List of Nominal Species of Scopelarchidae
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Nominal Species (n = 27) Present allocation (n = 18) Ref.
Benthalbella alatus Fourmanoir, 1970 Rosenblattichthys alatus 26282
Dissomma anale Brauer, 1902 Scopelarchus analis 6601
Scopelarchus beebei Rofen, 1963 Scopelarchus analis 10755
Scopelarchus candelops Rofen, 1963 Scopelarchus analis 10755
Scopelarchus cavei Marshall, 1955 Scopelarchus michaelsarsi 10755
Scopelarchoides climax Johnson, 1974 Scopelarchoides climax 40783
Scopelarchoides danae Johnson, 1974 Scopelarchoides danae 10755
Neoscopelarchoides dentatus Chapman, 1939 Benthalbella dentata 4925
Neoscopelarchoides dubius Marshall, 1955 Benthalbella infans 10755
Scopelarchus elongatus Norman, 1937 Benthalbella elongata 5174
Scopelarchus guentheri Alcock, 1896 Scopelarchus guentheri 10755
Scopelarchus guentheri (non Alcock, 1896) Benthalbella infans 10755
Scopelarchus guentheri (non Alcock, 1896) Scopelarchus analis 10755
Rosenblattichthys hubbsi Johnson, 1974 Rosenblattichthys hubbsi 10755
Benthalbella infans Zugmayer, 1911 Benthalbella infans 10755
Scopelarchoides kreffti Johnson, 1972 Scopelarchoides kreffti 46206
Scopelarchus linguidens Mead & Böhlke, 1953 Benthalbella linguidens 26282
Omosudis lowei (non Günther, 1887) Benthalbella infans 10755
Benthalbella macropinna Bussing & Bussing, 1966 Benthalbella macropinna 5174
Scopelarchus michaelsarsi Koefoed, 1955 Scopelarchus michaelsarsi 10755
Rosenblattichthys nemotoi Okiyama & Johnson, 1986 Rosenblattichthys nemotoi 34848
Scopelarchoides nicholsi Parr, 1929 Scopelarchoides nicholsi 26340
Odontostomus perarmatus Roule, 1916 Scopelarchus analis 10755
Scopelarchus sagax Rofen, 1963 Scopelarchus analis 10755
Scopelarchoides signifer Johnson, 1974 Scopelarchoides signifer 6601
Scopelarchus stephensi Johnson, 1974 Scopelarchus stephensi 40783
Phanops volucris Rofen, 1966 Rosenblattichthys volucris 33021
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.5.01 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 29/11/12