Order | Family | Species | Occurrence | FishBase name | Name | Danger |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Ablabys taenianotus | native | Cockatoo waspfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf vaigiensis | native | Indo-Pacific sergeant | Kikiringan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Acanthocybium solandri | native | Wahoo | Tangingue | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus leucopareius | native | Whitebar surgeonfish | Labahita | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus lineatus | native | Lined surgeonfish | Lapus lapus | venomous |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus mata | native | Elongate surgeonfish | Saplan | venomous |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus nigricauda | native | Epaulette surgeonfish | Indangan | poisonous to eat |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus nigrofuscus | native | Brown surgeonfish | Indangan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus triostegus | native | Convict surgeonfish | Indangan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus xanthopterus | native | Yellowfin surgeonfish | Labahita | venomous |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius caninus | native | Tropical sand goby | poisonous to eat | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius nebulosus | native | Shadow goby | Biyang dagat | poisonous to eat |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Aetobatus narinari | native | Spotted eagle ray | Pagi | traumatogenic |
Albuliformes | Albulidae | Albula vulpes | native | Bonefish | Bidbid | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Alectis ciliaris | native | African pompano | Damis-lawin | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Batrachoidiformes | Batrachoididae | Allenbatrachus grunniens | native | Grunting toadfish | venomous | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Aluterus monoceros | native | Unicorn leatherjacket filefish | Tiwarik | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Aluterus scriptus | native | Scribbled leatherjacket filefish | Tiwarik | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Amatitlania nigrofasciata | introduced | Convict cichlid | Convict | potential pest |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius biocellatus | native | Brackishwater frogfish | poisonous to eat | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennatus tuberosus | native | Tuberculated frogfish | poisonous to eat | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Aphareus furca | native | Small toothed jobfish | Bisugo | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Apistidae | Apistus carinatus | native | Ocellated waspfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Aprion virescens | native | Green jobfish | Maya maya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius arius | native | Threadfin sea catfish | Kanduli | traumatogenic |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius dispar | native | Fleshysnout catfish | Kanduli | traumatogenic |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius maculatus | native | Spotted catfish | Kanduli | traumatogenic |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius manillensis | endemic | Sea catfish | traumatogenic | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius subrostratus | native | Shovelnose sea catfish | Short nosed catfish | traumatogenic |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius sumatranus | native | Goat catfish | traumatogenic | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius venosus | native | Veined catfish | Kanduli | traumatogenic |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron hispidus | native | White-spotted puffer | Butete | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron immaculatus | native | Immaculate puffer | Mosi | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron mappa | native | Map puffer | Butete | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron meleagris | native | Guineafowl puffer | Butete | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron nigropunctatus | native | Blackspotted puffer | Butiti | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron stellatus | native | Stellate puffer | Butete | poisonous to eat |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Aulacocephalus temminckii | native | Goldribbon soapfish | poisonous to eat | |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Balistapus undulatus | native | Orange-lined triggerfish | Pakoy | traumatogenic |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Balistoides conspicillum | native | Clown triggerfish | Pakoy | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Balistoides viridescens | native | Titan triggerfish | Kapuul | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Branchiostegus sawakinensis | native | Freckled tilefish | Barko barko | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster rivulata | native | Brown-lined puffer | venomous | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster valentini | native | Valentin's sharpnose puffer | Butete | poisonous to eat |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Caracanthus unipinna | native | Pygmy coral croucher | venomous | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides ferdau | native | Blue trevally | Sibo | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx ignobilis | native | Giant trevally | Mamsa | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx lugubris | native | Black jack | Sibong lison | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx melampygus | native | Bluefin trevally | Talakitok | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Cypriniformes | Cyprinidae | Carassius auratus | introduced | Goldfish | karpita | potential pest |
Cypriniformes | Cyprinidae | Carassius carassius | introduced | Crucian carp | Wild goldfish | potential pest |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus albimarginatus | native | Silvertip shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides | native | Graceful shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos | native | Blacktail reef shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus falciformis | native | Silky shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus leucas | native | Bull shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus limbatus | native | Blacktip shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus longimanus | native | Oceanic whitetip shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus melanopterus | native | Blacktip reef shark | Lumba | traumatogenic |
Lamniformes | Odontaspididae | Carcharias taurus | native | Sand tiger shark | traumatogenic | |
Lamniformes | Lamnidae | Carcharodon carcharias | native | Great white shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Cephalocassis manillensis | endemic | traumatogenic | ||
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis argus | native | Peacock hind | Baraka | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Channidae | Channa striata | introduced | Striped snakehead | Anak dalag | potential pest |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cheilinus undulatus | native | Humphead wrasse | Lupaen | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Chelonodon patoca | native | Milkspotted puffer | Botite | poisonous to eat |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus microrhinos | native | Steephead parrots | Isdang loro | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus sordidus | native | Daisy parrotfish | Isdang loro | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Choridactylus multibarbus | native | Orangebanded stingfish | venomous | |
Siluriformes | Clariidae | Clarias batrachus | introduced | Philippine catfish | Hitong batukan | potential pest |
Siluriformes | Clariidae | Clarias fuscus | native | Hong Kong catfish | venomous | |
Siluriformes | Clariidae | Clarias gariepinus | introduced | North African catfish | potential pest | |
Characiformes | Serrasalmidae | Colossoma macropomum | introduced | Cachama | traumatogenic | |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Coptodon zillii | introduced | Redbelly tilapia | Zill's tilapia | potential pest |
Perciformes | Labridae | Coris gaimard | native | African coris | Bankilan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Coryphaenidae | Coryphaena hippurus | native | Common dolphinfish | Dorado | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Cottapistus cottoides | native | Marbled stingfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Ctenochaetus binotatus | native | Twospot surgeonfish | Labahita | other |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Ctenochaetus striatus | native | Striated surgeonfish | Mangangadlit | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Cypriniformes | Cyprinidae | Cyprinus carpio | introduced | Common carp | Karpa | potential pest |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus macarellus | native | Mackerel scad | Barraniti | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus biocellatus | native | Twospot turkeyfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus brachypterus | native | Shortfin turkeyfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus zebra | native | Zebra turkeyfish | Danuy ranuy | venomous |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Diagramma pictum | native | Painted sweetlips | Bakoko | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Diodon holocanthus | native | Longspined porcupinefish | Botiting laot | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Diodon hystrix | native | Spot-fin porcupinefish | Botiting laot | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Diodon liturosus | native | Black-blotched porcupinefish | Botiting laot | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Rajiformes | Rajidae | Dipturus gigas | native | Giant skate | other | |
Rajiformes | Rajidae | Dipturus tengu | native | Acutenose skate | other | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Echidna rhodochilus | native | Pink-lipped moray eel | traumatogenic | |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Ectreposebastes imus | native | Midwater scorpionfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Elagatis bipinnulata | native | Rainbow runner | Balilito | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Enchelycore bayeri | native | Bayer's moray | traumatogenic | |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Engraulis japonicus | native | Japanese anchovy | Bolinao | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Labridae | Epibulus insidiator | native | Sling-jaw wrasse | Bungat | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus cyanopodus | native | Speckled blue grouper | Lapu-lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus fasciatus | native | Blacktip grouper | Barangbang | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus fuscoguttatus | native | Brown-marbled grouper | Kigting | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus lanceolatus | native | Giant grouper | Puol | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus maculatus | native | Highfin grouper | Lapu lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus melanostigma | native | One-blotch grouper | Lapu lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus merra | native | Honeycomb grouper | Baraka | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus morrhua | native | Comet grouper | Kulapo | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus polyphekadion | native | Camouflage grouper | Lapu-lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus quoyanus | native | Longfin grouper | Lapu lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus tauvina | native | Greasy grouper | Tiny | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Erosa erosa | native | Pitted stonefish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Euthynnus affinis | native | Kawakawa | Anturayan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Galeocerdo cuvier | native | Tiger shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Cyprinodontiformes | Poeciliidae | Gambusia affinis | introduced | Mosquitofish | Isdang canal | potential pest |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gnathodentex aureolineatus | native | Striped large-eye bream | Bitilya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon citrinus | native | Poison goby | Bia | other |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Grammistes sexlineatus | native | Goldenstriped soapfish | reports of ciguatera poisoning | |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Gymnosarda unicolor | native | Dogtooth tuna | Tambakol | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax favagineus | native | Laced moray | Malibanos | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax flavimarginatus | native | Yellow-edged moray | Malibanos | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax javanicus | native | Giant moray | Almang | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax kidako | native | Kidako moray | traumatogenic | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax meleagris | native | Turkey moray | Malibanos | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax pictus | native | Paintspotted moray | Berkakan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax polyuranodon | native | Freshwater moray | reports of ciguatera poisoning | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax undulatus | native | Undulated moray | Bakasi | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Myliobatiformes | Gymnuridae | Gymnura zonura | native | Zonetail butterfly ray | venomous | |
Carcharhiniformes | Hemigaleidae | Hemipristis elongata | native | Snaggletooth shark | traumatogenic | |
Hexanchiformes | Hexanchidae | Heptranchias perlo | native | Sharpnose sevengill shark | poisonous to eat | |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus | native | Bluestripe herring | Tunsoy | potential pest |
Heterodontiformes | Heterodontidae | Heterodontus zebra | native | Zebra bullhead shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Heteropriacanthus cruentatus | native | Glasseye | Siga | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Hexanchiformes | Hexanchidae | Hexanchus griseus | native | Bluntnose sixgill shark | Pating | poisonous to eat |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Hexanematichthys sagor | native | Sagor catfish | traumatogenic | |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Himantura uarnak | native | Honeycomb stingray | Pagi | venomous |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Histrio histrio | native | Sargassumfish | reports of ciguatera poisoning | |
Cypriniformes | Cyprinidae | Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | introduced | Silver carp | Babangan | potential pest |
Cypriniformes | Cyprinidae | Hypophthalmichthys nobilis | introduced | Bighead carp | potential pest | |
Siluriformes | Ictaluridae | Ictalurus punctatus | introduced | Channel catfish | Channel catfish | potential pest |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Inimicus cuvieri | native | Longsnout stinger | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Inimicus didactylus | native | Bearded ghoul | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Inimicus sinensis | native | Spotted ghoul | venomous | |
Lamniformes | Lamnidae | Isurus oxyrinchus | native | Shortfin mako | Pating | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Katsuwonus pelamis | native | Skipjack tuna | Barilis | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Kyphosidae | Kyphosus cinerascens | native | Blue sea chub | Ilak | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Lactoria cornuta | native | Longhorn cowfish | Tabarong | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Lactoria diaphana | native | Roundbelly cowfish | Kaban-kaban | venomous |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Lagocephalus lunaris | native | Lunartail puffer | Botete | poisonous to eat |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Lagocephalus sceleratus | native | Silver-cheeked toadfish | Tinga-tinga | poisonous to eat |
Perciformes | Centrarchidae | Lepomis macrochirus | introduced | Bluegill | Sunfish | potential pest |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus erythracanthus | native | Orange-spotted emperor | Savung | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus microdon | native | Smalltooth emperor | Bitilya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus miniatus | native | Trumpet emperor | Bitilya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus nebulosus | native | Spangled emperor | Bitilya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus olivaceus | native | Longface emperor | Bukawin | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Lioscorpius longiceps | native | Slender scorpionfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | native | Mangrove red snapper | Gingaw | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus bohar | native | Two-spot red snapper | Langisi | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus fulviflamma | native | Dory snapper | Alum | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus fulvus | native | Blacktail snapper | Bangbangin | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus gibbus | native | Humpback red snapper | Dapak | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus monostigma | native | One-spot snapper | Maya maya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus rivulatus | native | Blubberlip snapper | Lugho | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus sebae | native | Emperor red snapper | Maya maya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus anema | native | Threadless blenny | venomous | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus atrodorsalis | native | Forktail blenny | Paku | venomous |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus ditrema | native | One-striped poison-fang blenny | venomous | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus grammistes | native | Striped poison-fang blenny | venomous | |
Perciformes | Centrarchidae | Micropterus salmoides | introduced | Largemouth black bass | potential pest | |
Cypriniformes | Cobitidae | Misgurnus anguillicaudatus | introduced | Pond loach | Dojo | potential pest |
Tetraodontiformes | Molidae | Mola mola | native | Ocean sunfish | poisonous to eat | |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Monotaxis grandoculis | native | Humpnose big-eye bream | Bitilya | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Anguilliformes | Muraenesocidae | Muraenesox bagio | native | Common pike conger | Malibanos | other |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis murdjan | native | Pinecone soldierfish | Baga-baga | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Torpediniformes | Narcinidae | Narcine lingula | native | Chinese numbfish | other | |
Torpediniformes | Narcinidae | Narcine timlei | native | Spotted numbfish | other | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso annulatus | native | Whitemargin unicornfish | Bagis | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso brevirostris | native | Spotted unicornfish | Surahan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso lituratus | native | Orangespine unicornfish | Surahan | venomous |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso unicornis | native | Bluespine unicornfish | Surahan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Orectolobiformes | Ginglymostomatidae | Nebrius ferrugineus | native | Tawny nurse shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Negaprion acutidens | native | Sicklefin lemon shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Neoarius leptaspis | native | Salmon catfish | traumatogenic | |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Neoniphon opercularis | native | Blackfin squirrelfish | Baga-baga | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Neoniphon sammara | native | Sammara squirrelfish | Baga-baga | venomous |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Neotrygon kuhlii | native | Blue-spotted stingray | Pagi | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Neovespicula depressifrons | native | Leaf goblinfish | venomous | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Netuma thalassina | native | Giant catfish | Kanduli | traumatogenic |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Ocosia zaspilota | native | Polka dot waspfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Oreochromis aureus | introduced | Blue tilapia | Tilapia | potential pest |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Oreochromis mossambicus | introduced | Mozambique tilapia | Tilapia | potential pest |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Oreochromis niloticus | introduced | Nile tilapia | Pla pla | potential pest |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Ostracion meleagris | native | Whitespotted boxfish | Kaban-kaban | venomous |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Ostracion rhinorhynchos | native | Horn-nosed boxfish | Baka baka | venomous |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Ostracion solorensis | native | Reticulate boxfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Oxycheilinus unifasciatus | native | Ringtail maori wrasse | Bankilan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Paracanthurus hepatus | native | Palette surgeonfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Paracentropogon longispinis | native | Wispy waspfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Parachromis managuensis | introduced | Jaguar guapote | Managuense | potential pest |
Siluriformes | Plotosidae | Paraplotosus albilabris | native | Whitelipped eel catfish | Alimusang | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parapterois heterura | native | Blackfoot firefish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parascorpaena mossambica | native | Mozambique scorpionfish | venomous | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Pardachirus pavoninus | native | Peacock sole | Dapa | venomous |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus cyclostomus | native | Gold-saddle goatfish | Agingoy | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Pastinachus sephen | native | Cowtail stingray | Page | venomous |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Pateobatis fai | native | Pink whipray | venomous | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Petroscirtes breviceps | native | Striped poison-fang blenny mimic | traumatogenic | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Plagiotremus tapeinosoma | native | Piano fangblenny | other | |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus gibbosus | native | Harry hotlips | Bakoko | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus areolatus | native | Squaretail coralgrouper | Lapu-lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus laevis | native | Blacksaddled coralgrouper | Lapu-lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus leopardus | native | Leopard coralgrouper | Lapu lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus maculatus | native | Spotted coralgrouper | Lapu-lapu | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus oligacanthus | native | Highfin coralgrouper | Mambong tigre | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Myliobatiformes | Plesiobatidae | Plesiobatis daviesi | native | Deep-water stingray | venomous | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Plicofollis argyropleuron | native | Longsnouted catfish | traumatogenic | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Plicofollis magatensis | endemic | traumatogenic | ||
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Plicofollis nella | native | Smooth-headed catfish | traumatogenic | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Plicofollis tonggol | native | Roughback sea catfish | Arahan | traumatogenic |
Siluriformes | Plotosidae | Plotosus canius | native | Gray eel-catfish | Patuna | venomous |
Siluriformes | Plotosidae | Plotosus lineatus | native | Striped eel catfish | Ito | venomous |
Cyprinodontiformes | Poeciliidae | Poecilia latipinna | introduced | Sailfin molly | Bubuntis | potential pest |
Cyprinodontiformes | Poeciliidae | Poecilia reticulata | introduced | Guppy | Guppy | potential pest |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Prionace glauca | native | Blue shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Rhinopristiformes | Pristidae | Pristis microdon | native | Largetooth sawfish | Barasan | traumatogenic |
Rhinopristiformes | Pristidae | Pristis zijsron | native | Longcomb sawfish | traumatogenic | |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Promethichthys prometheus | native | Roudi escolar | Langpoy | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus | native | Yellowmargin triggerfish | Kapuul | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois antennata | native | Broadbarred firefish | Ampo | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois lunulata | native | Luna lion fish | Lampurok | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois radiata | native | Radial firefish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois russelii | native | Plaintail turkeyfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois volitans | native | Red lionfish | Danuy ranuy | venomous |
Siluriformes | Loricariidae | Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus | introduced | Vermiculated sailfin catfish | potential pest | |
Rhinopristiformes | Rhinidae | Rhina ancylostoma | native | Bowmouth guitarfish | Anonan | other |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Rhinopias frondosa | native | Weedy scorpionfish | venomous | |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Rhynchostracion nasus | native | Shortnose boxfish | Baka-bakahan | venomous |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Ruvettus pretiosus | native | Oilfish | Sumpitan | poisonous to eat |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron caudimaculatum | native | Silverspot squirrelfish | Sigang batuhan | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron cornutum | native | Threespot squirrelfish | Ganting | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron diadema | native | Crown squirrelfish | Sigang batuhan | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron ittodai | native | Samurai squirrelfish | Baga-baga | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron melanospilos | native | Blackblotch squirrelfish | Baga-baga | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron microstoma | native | Smallmouth squirrelfish | venomous | |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron punctatissimum | native | Speckled squirrelfish | Baga-baga | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron rubrum | native | Redcoat | Baga-baga | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron spiniferum | native | Sabre squirrelfish | Baga-baga | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron tiere | native | Blue lined squirrelfish | Baga-baga | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron tiereoides | native | Pink squirrelfish | Baga-baga | venomous |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron violaceum | native | Violet squirrelfish | Sigang batuhan | venomous |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Sarotherodon melanotheron | introduced | Blackchin tilapia | potential pest | |
Perciformes | Scatophagidae | Scatophagus argus | native | Spotted scat | Kero kero | venomous |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Scomberoides lysan | native | Doublespotted queenfish | Dorado | other |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Scomberoides tol | native | Needlescaled queenfish | Talang-talang | venomous |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomberomorus commerson | native | Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel | Saramulyete | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomberomorus queenslandicus | native | Queensland school mackerel | Tanigue | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | native | Broad-barred king mackerel | Hasa-hasa | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes albaiensis | native | Longfingered scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes guamensis | native | Guam scorpionfish | Ampo | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes hirsutus | native | Hairy scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes kelloggi | native | Kellogg's scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes minor | native | Minor scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes parvipinnis | native | Lowfin scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes scaber | native | Pygmy scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis diabolus | native | False stonefish | Ampo | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis macrochir | native | Flasher scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis neglecta | native | Yellowfin scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis oxycephala | native | Tassled scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis venosa | native | Raggy scorpionfish | Ampo | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes cyanostigma | native | Yellowspotted scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes fowleri | native | Pigmy scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes mauritiana | native | Spineblotch scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes strongia | native | Barchin scorpionfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Sebastidae | Sebastiscus marmoratus | native | False kelpfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Selar crumenophthalmus | native | Bigeye scad | Mat-an | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Seriola dumerili | native | Greater amberjack | Dorado | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Seriola rivoliana | native | Longfin yellowtail | Talakitok | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Setarches guentheri | native | Channeled rockfish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Setarches longimanus | native | Red deepwater scorpionfish | venomous | |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus argenteus | native | Streamlined spinefoot | Alama | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus canaliculatus | native | White-spotted spinefoot | Balanglen kuyog | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus corallinus | native | Blue-spotted spinefoot | Balangin | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus fuscescens | native | Mottled spinefoot | Balawis | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus guttatus | native | Orange-spotted spinefoot | Balawis | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus javus | native | Streaked spinefoot | Lusay | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus lineatus | native | Golden-lined spinefoot | Balanglin | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus puellus | native | Masked spinefoot | Balawis | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus punctatus | native | Goldspotted spinefoot | Balanglin | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus spinus | native | Little spinefoot | Balawis batuhan | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus unimaculatus | native | Blotched foxface | Alama | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus vermiculatus | native | Vermiculated spinefoot | Dangit | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus virgatus | native | Barhead spinefoot | Balangin | venomous |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus vulpinus | native | Foxface | Baka | venomous |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena barracuda | native | Great barracuda | Baracuda | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena forsteri | native | Bigeye barracuda | Batig | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena jello | native | Pickhandle barracuda | Bulios | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena qenie | native | Blackfin barracuda | Balyos | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | Sphyrna lewini | native | Scalloped hammerhead | Pating | other |
Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | Sphyrna mokarran | native | Great hammerhead | other | |
Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | Sphyrna zygaena | native | Smooth hammerhead | Bingkungan | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Stegastes nigricans | native | Dusky farmerfish | Palata | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Stegastes punctatus | native | Blunt snout gregory | Palata | traumatogenic |
Orectolobiformes | Stegostomatidae | Stegostoma fasciatum | native | Zebra shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Strophidon sathete | native | Slender giant moray | Malibanos | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Symphorus nematophorus | native | Chinamanfish | Alsis | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Synanceia horrida | native | Estuarine stonefish | Sumalapau | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Synanceia verrucosa | native | Stonefish | Gatasan | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Taenianotus triacanthus | native | Leaf scorpionfish | venomous | |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Taeniura lymma | native | Ribbontail stingray | Pagi | venomous |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Taeniurops meyeni | native | Round ribbontail ray | Pagi | venomous |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Tetraroge barbata | native | Bearded roguefish | venomous | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Tetraroge niger | native | venomous | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Tetrosomus gibbosus | native | Humpback turretfish | Tabarong | venomous |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Torquigener brevipinnis | native | venomous | ||
Perciformes | Carangidae | Trachinotus blochii | native | Snubnose pompano | Ampahan | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Triaenodon obesus | native | Whitetip reef shark | Pating | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Osphronemidae | Trichopodus pectoralis | introduced | Snakeskin gourami | Pla-salit | potential pest |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Tylosurus acus acus | native | Agujon needlefish | traumatogenic | |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Tylosurus crocodilus | native | Hound needlefish | Kambabalo | traumatogenic |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus taeniopterus | native | Finstripe goatfish | Saramulyete | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Perciformes | Uranoscopidae | Uranoscopus japonicus | native | venomous | ||
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Urogymnus asperrimus | native | Porcupine whipray | Pagi | traumatogenic |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Urogymnus granulatus | native | Mangrove whipray | traumatogenic | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Variola louti | native | Yellow-edged lyretail | Lapu lapung señora | reports of ciguatera poisoning |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Vespicula cypho | native | venomous | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Yongeichthys criniger | native | Horny goby | poisonous to eat |