new | |
Obliquogobius cometes (Alcock, 1890) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius cometes Alcock, 1890 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Obliquogobius turkayi Goren, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Obliquogobius cirrifer Shibukawa & Aonuma, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Obliquogobius megalops Shibukawa & Aonuma, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Obliquogobius yamadai Shibukawa & Aonuma, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Obliquogobius fluvostriatus Chen, Jaafar & Shao, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Mangarinus waterousi Herre, 1943 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lobulogobius omanensis Koumans, 1944 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sicyodon albus Fourmanoir, 1966 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Lobulogobius morrigu Larson, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Lubulogobius morrigu Larson, 1983 | synonym | senior | original | |
Lobulogobius bentuviai Goren, 1984 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Aulopareia janetae Smith, 1945 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius janetae (Smith, 1945) | synonym | senior | new | |
Aulopareia unicolor (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius unicolor Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius chlorostigmatoides (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Aulopareia atripinnatus (Smith, 1931) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius atripinnatus Smith, 1931 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius atripinnatus (Smith, 1931) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Aulopareia atripinnata (Smith, 1931) | synonym | senior | new | |
Aulopareia koumansi (Herre, 1937) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gnatholepis koumansi Herre, 1937 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Acentrogobius herrei Koumans, 1940 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ebomegobius goodi Herre, 1946 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia delagoae (Barnard, 1937) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius delagoae Barnard, 1937 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia longimanus (Weber, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius longimanus Weber, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia macropteryx (Franz, 1910) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius macropteryx Franz, 1910 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius macropteryx (Franz, 1910) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius macropteryx (Franz, 1910) | synonym | senior | new | |
Vanderhorstia auropunctata (Tomiyama, 1955) | accepted | senior | new | |
Mars auropunctatus Tomiyama, 1955 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia ambanoro (Fourmanoir, 1957) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus ambanoro Fourmanoir, 1957 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Vanderhorstia ambonoro (Fourmanoir, 1957) | synonym | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus fasciaventris Smith, 1959 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia fasciaventris (Smith, 1959) | synonym | junior | new | |
Vanderhorstia ornatissima Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia mertensi Klausewitz, 1974 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia puncticeps (Deng & Xiong, 1980) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius puncticeps Deng & Xiong, 1980 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia flavilineata Allen & Munday, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia papilio Shibukawa & Suzuki, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiidae sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiidae sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Vanderhorstia bella Greenfield & Longenecker, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia nannai Winterbottom, Iwata & Kozawa, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia nobilis Allen & Randall, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Vanderhorstia attenuata Randall, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia auronotata Randall, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia belloides Randall, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia dorsomacula Randall, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia hiramatsui Iwata, Shibukawa & Ohnishi, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia kizakura Iwata, Shibukawa & Ohnishi, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia opercularis Randall, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta (Randall, Shao & Chen, 2007) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobiops phaeostictus Randall, Shao & Chen, 2007 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
! Ctenogobius phaeostictus Randall, Shao & Chen, 2007 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Vanderhorstia phaeostictus (Randall, Shao & Chen, 2007) | synonym | senior | new | |
Vanderhorstia rapa Iwata, Shibukawa & Ohnishi, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia steelei Randall & Munday, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia wayag Allen & Erdmann, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanderhorstia lepidobucca Allen, Peristiwady & Erdmann, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lesueurigobius suerii (Risso, 1810) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius suerii Risso, 1810 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Lesuerigobius suerii (Risso, 1810) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Lesueuria meuri (Risso, 1810) | synonym | other | new | |
! Lesueurigobius sueri (Risso, 1810) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius lunve Nardo, 1824 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius lunie Nardo, 1827 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
! Gobius lesuerii Risso, 1827 | synonym | other | original | 2 |
! Gobius lesueurii Risso, 1827 | ambiguous | other | original | |
! Lesueuria lesueurii (Risso, 1827) | synonym | other | new | |
Lesueurigobius friesii (Malm, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius friesii Malm, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius friesii friesii Malm, 1874 | synonym | senior | change in rank | |
Lesueuria friesii (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Lesueurigobius friesii friesii (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius friesi Malm, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Lesuerigobius friesi (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Lesuerigobius friesii (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Lesueuria friesi (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Lesueuria friesi friesi (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Lesueuria piesii (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Lesueurigobius friesi (Malm, 1874) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius gracilis Fries, 1838 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius macrolepis Scharff, 1891 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Gobius cruentatus (non Gmelin, 1789) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius friesii macrolepis (non Kolombatovic, 1891) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Lesueurigobius sanzi (de Buen, 1918) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius sanzi de Buen, 1918 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lesueuria sanzoi (de Buen, 1918) | synonym | senior | new | |
Lesueurigobius sanzoi (de Buen, 1918) | synonym | senior | new | |
Bathygobius paganellus (non Linnaeus, 1758) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Lesueurigobius koumansi (Norman, 1935) | accepted | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius koumansi Norman, 1935 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Lesueurigobius heterofasciatus Maul, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Parkraemeria ornata Whitley, 1951 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Parkraemeria rhinoceros Suzuki & Senou, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Parkraemeria saltator Suzuki & Senou, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Parkraemeria ornata (non Whitley, 1951) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Psilotris alepis Ginsburg, 1953 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Psilotrix alepis Ginsburg, 1953 | synonym | senior | original | |
Psilotris celsa Böhlke, 1963 | accepted | senior | original | |
Psilotris celsus Böhlke, 1963 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Psilotris boehlkei Greenfield, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Psilotris kaufmani Greenfield, Findley & Johnson, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Yoga pyrops (Whitley, 1954) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius pyrops Whitley, 1954 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius pyrops (Whitley, 1954) | synonym | senior | new | |
Croilia mossambica Smith, 1955 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sufflogobius bibarbatus (von Bonde, 1923) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius bibarbatus von Bonde, 1923 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Nematogobius bibarbatus (von Bonde, 1923) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tomiyamichthys oni (Tomiyama, 1936) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentrus oni Tomiyama, 1936 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys fourmanoiri (Smith, 1956) | accepted | senior | new | |
Flabelligobius fourmanoiri Smith, 1956 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys latruncularius (Klausewitz, 1974) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eilatia latruncularia Klausewitz, 1974 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Flabelligobius latruncularia (Klausewitz, 1974) | synonym | senior | new | |
Flabelligobius latruncularius (Klausewitz, 1974) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Flabellogobius latruncularius (Klausewitz, 1974) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Tomiyamichthys latruncularia (Klausewitz, 1974) | synonym | senior | new | |
Tomiyamichthys lanceolatus (Yanagisawa, 1978) | accepted | senior | new | |
Vanderhorstia lanceolata Yanagisawa, 1978 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys praealta (Lachner & McKinney, 1981) | accepted | senior | new | |
Vanderhorstia praealta Lachner & McKinney, 1981 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Vanderhorstia prealta Lachner & McKinney, 1981 | synonym | senior | original | |
Tomiyamichthys alleni Iwata, Ohnishi & Hirata, 2000 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys smithi (Chen & Fang, 2003) | accepted | senior | new | |
Flabelligobius smithi Chen & Fang, 2003 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys tanyspilus Randall & Chen, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys dorsostigma Bogorodsky, Kova?i? & Randall, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys gomezi Allen & Erdmann, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tomiyamichthys nudus Allen & Erdmann, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops anomolus Smith, 1958 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops sufensis Goren, 1979 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops ocheticus (Norman, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ocheticus Norman, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Monishia ochetica (Norman, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Corygalops ochetica (Norman, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Coryogalops ochetica (Norman, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Monishia ocetica (Norman, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Coryogalops william (Smith, 1948) | accepted | senior | new | |
Bathygobius william Smith, 1948 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Monishia william (Smith, 1948) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius saldanha (non Barnard, 1927) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Coryogalops sordida (Smith, 1959) | accepted | senior | new | |
Monishia sordida Smith, 1959 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops bulejiensis (Hoda, 1983) | accepted | senior | new | |
Monishia bulejiensis Hoda, 1983 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops adamsoni (Goren, 1985) | accepted | senior | new | |
Monishia adamsoni Goren, 1985 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops bretti Goren, 1991 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops monospilus Randall, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Coryogalops tessellatus Randall, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops ridens Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tenacigobius ridens (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
Bryaninops erythrops (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | accepted | senior | new | |
Chaenogobius erythrops Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tenacigobius erythrops (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | synonym | senior | new | |
Bryaninops yongei (Davis & Cohen, 1969) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cottogobius yongei Davis & Cohen, 1969 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tenacigobius yongei (Davis & Cohen, 1969) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Bryaninops youngei (Davis & Cohen, 1969) | synonym | senior | new | |
Bryaninops amplus Larson, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Bryaninops ampulus Larson, 1985 | synonym | senior | original | |
Bryaninops dianneae Larson, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops isis Larson, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops loki Larson, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops natans Larson, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimma sp. Not applicable | ambiguous | questionable | other | |
Bryaninops tigris Larson, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops nexus Larson, 1987 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops discus Suzuki, Bogorodsky & Randall, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops spongicolus Suzuki, Bogorodsky & Randall, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops annella Suzuki & Randall, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops loki (non Larson, 1985) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Bryaninops earlei Suzuki & Randall, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops tectus Suzuki & Randall, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bryaninops loki (non Larson, 1985) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Bryaninops translucens Suzuki & Randall, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cabillus macrophthalmus (Weber, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Quisquilius macrophthalmus Weber, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Glossogobius tongarevae Fowler, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cabillus caudimacula Greenfield & Randall, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cabillus atripelvicus Randall, Sakamoto & Shibukawa, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cabillus pexus Shibukawa & Aizawa, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobiops crocineus Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius crocineus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius crocineus (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobiops maculosus (non Fourmanoir, 1955) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Ctenogobiops aurocingulus (Herre, 1935) | accepted | senior | new | |
Aparrius aurocingulus Herre, 1935 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobiops maculosus (Fourmanoir, 1955) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cryptocentroides maculosus Fourmanoir, 1955 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobiops feroculus Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius feroculus (Lubbock & Polunin, 1977) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobiops pomastictus Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Ctenogobopis pomastictus Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 | synonym | senior | original | |
Ctenogobiops tangaroai Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Ctenogobiops tangaroae Lubbock & Polunin, 1977 | synonym | senior | original | |
Ctenogobiops formosa Randall, Shao & Chen, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobiops tongaensis Randall, Shao & Chen, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobiops mitodes Randall, Shao & Chen, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobiops pomastictus (non Lubbock & Polunin, 1977) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Feia nympha Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Feia nota Gill & Mooi, 1999 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Feia ranta Winterbottom, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Feia dabra Winterbottom, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luposicya lupus Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oplopomops diacanthus (Schultz, 1943) | accepted | senior | new | |
Oplopomus diacanthus Schultz, 1943 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Palutrus reticularis Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Palutris reticularis (Smith, 1959) | synonym | senior | new | |
Palutrus pruinosa (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eviota pruinosa Jordan & Seale, 1906 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Palutrus pruinosus (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Palutris pruinosa (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Palutrus priunosa (Jordan & Seale, 1906) | synonym | senior | new | |
Palutrus scapulopunctatus (de Beaufort, 1912) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius scapulopunctatus de Beaufort, 1912 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius scapulopunctatus (de Beaufort, 1912) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius scapulopunctatus (de Beaufort, 1912) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius scapulopunctatus (de Beaufort, 1912) | synonym | senior | new | |
Palutrus meteori (Klausewitz & Zander, 1967) | accepted | senior | new | |
Acentrogobius meteori Klausewitz & Zander, 1967 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius meteori (Klausewitz & Zander, 1967) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eviota meteori (Klausewitz & Zander, 1967) | synonym | senior | new | |
Silhouettea insinuans Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Silhouettea aegyptia (Chabanaud, 1933) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lesueuri aegyptius Chabanaud, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Silhouetta aegyptia (Chabanaud, 1933) | synonym | senior | new | |
Minictenogobiops sinaii Goren, 1978 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Silhouettea nuchipunctatus (Herre, 1934) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius nuchipunctatus Herre, 1934 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius villadolidi Herre, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Silhouettea villadolidi (Herre, 1936) | synonym | junior | new | |
Silhouettea dotui (Takagi, 1957) | accepted | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius dotui Takagi, 1957 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Silhouettea sibayi Farquharson, 1970 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Silhouettea indica Visweswara Rao, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Silhouettea indicus Visweswara Rao, 1971 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Silhouettea chaimi Goren, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 1 |
Acentrogobius chaimi (Goren, 1978) | synonym | senior | new | |
Silhouettea evanida Larson & Miller, 1986 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Silhouettea hoesei Larson & Miller, 1986 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Silhouettea capitlineata Randall, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lotilia graciliosa Klausewitz, 1960 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lotilia klausewitzi Shibukawa, Suzuki & Senou, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lotilia graciliosa (non Klausewitz, 1960) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Varicus bucca Robins & Böhlke, 1961 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Varicus marilynae Gilmore, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Didogobius bentuvii Miller, 1966 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Didogobius kochi Van Tassell, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Didogobius schlieweni Miller, 1993 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Didogobius splechtnai Ahnelt & Patzner, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Didogobius amicuscaridis Schliewen & Kova?i?, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Didogobius wirtzi Schliewen & Kova?i?, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Didogobius helenae van Tassell & Kramer, 2014 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ginsburgellus novemlineatus (Fowler, 1950) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiosoma novemlineatum Fowler, 1950 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Ginburgellus novemlineatus (Fowler, 1950) | synonym | senior | new | |
Pariah scotius Böhlke, 1969 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Thorogobius ephippiatus (Lowe, 1839) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ephippiatus Lowe, 1839 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius thori de Buen, 1928 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius forsteri Corbin, 1958 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius niger (non Linnaeus, 1758) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius zebrus (non Risso, 1827) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Thorogobius macrolepis (Kolombatovic, 1891) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius macrolepis Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Thorogobius angolensis (Norman, 1935) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius angolensis Norman, 1935 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Thorogobius rofeni Miller, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gammogobius steinitzi Bath, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Palatogobius paradoxus Gilbert, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Palatogobius grandoculus Greenfield, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vomerogobius flavus Gilbert, 1971 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Corcyrogobius liechtensteini (Kolombatovic, 1891) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius liechtensteini Kolombatovic, 1891 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Corcyrogobius lubbocki Miller, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Psilogobius mainlandi Baldwin, 1972 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Psilogobius randalli (Goren & Karplus, 1983) | accepted | senior | new | |
Tomiyamichthys randalli Goren & Karplus, 1983 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Psilogobius prolatus Watson & Lachner, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Millerigobius macrocephalus (Kolombatovic, 1891) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius macrocephalus Kolombatovic, 1891 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Barbuligobius boehlkei Lachner & McKinney, 1974 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius boehlkei (Lachner & McKinney, 1974) | synonym | senior | new | |
Paratrimma nigrimenta Hoese & Brothers, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Paratrimma urospila Hoese & Brothers, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Paratrimma urospyla Hoese & Brothers, 1976 | synonym | senior | original | |
Speleogobius trigloides Zander & Jelinek, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Signigobius biocellatus Hoese & Allen, 1977 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Stonogobiops dracula Polunin & Lubbock, 1977 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Stonogobiops medon Hoese & Randall, 1982 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese & Randall, 1982 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese & Randall, 1982 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptocentrus sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Stonogobiops pentafasciata Iwata & Hirata, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Stonogobiops larsonae (Allen, 1999) | accepted | senior | new | |
Myersina larsonae Allen, 1999 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Stonogobiops yasha Yoshino & Shimada, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Stonogobiops sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Discordipinna griessingeri Hoese & Fourmanoir, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Discordipinna filamentosa Chen, Suzuki & Shao, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Discordipinna sp. 1 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gorogobius nigricinctus (Delais, 1951) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nigricinctus Delais, 1951 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius lepidogenys Robins, 1970 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gorogobius stevcici Kova?i? & Schliewen, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Vanneaugobius dollfusi Brownell, 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Eleotris pruvoti (non Fage, 1907) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Eleotris balearica (non Pellegrin & Fage, 1907) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Vanneaugobius pruvoti (Fage, 1907) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris pruvoti Fage, 1907 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Odondebuenia pruvoti (Fage, 1907) | synonym | senior | new | |
Vanneaugobius dollfusi (non Brownell, 1978) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Vanneaugobius canariensis Van Tassell, Miller & Brito, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Egglestonichthys patriciae Miller & Wongrat, 1979 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Egglestonichthys melanoptera (Visweswara Rao, 1971) | accepted | senior | new | |
Callogobius melanoptera Visweswara Rao, 1971 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Egglestonichthys bombylios Larson & Hoese, 1997 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimmatom nanus Winterbottom & Emery, 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimmatom eviotops (Schultz, 1943) | accepted | senior | new | |
Trimma eviotops Schultz, 1943 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Trimatom eviotops (Schultz, 1943) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Trimmaton eviotops (Schultz, 1943) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eviota corneliae Fricke, 1998 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Trimmatom offucius Winterbottom & Emery, 1981 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimmatom macropodus Winterbottom, 1989 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimmatom sagma Winterbottom, 1989 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimmatom zapotes Winterbottom, 1989 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trimmatom pharus Winterbottom, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Wheelerigobius maltzani (Steindachner, 1881) | accepted | senior | new | |
Eleotris maltzani Steindachner, 1881 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Batanga maltzani (Steindachner, 1881) | synonym | senior | new | |
Batanga angustifrons Blanc, Cadenat & Stauch, 1968 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Wheelerigobius wirtzi Miller, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Mauligobius maderensis (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius maderensis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Zosterissor maderensis (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius paganellus (non Linnaeus, 1758) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Mauligobius nigri (Günther, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius nigri Günther, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Bathygobius nigri (Günther, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius macrophthalmus Osório, 1911 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 1 |
Phyllogobius platycephalops (Smith, 1964) | accepted | senior | new | |
Cottogobius platycephalops Smith, 1964 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Economidichthys pygmaeus (Holly, 1929) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius pygmaeus Holly, 1929 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pomatoschistus pygmaeus (Holly, 1929) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Economidichthys pygmeus (Holly, 1929) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius martensii prevesicus Stephanidis, 1939 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius canestrinii (non Ninni, 1883) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Economidichthys trichonis Economidis & Miller, 1990 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Robinsichthys arrowsmithensis Birdsong, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sueviota aprica Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sueviota atrinasa Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sueviota larsonae Winterbottom & Hoese, 1988 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sueviota bryozophila Allen, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2016 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Sueviota pyrios Greenfield & Randall, 2017 | accepted | senior | original | 7 |
Platygobiopsis akihito Springer & Randall, 1992 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Platygobiopsis dispar Prokofiev, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Platygobiopsis tansei Okiyama, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Afurcagobius suppositus (Sauvage, 1880) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius suppositus Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Favonigobius suppositus (Sauvage, 1880) | synonym | senior | new | |
Eleotris obscurus Castelnau, 1873 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Eleotris castelnaui Macleay, 1881 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Glossogobius vomer Whitley, 1929 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Afurcagobius tamarensis (Johnston, 1883) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius tamarensis Johnston, 1883 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Arenigobius tamarensis (Johnston, 1883) | synonym | senior | new | |
Favonigobius tamarensis (Johnston, 1883) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius tasmanicus Whitley, 1929 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ego zebra Randall, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Polyspondylogobius sinensis Kimura & Wu, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Akko dionaea Birdsong & Robins, 1995 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Akko brevis (Günther, 1864) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus brevis Günther, 1864 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobioides brevis (Günther, 1864) | synonym | senior | new | |
Akko rossi Van Tassell & Baldwin, 2004 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Echinogobius hayashii Iwata, Hosoya & Niimura, 1998 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Siphonogobius nue Shibukawa & Iwata, 1998 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Larsonella pumila (Larson & Hoese, 1980) | accepted | senior | new | |
Lubricogobius pumilus Larson & Hoese, 1980 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Larsonella pumilis (Larson & Hoese, 1980) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Lubricogobius pumilis Larson & Hoese, 1980 | synonym | senior | original | |
Tryssogobius colini Larson & Hoese, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tryssogobius longipes Larson & Hoese, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tryssogobius flavolineatus Randall, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tryssogobius colini (non Larson & Hoese, 2001) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Tryssogobius nigrolineatus Randall, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tryssogobius quinquespinus Randall, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tryssogobius longipes (non Larson & Hoese, 2001) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Tryssogobius porosus Larson & Chen, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Tryssogobius sarah Allen & Erdmann, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Minysicya caudimaculata Larson, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Arcygobius baliurus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius baliurus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acentrogobius baliurus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gnatholepis baliurus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Isthmogobius baliurus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius atherinoides Peters, 1855 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Oplopomops atherinoides (Peters, 1855) | synonym | junior | new | |
Opua atherinoides (Peters, 1855) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Oplopomus atherinoides (Peters, 1855) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gnatholepis calliurus Jordan & Seale, 1905 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Pascua caudilinea Randall, 2005 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Hetereleotris caudilinea (Randall, 2005) | synonym | senior | new | |
Pascua sticta (Hoese & Larson, 2005) | accepted | senior | new | |
Hetereleotris sticta Hoese & Larson, 2005 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Grallenia arenicola Shibukawa & Iwata, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Grallenia lipi Shibukawa & Iwata, 2007 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobiidae sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Grallenia baliensis Allen & Erdmann, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ancistrogobius dipus Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gen. sp. 4 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Orangetip goby Not applicable | ambiguous | other | other | |
Macrodontogobius wilburi (non Herre, 1936) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Ancistrogobius squamiceps Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gen. sp. 7 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Ancistrogobius yanoi Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gen. sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gen. sp. 5 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Ancistrogobius yoshigoui Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gen. sp. 3 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gen. sp. 6 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Gobiidae sp. 6 Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Macrodontogobius wilburi (non Herre, 1936) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Phoxacromion kaneharai Shibukawa, Suzuki & Senou, 2010 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Antilligobius nikkiae Van Tassell & Colin, 2012 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Carrigobius amblyrhynchus (Smith & Baldwin, 1999) | accepted | senior | new | |
Psilotris amblyrhynchus Smith & Baldwin, 1999 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptopsilotris batrachodes (Böhlke, 1963) | accepted | senior | new | |
Psilotris batrachodes Böhlke, 1963 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Psilotris batrachoides Böhlke, 1963 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Psilotrix batrachodes Böhlke, 1963 | synonym | senior | original | |
Paedovaricus imswe (Greenfield, 1981) | accepted | senior | new | |
Varicus imswe Greenfield, 1981 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chriolepis imswe (Greenfield, 1981) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblyopinae | ||||
Amblyotrypauchen arctocephalus (Alcock, 1890) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus arctocephalus Alcock, 1890 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Amblyotrypauchen artcocephalus (Alcock, 1890) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblyotrypauchen fraseri Hora, 1924 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius anguillaris Linnaeus, 1758 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobioides anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Taenioides angullaris (Linnaeus, 1758) | synonym | senior | new | |
Cepola coecula Bloch & Schneider, 1801 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobioides coeculus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Taenioides caeculus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) | synonym | junior | new | |
Cepola hermanniana Shaw, 1803 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides gracilis (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus gracilis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides gracilis madagascariensis Chabanaud, 1927 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides eruptionis (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus eruptionis Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides cirratus (Blyth, 1860) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus cirratus Blyth, 1860 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobioides cirratus (Blyth, 1860) | synonym | senior | new | |
Amblyopus brachygaster Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides brachygaster (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
Taenioides snyderi Jordan & Hubbs, 1925 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides caeculus (non Schneider, 1801) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Taenioides buchanani (Day, 1873) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus buchanani Day, 1873 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobioides buchanani (Day, 1873) | synonym | senior | new | |
Taenioides mordax (De Vis, 1883) | accepted | senior | new | |
Leme mordax De Vis, 1883 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides purpurascens (De Vis, 1884) | accepted | senior | new | |
Leme purpurascens De Vis, 1884 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides nigrimarginatus Hora, 1924 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides caniscapulus Roxas & Ablan, 1938 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides jacksoni Smith, 1943 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides esquivel Smith, 1947 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides limicola Smith, 1964 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides kentalleni Murdy & Randall, 2002 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trypauchen vagina (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius vagina Bloch & Schneider, 1801 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobioides ruber Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Trypauchen wakae Jordan & Snyder, 1901 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Trypauchen pelaeos Murdy, 2006 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trypauchenichthys typus Bleeker, 1860 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trypauchenichthys sumatrensis Hardenberg, 1931 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trypauchenichthys larsonae Murdy, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenotrypauchen chinensis Steindachner, 1867 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trypauchen taenia Koumans, 1953 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Brachyamblyopus brachysoma (Bleeker, 1854) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus brachysoma Bleeker, 1854 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Odontamblyopus rubicundus (Hamilton, 1822) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobioides rubicundus Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides rubicundus (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobioidus rubicundus Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | junior | original | |
Amblyopus mayenna Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblyopus taenia Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Odontamblyopus roseus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus roseus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Odontamblyopus lacepedii (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus lacepedii Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Amblyopus sieboldi Steindachner, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobioides petersenii Steindachner, 1893 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides abbotti Jordan & Starks, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides petschiliensis Rendahl, 1924 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Sericagobioides lighti Herre, 1927 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Nudagobioides nankaii Shaw, 1929 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Taenioides limboonkengi Wu, 1931 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Odontamblyopus rubicundus (non Hamilton, 1822) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Taenioides rubicundus (non Hamilton, 1822) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Odontamblyopus tenuis (Day, 1876) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobioides tenuis Day, 1876 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Odontamblyopus rebecca Murdy & Shibukawa, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Trypauchenopsis intermedia Volz, 1903 | accepted | senior | original | |
! Trypauchenopsis intermedius Volz, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 1 |
Brachyamblyopus intermedius (Volz, 1903) | synonym | senior | new | |
Caragobius urolepis (Bleeker, 1852) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus urolepis Bleeker, 1852 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Brachyamblyopus urolepis (Bleeker, 1852) | synonym | senior | new | |
Caragobius typhlops Smith & Seale, 1906 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Trypauchenophrys anotus Franz, 1910 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Brachyamblyopus anotus (Franz, 1910) | synonym | junior | new | |
Caragobius anotus (Franz, 1910) | synonym | junior | new | |
Taenioides chilkensis Hora, 1923 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Brachyamblyopus olivaceus Herre, 1927 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Caragobius olivaceus (Herre, 1927) | synonym | junior | new | |
Caragobius geomys Fowler, 1935 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Caragobioides geomys (Fowler, 1935) | synonym | junior | new | |
Nudagobioides monserrati Roxas & Ablan, 1940 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Caragobius rubristriatus (Saville-Kent, 1889) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus rubristriatus Saville-Kent, 1889 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Brachyamblyopus rubristriatus (Saville-Kent, 1889) | synonym | senior | new | |
Caragobius burmanicus (Hora, 1926) | accepted | senior | new | |
Brachyamblyopus burmanicus Hora, 1926 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Pseudotrypauchen multiradiatus Hardenberg, 1931 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Brachyamblyopus multiradiatus (Hardenberg, 1931) | synonym | senior | new | |
Karsten totoyensis (Garman, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobioides totoyensis Garman, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides coecus Weber, 1913 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Brachyamblyopus coecus (Weber, 1913) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gymnoamblyopus novaeguineae Murdy & Ferraris, 2003 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Taenioides sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other | |
Paratrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker, 1860) | accepted | senior | new | |
Trypauchen microcephalus Bleeker, 1860 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker, 1860) | synonym | senior | new | |
Taeniodes microcephalus (Bleeker, 1860) | synonym | senior | new | |
Trypauchen raha Popta, 1922 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenotrypauchen barnardi Hora, 1926 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Trypauchen vagina (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Trypauchenichthys typus (non Bleeker, 1860) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobionellinae | ||||
Gobionellus oceanicus (Pallas, 1770) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius oceanicus Pallas, 1770 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius lanceolatus Bloch, 1783 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius bacalaus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus hastatus Girard, 1858 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Paroxyurichthys typus Bleeker, 1876 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius bayamonensis Evermann & Marsh, 1899 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus gracillimus Ginsburg, 1953 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus microdon (Gilbert, 1892) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius microdon Gilbert, 1892 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus mystax Ginsburg, 1953 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus occidentalis (Boulenger, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius occidentalis Boulenger, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius occidentalis (Boulenger, 1909) | synonym | senior | new | |
Oxyurichthus occidentalis (Boulenger, 1909) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Oxyurichthus occidantalis (Boulenger, 1909) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Oxyurichys occidentalis (Boulenger, 1909) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobionellus stomatus Starks, 1913 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus daguae (Eigenmann, 1918) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius daguae Eigenmann, 1918 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Euctenogobius panamensis Meek & Hildebrand, 1928 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus liolepis (Meek & Hildebrand, 1928) | accepted | senior | new | |
Euctenogobius liolepis Meek & Hildebrand, 1928 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus munizi Vergara R., 1978 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius munizi (Vergara R., 1978) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobioides broussonnetii Lacepède, 1800 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobioides broussonneti Lacepède, 1800 | synonym | senior | original | |
Amblyopus broussonetii (Lacepède, 1800) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobioides broussoneti Lacepède, 1800 | synonym | senior | original | |
Cepola striata Bloch & Schneider, 1801 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Gobius brasiliensis Bloch & Schneider, 1801 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblyopus brasiliensis (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius oblongus Schneider, 1801 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cepola unicolor Gronow, 1854 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobioides barreto Poey, 1860 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Amblyopus mexicanus O'Shaughnessy, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Cayennia guichenoti Sauvage, 1880 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobioides sagitta (Günther, 1862) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus sagitta Günther, 1862 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Tyntlastes sagitta (Günther, 1862) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobioides ansorgii Boulenger, 1909 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Paratyntlastes ansorgii (Boulenger, 1909) | synonym | junior | new | |
Tyntlastes ansorgii (Boulenger, 1909) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Gobioides ansorgei Boulenger, 1909 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobioides senegalensis Puyo, 1957 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobioides peruanus (Steindachner, 1880) | accepted | senior | new | |
Amblyopus peruanus Steindachner, 1880 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobioides peruvianus (Steindachner, 1880) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobioides africanus (Giltay, 1935) | accepted | senior | new | |
Paratyntlastes africanus Giltay, 1935 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobioides ansorgii (non Boulenger, 1909) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
! Gobioides ansorgei (non Boulenger, 1909) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobioides grahamae Palmer & Wheeler, 1955 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobioides unicolor Palmer, 1952 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Awaous ocellaris (Broussonet, 1782) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ocellaris Broussonet, 1782 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus ocellaris (Broussonnet, 1782) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius awaou Lacepède, 1800 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius awao Lacepède, 1800 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius punctatus Solander, 1837 | ambiguous | other | original | 2 |
Awaous commersoni (Schneider, 1801) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius commersoni Schneider, 1801 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius niger Lacepède, 1800 | ambiguous | homonym | original | 2 |
Gobius nigripinnis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous nigripinnis (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius commersonii Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Awavus commersoni (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | junior | new | |
Awaous tajasica (Lichtenstein, 1822) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius tajasica Lichtenstein, 1822 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Awaous taiasica (Lichtenstein, 1822) | synonym | senior | new | |
Euctenogobius latus O'Shaughnessy, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Suiboga travassosi Pinto, 1960 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous banana (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius banana Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius martinicus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus bucculentus Poey, 1860 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius transandeanus Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous transandeanus (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Awaous transandaneus (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius mexicanus Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus contractus Poey, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius dolichocephalus Cope, 1867 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous nelsoni Evermann, 1898 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius guentheri Regan, 1903 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous flavus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius flavus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Euctenogobius badius Gill, 1859 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Euctenogobius strigatus O'Shaughnessy, 1875 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius kraussii Steindachner, 1879 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous decemlineatus Eigenmann, 1918 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous guamensis (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius guamensis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus guamensis (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius crassilabris Günther, 1861 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Awaous crassilabris (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Awaous crassilabras (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
! Awaous crassilabrus (Günther, 1861) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius grammepomus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
! Awarous grammepomus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius stamineus (non Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Awaous pallidus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius pallidus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Awavus pallidus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Chonophorus pallidus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Awaous grammepomus (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius grammepomus Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Awaous personatus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Chonophorus melanocephalus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius personatus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Awaous macropterus (non Duncker, 1912) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Awaous melanocephalus (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius melanocephalus Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus melanocephalus (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Chonorphorus melanocephalus (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Awaous grammepomus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius grammepomus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius personatus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
! Awavus personatus (non Bleeker, 1849) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Awaous personatus (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius personatus Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Awaous stamineus (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius stamineus Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus stamineus (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850) | synonym | senior | new | |
Awaous aeneofuscus (Peters, 1852) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius aeneofuscus Peters, 1852 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus aeneofuscus (Peters, 1852) | synonym | senior | new | |
Platygobius aeneofuscus (Peters, 1852) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius aenofuscus (Peters, 1852) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Platygobius aeonofuscus (Peters, 1852) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius louveli Petit, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
! Gobius louvali Petit, 1936 | synonym | junior | original | |
Gobius amiciensis (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius banana (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Awaous lateristriga (Duméril, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lateristriga Duméril, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus lateristriga (Duméril, 1861) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius aeneofuscus guineensis Peters, 1876 | synonym | junior | original | 1 |
Awaous guineensis (Peters, 1876) | synonym | junior | new | |
Chonophorus guineensis (Peters, 1876) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius guineensis Peters, 1876 | synonym | junior | change in rank | |
Gobius tajasica (non Lichtenstein, 1822) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Gobius banana (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Sicydium plumieri (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius aeneofuscus (non Peters, 1852) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Chonophorus bustamantei (non Greeff, 1882) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobius bustamantei (non Greeff, 1882) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Sicydium bustamantei (non Greeff, 1882) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Sicydium brevifilis (non Ogilvie-Grant, 1884) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Awaous litturatus (Steindachner, 1861) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius litturatus Steindachner, 1861 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Awaous macrorhynchus (Bleeker, 1867) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius macrorhynchus Bleeker, 1867 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chonophorus macrorhynchus (Bleeker, 1867) | synonym | senior | new | |
Platygobius macrorhynchus (Bleeker, 1867) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius madagascariensis Bleeker, 1867 | ambiguous | questionable | original | 2 |
Platygobius madagascariensis (Bleeker, 1867) | ambiguous | questionable | new | |
Awaous bustamantei (Greeff, 1882) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius bustamantei Greeff, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Sicydium bustamantei (Greeff, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobius bustamentéi Greeff, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | |
Awaous jayakari (Boulenger, 1888) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius jayakari Boulenger, 1888 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Awaous fluviatilis (Rao, 1971) | accepted | senior | new | |
Chiramenu fluviatilis Rao, 1971 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Awaous acritosus Watson, 1994 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chaeturichthys stigmatias Richardson, 1844 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chaeturichthys jeoni Shibukawa & Iwata, 2013 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chaeturichthys stigmatias (non Richardson, 1844) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Oxyurichthys papuensis (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius papuensis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius belosso Bleeker, 1854 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys tentacularis (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius tentacularis Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys microlepis (Bleeker, 1849) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius microlepis Bleeker, 1849 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Oxyurichthyes microlepis (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Oxyuricthyes microlepis (Bleeker, 1849) | synonym | senior | new | |
Euctenogobius cristatus Day, 1873 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius cristatus (Day, 1873) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius longicauda Steindachner, 1893 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys longicauda (Steindachner, 1893) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius nuchalis Barnard, 1927 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys ophthalmonema (Bleeker, 1856) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius ophthalmonema Bleeker, 1856 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys ophthalmonemus (Bleeker, 1856) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Oxyurichthys ophthalmonepis (Bleeker, 1856) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Oxyurichthys opthalmonemus (Bleeker, 1856) | synonym | senior | new | |
Oxyurichthys tentacularis (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
! Oxyurichthys petersii (Klunzinger, 1871) | provisionally accept | junior | new | |
Apocryptes petersii Klunzinger, 1871 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys petersi (Klunzinger, 1871) | synonym | junior | new | |
Oxyurichthys papuensis (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Oxyurichthys auchenolepis Bleeker, 1876 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys petersenii (Steindachner, 1893) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius petersenii Steindachner, 1893 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys lonchotus (Jenkins, 1903) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobionellus lonchotus Jenkins, 1903 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys notonema (Weber, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius notonema Weber, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys uronema (Weber, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius uronema Weber, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys amabalis Seale, 1914 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
! Oxyurichthus amabalis Seale, 1914 | synonym | senior | original | |
Oxyurichthys cornutus McCulloch & Waite, 1918 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys mindanensis (Herre, 1927) | accepted | senior | new | |
Parapocryptes mindanensis Herre, 1927 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys viridis Herre, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys visayanus Herre, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys saru Tomiyama, 1936 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys lemayi (Smith, 1947) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobiichthys lemayi Smith, 1947 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys formosanus Nichols, 1958 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys nijsseni Menon & Govindan, 1977 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys jaarmani (non Weber, 1913) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Oxyurichthys stigmalophius (Mead & Böhlke, 1958) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobionellus stigmalophius Mead & Böhlke, 1958 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius stigmalophius (Mead & Böhlke, 1958) | synonym | senior | new | |
Oxyurichthys guibei Smith, 1959 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Cryptopterus filifer (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Gobius filifer (non Valenciennes, 1837) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Oxyurichthys heisei Pezold, 1998 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys paulae Pezold, 1998 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Oxyurichthys takagi Pezold, 1998 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius fasciatus Gill, 1858 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus claytoni (non Meek, 1902) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Gobionellus claytonii (non Meek, 1902) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Ctenogobius smaragdus (Valenciennes, 1837) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius smaragdus Valenciennes, 1837 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus smaragdus (Valenciennes, 1837) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius stigmaticus (Poey, 1860) | accepted | senior | new | |
Smaragdus stigmaticus Poey, 1860 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus stigmaticus (Poey, 1860) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius sagittula (Günther, 1862) | accepted | senior | new | |
Euctenogobius sagittula Günther, 1862 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus sagittula (Günther, 1862) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobionellus sagitulla (Günther, 1862) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius longicaudus Jenkins & Evermann, 1889 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus longicaudus (Jenkins & Evermann, 1889) | synonym | junior | new | |
Ctenogobius boleosoma (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius boleosoma Jordan & Gilbert, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus boleosoma (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobionellis boleosoma (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobionellus boleosona (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobionellus stigmaturus (non Goode & Bean, 1882) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Ctenogobius stigmaturus (Goode & Bean, 1882) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius stigmaturus Goode & Bean, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus stigmaturus (Goode & Bean, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius shufeldti (Jordan & Eigenmann, 1887) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius shufeldti Jordan & Eigenmann, 1887 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus shufeldti (Jordan & Eigenmann, 1887) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius manglicola (Jordan & Starks, 1895) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius manglicola Jordan & Starks, 1895 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius claytonii (Meek, 1902) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius claytonii Meek, 1902 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobionellus claytonii (Meek, 1902) | synonym | senior | new | |
! Gobionellus claytoni (Meek, 1902) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobionellus atripinnis Gilbert & Randall, 1979 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius clarki Evermann & Shaw, 1927 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius clarki (Evermann & Shaw, 1927) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius lepturus (Pfaff, 1933) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobionellus lepturus Pfaff, 1933 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius lepturus (Pfaff, 1933) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius aestivaregia (Mori, 1934) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius aestivaregia Mori, 1934 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius fukushimai (Mori, 1934) | accepted | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius fukushimai Mori, 1934 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius aestivaregia (non Mori, 1934) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Ctenogobius vexillifer Fowler, 1937 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius vexillifer (Fowler, 1937) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius chusanensis Herre, 1940 | accepted | senior | original | 3 |
Amoya chusanensis (Herre, 1940) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius szechuanensis (Liu, 1940) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius szechuanensis Liu, 1940 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius chengtuensis (Chang, 1944) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius chengtuensis Chang, 1944 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius saepepallens (Gilbert & Randall, 1968) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobionellus saepepallens Gilbert & Randall, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Gobionellus saepepalens Gilbert & Randall, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | |
! Gobionellus sapepallens Gilbert & Randall, 1968 | synonym | senior | original | |
Gobionellus comma Gilbert & Randall, 1979 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius pseudofasciatus (Gilbert & Randall, 1971) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobionellus pseudofasciatus Gilbert & Randall, 1971 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius shennongensis Yang & Xie, 1983 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius shennongensis (Yang & Xie, 1983) | synonym | senior | new | |
Ctenogobius cervicosquamus Wu, Lu & Ni, 1986 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius phenacus (Pezold & Lasala S., 1987) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobionellus phenacus Pezold & Lasala S., 1987 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius thoropsis (Pezold & Gilbert, 1987) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobionellus thoropsis Pezold & Gilbert, 1987 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius flavimanus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Acanthogobius flavimannus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | synonym | senior | new | |
Gobius stigmothonus Richardson, 1845 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Aboma snyderi Jordan & Fowler, 1902 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Acanthogobius hasta (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius hasta Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Synechogobius hasta (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | synonym | senior | new | |
Synechogobius hastus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acanthogobius lactipes (Hilgendorf, 1879) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lactipes Hilgendorf, 1879 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Aboma lactipes (Hilgendorf, 1879) | synonym | senior | new | |
Acanthogobius elongatus (Fang, 1942) | accepted | senior | original | |
Aboma elongatus Fang, 1942 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Acanthogobius luridus Ni & Wu, 1985 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Acanthogobius insularis Shibukawa & Taki, 1996 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Chaenogobius annularis Gill, 1859 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius dolichognathus Hilgendorf, 1879 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Chaenogobius dolichognathus (Hilgendorf, 1879) | synonym | junior | new | |
Chasmichthys dolichognathus (Hilgendorf, 1879) | synonym | junior | new | |
Chasmichthys dolichognathus dolichognathus (Hilgendorf, 1879) | synonym | junior | new | |
Chaenogobius gulosus (Sauvage, 1882) | accepted | senior | new | |
Saccostoma gulosus Sauvage, 1882 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Chasmichthys dolichognathus gulosus (Sauvage, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
Chasmichthys gulosus (Sauvage, 1882) | synonym | senior | new | |
Chasmias misakius Jordan & Snyder, 1901 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Chasmichthys misakius (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) | synonym | junior | new | |
Evorthodus lyricus (Girard, 1858) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lyricus Girard, 1858 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
! Evorthodus lyricas (Girard, 1858) | synonym | senior | new | |
Evorthodus breviceps Gill, 1859 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Smaragdus costalesi Poey, 1860 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Gobius parvus Meek, 1902 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius curtisi Fowler, 1952 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Evorthodus minutus Meek & Hildebrand, 1928 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Lepidogobius lepidus (Girard, 1858) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius lepidus Girard, 1858 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius guttatus Gill, 1859 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius martellii Di Caporiacco, 1948 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius elongatus Regan, 1905 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius ama (Snyder, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Inu ama Snyder, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius koma (Snyder, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Inu koma Snyder, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius parvulus (Snyder, 1909) | accepted | senior | new | |
Expedio parvulus Snyder, 1909 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius brevipterus Chen, 1932 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius albus Regan, 1940 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius pallidus Regan, 1940 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius saikaiensis Dôtu, 1957 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius grandis Arai, 1970 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius dormitoris Shiogaki & Dotsu, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius platycephalus Shiogaki & Dotsu, 1976 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius adapel Okiyama, 2001 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius ryukyuensis Chen, Suzuki & Senou, 2008 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius fluvialis Kanagawa, Itai & Senou, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Luciogobius fonticola Kanagawa, Itai & Senou, 2011 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius similis Gill, 1859 | accepted | senior | original | 2 |
Gobius similis (Gill, 1859) | synonym | senior | new | |
Aboma tsinanensis Fowler, 1930 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Rhinogobius hadropterus (non Jordan & Snyder, 1901) | misapplied | misapplied | new | |
Rhinogobius similis lindbergi (non Berg, 1933) | misapplied | misapplied | original | |
Rhinogobius brunneus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius brunneus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius brunneus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius brunneus brunneus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) | synonym | senior | new | |
Rhinogobius sowerbyi Ginsburg, 1917 | synonym | junior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius sowerbyi (Ginsburg, 1917) | synonym | junior | new | |
Gobius leavelli (non Herre, 1935) | misapplied | misapplied | misapplied | |
Rhinogobius davidi (Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874) | accepted | senior | new | |
Gobius davidi Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874 | synonym | senior | original | 2 |
Ctenogobius davidi (Sauvage & Dabry de Thier |