Order | Family | Species | Occurrence | FishBase name | Name |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Abalistes stellaris | native | Starry triggerfish | Pakol |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Abalistes stellatus | native | Starry triggerfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Ablabys macracanthus | native | Spiny waspfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Ablabys taenianotus | native | Cockatoo waspfish | |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Ablennes hians | native | Flat needlefish | Salasang dilaw |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf bengalensis | native | Bengal sergeant | Kapal |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf lorenzi | native | Black-tail sergeant | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf notatus | native | Yellowtail sergeant | Kapal |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf septemfasciatus | native | Banded sergeant | Buring |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf sexfasciatus | native | Scissortail sergeant | Kikiringan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf sordidus | native | Blackspot sergeant | Amangpang |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Abudefduf vaigiensis | native | Indo-Pacific sergeant | Kikiringan |
Perciformes | Percophidae | Acanthaphritis barbata | native | ||
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Acanthocepola abbreviata | native | Bandfish | Upos-upos |
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Acanthocepola krusensternii | native | Red-spotted bandfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Acanthochromis polyacanthus | native | Spiny chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Acanthocybium solandri | native | Wahoo | Tangingue |
Perciformes | Sparidae | Acanthopagrus pacificus | native | Pacific seabream | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Acanthoplesiops echinatus | native | Hiatt's longfin | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Acanthoplesiops hiatti | native | Hiatt's basslet | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Acanthoplesiops psilogaster | native | Barebelly longfin | |
Scorpaeniformes | Aploactinidae | Acanthosphex leurynnis | native | Wasp-spine velvetfish | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus albimento | native | Whitechin surgeonfish | Whitechin surgeonfish |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus auranticavus | native | Orange-socket surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus bariene | native | Black-spot surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus blochii | native | Ringtail surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus dussumieri | native | Eyestripe surgeonfish | Papakol |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus fowleri | native | Fowler's surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus grammoptilus | native | Finelined surgeonfish | Komang |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus guttatus | native | Whitespotted surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus japonicus | native | Japan surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus leucocheilus | native | Palelipped surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus leucopareius | native | Whitebar surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus lineatus | native | Lined surgeonfish | Lapus lapus |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus maculiceps | native | White-freckled surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus mata | native | Elongate surgeonfish | Saplan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus nigricans | native | Whitecheek surgeonfish | Papakol |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus nigricauda | native | Epaulette surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus nigrofuscus | native | Brown surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus nigroris | native | Bluelined surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus nubilus | native | Bluelined surgeon | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus olivaceus | native | Orangespot surgeonfish | Tarian |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus pyroferus | native | Chocolate surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus thompsoni | native | Thompson's surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus triostegus | native | Convict surgeonfish | Indangan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Acanthurus xanthopterus | native | Yellowfin surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius caninus | native | Tropical sand goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius janthinopterus | native | Robust mangrove goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius moloanus | native | Barcheek Amoya | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius multifasciatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius nebulosus | native | Shadow goby | Biyang dagat |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius suluensis | native | Sulu goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius viganensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Acentrogobius viridipunctatus | native | Spotted green goby | Palo |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Acentronura tentaculata | native | Shortpouch pygmy pipehorse | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Acreichthys hajam | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Acreichthys radiatus | native | Radial leatherjacket | Papakol |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Acreichthys tomentosus | native | Bristle-tail file-fish | Kakaniten |
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Acropoma boholensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Acropoma japonicum | native | Glowbelly | |
Syngnathiformes | Centriscidae | Aeoliscus strigatus | native | Razorfish | Isdang sikwan |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aesopia cornuta | native | Unicorn sole | Darapa |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Aethaloperca rogaa | native | Redmouth grouper | Kubing |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Aetobatus narinari | native | Spotted eagle ray | Pagi |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Aetomylaeus vespertilio | native | Ornate eagle ray | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Aioliops brachypterus | native | Shortfin minidartfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Aioliops megastigma | native | Bigspot minidartfish | |
Albuliformes | Albulidae | Albula vulpes | native | Bonefish | Bidbid |
Notacanthiformes | Halosauridae | Aldrovandia affinis | native | Gilbert's halosaurid fish | |
Notacanthiformes | Halosauridae | Aldrovandia mediorostris | native | ||
Perciformes | Carangidae | Alectis ciliaris | native | African pompano | Damis-lawin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Alectis indica | native | Indian threadfish | Talakitok salamin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Alepes djedaba | native | Shrimp scad | Salay-salay |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Alepes kleinii | native | Razorbelly scad | Tigasin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Alepes melanoptera | native | Blackfin scad | Salay-salay |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Alepes vari | native | Herring scad | Salay-salay |
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Alepocephalus andersoni | native | ||
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Alepocephalus bicolor | native | Bicolor slickhead | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Alionematichthys piger | native | Whiskered viviparous brotula | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Alionematichthys plicatosurculus | native | Folded viviparous brotula | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Alionematichthys riukiuensis | native | Bigeye cusk | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Alionematichthys suluensis | native | Sulu viviparous brotula | |
Batrachoidiformes | Batrachoididae | Allenbatrachus grunniens | native | Grunting toadfish | |
Lamniformes | Alopiidae | Alopias pelagicus | native | Pelagic thresher | Pating |
Lamniformes | Alopiidae | Alopias superciliosus | native | Bigeye thresher | Pating |
Lamniformes | Alopiidae | Alopias vulpinus | native | Thresher | Pating |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Alticus montanoi | native | Montano's Rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Altrichthys azurelineatus | native | Azure damsel | Silver-streaked damselfish |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Altrichthys curatus | native | Guardian damselfish | Guardian damselfish |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Aluterus monoceros | native | Unicorn leatherjacket filefish | Tiwarik |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Aluterus scriptus | native | Scribbled leatherjacket filefish | Tiwarik |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Amanses scopas | native | Broom filefish | Kakaniten |
Perciformes | Ambassidae | Ambassis buruensis | native | Buru glass perchlet | |
Perciformes | Ambassidae | Ambassis dussumieri | native | Malabar glassy perchlet | |
Perciformes | Ambassidae | Ambassis gymnocephalus | native | Bald glassy | Langarai |
Perciformes | Ambassidae | Ambassis kopsii | native | Freckled hawkfish | Ibis |
Perciformes | Ambassidae | Ambassis miops | native | Flag-tailed glass perchlet | |
Perciformes | Ambassidae | Ambassis urotaenia | native | Banded-tail glassy perchlet | |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Amblycirrhitus bimacula | native | Twospot hawkfish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris arcupinna | native | Arcfin shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris diagonalis | native | Diagonal shrimp goby | Paku |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris fasciata | native | Red-banded prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris fontanesii | native | Giant prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris guttata | native | Spotted prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris gymnocephala | native | Masked shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris latifasciata | native | Wide-barred shrimpgody | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris masuii | native | Masui's shrimp-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis | native | Redspotted shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris periophthalma | native | Periophthalma prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris randalli | native | Randall's prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris rhyax | native | Volcano shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata | native | Redmargin shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris steinitzi | native | Steinitz' prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyeleotris wheeleri | native | Gorgeous prawn-goby | Bia |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Amblygaster clupeoides | native | Bleeker smoothbelly sardinella | Tamban |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Amblygaster leiogaster | native | Smoothbelly sardinella | Tamban |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Amblygaster sirm | native | Spotted sardinella | Tamban |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amblyglyphidodon aureus | native | Golden damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amblyglyphidodon batunai | native | Batuna's damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amblyglyphidodon curacao | native | Staghorn damselfish | Kikiringan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster | native | Yellowbelly damselfish | Kikiringan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amblyglyphidodon ternatensis | native | Ternate damsel | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius albimaculatus | native | Butterfly goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius buanensis | native | Buan goby | Paku |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius bynoensis | native | Bynoe goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius decussatus | native | Orange-striped goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius linki | native | Link's goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius nocturnus | native | Nocturn goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius phalaena | native | Whitebarred goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius sphynx | native | Sphinx goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblygobius stethophthalmus | native | Freckled goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Amblyotrypauchen arctocephalus | native | Armour eelgoby | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amblypomacentrus breviceps | native | Black-banded demoiselle | Tamungku |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amblypomacentrus clarus | native | Banggai damselfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Amioides polyacanthus | native | ||
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion chrysopterus | native | Orangefin anemonefish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion clarkii | native | Yellowtail clownfish | Tau ng lanagan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion frenatus | native | Tomato clownfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion melanopus | native | Fire clownfish | Mangkot |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion ocellaris | native | Clown anemonefish | Tau ng lanagan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion percula | native | Orange clownfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion perideraion | native | Pink anemonefish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion polymnus | native | Saddleback clownfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion sandaracinos | native | Yellow clownfish | Sagalpak |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Amphiprion thiellei | native | Thielle's anemonefish | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Amsichthys knighti | native | Bugeye dottyback | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Anacanthus barbatus | native | Bearded leatherjacket | Balbas |
Perciformes | Labridae | Anampses caeruleopunctatus | native | Bluespotted wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Anampses geographicus | native | Geographic wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Anampses melanurus | native | White-spotted wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Anampses meleagrides | native | Spotted wrasse | Dulas |
Perciformes | Labridae | Anampses neoguinaicus | native | New Guinea wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Anampses twistii | native | Yellowbreasted wrasse | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Anaora tentaculata | native | Tentacled dragonet | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Anarchias allardicei | native | Allardice's moray | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ancistrogobius yanoi | native | Yano’s cheek-hook goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ancistrogobius yoshigoui | native | Threadless cheek-hook goby | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Andamia reyi | native | Suckerlip blenny | Mangluluksong bato |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Andamia tetradactylus | native | Four-fingered lipsucker | |
Anguilliformes | Anguillidae | Anguilla australis | native | Short-finned eel | Igat |
Anguilliformes | Anguillidae | Anguilla bicolor | native | Indonesian shortfin eel | Igat |
Anguilliformes | Anguillidae | Anguilla celebesensis | native | Celebes longfin eel | Igat |
Anguilliformes | Anguillidae | Anguilla japonica | native | Japanese eel | Japanese eel |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Anodontostoma chacunda | native | Chacunda gizzard shad | Balotabid |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Anodontostoma selangkat | native | Indonesian gizzard shad | |
Beryciformes | Anomalopidae | Anomalops katoptron | native | Splitfin flashlightfish | |
Beryciformes | Anoplogastridae | Anoplogaster brachycera | native | Shorthorn fangtooth | |
Beryciformes | Anoplogastridae | Anoplogaster cornuta | native | Common fangtooth | |
Rhinopristiformes | Pristidae | Anoxypristis cuspidata | native | Pointed sawfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius biocellatus | native | Brackishwater frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius commerson | native | Commerson's frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius hispidus | native | Shaggy angler | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius maculatus | native | Warty frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius pictus | native | Painted frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius randalli | native | Randall's frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennarius striatus | native | Striated frogfish | Bantol noog-noog |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennatus coccineus | native | Scarlet frogfish | Bantol |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennatus dorehensis | native | New Guinean frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennatus nummifer | native | Spotfin frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennatus rosaceus | native | Spiny-tufted frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Antennatus tuberosus | native | Tuberculated frogfish | |
Perciformes | Caproidae | Antigonia capros | native | Deepbody boarfish | |
Perciformes | Caproidae | Antigonia rubescens | native | Indo-Pacific boarfish | |
Perciformes | Caproidae | Antigonia rubicunda | native | Rosy deepsea boarfish | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Anyperodon leucogrammicus | native | Slender grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Aphareus furca | native | Small toothed jobfish | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Aphareus rutilans | native | Rusty jobfish | Maya-maya |
Scorpaeniformes | Apistidae | Apistus carinatus | native | Ocellated waspfish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Apocryptodon madurensis | native | Madura goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon coccineus | native | Ruby cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon crassiceps | native | Transparent cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon doryssa | native | Longspine cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon indicus | native | Indian cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon posterofasciatus | native | Rearbar cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon seminigracaudus | native | Darktail cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon semiornatus | native | Oblique-banded cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon talboti | native | Flame cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogon tricinctus | native | Threeband cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthyoides cathetogramma | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthyoides melas | native | Black cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthyoides pseudotaeniatus | native | Doublebar cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthyoides sialis | native | Twinbar cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthyoides timorensis | native | Timor cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthyoides uninotatus | native | Onespot cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthys landoni | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthys ocellatus | native | Ocellated cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Apogonichthys perdix | native | Perdix cardinalfish | Suga |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Apolemichthys trimaculatus | native | Threespot angelfish | Mameng |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Aporops bilinearis | native | Blotched podge | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Aprion virescens | native | Green jobfish | Maya maya |
Carcharhiniformes | Scyliorhinidae | Apristurus herklotsi | native | Longfin catshark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Scyliorhinidae | Apristurus platyrhynchus | native | Borneo catshark | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Apterichtus klazingai | native | Sharpsnout snake eel | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Apterygocampus epinnulatus | native | Briarium pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Archamia bleekeri | native | Gon's cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Arcygobius baliurus | native | Isthmus goby | |
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Argyripnus pharos | native | ||
Perciformes | Sparidae | Argyrops bleekeri | native | Taiwan tai | Murinay |
Perciformes | Sparidae | Argyrops spinifer | native | King soldier bream | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Ariommatidae | Ariomma brevimanum | native | ||
Perciformes | Ariommatidae | Ariomma indicum | native | Indian driftfish | Amag |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Ariosoma anago | native | Silvery conger | Obud |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Ariosoma anagoides | native | Sea conger | Obud |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Ariosoma megalops | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Ariosoma obud | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Ariosoma sazonovi | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Ariosoma scheelei | native | Tropical conger | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius arius | native | Threadfin sea catfish | Kanduli |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius maculatus | native | Spotted catfish | Kanduli |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius subrostratus | native | Shovelnose sea catfish | Short nosed catfish |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius sumatranus | native | Goat catfish | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Arius venosus | native | Veined catfish | Kanduli |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Arnoglossus aspilos | native | Spotless lefteye flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Arnoglossus brunneus | native | Brown lefteye flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Arnoglossus elongatus | native | Long lefteye flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Arnoglossus macrolophus | native | Large-crested lefteye flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Arnoglossus polyspilus | native | Many-spotted lefteye flounder | Dapang bilog |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron caeruleopunctatus | native | Blue-spotted puffer | Butiti |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron hispidus | native | White-spotted puffer | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron immaculatus | native | Immaculate puffer | Mosi |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron manilensis | native | Narrow-lined puffer | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron mappa | native | Map puffer | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron meleagris | native | Guineafowl puffer | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron multilineatus | native | Many-lined pufferfish | Burereng |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron nigropunctatus | native | Blackspotted puffer | Butiti |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron reticularis | native | Reticulated pufferfish | Tikong |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Arothron stellatus | native | Stellate puffer | Butete |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aseraggodes cyaneus | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aseraggodes dubius | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aseraggodes filiger | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aseraggodes kaianus | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aseraggodes kimurai | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aseraggodes matsuurai | native | Lombok sole | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Aseraggodes winterbottomi | native | Negros sole | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Aspidontus dussumieri | native | Lance blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Aspidontus taeniatus | native | False cleanerfish | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Assessor randalli | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Asterorhombus cocosensis | native | Cocos Island flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Asterorhombus filifer | native | Longlure flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Asterorhombus intermedius | native | Intermediate flounder | Dapang bilog |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Asterropteryx atripes | native | Yano’s starry goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Asterropteryx bipunctata | native | Orange-spotted goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Asterropteryx ensifera | native | Miller's damsel | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Asterropteryx semipunctata | native | Starry goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Asterropteryx spinosa | native | Eyebar spiny goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Asterropteryx striata | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Astronesthes chrysophekadion | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Astronesthes ijimai | native | Ijima's snaggletooth | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Astronesthes indicus | native | Black snaggletooth | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Astronesthes indopacificus | native | Indo-Pacific snaggletooth | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Astronesthes lucifer | native | Pacific astronesthid fish | |
Ateleopodiformes | Ateleopodidae | Ateleopus japonicus | native | Pacific jellynose fish | |
Carcharhiniformes | Scyliorhinidae | Atelomycterus marmoratus | native | Coral catshark | Pating |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Atherinomorus aetholepis | native | Spatular-scale silverside | |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Atherinomorus duodecimalis | native | Tropical silverside | Gono |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Atherinomorus endrachtensis | native | Eendracht Land silverside | Gono |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Atherinomorus lacunosus | native | Wide-banded hardyhead silverside | Gono |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Atherinomorus lineatus | native | Lined silverside | Gono |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Atherinomorus regina | endemic | Culion silverside | Gono |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Atherion elymus | native | Bearded silverside | |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Atrobucca nibe | native | Blackmouth croaker | Alakak |
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthodidae | Atrophacanthus japonicus | native | ||
Perciformes | Carangidae | Atropus atropos | native | Cleftbelly trevally | Salay-salay buntutan |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Atrosalarias holomelas | native | Brown coral blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Atrosalarias hosokawai | native | Hosokawa's coral blenny | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Atule mate | native | Yellowtail scad | Kalapato |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Aulacocephalus temminckii | native | Goldribbon soapfish | |
Syngnathiformes | Aulostomidae | Aulostomus chinensis | native | Chinese trumpetfish | Trompita |
Beryciformes | Trachichthyidae | Aulotrachichthys latus | native | Philippine luminous roughy | Philippine luminous roughy |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Aurigequula fasciata | native | Striped ponyfish | Dalupani |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Austrolethops wardi | native | Small-eyed goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Auxis rochei | native | Bullet tuna | Aloy |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Auxis thazard | native | Frigate tuna | Ilason |
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Bajacalifornia erimoensis | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Balistapus undulatus | native | Orange-lined triggerfish | Pakoy |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Balistoides conspicillum | native | Clown triggerfish | Pakoy |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Balistoides viridescens | native | Titan triggerfish | Kapuul |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Bascanichthys myersi | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Bassozetus compressus | native | Abyssal assfish | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Bassozetus elongatus | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Bassozetus robustus | native | Robust assfish | |
Perciformes | Bathyclupeidae | Bathyclupea megaceps | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Bathycongrus bleekeri | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Bathycongrus guttulatus | native | Lined conger | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Bathycongrus odontostomus | native | Toothy conger | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Bathycongrus retrotinctus | native | Blackedge conger | Barong |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Bathycongrus wallacei | native | Longnose conger | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Bathygadus entomelas | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Bathygadus spongiceps | native | Spongy rat tail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Bathygadus sulcatus | endemic | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius cocosensis | native | Cocos frill-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius cotticeps | native | Cheekscaled frill-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius cyclopterus | native | Spotted frillgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius fuscus | native | Dusky frillgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius laddi | native | Brownboy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius meggitti | native | Meggitt's goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius panayensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bathygobius petrophilus | native | Bia | |
Aulopiformes | Ipnopidae | Bathypterois atricolor | native | Attenuated spider fish | |
Aulopiformes | Ipnopidae | Bathypterois guentheri | native | Tribute spiderfish | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Bathyuroconger parvibranchialis | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Bathyuroconger vicinus | native | Large-toothed conger | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Beliops batanensis | native | Batan longfin | Batan longfin |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Bellottia armiger | native | ||
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Belonepterygion fasciolatum | native | Barred spiny basslet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Belonoperca chabanaudi | native | Arrowhead soapfish | |
Perciformes | Percophidae | Bembrops filiferus | native | Sharpnosed duckbill | |
Perciformes | Percophidae | Bembrops platyrhynchus | native | Natal duckbill | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Benthenchelys cartieri | native | ||
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Benthodesmus suluensis | native | Philippine frostfish | Balila |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Benthodesmus tenuis | native | Slender frostfish | Balila |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Benthodesmus tuckeri | native | Tucker's frostfish | Balila |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Benthodesmus vityazi | native | Vityaz' frostfish | Balila |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Benthosema fibulatum | native | Spinycheek lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Benthosema pterotum | native | Skinnycheek lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Benthosema suborbitale | native | Smallfin lanternfish | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Bhanotia fasciolata | native | Corrugated pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Blenniella bilitonensis | native | Biliton blenniella | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Blenniella caudolineata | native | Blue-spotted blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Blenniella chrysospilos | native | Red-spotted blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Blenniella interrupta | native | Dashed-line blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Blenniella periophthalmus | native | Blue-dashed rockskipper | Mangluluksong bato |
Perciformes | Labridae | Bodianus anthioides | native | Lyretail hogfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Bodianus axillaris | native | Axilspot hogfish | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Bodianus bilunulatus | native | Tarry hogfish | Bungat |
Perciformes | Labridae | Bodianus bimaculatus | native | Twospot hogfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Bodianus dictynna | native | Redfin hogfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Bodianus loxozonus | native | Blackfin hogfish | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Bodianus mesothorax | native | Splitlevel hogfish | Baga-baga |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Bolbometopon muricatum | native | Green humphead parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Boleophthalmus boddarti | native | Boddart's goggle-eyed goby | Bia |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Bolinichthys distofax | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Bolinichthys pyrsobolus | native | Fiery lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Bolinichthys supralateralis | native | Stubby lanternfish | |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Bostrychus sinensis | native | Four-eyed sleeper | |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Bothus mancus | native | Flowery flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Bothus myriaster | native | Indo-Pacific oval flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Bothus pantherinus | native | Leopard flounder | Dapa |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Bovitrigla acanthomoplate | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Brachaluteres taylori | native | Taylor's inflator filefish | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Brachirus aspilos | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Brachirus orientalis | native | Oriental sole | Dali-dali |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Brachirus sorsogonensis | native | One-eyed sole | Dapang bulag |
Scorpaeniformes | Bembridae | Brachybembras aschemeieri | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Citharidae | Brachypleura novaezeelandiae | native | Yellow-dabbled flounder | Dapa |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Brachypterois serrulifer | native | Sawmaxilla scorpionfish | Sawmaxilla scorpionfish |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Brachysomophis crocodilinus | native | Crocodile snake eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Brachysomophis umbonis | native | Turret snake eel | |
Perciformes | Bramidae | Brama japonica | native | Pacific pomfret | Tabas |
Perciformes | Bramidae | Brama orcini | native | Bigtooth pomfret | Pampanong laot |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Branchiostegus ilocanus | native | ||
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Branchiostegus japonicus | native | Horsehead tilefish | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Branchiostegus saitoi | endemic | ||
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Branchiostegus sawakinensis | native | Freckled tilefish | Barko barko |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Branchiostegus vittatus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Bregmacerotidae | Bregmaceros japonicus | native | Japanese codlet | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Brosmophyciops pautzkei | native | Slimy cuskeel | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Brotula multibarbata | native | Goatsbeard brotula | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Brotulinella taiwanensis | native | Taiwan coralbrotula | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bryaninops amplus | native | Large whip goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bryaninops erythrops | native | Erythrops goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bryaninops isis | native | Isis goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bryaninops loki | native | Loki whip-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bryaninops natans | native | Redeye goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bryaninops tigris | native | Black coral goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Bryaninops yongei | native | Whip coral goby | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Bulbonaricus davaoensis | native | Davao pughead pipefish | |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Butis amboinensis | native | Olive flathead-gudgeon | Biyang sunog |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Butis butis | native | Duckbill sleeper | Pasel |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Butis gymnopomus | native | ||
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Butis koilomatodon | native | Mud sleeper | |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Caesio caerulaurea | native | Blue and gold fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Caesio cuning | native | Redbelly yellowtail fusilier | Bilasun |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Caesio lunaris | native | Lunar fusilier | Aha-an |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Caesio teres | native | Yellow and blueback fusilier | Buglawon |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus acutirostris | endemic | Pointed dragonet | Pointed dragonet |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus delicatulus | native | Delicate dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus enneactis | native | Mangrove dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus filamentosus | native | Blotchfin dragonet | Bunog |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus guentheri | endemic | Günther’s deepwater dragonet | Günther’s deepwater dragonet |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus hildae | native | Hilde’s darter dragonet | Hilde’s darter dragonet |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus hindsii | native | Hinds' dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus japonicus | native | Japanese longtail dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus keeleyi | native | Keeley’s dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus leucobranchialis | native | Whitegill dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus marleyi | native | Sand dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus meridionalis | native | Whiteflag dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus neptunius | native | Long-tail dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus octostigmatus | native | Eightspot dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus platycephalus | native | Flathead dragonet | Flathead dragonet |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus sagitta | native | Arrow dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus scabriceps | native | Jolo dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus schaapii | native | Short-snout sand-dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus simplicicornis | native | Simple-spined dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Callionymus umbrithorax | native | Philippine darkthroat dragonet | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius centrolepis | native | Centrescale goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius clitellus | native | Saddled goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius crassus | native | Stout goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius hasseltii | native | Hasselt's goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius hastatus | native | Spearfin goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius maculipinnis | native | Ostrich goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius okinawae | native | Okinawa flap-headed goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius producta | native | Elongate flap-headed goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius sclateri | native | Pacific goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius stellatus | native | Stellar goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Callogobius tanegasimae | native | Bia | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Calloplesiops altivelis | native | Comet | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Calloplesiops argus | native | ||
Perciformes | Scaridae | Calotomus carolinus | native | Carolines parrotfish | Mulmol |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Calotomus japonicus | native | Japanese parrotfish | Molmol |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Calotomus spinidens | native | Spinytooth parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Calumia godeffroyi | native | Tailface sleeper | |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Calumia profunda | native | Deepreef coralgudgeon | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Cantherhines cerinus | native | Waxy filefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Cantherhines dumerilii | native | Whitespotted filefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Cantherhines fronticinctus | native | Spectacled filefish | Kakaniten |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Cantherhines pardalis | native | Honeycomb filefish | Hagupit |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster amboinensis | native | Spider-eye puffer | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster axiologus | native | Pacific crown toby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster bennetti | native | Bennett's sharpnose puffer | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster compressa | native | Compressed toby | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster epilampra | native | Lantern toby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster janthinoptera | native | Honeycomb toby | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster leoparda | native | Leopard sharpnose puffer | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster ocellicincta | native | Shy toby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster papua | native | Papuan toby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster rivulata | native | Brown-lined puffer | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster solandri | native | Spotted sharpnose | Butete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Canthigaster valentini | native | Valentin's sharpnose puffer | Butete |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Caracanthus maculatus | native | Spotted coral croucher | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Caracanthus unipinna | native | Pygmy coral croucher | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides armatus | native | Longfin trevally | Mirapina |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides bajad | native | Orangespotted trevally | Pampano |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides chrysophrys | native | Longnose trevally | Sibong amusin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides coeruleopinnatus | native | Coastal trevally | Samin-samin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides dinema | native | Shadow trevally | Pampano |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides equula | native | Whitefin trevally | Sibo |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides ferdau | native | Blue trevally | Sibo |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides fulvoguttatus | native | Yellowspotted trevally | Sibong balbon |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides gymnostethus | native | Bludger | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides hedlandensis | native | Bumpnose trevally | Langog |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides malabaricus | native | Malabar trevally | Sala-salamin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides oblongus | native | Coachwhip trevally | Sibo |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides orthogrammus | native | Island trevally | Gumagatos |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides plagiotaenia | native | Barcheek trevally | Salamin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides praeustus | native | Brownback trevally | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Carangoides talamparoides | native | Imposter trevally | Talakitok |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx heberi | native | Blacktip trevally | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx ignobilis | native | Giant trevally | Mamsa |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx lugubris | native | Black jack | Sibong lison |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx melampygus | native | Bluefin trevally | Talakitok |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx papuensis | native | Brassy trevally | Pampano |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx sexfasciatus | native | Bigeye trevally | Sibo |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Caranx tille | native | Tille trevally | Sibong baliling |
Ophidiiformes | Carapidae | Carapus mourlani | native | Star pearlfish | |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus albimarginatus | native | Silvertip shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus altimus | native | Bignose shark | |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides | native | Graceful shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos | native | Blacktail reef shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus brevipinna | native | Spinner shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus falciformis | native | Silky shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus hemiodon | native | Pondicherry shark | |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus leucas | native | Bull shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus limbatus | native | Blacktip shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus longimanus | native | Oceanic whitetip shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus melanopterus | native | Blacktip reef shark | Lumba |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus sealei | native | Blackspot shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Carcharhinus sorrah | native | Spot-tail shark | Pating |
Lamniformes | Odontaspididae | Carcharias taurus | native | Sand tiger shark | |
Lamniformes | Lamnidae | Carcharodon carcharias | native | Great white shark | Pating |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Cataetyx lepidogenys | native | ||
Syngnathiformes | Centriscidae | Centriscus scutatus | native | Grooved razor-fish | Ian ng Moros |
Perciformes | Draconettidae | Centrodraco abstractum | native | Abstract slope dragonet | |
Perciformes | Centrogenyidae | Centrogenys vaigiensis | native | False scorpionfish | Lapu-lapu |
Squaliformes | Centrophoridae | Centrophorus granulosus | native | Gulper shark | |
Squaliformes | Centrophoridae | Centrophorus isodon | native | Blackfin gulper shark | |
Squaliformes | Centrophoridae | Centrophorus lusitanicus | native | Lowfin gulper shark | |
Squaliformes | Centrophoridae | Centrophorus moluccensis | native | Smallfin gulper shark | |
Squaliformes | Centrophoridae | Centrophorus squamosus | native | Leafscale gulper shark | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge bicolor | native | Bicolor angelfish | Boray-boray |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge bispinosa | native | Twospined angelfish | Adlo |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge colini | native | Cocos-Keeling angelfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge ferrugata | native | Rusty angelfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge fisheri | native | Orange angelfish | Boray-boray |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge flavissima | native | Lemonpeel angelfish | Boray-boray |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge heraldi | native | Yellow angelfish | Boray-boray |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge loriculus | native | Flame angel | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge nox | native | Midnight angelfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge tibicen | native | Keyhole angelfish | Adlo |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge venusta | native | Purplemask angelfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Centropyge vrolikii | native | Pearlscale angelfish | Paro-paro |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis aitha | native | Rusty hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis argus | native | Peacock hind | Baraka |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis aurantia | native | Golden hind | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis boenak | native | Chocolate hind | Kegkeg |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis cyanostigma | native | Bluespotted hind | Baskuy |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis formosa | native | Bluelined hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis igarashiensis | native | Garish hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis leopardus | native | Leopard hind | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis microprion | native | Freckled hind | Kegkeg |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis miniata | native | Coral hind | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis polleni | native | Harlequin hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis sexmaculata | native | Sixblotch hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis sonnerati | native | Tomato hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis spiloparaea | native | Strawberry hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cephalopholis urodeta | native | Darkfin hind | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Ceratobregma helenae | native | Helen's Triplefin | |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Cestraeus plicatilis | native | Lobed river mullet | Ludong |
Cetomimiformes | Cetomimidae | Cetomimoides parri | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Cetonurus globiceps | native | Globehead grenadier | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Cetoscarus bicolor | native | Bicolour parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Chaetodermis penicilligerus | native | Prickly leatherjacket | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon adiergastos | native | Philippine butterflyfish | Dalang bukid |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon argentatus | native | Asian butterflyfish | Asian butterflyfish |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon auriga | native | Threadfin butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon auripes | native | Oriental butterflyfish | Tapel |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon baronessa | native | Eastern triangular butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon bennetti | native | Bluelashed butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon burgessi | native | Burgess' butterflyfish | Alibang-bang |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon citrinellus | native | Speckled butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon collare | native | Redtail butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon decussatus | native | Indian vagabond butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon ephippium | native | Saddle butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon guentheri | native | Crochet butterflyfish | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon kleinii | native | Sunburst butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon lineolatus | native | Lined butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon lunula | native | Raccoon butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon lunulatus | native | Oval butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon melannotus | native | Blackback butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon mertensii | native | Atoll butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon meyeri | native | Scrawled butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon modestus | native | Brown-banded butterflyfish | Paruparung dagat |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon nippon | native | Japanese butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon ocellicaudus | native | Spot-tail butterflyfish | Paru-parung dagat |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon octofasciatus | native | Eightband butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon ornatissimus | native | Ornate butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon oxycephalus | native | Spot-nape butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon plebeius | native | Blueblotch butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon punctatofasciatus | native | Spotband butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon quadrimaculatus | native | Fourspot butterflyfish | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon rafflesii | native | Latticed butterflyfish | Alibang-bang |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon reticulatus | native | Mailed butterflyfish | Alibang-bang |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon selene | native | Yellow-dotted butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon semeion | native | Dotted butterflyfish | Alibang-bang |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon speculum | native | Mirror butterflyfish | Alibang-bang |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon trifascialis | native | Chevron butterflyfish | Alibang-bang |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon ulietensis | native | Pacific double-saddle butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon unimaculatus | native | Teardrop butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon vagabundus | native | Vagabond butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon wiebeli | native | Hongkong butterflyfish | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chaetodon xanthurus | native | Pearlscale butterflyfish | Philippine chevron butterflyfish |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus | endemic | Bluespotted angelfish | Blue-spotted angelfish |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Chaetodontoplus chrysocephalus | native | Orangeface angelfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Chaetodontoplus melanosoma | native | Black-velvet angelfish | Adlo |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus | native | Vermiculated angelfish | Baro-baro |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Chaetodontoplus niger | native | Black angelfish | |
Perciformes | Champsodontidae | Champsodon atridorsalis | native | ||
Perciformes | Champsodontidae | Champsodon guentheri | native | Günther's sabre-gills | |
Perciformes | Champsodontidae | Champsodon longipinnis | native | ||
Perciformes | Champsodontidae | Champsodon nudivittis | native | ||
Perciformes | Champsodontidae | Champsodon sagittus | native | ||
Perciformes | Champsodontidae | Champsodon vorax | native | ||
Gonorynchiformes | Chanidae | Chanos chanos | native | Milkfish | Awa |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Chascanopsetta lugubris | native | Pelican flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Chascanopsetta micrognatha | native | Dapang bilog | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Chauliodus sloani | native | Sloane's viperfish | |
Lophiiformes | Chaunacidae | Chaunax breviradius | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Cheilinus chlorourus | native | Floral wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cheilinus fasciatus | native | Redbreasted wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cheilinus oxycephalus | native | Snooty wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cheilinus trilobatus | native | Tripletail wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cheilinus undulatus | native | Humphead wrasse | Lupaen |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cheilio inermis | native | Cigar wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus alleni | native | Allen's cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus artus | native | Wolf cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus isostigmus | native | Dog-toothed cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus macrodon | native | Large toothed cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus nigrotaeniatus | native | Dangat | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus | native | Five-lined cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus singapurensis | native | Truncate cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus subulatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Cheilodipterus zonatus | native | Yellowbelly cardinalfish | Dangat |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon abei | native | Abe's flyingfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon arcticeps | native | White-finned flyingfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon atrisignis | native | Glider flyingfish | Balang |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon furcatus | native | Spotfin flyingfish | Bolador |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon intermedius | native | Intermediate flyingfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon katoptron | native | Indonesian flyingfish | Iliw |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon nigricans | native | Blacksail flyingfish | Bolador |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon spilopterus | native | Manyspotted flyingfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cheilopogon unicolor | native | Limpid-wing flyingfish | Bangsi |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Cheiloprion labiatus | native | Big-lip damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Chelidoperca pleurospilus | native | Lapu-lapu | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Chelidoperca santosi | native | Pogi perchlet | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Chelmon rostratus | native | Copperband butterflyfish | Kalaykalay |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Chelon macrolepis | native | Largescale mullet | Talilong |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Chelon melinopterus | native | Otomebora mullet | Araran |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Chelon planiceps | native | Tade gray mullet | Banak |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Chelon subviridis | native | Greenback mullet | Aligasin |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Chelonodon laticeps | native | Bluespotted blaasop | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Chelonodon patoca | native | Milkspotted puffer | Botite |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Chiloconger philippinensis | native | ||
Orectolobiformes | Hemiscylliidae | Chiloscyllium plagiosum | native | Whitespotted bambooshark | Pating |
Orectolobiformes | Hemiscylliidae | Chiloscyllium punctatum | native | Brownbanded bambooshark | Pating |
Chimaeriformes | Chimaeridae | Chimaera phantasma | native | Silver chimaera | |
Clupeiformes | Chirocentridae | Chirocentrus dorab | native | Dorab wolf-herring | Balila |
Clupeiformes | Chirocentridae | Chirocentrus nudus | native | Whitefin wolf-herring | Parang-parang |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Chirophryne xenolophus | native | ||
Aulopiformes | Chlorophthalmidae | Chlorophthalmus acutifrons | native | Greeneye | |
Aulopiformes | Chlorophthalmidae | Chlorophthalmus albatrossis | native | ||
Aulopiformes | Chlorophthalmidae | Chlorophthalmus nigromarginatus | native | Blackedge greeneye | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus bleekeri | native | Bleeker's parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus bowersi | native | Bower's parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus capistratoides | native | Indian parrotfish | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus frontalis | native | Pacific slopehead parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus japanensis | native | Palecheek parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus microrhinos | native | Steephead parrots | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus oedema | native | Knothead parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus sordidus | native | Daisy parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Chlorurus troschelii | native | Troschel's parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon anchorago | native | Orange-dotted tuskfish | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon azurio | native | Azurio tuskfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon fasciatus | native | Harlequin tuskfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon jordani | native | Jordan's tuskfish | Maming |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon margaritiferus | native | Pearly tuskfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon melanostigma | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon oligacanthus | native | White-patch tuskfish | Arawas |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon robustus | native | Robust tuskfish | Maming |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon schoenleinii | native | Blackspot tuskfish | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon zamboangae | native | Purple eyebrowed tuskfish | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Choerodon zosterophorus | native | Zoster wrasse | Maming |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Choeroichthys brachysoma | native | Short-bodied pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Choeroichthys sculptus | native | Sculptured pipefish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Choridactylus multibarbus | native | Orangebanded stingfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis agilis | native | Agile chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis alpha | native | Yellow-speckled chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis amboinensis | native | Ambon chromis | Kapal |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis analis | native | Yellow chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis atripectoralis | native | Black-axil chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis atripes | native | Dark-fin chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis caudalis | native | Blue-axil chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis chrysura | native | Stout chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis cinerascens | native | Green puller | Moong |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis delta | native | Deep reef chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis elerae | native | Twinspot chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis flavomaculata | native | Yellow-spotted chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis lepidolepis | native | Scaly chromis | Kapal |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis leucura | native | Whitetail chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis lineata | native | Lined chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis margaritifer | native | Bicolor chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis ovatiformes | native | Ovate chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis retrofasciata | native | Black-bar chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis scotochiloptera | native | Philippines chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis ternatensis | native | Ternate chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis vanderbilti | native | Vanderbilt's chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis viridis | native | Blue green damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis weberi | native | Weber's chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis xanthochira | native | Yellow-axil chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis xanthura | native | Paletail chromis | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chromis yamakawai | native | Northern yellow-spotted Chromis | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera biocellata | native | Twinspot damselfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera bleekeri | native | Bleeker's damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera brownriggii | native | Surge damselfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera caeruleolineata | native | Blueline demoiselle | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera cyanea | native | Sapphire devil | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera glauca | native | Grey demoiselle | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera oxycephala | native | Blue-spot demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera parasema | native | Goldtail demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera rex | native | King demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera rollandi | native | Rolland's demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera springeri | native | Springer's demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera talboti | native | Talbot's demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera traceyi | native | Tracey's demoiselle | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera tricincta | native | Threeband damselfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Chrysiptera unimaculata | native | Onespot demoiselle | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus brunneus | native | Dusky fairy-warsse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura | native | Blueside wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus exquisitus | native | Exquisite wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis | native | Yellowfin fairy wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus isosceles | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus lubbocki | native | Lubbock's wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus melanomarginatus | native | Blackfin fairy-warsse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus roseafascia | native | pink-banded fairy-warsse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus | native | Red-margined wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis | native | Redfin wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cirrhilabrus temminckii | native | Threadfin wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Cirrhimuraena chinensis | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Cirrhimuraena oliveri | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Cirrhimuraena playfairii | native | ||
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Cirrhitichthys aprinus | native | Spotted hawkfish | |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Cirrhitichthys falco | native | Dwarf hawkfish | |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus | native | Coral hawkfish | |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Cirrhitops hubbardi | native | ||
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Cirrhitus pinnulatus | native | Stocky hawkfish | |
Orectolobiformes | Parascylliidae | Cirrhoscyllium expolitum | native | Barbelthroat carpetshark | Pating |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes auritus | native | Blackflap blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes castaneus | native | Chestnut eyelash-blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes filamentosus | native | Filamentous blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes fuscoguttatus | native | Spotted blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes imitator | native | Imitator blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes perustus | native | Flaming blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes polyzona | native | ||
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes springeri | native | Springer's blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes stigmaticus | native | Red-streaked blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes variolosus | native | Red-speckled blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirripectes viriosus | native | Robust blenny | Robust blenny |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Cirrisalarias bunares | native | Hairy bleny | |
Pleuronectiformes | Citharidae | Citharoides macrolepidotus | native | Branched ray flounder | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Cociella crocodilus | native | Crocodile flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Cociella punctata | native | Spotted flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Aploactinidae | Cocotropus dermacanthus | native | Spinyskin velvetfish | |
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Coelophrys arca | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Coelophrys brevicaudata | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Coelophrys micropa | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Coelophrys mollis | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus acantholepis | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus acutirostris | native | Spearnose whiptail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus argentatus | native | Silver whiptail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus argus | native | Eyespot grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus carinifer | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus cingulatus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus commutabilis | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus dorsalis | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus kishinouyei | native | Mugura grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus macrolepis | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus macrorhynchus | native | Bigsnout whiptail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus maculatus | native | Blotch whiptail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus notatus | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus parallelus | native | Spiny grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus platorhynchus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus quincunciatus | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus radcliffei | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus sexradiatus | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus smithi | native | False graceful whiptail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus thompsoni | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus triocellatus | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus velifer | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coelorinchus weberi | endemic | ||
Anguilliformes | Colocongridae | Coloconger scholesi | native | Indo-Pacific shorttail conger | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Conger cinereus | native | Longfin African conger | Obud |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Conger macrocephalus | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Conger philippinus | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Muraenesocidae | Congresox talabon | native | Yellow pike conger | Pindanga |
Anguilliformes | Muraenesocidae | Congresox talabonoides | native | Indian pike conger | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Congrhynchus talabonoides | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Congriscus maldivensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Congrogadus hierichthys | endemic | Sulu eelblenny | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Congrogadus subducens | native | Carpet eel-blenny | Batad |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Coradion altivelis | native | Highfin coralfish | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Coradion chrysozonus | native | Goldengirdled coralfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Coradion melanopus | native | Twospot coralfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Coris aygula | native | Clown coris | Maringyan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Coris batuensis | native | Batu coris | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Coris dorsomacula | native | Pale-barred coris | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Coris gaimard | native | African coris | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Coris pictoides | native | Blackstripe coris | |
Perciformes | Coryphaenidae | Coryphaena equiselis | native | Pompano dolphinfish | Dolpin |
Perciformes | Coryphaenidae | Coryphaena hippurus | native | Common dolphinfish | Dorado |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coryphaenoides camurus | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coryphaenoides dubius | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coryphaenoides microps | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coryphaenoides rudis | native | Rudis rattail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Coryphaenoides semiscaber | native | ||
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys amplexus | native | Brown-banded pipefish | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys flavofasciatus | native | Network pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys haematopterus | native | Messmate pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys intestinalis | native | Scribbled pipefish | Bukaya bukaya |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys nigripectus | native | Black-breasted pipefish | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys ocellatus | native | Ocellated pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys polynotatus | native | Many-spotted pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Corythoichthys schultzi | native | Schultz's pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Cosmocampus banneri | native | Roughridge pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Cosmocampus maxweberi | native | Maxweber's pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Cottapistus cottoides | native | Marbled stingfish | |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Crenimugil crenilabis | native | Fringelip mullet | Agwas |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Crenimugil heterocheilos | native | Half fringelip mullet | Banak |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cristatogobius lophius | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cristatogobius nonatoae | native | Bia | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Cromileptes altivelis | native | Humpback grouper | Lapu lapu |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Crossorhombus valderostratus | native | Broadbrow flounder | Dapang bilog |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Crossosalarias macrospilus | native | Tripplespot blenny | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentroides insignis | native | Insignia prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus albidorsus | native | White-backed shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus | native | Blue-speckled prawn-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus cebuanus | native | Cebu shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus cinctus | native | Yellow prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus fasciatus | native | Y-bar shrimp goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus inexplicatus | native | Inexplicable shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus leptocephalus | native | Pink-speckled shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus leucostictus | native | Saddled prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus maudae | native | Maude's shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus nigrocellatus | native | Blackspot shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus octofasciatus | native | Blue-speckled prawn goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus pavoninoides | native | Peacock shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus russus | native | Ocellated shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus sericus | native | Ventral-barred shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Cryptocentrus strigilliceps | native | Target shrimp goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Ctenochaetus binotatus | native | Twospot surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus | native | Short-tail bristle-tooth | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Ctenochaetus striatus | native | Striated surgeonfish | Mangangadlit |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Ctenochaetus tominiensis | native | Tomini surgeonfish | Labahita |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ctenogobiops aurocingulus | native | Gold-streaked prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ctenogobiops crocineus | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ctenogobiops feroculus | native | Sandy prawn-goby | Paku |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ctenogobiops pomastictus | native | Gold-specked prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ctenogobiops tangaroai | native | Tangaroa shrimpgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Ctenotrypauchen chinensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Nomeidae | Cubiceps whiteleggii | native | Shadow driftfish | Pangan sa lawod |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Cyclichthys orbicularis | native | Birdbeak burrfish | Botiting laot |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Cyclichthys spilostylus | native | Spotbase burrfish | Butete |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Cymbacephalus beauforti | native | Crocodile fish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Cymbacephalus bosschei | native | Small-eyed flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Cymbacephalus nematophthalmus | native | Fringe-eyed flathead | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cymolutes praetextatus | native | Knife razorfish | Ipus-ipus |
Perciformes | Labridae | Cymolutes torquatus | native | Finescale razorfish | |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus abbreviatus | native | Three-lined tongue sole | |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus arel | native | Largescale tonguesole | |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus bilineatus | native | Fourlined tonguesole | Dapang tsinelas |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus cynoglossus | native | Bengal tongue sole | Dapang haba |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus kopsii | native | Shortheaded tonguesole | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus lida | native | Roughscale tonguesole | Dapang tsinelas |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus lingua | native | Long tongue sole | Dapang tsinelas |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus monopus | native | Dapa | |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus puncticeps | native | Speckled tonguesole | Ararali |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus sibogae | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Cynoglossus suyeni | native | Dapang tsinelas | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Cypho zaps | native | Checkered dottyback | Checkered dottyback |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Cyprinocirrhites polyactis | native | Swallowtail hawkfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cypselurus hexazona | native | Darkbar flyingfish | Iliw |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cypselurus oligolepis | native | Largescale flyingfish | Lawin |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cypselurus opisthopus | native | Black-finned flyingfish | Iliw |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Cypselurus poecilopterus | native | Yellowing flyingfish | Bolador |
Zeiformes | Parazenidae | Cyttopsis cypho | native | Little dory | |
Scorpaeniformes | Dactylopteridae | Dactyloptena macracantha | native | Spotwing flying gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Dactylopteridae | Dactyloptena orientalis | native | Oriental flying gurnard | Balongon |
Scorpaeniformes | Dactylopteridae | Dactyloptena tiltoni | native | Plain helmet gurnard | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Dactylopus dactylopus | native | Fingered dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Dactylopus kuiteri | native | Orange-black dragonet | |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Danaphryne nigrifilis | native | ||
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dascyllus aruanus | native | Whitetail dascyllus | Kikiringan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dascyllus melanurus | native | Blacktail humbug | Kikiringan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dascyllus reticulatus | native | Reticulate dascyllus | Baro-baro |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dascyllus trimaculatus | native | Threespot dascyllus | Palata |
Squaliformes | Centrophoridae | Deania profundorum | native | Arrowhead dogfish | Pating |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus kurroides | native | Redtail scad | Budboron |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus macarellus | native | Mackerel scad | Barraniti |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus macrosoma | native | Shortfin scad | Budboron |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus maruadsi | native | Japanese scad | Galunggong |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus muroadsi | native | Amberstripe scad | Galunggong |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus russelli | native | Indian scad | Budboron |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Decapterus tabl | native | Roughear scad | Galunggong |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus biocellatus | native | Twospot turkeyfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus brachypterus | native | Shortfin turkeyfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Dendrochirus zebra | native | Zebra turkeyfish | Danuy ranuy |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Dendrophysa russelii | native | Goatee croaker | Kabang |
Atheriniformes | Dentatherinidae | Dentatherina merceri | native | Mercer's tusked silverside | |
Perciformes | Sparidae | Dentex abei | native | Yellowfin sea bream | |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Dermatias platynogaster | native | ||
Lampriformes | Trachipteridae | Desmodema polystictum | native | Polka-dot ribbonfish | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Dexillus muelleri | native | Tufted sole | Dadale |
Gobiesociformes | Gobiesocidae | Diademichthys lineatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Diagramma melanacrum | native | Blackfin slatey | |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Diagramma pictum | native | Painted sweetlips | Bakoko |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Diancistrus erythraeus | native | Red viviparous brotula | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Diancistrus fuscus | native | Dusky brotulid | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Diancistrus karinae | native | Karin's coralbrotula | Karin's coralbrotula |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Diancistrus machidai | native | Machida's coralbrotula | Machida's coralbrotula |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Diancistrus springeri | native | Springer's coralbrotula | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus adenomus | native | Gilbert's large lantern fish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus aliciae | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus burtoni | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus chrysorhynchus | native | Golden-nosed lantern fish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus dehaveni | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus ehrhorni | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus faustinoi | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus fragilis | native | Fragile lantern fish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus garmani | native | Garman's lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus handi | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus jenseni | native | Jensen's lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus lucidus | native | Spotlight lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus lucifrons | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus malayanus | native | Malayan lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus parri | native | Parr's lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus phillipsi | native | Bolin's lantern fish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus problematicus | native | Problematic lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus richardsoni | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus rivatoni | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus splendidus | native | Horned lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus suborbitalis | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus thiollierei | native | Thiolliere's lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus umbroculus | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus watasei | native | Watases lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Diaphus whitleyi | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Diceratiidae | Diceratias bispinosus | native | Two-rod anglerfish | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Dicrolene longimana | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Dicrolene tristis | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Dinematichthys iluocoeteoides | native | Yellow pigmy brotula | |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Diodon holocanthus | native | Longspined porcupinefish | Botiting laot |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Diodon hystrix | native | Spot-fin porcupinefish | Botiting laot |
Tetraodontiformes | Diodontidae | Diodon liturosus | native | Black-blotched porcupinefish | Botiting laot |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Diplacanthopoma brunnea | native | ||
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Diplogrammus goramensis | native | Goram dragonet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Diploprion bifasciatum | native | Barred soapfish | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Diplospinus multistriatus | native | Striped escolar | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Diproctacanthus xanthurus | native | Yellowtail tubelip | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Dipterygonotus balteatus | native | Mottled fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Rajiformes | Rajidae | Dipturus amphispinus | native | ||
Rajiformes | Rajidae | Dipturus gigas | native | Giant skate | |
Rajiformes | Rajidae | Dipturus tengu | native | Acutenose skate | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dischistodus chrysopoecilus | native | White-spot damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dischistodus fasciatus | native | Banded damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dischistodus melanotus | native | Black-vent damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dischistodus perspicillatus | native | White damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dischistodus prosopotaenia | native | Honey-head damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Dischistodus pseudochrysopoecilus | native | Monarch damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Discordipinna griessingeri | native | Spikefin goby | Bia |
Gobiesociformes | Gobiesocidae | Discotrema crinophilum | native | Crinoid clingfish | |
Gobiesociformes | Gobiesocidae | Discotrema monogrammum | native | Oneline clingfish | |
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Doederleinia berycoides | native | Blackthroat seaperch | |
Osmeriformes | Opisthoproctidae | Dolichopteryx andriashevi | native | ||
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Doryrhamphus excisus excisus | native | Bluestripe pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Doryrhamphus janssi | native | Janss' pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Doryrhamphus japonicus | native | Honshu pipefish | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Doryrhamphus negrosensis | native | Negros pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Perciformes | Draconettidae | Draconetta xenica | native | Highfin slope dragonet | |
Perciformes | Drepaneidae | Drepane longimana | native | Concertina fish | Mayang |
Perciformes | Drepaneidae | Drepane punctata | native | Spotted sicklefish | Bayang |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Drombus ocyurus | native | Bluemarked drombus | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Drombus palackyi | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Drombus triangularis | native | Brown drombus | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus | native | Ringed pipefish | Kabayokabayoh |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Dunckerocampus pessuliferus | native | Yellowbanded pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Clupeiformes | Dussumieriidae | Dussumieria acuta | native | Rainbow sardine | Balantiong |
Clupeiformes | Dussumieriidae | Dussumieria elopsoides | native | Slender rainbow sardine | Tulis |
Anguilliformes | Synaphobranchidae | Dysomma anguillare | native | Shortbelly eel | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Ebosia bleekeri | native | Bleeker's lionfish | |
Perciformes | Echeneidae | Echeneis naucrates | native | Live sharksucker | Parikit banca |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Echidna delicatula | native | Mottled moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Echidna leucotaenia | native | Whiteface moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Echidna nebulosa | native | Starry moray | Igat |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Echidna polyzona | native | Barred moray | Payangitan |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Echidna rhodochilus | native | Pink-lipped moray eel | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Echidna unicolor | native | Unicolor moray | |
Ophidiiformes | Carapidae | Echiodon anchipterus | native | Closefin pearlfish | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius bicolor | native | Bicolor blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius bimaculatus | native | Twinspot coralblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius dilemma | endemic | Twocoat coralblenny | Twocoat coralblenny |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius kurti | endemic | Kurt's coralblenny | Kurt's coralblenny |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius lineatus | native | Linear blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius lividanalis | native | Blackspot coralblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius melarchus | native | Yellow-eyed comb-tooth | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius midas | native | Persian blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius monoculus | native | Monocle coralblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius namiyei | native | Black comb-tooth | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius oculus | native | Ocular blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius opsifrontalis | native | Comical blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius pictus | native | White-lined comb-tooth | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius stigmatura | native | Tailspot coralblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius tricolor | native | Tricolor coralblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Ecsenius yaeyamaensis | native | Yaeyama blenny | Talingkuk |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Ectreposebastes imus | native | Midwater scorpionfish | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Elagatis bipinnulata | native | Rainbow runner | Balilito |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Elates ransonnettii | native | Dwarf flathead | Sudsod |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Eleotris acanthopoma | native | Spinecheek gudgeon | |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Eleotris fusca | native | Dusky sleeper | Batingulo |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Eleutherochir opercularis | native | Flap-gilled dragonet | |
Perciformes | Polynemidae | Eleutheronema tetradactylum | native | Fourfinger threadfin | Mamale |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Ellochelon vaigiensis | native | Squaretail mullet | Bunti |
Elopiformes | Elopidae | Elops hawaiensis | native | Hawaiian ladyfish | Bid-bid |
Elopiformes | Elopidae | Elops machnata | native | Tenpounder | Bidbid |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Ematops randalli | native | Randall's viviparous brotula | |
Ophidiiformes | Carapidae | Encheliophis gracilis | native | Graceful pearlfish | |
Ophidiiformes | Carapidae | Encheliophis homei | native | Silver pearlfish | |
Ophidiiformes | Carapidae | Encheliophis vermicularis | native | Worm pearlfish | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Enchelycore bayeri | native | Bayer's moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Enchelycore nigricans | native | Viper moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Enchelycore schismatorhynchus | native | White-margined moray | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Enchelyurus flavipes | native | Yellowfin blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Enchelyurus kraussii | native | Krauss' blenny | |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Encrasicholina devisi | native | Devis' anchovy | Dilis |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Encrasicholina heteroloba | native | Shorthead anchovy | Bolinao na itim |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Encrasicholina oligobranchus | endemic | Philippine anchovy | Bulinao |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Encrasicholina punctifer | native | Buccaneer anchovy | Bulinao |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Engraulis japonicus | native | Japanese anchovy | Bolinao |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Engyprosopon grandisquama | native | Largescale flounder | Palad |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Engyprosopon latifrons | native | Dapang bilog | |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Engyprosopon macrolepis | native | Largescale dwarf flounder | Tatampal |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Engyprosopon maldivensis | native | Olive wide-eyed flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Engyprosopon mogkii | native | Dapang bilog | |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Engyprosopon mozambiquensis | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Engyprosopon obliquioculatum | native | Dapang bilog | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius bahasa | native | Blacktail threefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius fasciatus | native | Banded triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius flavoccipitis | native | Yellownape tripplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius fuscoventer | native | Blackbelly triplefin | Blackbelly triplefin |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius hemimelas | native | Halfblack Triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius minutus | native | ||
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius niger | native | Black triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius nigricauda | native | Blacktail triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius pallidoserialis | native | Pale white-spotted triplefin | Pale white-spotted triplefin |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius philippinus | native | Minute triplefin | Philippines triplefin |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius rhabdotus | native | Umpire Triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius rubicauda | native | Redtail triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius similis | native | Black-and-Red Triplefin | Blacktail triplefin |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius tutuilae | native | High-hat Triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius unimaculatus | native | Onespot triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Enneapterygius ziegleri | native | Ziegler's triplefin | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Entomacrodus caudofasciatus | native | Tail-barred rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Entomacrodus decussatus | native | Wavy-lined blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Entomacrodus epalzeocheilos | native | Fringelip rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Entomacrodus striatus | native | Reef margin blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Entomacrodus thalassinus | native | Sea blenny | |
Perciformes | Ephippidae | Ephippus orbis | native | Orbfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Epibulus brevis | native | Latent slingjaw wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Epibulus insidiator | native | Sling-jaw wrasse | Bungat |
Perciformes | Epigonidae | Epigonus atherinoides | native | ||
Perciformes | Epigonidae | Epigonus draco | native | Dragon deepwater cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus amblycephalus | native | Banded grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus areolatus | native | Areolate grouper | Talbusan |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus awoara | native | Yellow grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus bleekeri | native | Duskytail grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus bontoides | native | Palemargin grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus bruneus | native | Longtooth grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus | native | Whitespotted grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus coioides | native | Orange-spotted grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus corallicola | native | Coral grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus cyanopodus | native | Speckled blue grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus fasciatomaculosus | native | Rock grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus fasciatus | native | Blacktip grouper | Barangbang |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus fuscoguttatus | native | Brown-marbled grouper | Kigting |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus heniochus | native | Bridled grouper | Inid |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus hexagonatus | native | Starspotted grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus lanceolatus | native | Giant grouper | Puol |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus macrospilos | native | Snubnose grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus maculatus | native | Highfin grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus magniscuttis | native | Speckled grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus malabaricus | native | Malabar grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus melanostigma | native | One-blotch grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus merra | native | Honeycomb grouper | Baraka |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus morrhua | native | Comet grouper | Kulapo |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus ongus | native | White-streaked grouper | Buklak |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus polyphekadion | native | Camouflage grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus quoyanus | native | Longfin grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus rivulatus | native | Halfmoon grouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus sexfasciatus | native | Sixbar grouper | Bokbok |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus tauvina | native | Greasy grouper | Tiny |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Epinephelus undulosus | native | Wavy-lined grouper | Lapu lapu |
Myxiniformes | Myxinidae | Eptatretus luzonicus | native | ||
Myxiniformes | Myxinidae | Eptatretus strahani | native | ||
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Equulites elongatus | native | Slender ponyfish | Taksay |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Equulites laterofenestra | native | ||
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Equulites leuciscus | native | Whipfin ponyfish | Sapsap |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Equulites lineolatus | native | Ornate ponyfish | Tambong |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Equulites rivulatus | native | Tabiros | |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Equulites stercorarius | native | Oblong slipmouth | Sapsap |
Carcharhiniformes | Proscylliidae | Eridacnis radcliffei | native | Pygmy ribbontail catshark | Pating |
Scorpaeniformes | Aploactinidae | Erisphex aniarus | native | Dark-finned velvetfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Aploactinidae | Erisphex philippinus | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Erosa erosa | native | Pitted stonefish | |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Escualosa thoracata | native | White sardine | Bolinaw |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Etelis carbunculus | native | Deep-water red snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Etelis coruscans | native | Deepwater longtail red snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Etelis radiosus | native | Pale snapper | |
Squaliformes | Etmopteridae | Etmopterus brachyurus | native | Shorttail lanternshark | Pating |
Squaliformes | Etmopteridae | Etmopterus lucifer | native | Blackbelly lanternshark | |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Eubleekeria jonesi | native | Jones’ pony fish | |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Eubleekeria splendens | native | Splendid ponyfish | Miralla |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eugnathogobius illotus | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eugnathogobius kabilia | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eugnathogobius mindora | native | Stripe-face Calamiana | |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Euleptorhamphus viridis | native | Ribbon halfbeak | Kansusuwit |
Perciformes | Bramidae | Eumegistus illustris | native | Brilliant pomfret | |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Eupleurogrammus muticus | native | Smallhead hairtail | Balila |
Gasterosteiformes | Pegasidae | Eurypegasus draconis | native | Short dragonfish | |
Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | Eusphyra blochii | native | Winghead shark | Pating |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Eustomias pinnatus | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Eustomias suluensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Scombridae | Euthynnus affinis | native | Kawakawa | Anturayan |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota asymbasia | native | Inconsistent dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota atriventris | native | Blackbelly Dwarfgoby | Kultit |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota bifasciata | native | Twostripe Eviota | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota bipunctata | native | Twinspot dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota guttata | native | Spotted dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota infulata | native | Epaulet dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota irrasa | native | Unpolished dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota jewettae | native | Jewett’s dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota latifasciata | native | Brown-banded dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota melasma | native | Headspot Eviota | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota minuta | native | Minute dwarfgoby | Minute dwarfgoby |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota nigramembrana | native | Blackbar dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota prasina | native | Rubble Eviota | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota prasites | native | Hairpin dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota punctulata | native | Dotted dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota queenslandica | native | Queensland dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota rubriceps | native | Red-headed dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota rubrisparsa | native | Redspeckled dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota sebreei | native | Striped dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota smaragdus | native | Emerald dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota sparsa | native | Speckled dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota spilota | native | Spottedfin dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota storthynx | native | Storthynx dwarfgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Eviota zonura | native | Zoned dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Evoxymetopon taeniatus | native | Channel scabbardfish | |
Perciformes | Sparidae | Evynnis cardinalis | native | Threadfin porgy | Bakoko |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Exallias brevis | native | Leopard blenny | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Exocoetus volitans | native | Tropical two-wing flyingfish | Iliw |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Exyrias akihito | native | Akihito's goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Exyrias belissimus | native | Mud reef-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Exyrias ferrarisi | native | Ferraris' goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Exyrias puntang | native | Puntang goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Favonigobius reichei | native | Indo-Pacific tropical sand goby | Bia |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Festucalex erythraeus | native | Dagum-dagum | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Festucalex prolixus | native | Dagum-dagum | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fibramia amboinensis | native | Amboina cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fibramia lateralis | native | Humpback cardinal | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fibramia thermalis | native | Half-barred cardinal | Dangat |
Perciformes | Polynemidae | Filimanus sealei | native | Eightfinger threadfin | |
Syngnathiformes | Fistulariidae | Fistularia commersonii | native | Bluespotted cornetfish | Kilukilu |
Syngnathiformes | Fistulariidae | Fistularia petimba | native | Red cornetfish | Trompeta |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Foa fo | native | Weedy cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Foa hyalina | native | Hyaline cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Forcipiger flavissimus | native | Longnose butterfly fish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Forcipiger longirostris | native | Longnose butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fowleria aurita | native | Crosseyed cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fowleria flammea | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fowleria isostigma | native | Dotted cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fowleria marmorata | native | Marbled cardinalfish | Suga |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fowleria vaiulae | native | Mottled cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Fowleria variegata | native | Variegated cardinalfish | Dangat |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Fowlerichthys scriptissimus | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius duospilus | native | Barenape goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius gracilis | native | Slender sandgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius humeralis | native | Shoulderspot sandgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius maximus | native | Large sandgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius melacron | native | Blacktip sandgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius neophytus | native | Common fusegoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius pallidus | native | Pale sandgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Fusigobius signipinnis | native | Signalfin goby | Bia |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Gadomus denticulatus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Gadomus introniger | native | Blackmouth rat tail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Gadomus magnifilis | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Gadomus multifilis | native | ||
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Galeocerdo cuvier | native | Tiger shark | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Scyliorhinidae | Galeus sauteri | native | Blacktip sawtail catshark | |
Carcharhiniformes | Scyliorhinidae | Galeus schultzi | endemic | Dwarf sawtail catshark | Pating |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Gargariscus prionocephalus | native | Jaggedhead gurnard | |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Gazza achlamys | native | Smalltoothed ponyfish | Tambong |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Gazza minuta | native | Toothpony | Sapsap |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Gazza rhombea | native | Rhomboid toothpony | |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Gempylus serpens | native | Snake mackerel | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Genicanthus bellus | native | Ornate angelfish | Boray-boray |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Genicanthus lamarck | native | Blackstriped angelfish | Baro-baro |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Genicanthus melanospilos | native | Spotbreast angelfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Genicanthus semifasciatus | native | Japanese swallow | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Genicanthus watanabei | native | Blackedged angelfish | |
Beryciformes | Trachichthyidae | Gephyroberyx darwinii | native | Darwin's slimehead | |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres baconensis | native | Scaly snouted silver-biddy | Malakapas |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres erythrourus | native | Deep-bodied mojarra | Malacapas |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres filamentosus | native | Whipfin silver-biddy | Batuhanon |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres longirostris | native | Strongspine silver-biddy | Malakapas |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres macracanthus | native | Longspine silverbiddy | Lumong |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres oblongus | native | Slender silver-biddy | Malakapas |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres oyena | native | Common silver-biddy | Lamas |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Gerres shima | native | Banded silver-biddy | |
Lophiiformes | Gigantactinidae | Gigantactis perlatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Kyphosidae | Girella punctata | native | ||
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Giuris margaritacea | native | Snakehead gudgeon | Buguwan |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gladiogobius ensifer | native | Gladiator goby | |
Perciformes | Glaucosomatidae | Glaucosoma buergeri | native | Deepsea jewfish | Deepsea jewfish |
Rhinopristiformes | Rhinobatidae | Glaucostegus typus | native | Giant shovelnose ray | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Glenoglossa wassi | native | Angler snake eel | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Glossogobius giuris | native | Tank goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Glossogobius olivaceus | native | ||
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Glyptoparus delicatulus | native | Delicate blenny | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Glyptophidium argenteum | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Glyptophidium japonicum | native | Japanese cusk | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Glyptophidium lucidum | native | Sculptured cusk | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Glyptophidium oceanium | native | ||
Perciformes | Carangidae | Gnathanodon speciosus | native | Golden trevally | Banlog |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gnathodentex aureolineatus | native | Striped large-eye bream | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gnatholepis anjerensis | native | Eye-bar goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gnatholepis cauerensis | native | Eyebar goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gnatholepis ophthalmotaenia | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Gnathophis asanoi | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Gnathophis heterognathos | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon aoyagii | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon citrinus | native | Poison goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon fulvus | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon heterospilos | native | Head and tailspotted coralgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon histrio | native | Broad-barred goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon okinawae | native | Okinawa goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiodon quinquestrigatus | native | Five-lined coral goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiopsis bravoi | native | Bravo's bearded goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiopsis malekulae | native | Striped barbelgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiopsis quinquecincta | native | Fiveband barbelgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiopterus mindanensis | native | Mindanao glassgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Gobiopterus panayensis | native | ||
Carcharhiniformes | Pseudotriakidae | Gollum suluensis | native | Sulu Gollumshark | Sulu Gollumshark |
Perciformes | Labridae | Gomphosus caeruleus | native | Green birdmouth wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Gomphosus varius | native | Bird wrasse | Bankilan |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Gorgasia barnesi | native | Barnes' garden eel | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Gorgasia maculata | native | Whitespotted garden eel | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Gorgasia naeocepaea | native | Freckled garden eel | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Gorgasia preclara | native | Splendid garden eel | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Gracila albomarginata | native | Masked grouper | Lapu-lapu |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Grammatobothus polyophthalmus | native | Threespot flounder | Dapa |
Perciformes | Callanthiidae | Grammatonotus brianne | native | Batangas groppo | Batangas groppo |
Perciformes | Callanthiidae | Grammatonotus crosnieri | native | Long-tailed groppo | Crosnier's groppo |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Grammatorcynus bilineatus | native | Double-lined mackerel | Alumahang bato |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Grammistes sexlineatus | native | Goldenstriped soapfish | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Grammistops ocellatus | native | Ocellate soapfish | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Grammonus robustus | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Grammoplites scaber | native | Rough flathead | |
Atheriniformes | Phallostethidae | Gulaphallus panayensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Gunnellichthys curiosus | native | Curious wormfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Gunnellichthys pleurotaenia | native | Onestripe wormfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Gymnapogon japonicus | native | Dangat | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Gymnapogon philippinus | native | Philippine cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Gymnocaesio gymnoptera | native | Slender fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gymnocranius elongatus | native | Forktail large-eye bream | Bagongon |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gymnocranius euanus | native | Japanese large-eye bream | |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gymnocranius frenatus | native | Yellowsnout large-eye bream | Porgy |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gymnocranius grandoculis | native | Blue-lined large-eye bream | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gymnocranius griseus | native | Grey large-eye bream | Porgy |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Gymnocranius microdon | native | Blue-spotted large-eye bream | Bukawing gulat |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnomuraena zebra | native | Zebra moray | Malibanos |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Gymnosarda unicolor | native | Dogtooth tuna | Tambakol |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax annulatus | native | Ringed moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax buroensis | native | Vagrant moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax castlei | native | Castle's moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax chilospilus | native | Lipspot moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax chlamydatus | native | Banded mud moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax enigmaticus | native | Enigmatic moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax favagineus | native | Laced moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax fimbriatus | native | Fimbriated moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax flavimarginatus | native | Yellow-edged moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax fuscomaculatus | native | Brown spotted moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax herrei | native | Herre's moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax javanicus | native | Giant moray | Almang |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax kidako | native | Kidako moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax margaritophorus | native | Blotch-necked moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax melatremus | native | Dwarf moray | Payangitan |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax meleagris | native | Turkey moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax microstictus | native | Smallspot moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax monochrous | native | Drab moray | Bakasi |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax monostigma | native | One-spot moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax phasmatodes | native | Ghost moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax philippinus | native | Philippines moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax pictus | native | Paintspotted moray | Berkakan |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax polyuranodon | native | Freshwater moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax pseudoherrei | native | False brown moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus | native | Highfin moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax punctatofasciatus | native | Bars'n spots moray | Panagitan |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax richardsonii | native | Richardson's moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax robinsi | native | Robins' moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax rueppelliae | native | Banded moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax thyrsoideus | native | Greyface moray | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax tile | native | Indian mud moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax undulatus | native | Undulated moray | Bakasi |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Gymnothorax zonipectis | native | Barredfin moray | Ahas-dagat |
Myliobatiformes | Gymnuridae | Gymnura poecilura | native | Long-tailed butterfly ray | Pagi |
Myliobatiformes | Gymnuridae | Gymnura zonura | native | Zonetail butterfly ray | |
Carcharhiniformes | Scyliorhinidae | Halaelurus maculosus | native | Indonesian Speckled Catshark | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Halicampus brocki | native | Brock's pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Halicampus dunckeri | native | Duncker's pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Halicampus grayi | native | Gray's pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Halicampus macrorhynchus | native | Ornate pipefish | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Halicampus mataafae | native | Samoan pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Halicampus nitidus | native | Glittering pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres argus | native | Argus wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres bicolor | native | Pearly-spotted wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres binotopsis | native | Saowisata wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres biocellatus | native | Red-lined wrasse | Lubayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres bleekeri | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres chlorocephalus | native | Greenhead wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres chloropterus | native | Pastel-green wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres chrysus | native | Canary wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres hartzfeldii | native | Hartzfeld's wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres hilomeni | native | Hilomen's wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres hortulanus | native | Checkerboard wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres kallochroma | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres leucurus | native | Greyhead wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres margaritaceus | native | Pink-belly wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres marginatus | native | Dusky wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres melanochir | native | Orangefin wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres melanurus | native | Tail-spot wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres melasmapomus | native | Cheekspot wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres miniatus | native | Circle-cheek wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres nebulosus | native | Nebulous wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres nigrescens | native | Bubblefin wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres ornatissimus | native | Ornamented wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres papilionaceus | native | Weed wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres podostigma | native | Axil spot wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres prosopeion | native | Twotone wrasse | Buyos |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres richmondi | native | Richmond's wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres scapularis | native | Zigzag wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres solorensis | native | Green wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres timorensis | native | Timor wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres trimaculatus | native | Threespot wrasse | Labayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Halichoeres zeylonicus | native | Goldstripe wrasse | Labayan lawod |
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halicmetus reticulatus | native | Marbled seabat | |
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halicmetus ruber | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halieutaea fitzsimonsi | native | Circular seabat | |
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halieutaea fumosa | native | Smoky seabat | |
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halieutaea indica | native | Indian handfish | |
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halieutaea stellata | native | Minipizza batfish | |
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halieutopsis simula | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halieutopsis stellifera | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Halieutopsis vermicularis | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthodidae | Halimochirurgus alcocki | native | ||
Batrachoidiformes | Batrachoididae | Halophryne hutchinsi | native | Hutchin's toadfish | |
Notacanthiformes | Halosauridae | Halosaurus ridgwayi | native | ||
Perciformes | Hapalogenyidae | Hapalogenys filamentosus | native | Philippine dark velvetchin | Philippine dark velvetchin |
Perciformes | Hapalogenyidae | Hapalogenys kishinouyei | native | Lined javelinfish | Bakoko |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Harpadon nehereus | native | Bombay-duck | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Hazeus otakii | native | Scalyhead goby | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma albimacula | native | Whitespot triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma aquila | native | Darktail triplefin | Blacktail triplefin |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma chica | native | Little hooded triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma desa | native | Neglected triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma ellioti | native | ||
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma fuscipectoris | native | Fourspot triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma fuscopinna | native | Blackfin triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma inclinata | native | Triangle triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma rhinoceros | native | Rhinocerus triplefin | Rhinocerus triplefin |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma springeri | native | Springer's triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma striata | native | Tropical striped triplefin | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Helcogramma trigloides | native | Scarf triplefin | |
Perciformes | Terapontidae | Helotes sexlineatus | native | Six-lined trumpeter | Bagaong |
Carcharhiniformes | Hemigaleidae | Hemigaleus microstoma | native | Sicklefin weasel shark | Pating |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Hemiglyphidodon plagiometopon | native | Lagoon damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Hemigobius hoevenii | native | Banded mulletgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Labridae | Hemigymnus fasciatus | native | Barred thicklip | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Hemigymnus melapterus | native | Blackeye thicklip | Bankilan |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Heminodus philippinus | native | ||
Carcharhiniformes | Hemigaleidae | Hemipristis elongata | native | Snaggletooth shark | |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hemiramphus archipelagicus | native | Jumping halfbeak | Buging |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hemiramphus convexus | native | Halfbeak | Buging |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hemiramphus far | native | Black-barred halfbeak | Bugiw |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hemiramphus lutkei | native | Lutke's halfbeak | Buging |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Hemitaurichthys polylepis | native | Pyramid butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Carcharhiniformes | Triakidae | Hemitriakis leucoperiptera | endemic | Whitefin topeshark | |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Heniochus acuminatus | native | Pennant coralfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Heniochus chrysostomus | native | Threeband pennantfish | Layaglayag |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Heniochus diphreutes | native | False moorish idol | Dalang bukid |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Heniochus monoceros | native | Masked bannerfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Heniochus singularius | native | Singular bannerfish | Kalaykalay |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Heniochus varius | native | Horned bannerfish | Layaglayag |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Hephthocara crassiceps | native | ||
Hexanchiformes | Hexanchidae | Heptranchias perlo | native | Sharpnose sevengill shark | |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Herklotsichthys dispilonotus | native | Blacksaddle herring | Manamse |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus | native | Bluestripe herring | Tunsoy |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Heteroconger chapmani | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Heteroconger hassi | native | Spotted garden-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Heteroconger mercyae | native | Mercy's garden eel | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Heteroconger perissodon | native | Black garden eel | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Heteroconger polyzona | native | Zebra garden eel | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Heteroconger taylori | native | Taylor's garden eel | |
Heterodontiformes | Heterodontidae | Heterodontus zebra | native | Zebra bullhead shark | Pating |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Heteromycteris hartzfeldii | native | Hook-nosed sole | |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Heteropriacanthus cruentatus | native | Glasseye | Siga |
Hexanchiformes | Hexanchidae | Hexanchus griseus | native | Bluntnose sixgill shark | Pating |
Hexanchiformes | Hexanchidae | Hexanchus nakamurai | native | Bigeyed sixgill shark | Pating |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Hexanematichthys sagor | native | Sagor catfish | |
Myliobatiformes | Hexatrygonidae | Hexatrygon bickelli | native | Sixgill stingray | |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Hilsa kelee | native | Kelee shad | |
Lophiiformes | Himantolophidae | Himantolophus appelii | native | Prickly footballfish | |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Himantura leoparda | native | ||
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Himantura uarnak | native | Honeycomb stingray | Pagi |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippichthys cyanospilos | native | Blue-spotted pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippichthys penicillus | native | Beady pipefish | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippichthys spicifer | native | Bellybarred pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus alatus | native | Winged seahorse | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus barbouri | native | Barbour's seahorse | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus bargibanti | native | Pygmy seahorse | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus comes | native | Tiger tail seahorse | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus histrix | native | Thorny seahorse | Kabayo-kabayohan |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus kelloggi | native | Great seahorse | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus kuda | native | Spotted seahorse | Kabayo-kabayohan |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus spinosissimus | native | Hedgehog seahorse | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Hippocampus trimaculatus | native | Longnose seahorse | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Hipposcarus harid | native | Candelamoa parrotfish | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Hipposcarus longiceps | native | Pacific longnose parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Hipposcorpaena filamentosus | native | Filamentous scorpionfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Hirundichthys albimaculatus | native | Whitespot flyingfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Hirundichthys oxycephalus | native | Bony flyingfish | Iliw |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Histiophryne cryptacanthus | native | Cryptic anglerfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Histiophryne pogonius | native | ||
Perciformes | Pentacerotidae | Histiopterus typus | native | Sailfin armourhead | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Histrio histrio | native | Sargassumfish | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Holcomycteronus aequatoris | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Hologymnosus annulatus | native | Ring wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Hologymnosus doliatus | native | Pastel ringwrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Hologymnosus rhodonotus | native | Redback longface wrasse | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Homostolus acer | native | Filament cusk | |
Scorpaeniformes | Hoplichthyidae | Hoplichthys pectoralis | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Hoplichthyidae | Hoplichthys prosemion | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Hoplobrotula armata | native | Armoured cusk | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus chlupatyi | native | Chameleon sand tilefish | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus cuniculus | native | Dusky tilefish | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri | native | Yellow-spotted tilefish | Matang dagat |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus fronticinctus | native | Pastel tilefish | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus marcosi | native | Redback sand tilefish | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus purpureus | native | Purple sand tilefish | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus randalli | native | Randall’s tilefish | |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Hoplolatilus starcki | native | Stark's tilefish | |
Beryciformes | Trachichthyidae | Hoplostethus mediterraneus | native | Mediterranean slimehead | |
Beryciformes | Trachichthyidae | Hoplostethus melanopterus | native | Blackfin roughy | |
Beryciformes | Trachichthyidae | Hoplostethus metallicus | native | Metallic roughy | |
Beryciformes | Trachichthyidae | Hoplostethus robustispinus | native | Thickspine roughy | |
Chimaeriformes | Chimaeridae | Hydrolagus deani | endemic | Philippine chimaera | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Hygophum proximum | native | Firefly lanternfish | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenocephalus aeger | native | Plaintail whiptail | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenocephalus barbatulus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenocephalus lethonemus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenocephalus longiceps | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenocephalus longipes | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenocephalus nascens | native | Nascent membranehead | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenocephalus torvus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Hymenogadus gracilis | native | Slender membranehead | |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Hypoatherina barnesi | native | Barnes' silverside | Langaray pako |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Hypoatherina crenolepis | endemic | Crenulated silverside | |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Hypoatherina ovalaua | native | Fijian silverside | |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Hypoatherina temminckii | native | Samoan silverside | Gono |
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Hypoatherina valenciennei | native | Sumatran silverside | Tambarasang |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Hypopleuron caninum | native | Whiptail cusk | |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus affinis | native | Tropical halfbeak | Buging |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus balinensis | native | Balinese garfish | Buging |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus dussumieri | native | Dussumier's halfbeak | Bungug |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus melanopterus | native | Kansusuwit | |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus neglectus | native | Buging | |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Hyporhamphus quoyi | native | Quoy's garfish | Bugiw |
Carcharhiniformes | Triakidae | Iago garricki | native | Longnose houndshark | |
Clupeiformes | Pristigasteridae | Ilisha melastoma | native | Indian ilisha | Timon-timon |
Anguilliformes | Synaphobranchidae | Ilyophis robinsae | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Inegocia japonica | native | Japanese flathead | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Iniistius aneitensis | native | Yellowblotch razorfish | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Iniistius celebicus | native | Celebes razorfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Iniistius dea | native | Blackspot razorfish | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Iniistius melanopus | native | Yellowpatch razorfish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Iniistius pavo | native | Peacock wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Iniistius pentadactylus | native | Fivefinger wrasse | Bapor-bapor |
Perciformes | Labridae | Iniistius twistii | native | Redblotch razorfish | Bankilan |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Inimicus cuvieri | native | Longsnout stinger | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Inimicus didactylus | native | Bearded ghoul | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Inimicus sinensis | native | Spotted ghoul | |
Rajiformes | Arhynchobatidae | Insentiraja subtilispinosa | native | Velvet skate | |
Squaliformes | Dalatiidae | Isistius brasiliensis | native | Cookie cutter shark | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Istiblennius colei | endemic | Cole's rockskipper | Cole's rockskipper |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Istiblennius dussumieri | native | Streaky rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Istiblennius edentulus | native | Rippled rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Istiblennius lineatus | native | Lined rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Istiblennius muelleri | native | Mueller's rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Istigobius decoratus | native | Decorated goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Istigobius goldmanni | native | Goldman's goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Istigobius nigroocellatus | native | Black-spotted goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Istigobius ornatus | native | Ornate goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Istigobius rigilius | native | Rigilius goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Istigobius spence | native | Pearl goby | |
Perciformes | Istiophoridae | Istiompax indica | native | Black marlin | Dol-lakak |
Perciformes | Istiophoridae | Istiophorus platypterus | native | Indo-Pacific sailfish | Malasugi |
Lamniformes | Lamnidae | Isurus oxyrinchus | native | Shortfin mako | Pating |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Japonolaeops dentatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia albomarginatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia ellioti | native | Flag-in cardinal-fish | Suga |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia erythrophthalma | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia lineata | native | Indian perch | Parangan |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia novaeguineae | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia poecilopterus | native | Pearly-finned cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia striata | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Jaydia striatodes | native | ||
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Johnius amblycephalus | native | Bearded croaker | Alakaak |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Johnius belangerii | native | Belanger's croaker | Alakaak |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Johnius borneensis | native | Sharpnose hammer croaker | Alakaak |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Johnius dussumieri | native | Sin croaker | Alakaak |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Johnius goldmani | native | Aligasin | |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Johnius philippinus | native | ||
Perciformes | Istiophoridae | Kajikia audax | native | Striped marlin | Dugso |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Kamoharaia megastoma | native | Wide-mouthed flounder | Dapang bilog |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Karalla daura | native | Goldstripe ponyfish | Sapsap |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Karalla dussumieri | native | Dussumier's ponyfish | Sapsap |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Karsten totoyensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Scombridae | Katsuwonus pelamis | native | Skipjack tuna | Barilis |
Anguilliformes | Chlopsidae | Kaupichthys atronasus | native | Black-nostril false moray | |
Anguilliformes | Chlopsidae | Kaupichthys brachychirus | native | Shortfin false moray | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Kelloggella cardinalis | native | Cardinal goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Koumansetta hectori | native | Hector's goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Koumansetta rainfordi | native | Old glory | Bia |
Perciformes | Kuhliidae | Kuhlia mugil | native | Barred flagtail | Damagan |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Kumococius rodericensis | native | Spiny flathead | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Kuronezumia macronema | native | ||
Perciformes | Kyphosidae | Kyphosus bigibbus | native | Brown chub | Idek |
Perciformes | Kyphosidae | Kyphosus cinerascens | native | Blue sea chub | Ilak |
Perciformes | Kyphosidae | Kyphosus vaigiensis | native | Brassy chub | Ilak |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Labracinus atrofasciatus | native | Blackbarred dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Labracinus cyclophthalmus | native | Fire-tail devil | Ilad |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labrichthys unilineatus | native | Tubelip wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labroides bicolor | native | Bicolor cleaner wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labroides dimidiatus | native | Bluestreak cleaner wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labroides pectoralis | native | Blackspot cleaner wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labropsis alleni | native | Allen's tubelip | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labropsis australis | native | Southern tubelip | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labropsis manabei | native | Northern tubelip | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Labropsis xanthonota | native | Yellowback tubelip | |
Perciformes | Lactariidae | Lactarius lactarius | native | False trevally | Awa-on |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Lactoria cornuta | native | Longhorn cowfish | Tabarong |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Lactoria diaphana | native | Roundbelly cowfish | Kaban-kaban |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Laeops clarus | native | Clear fin-base flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Laeops cypho | native | Dapang bilog | |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Laeops gracilis | native | Philippine slender flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Laeops guentheri | native | Günther's flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Laeops parviceps | native | Small headed flounder | Dapang bilog |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Lagocephalus lunaris | native | Lunartail puffer | Botete |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Lagocephalus sceleratus | native | Silver-cheeked toadfish | Tinga-tinga |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Laiphognathus multimaculatus | native | Spotty blenny | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Lamnostoma orientalis | native | Oriental worm-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Lamnostoma polyophthalmum | native | Ocellated sand-eel | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Lampanyctus turneri | native | ||
Lampriformes | Lampridae | Lampris guttatus | native | Opah | |
Perciformes | Latidae | Lates calcarifer | native | Barramundi | Apaap |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Leiognathus berbis | native | Berber ponyfish | Miralla |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Leiognathus brevirostris | native | Shortnose ponyfish | Sapsap |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Leiognathus equulus | native | Common ponyfish | Mawalay |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Leiognathus longispinis | native | Longspine ponyfish | Tambong |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Leiognathus parviceps | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Leiuranus semicinctus | native | Saddled snake-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Leiuranus versicolor | native | Convict snake eel | |
Gobiesociformes | Gobiesocidae | Lepadichthys bolini | native | Bolin's clingfish | |
Gobiesociformes | Gobiesocidae | Lepadichthys frenatus | native | ||
Gobiesociformes | Gobiesocidae | Lepadichthys springeri | native | Springer's clingfish | Springer's clingfish |
Pleuronectiformes | Citharidae | Lepidoblepharon ophthalmolepis | native | Scale-eyed flounder | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla abyssalis | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla argyrosoma | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla deasoni | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla eydouxii | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla macrobrachia | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla marisinensis | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla oglina | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla pectoralis | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla punctipectoralis | native | Finspot gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla spiloptera | native | Spotwing gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Lepidotrigla venusta | native | ||
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Lepidozygus tapeinosoma | native | Fusilier damselfish | |
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Leptoderma retropinna | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Leptojulis cyanopleura | native | Shoulder-spot wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Leptojulis lambdastigma | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Leptojulis urostigma | native | Tailmark wrasse | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Leptoscarus vaigiensis | native | Marbled parrotfish | Tamulmol |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Lepturacanthus savala | native | Savalai hairtail | Balila |
Aulopiformes | Paralepididae | Lestrolepis japonica | native | Japanese barracudina | |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus amboinensis | native | Ambon emperor | Bukawin |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus atkinsoni | native | Pacific yellowtail emperor | Bihilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus erythracanthus | native | Orange-spotted emperor | Savung |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus erythropterus | native | Longfin emperor | Batilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus genivittatus | native | Longspine emperor | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus harak | native | Thumbprint emperor | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus lentjan | native | Pink ear emperor | Batilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus microdon | native | Smalltooth emperor | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus miniatus | native | Trumpet emperor | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus nebulosus | native | Spangled emperor | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus obsoletus | native | Orange-striped emperor | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus olivaceus | native | Longface emperor | Bukawin |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus ornatus | native | Ornate emperor | Bukawin |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus ravus | native | Drab emperor | |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus reticulatus | native | Red snout emperor | Bukawin |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus rubrioperculatus | native | Spotcheek emperor | Bitilya |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus semicinctus | native | Black blotch emperor | Bukawin |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus variegatus | native | Slender emperor | Bukawin bilog |
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Lethrinus xanthochilus | native | Yellowlip emperor | Camasuhon |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Liachirus melanospilos | native | Carpet sole | Darapa |
Perciformes | Creediidae | Limnichthys fasciatus | native | Barred sand burrower | |
Perciformes | Creediidae | Limnichthys nitidus | native | Sand submarine | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Liocranium pleurostigma | native | Western Blackspot Waspfish | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Liopropoma collettei | native | Collette's basslet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Liopropoma mitratum | native | Pinstriped basslet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Liopropoma multilineatum | native | Manyline perch | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Liopropoma pallidum | native | Pallid basslet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Liopropoma susumi | native | Meteor perch | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Liopropoma swalesi | native | Swales' basslet | |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Lioscorpius longiceps | native | Slender scorpionfish | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lipocheilus carnolabrum | native | Tang's snapper | Maya-maya |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Litobranchus fowleri | native | Fowler's rockskipper | |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Liza alata | native | Diamond mullet | |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Liza argentea | native | Flat-tail mullet | Balanak |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Liza ramsayi | native | Ramsay's mullet | |
Perciformes | Lobotidae | Lobotes surinamensis | native | Tripletail | Lapu-lapu |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Lophiocharon lithinostomus | native | Marble-mouthed frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Lophiocharon trisignatus | native | Three-spot frogfish | |
Lophiiformes | Lophiidae | Lophiodes mutilus | native | Smooth angler | |
Lophiiformes | Lophiidae | Lophiodes naresi | native | Goosefish | |
Lophiiformes | Lophiidae | Lophiodes triradiatus | native | Shortspine goosefish | |
Lophiiformes | Lophiidae | Lophiomus setigerus | native | Blackmouth angler | |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Loxodon macrorhinus | native | Sliteye shark | Pating |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Lubbockichthys multisquamatus | native | Fine-scaled dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Lubbockichthys tanakai | native | Tanaka's dottyback | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Lubricogobius ornatus | native | Ornate slippery goby | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Lucigadus lucifer | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Lucigadus nigromarginatus | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Luciobrotula bartschi | native | ||
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | native | Mangrove red snapper | Gingaw |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus bengalensis | native | Bengal snapper | Aluman |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus biguttatus | native | Two-spot banded snapper | Dayangdang batuhan |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus bohar | native | Two-spot red snapper | Langisi |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus boutton | native | Moluccan snapper | Matangal |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus carponotatus | native | Spanish flag snapper | Alsis |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus decussatus | native | Checkered snapper | Dalag dalag |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus dodecacanthoides | native | Sunbeam snapper | Maya-maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus ehrenbergii | native | Blackspot snapper | Alsis |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus erythropterus | native | Crimson snapper | Aha-an |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus fulviflamma | native | Dory snapper | Alum |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus fulvus | native | Blacktail snapper | Bangbangin |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus gibbus | native | Humpback red snapper | Dapak |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus johnii | native | John's snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus kasmira | native | Common bluestripe snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus lemniscatus | native | Yellowstreaked snapper | Maya-maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus lunulatus | native | Lunartail snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus lutjanus | native | Bigeye snapper | Lalagan |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus madras | native | Indian snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus malabaricus | native | Malabar blood snapper | Lugho |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus monostigma | native | One-spot snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus quinquelineatus | native | Five-lined snapper | Admon |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus rivulatus | native | Blubberlip snapper | Lugho |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus rufolineatus | native | Yellow-lined snapper | Alsis |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus russellii | native | Russell's snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus sebae | native | Emperor red snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus semicinctus | native | Black-banded snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus timoriensis | native | Timor snapper | Alsis |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Lutjanus vitta | native | Brownstripe red snapper | Dayangdang |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Luzonichthys waitei | native | Waite's splitfin | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Macolor macularis | native | Midnight snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Macolor niger | native | Black and white snapper | Maya maya |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Macrocephenchelys brevirostris | native | Rubbernose conger | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Macrodontogobius wilburi | native | Largetooth goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Labridae | Macropharyngodon meleagris | native | Blackspotted wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Macropharyngodon negrosensis | native | Yellowspotted wrasse | Buntogon |
Perciformes | Labridae | Macropharyngodon ornatus | native | False leopard | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Macrouroides inflaticeps | native | Inflated whiptail | |
Zeiformes | Grammicolepididae | Macrurocyttus acanthopodus | native | Dwarf dory | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Mahidolia mystacina | native | Flagfin prawn goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Istiophoridae | Makaira mazara | native | Indo-Pacific blue marlin | Bigok |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Malacanthus brevirostris | native | Quakerfish | Matang dagat |
Perciformes | Malacanthidae | Malacanthus latovittatus | native | Blue blanquillo | Matang dagat |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Malacocephalus luzonensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Malakichthys griseus | native | ||
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Malakichthys similis | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Malthopsis annulifera | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Malthopsis kobayashii | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Ogcocephalidae | Malthopsis mitrigera | native | Twospine batfish | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Manonichthys alleni | native | Sabah dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Manonichthys scintilla | native | Sparkfin Dottyback | Sparkfin Dottyback |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Manonichthys winterbottomi | native | False midnight dottyback | False midnight dottyback |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Manta alfredi | native | Alfred manta | |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Manta birostris | native | Giant manta | Pagi |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Mastigopterus imperator | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Molidae | Masturus lanceolatus | native | Sharptail mola | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Mataeocephalus acipenserinus | native | Sturgeon grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Mataeocephalus adustus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Mataeocephalus cristatus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Mataeocephalus hyostomus | native | ||
Perciformes | Percophidae | Matsubaraea fusiforme | native | ||
Lamniformes | Megachasmidae | Megachasma pelagios | native | Megamouth shark | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Megalaspis cordyla | native | Torpedo scad | Kagiskis |
Elopiformes | Megalopidae | Megalops cyprinoides | native | Indo-Pacific tarpon | Abulong |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus abditus | native | Sulu fangblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus anema | native | Threadless blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus atrodorsalis | native | Forktail blenny | Paku |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus ditrema | native | One-striped poison-fang blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus geminatus | native | Twin fangblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Meiacanthus grammistes | native | Striped poison-fang blenny | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Melanostomias stewarti | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Melanostomias vierecki | native | ||
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Melapedalion breve | native | Philippine snubnose halfbeak | Patlay |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Melichthys niger | native | Black triggerfish | Pakol |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Melichthys vidua | native | Pinktail triggerfish | Papakol |
Perciformes | Menidae | Mene maculata | native | Moonfish | Bandurya |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Microbrotula bentleyi | native | Many-ray cusk | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Micrognathus andersonii | native | Shortnose pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Micrognathus micronotopterus | native | Tidepool pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Micrognathus natans | native | Offshore pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Microlophichthys microlophus | native | Short-rod anglerfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Minous pictus | native | Painted stinger | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Minous pusillus | native | Dwarf stingfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Minous quincarinatus | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Minous trachycephalus | native | Striped stingfish | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Minyichthys brachyrhinus | native | Dagum-dagum | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Minyichthys myersi | native | Myer's pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Mobula eregoodootenkee | native | Longhorned mobula | Buntok-talibatab |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Mobula japanica | native | Spinetail mobula | Pasa-pasa |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Mobula kuhlii | native | Shortfin devil ray | |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Mobula tarapacana | native | Chilean devil ray | |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Mobula thurstoni | native | Smoothtail mobula | |
Tetraodontiformes | Molidae | Mola mola | native | Ocean sunfish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Monacanthus chinensis | native | Fan-bellied leatherjacket | Pakol |
Perciformes | Monodactylidae | Monodactylus argenteus | native | Silver moony | Bayang |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Monomitopus longiceps | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Monomitopus microlepis | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Monomitopus pallidus | native | ||
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Monotaxis grandoculis | native | Humpnose big-eye bream | Bitilya |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Moolgarda cunnesius | native | Longarm mullet | Talilong |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Moolgarda seheli | native | Bluespot mullet | Talilong |
Anguilliformes | Moringuidae | Moringua abbreviata | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Moringuidae | Moringua bicolor | native | Bicolor spaghetti eel | |
Anguilliformes | Moringuidae | Moringua macrochir | native | Longfin spaghetti eel | |
Anguilliformes | Moringuidae | Moringua microchir | native | Lesser thrush eel | |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Mugil cephalus | native | Flathead grey mullet | Aguas |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Mugilogobius cavifrons | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Mugilogobius chulae | native | Yellowstripe goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Mugilogobius fusca | native | Bia | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Mugilogobius tagala | native | Bia | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Mulloidichthys flavolineatus | native | Yellowstripe goatfish | Saramulyete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Mulloidichthys pfluegeri | native | Orange goatfish | Saramulyete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Mulloidichthys vanicolensis | native | Yellowfin goatfish | Saramuliete |
Anguilliformes | Muraenesocidae | Muraenesox bagio | native | Common pike conger | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenesocidae | Muraenesox cinereus | native | Daggertooth pike conger | Ubod |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Muraenichthys elerae | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Muraenichthys gymnopterus | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Muraenichthys philippinensis | native | Philippines worm eel | Philippines worm eel |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Muraenichthys schultzei | native | Maimed snake eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Muraenichthys thompsoni | native | Thompson's snake eel | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Myctophum brachygnathum | native | Short-jawed lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Myctophum nitidulum | native | Pearly lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Myctophum obtusirostre | native | Bluntsnout lanternfish | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Myctophum spinosum | native | Spiny lantern fish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Myersina crocata | native | Yellow-spotted shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Myersina filifer | native | Filamentous shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Myersina macrostoma | native | Bigmouth shrimpgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Myersina nigrivirgata | native | Black-line shrimp-goby | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Myrichthys colubrinus | native | Harlequin snake eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Myrichthys maculosus | native | Tiger snake eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Myrichthys paleracio | native | Whitenose snake eel | Whitenose snake eel |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis adusta | native | Shadowfin soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis amaena | native | Brick soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis berndti | native | Blotcheye soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis botche | native | Blacktip soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis chryseres | native | Yellowfin soldierfish | |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis hexagona | native | Doubletooth soldierfish | Baya-baya |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis kuntee | native | Shoulderbar soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis murdjan | native | Pinecone soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis pralinia | native | Scarlet soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis robusta | native | Robust soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis trachyacron | native | East indian soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis violacea | native | Lattice soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Myripristis vittata | native | Whitetip soldierfish | Baga-baga |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Myrophis microchir | native | Ordinary snake eel | |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Nannobrachium lineatum | native | ||
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Nannobrachium nigrum | native | Black lantern fish | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Nannosalarias nativitatis | native | Pygmy blenny | |
Osmeriformes | Microstomatidae | Nansenia ahlstromi | native | ||
Osmeriformes | Microstomatidae | Nansenia ardesiaca | native | Robust smallmouth | |
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Narcetes kamoharai | native | ||
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Narcetes lloydi | native | Lloyd's slickhead | |
Torpediniformes | Narcinidae | Narcine lingula | native | Chinese numbfish | |
Torpediniformes | Narcinidae | Narcine timlei | native | Spotted numbfish | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso annulatus | native | Whitemargin unicornfish | Bagis |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso brachycentron | native | Humpback unicornfish | Surahan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso brevirostris | native | Spotted unicornfish | Surahan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso caeruleacauda | native | Blue unicorn | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso fageni | native | Horseface unicornfish | Tarian |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso hexacanthus | native | Sleek unicornfish | Isdang ilong |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso lituratus | native | Orangespine unicornfish | Surahan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso lopezi | native | Elongate unicornfish | Surahan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso maculatus | native | Spotted unicornfish | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso minor | native | Slender unicorn | Kalangkang |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso reticulatus | native | Reticulate unicornfish | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso thynnoides | native | Oneknife unicornfish | Tudluan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso tonganus | native | Bulbnose unicornfish | Isdang ilong |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso unicornis | native | Bluespine unicornfish | Surahan |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Naso vlamingii | native | Bignose unicornfish | Tudluan |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Naucrates ductor | native | Pilotfish | Tigre |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Nealotus tripes | native | Black snake mackerel | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Neamia articycla | native | Circular cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Neamia octospina | native | Eightspine cardinalfish | Dangat |
Orectolobiformes | Ginglymostomatidae | Nebrius ferrugineus | native | Tawny nurse shark | Pating |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Nectamia bandanensis | native | Bigeye cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Nectamia fusca | native | Ghost cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Nectamia luxuria | native | Multi-barred cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Nectamia savayensis | native | Samoan cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Nectamia similis | native | Similar cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Nectamia viria | native | Bracelet cardinalfish | |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Negaprion acutidens | native | Sicklefin lemon shark | Pating |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Nematalosa come | native | Western Pacific gizzard shad | Kabasi |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Nematalosa japonica | native | Japanese gizzard shad | Cabasi |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Nematalosa nasus | native | Bloch's gizzard shad | Kabasi |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Nemateleotris decora | native | Elegant firefish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Nemateleotris magnifica | native | Fire goby | |
Pleuronectiformes | Pleuronectidae | Nematops macrochirus | native | Narrow-body righteye flounder | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus aurora | native | Dawn threadfin bream | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus balinensoides | native | Dwarf threadfin bream | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus bathybius | native | Yellowbelly threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus celebicus | native | Celebes threadfin bream | Tingin |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus furcosus | native | Fork-tailed threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus hexodon | native | Ornate threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus isacanthus | native | Teardrop threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus japonicus | native | Japanese threadfin bream | Lawihan |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus marginatus | native | Red filament threadfin bream | Kurisan |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus mesoprion | native | Mauvelip threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus nematophorus | native | Doublewhip threadfin bream | Lawihan |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus nematopus | native | Yellow-tipped threadfin bream | Bisugong maylawi |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus nemurus | native | Redspine threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus peronii | native | Notchedfin threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus tambuloides | native | Fivelined threadfin bream | Bisugong babao |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus thosaporni | native | Palefin threadfin bream | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus virgatus | native | Golden threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Nemipterus zysron | native | Slender threadfin bream | Bisugo |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Neobythites fasciatus | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Neobythites longipes | native | Longray cusk | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Neobythites longiventralis | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Neobythites macrops | native | Spotfin cusk | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Neobythites malayanus | native | ||
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Neobythites purus | native | Pure cusk | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Neobythites unimaculatus | native | Onespot cusk | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Neocentropogon aeglefinus | native | Onespot waspfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Neocentropogon affinis | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Neoceratiidae | Neoceratias spinifer | native | Spiny seadevil | |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Neocirrhites armatus | native | Flame hawkfish | |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Neoepinnula orientalis | native | Sackfish | Tangigihon |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neoglyphidodon melas | native | Bowtie damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neoglyphidodon nigroris | native | Black-and-gold chromis | Kikiringan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neoglyphidodon oxyodon | native | Bluestreak damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeniatus | native | Barhead damsel | |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Neolaeops microphthalmus | native | Crosseyed flounder | Dapang bilog |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Neomerinthe amplisquamiceps | native | Orange scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Neomerinthe erostris | native | Round scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Neomerinthe pallidimacula | native | ||
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Neoniphon argenteus | native | Clearfin squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Neoniphon aurolineatus | native | Yellowstriped squirrelfish | |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Neoniphon opercularis | native | Blackfin squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Neoniphon sammara | native | Sammara squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus anabatoides | native | Silver demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus azysron | native | Yellowtail demoiselle | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus bankieri | native | Chinese demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus cyanomos | native | Regal demoiselle | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus filamentosus | native | Brown demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus nemurus | native | Coral demoiselle | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus taeniurus | native | Freshwater demoiselle | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Neopomacentrus violascens | native | Violet demoiselle | |
Myctophiformes | Neoscopelidae | Neoscopelus macrolepidotus | native | Large-scaled lantern fish | |
Myctophiformes | Neoscopelidae | Neoscopelus microchir | native | Shortfin neoscopelid | |
Myctophiformes | Neoscopelidae | Neoscopelus porosus | native | Spangleside neoscopelid | |
Atheriniformes | Phallostethidae | Neostethus amaricola | native | ||
Atheriniformes | Phallostethidae | Neostethus borneensis | native | ||
Atheriniformes | Phallostethidae | Neostethus palawanensis | native | ||
Atheriniformes | Phallostethidae | Neostethus villadolidi | endemic | ||
Atheriniformes | Phallostethidae | Neostethus zamboangae | native | ||
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Neosynchiropus ocellatus | native | Ocellated dragonet | Bunog |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Neotrygon kuhlii | native | Blue-spotted stingray | Pagi |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Neovespicula depressifrons | native | Leaf goblinfish | |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Nesiarchus nasutus | native | Black gemfish | |
Anguilliformes | Nettastomatidae | Nettastoma solitarium | native | Solitary duckbill eel | |
Anguilliformes | Nettastomatidae | Nettenchelys gephyra | native | Bridge duckbill eel | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Netuma thalassina | native | Giant catfish | Kanduli |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Nezumia proxima | native | Short-tail grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Nezumia spinosa | native | Sawspine whiptail | |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Nibea coibor | native | ||
Perciformes | Serranidae | Niphon spinosus | native | Ara | |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Norfolkia brachylepis | native | Tropical scaly-headed triplefin | |
Notacanthiformes | Notacanthidae | Notacanthus abbotti | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Novaculichthys taeniourus | native | Rockmover wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Novaculoides macrolepidotus | native | Seagrass wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Nuchequula flavaxilla | native | Yellowspotted ponyfish | Yellowspotted ponyfish |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Nuchequula gerreoides | native | Decorated ponyfish | Sapsap |
Lophiiformes | Antennariidae | Nudiantennarius subteres | native | Deep-water frogfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Ocosia zaspilota | native | Polka dot waspfish | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Odontanthias unimaculatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Odonteleotris polylepis | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Odonus niger | native | Red-toothed triggerfish | Kaputput |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Oedalechilus labiosus | native | Hornlip mullet | Agwas |
Rajiformes | Rajidae | Okamejei meerdervoortii | native | Bigeye skate | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oligolepis acutipennis | native | Sharptail goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Omobranchus germaini | native | Germain's blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Omobranchus obliquus | native | Roundhead blenny | Mangrove blenny |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Omobranchus punctatus | native | Muzzled blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Omobranchus zebra | native | ||
Aulopiformes | Omosudidae | Omosudis lowii | native | Omosudid | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Omox biporos | native | Omox blenny | |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Oneirodes carlsbergi | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Oneirodes eschrichtii | native | Bulbous dreamer | |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Oneirodes flagellifer | native | ||
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Oneirodes sabex | native | Rough dreamer | |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Oneirodes thysanema | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Onigocia bimaculata | native | Two-spotted flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Onigocia macrolepis | native | Notched flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Onigocia pedimacula | native | Broadband flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Onigocia spinosa | native | Midget flathead | |
Ophidiiformes | Carapidae | Onuxodon parvibrachium | native | Oyster pearlfish | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus altipennis | native | Highfin snake eel | Ubod-Halas |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus apicalis | native | Bluntnose snake-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus bonaparti | native | Napoleon snake eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus cephalozona | native | Dark-shouldered snake eel | Igat |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus lithinus | native | Evermann's snake eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus macrochir | native | Bigfin snake eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus manilensis | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus mystacinus | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus polyophthalmus | native | Many-eyed snake-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus tomioi | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Ophichthus urolophus | native | Manetail snake eel | Nipa-nipa |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Ophiocara porocephala | native | Northern mud gudgeon | Matapolo |
Clupeiformes | Pristigasteridae | Opisthopterus tardoore | native | Tardoore | |
Perciformes | Opistognathidae | Opistognathus castelnaui | native | Castelnau's jawfish | |
Perciformes | Opistognathidae | Opistognathus dendriticus | native | Dendtric jawfish | Dendtric jawfish |
Perciformes | Opistognathidae | Opistognathus randalli | native | Gold-specs jawfish | |
Perciformes | Opistognathidae | Opistognathus solorensis | native | Solor jawfish | |
Perciformes | Opistognathidae | Opistognathus variabilis | native | Variable jawfish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oplopomops diacanthus | native | Hole goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oplopomus caninoides | native | Triplespot goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oplopomus oplopomus | native | Spinecheek goby | Bia |
Rajiformes | Rajidae | Orbiraja jensenae | native | Sulu Sea skate | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus angustatus | native | Broadstriped cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus apogonoides | native | Short-tooth cardinal | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus atrogaster | native | Blackbelly cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus aureus | native | Ring-tailed cardinalfish | Bungka |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus bryx | native | Offshore cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus cavitensis | native | Whiteline cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus ceramensis | native | Mangrove cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus chrysopomus | native | Spotted-gill cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus chrysotaenia | native | Yellowlined cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus compressus | native | Ochre-striped cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus cookii | native | Cook's cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus cyanosoma | native | Yellowstriped cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus dispar | native | Redspot cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus diversus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus doederleini | native | Doederlein's cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus endekataenia | native | Candystripe cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus fasciatus | native | Broadbanded cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus fleurieu | native | Flower cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus franssedai | native | Frans' cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus griffini | native | Hookfin cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus gularis | native | Gular cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus hartzfeldii | native | Hartzfeld's cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus hoevenii | native | Frostfin cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus jenkinsi | native | Spot-nape cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus komodoensis | native | Komodo cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus margaritophorus | native | Red-striped cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus melanoproctus | native | Blackvent cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus melanopterus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus moluccensis | native | Moluccan cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus monospilus | native | Moluccen cardinal | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus multilineatus | native | Many-lined cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus mydrus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus nanus | native | Tiny cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus neotes | native | Mini cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus nigrocincta | native | Blackbelt cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus nigrofasciatus | native | Blackstripe cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus notatus | native | Spotnape cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus novemfasciatus | native | Sevenstriped cardinalfish | Bungka |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus ocellicaudus | native | Tail-eye cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus parvulus | native | Dangat | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus pleuron | native | Rib-bar cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus radcliffei | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus rubrimacula | native | Rubyspot cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus sealei | native | Seale's cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus selas | native | Meteor cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus semilineatus | native | Half-lined cardinal | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus septemstriatus | native | Sevenband cardinalfish | Moong |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus taeniophorus | native | Reef-flat cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus wassinki | native | Kupang cardinalfish | Kultit |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Ostorhinchus wilsoni | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Ostracion cubicus | native | Yellow boxfish | Baka baka |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Ostracion meleagris | native | Whitespotted boxfish | Kaban-kaban |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Ostracion rhinorhynchos | native | Horn-nosed boxfish | Baka baka |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Ostracion solorensis | native | Reticulate boxfish | |
Perciformes | Ostracoberycidae | Ostracoberyx dorygenys | native | ||
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Otolithes ruber | native | Tigertooth croaker | Abo |
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Owstonia dorypterus | native | ||
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Owstonia grammodon | native | ||
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Owstonia pectinifer | native | Comb bandfish | |
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Owstonia sarmiento | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Oxycheilinus arenatus | native | Speckled maori wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Oxycheilinus bimaculatus | native | Two-spot wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Oxycheilinus celebicus | native | Celebes wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Oxycheilinus digramma | native | Cheeklined wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Oxycheilinus orientalis | native | Oriental maori wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Oxycheilinus unifasciatus | native | Ringtail maori wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Oxycirrhites typus | native | Longnose hawkfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Oxymetopon compressus | native | Robust ribbongoby | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Oxymetopon cyanoctenosum | native | Blue-barred ribbon goby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Oxymonacanthus longirostris | native | Harlequin filefish | Pakol |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Oxyporhamphus micropterus | native | Bigwing halfbeak | Kansusuit |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys microlepis | native | Maned goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys mindanensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys notonema | native | Threadfin mudgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys ophthalmonema | native | Eyebrow goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys papuensis | native | Frogface goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys tentacularis | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys viridis | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Oxyurichthys visayanus | native | Bia | |
Perciformes | Sparidae | Pagrus auratus | native | Silver seabream | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Palutrus scapulopunctatus | native | Scapular goby | |
Perciformes | Stromateidae | Pampus argenteus | native | Silver pomfret | Alumbiberas |
Perciformes | Stromateidae | Pampus chinensis | native | Chinese silver pomfret | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pandaka pusilla | native | Tiny pygmy-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pandaka trimaculata | native | Bia | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Papilloculiceps longiceps | native | Tentacled flathead | |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Parabathymyrus brachyrhynchus | native | ||
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Parablennius thysanius | native | Tasseled blenny | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Paracaesio gonzalesi | native | Vanuatu snapper | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Paracaesio kusakarii | native | Saddle-back snapper | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Paracaesio sordida | native | Dirty ordure snapper | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Paracaesio xanthura | native | Yellowtail blue snapper | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Paracanthurus hepatus | native | Palette surgeonfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Paracentropogon longispinis | native | Wispy waspfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Paracentropogon zonatus | native | Bandtail waspfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Paracentropyge multifasciata | native | Barred angelfish | Paro-paro |
Perciformes | Chaetodontidae | Parachaetodon ocellatus | native | Sixspine butterflyfish | Paru-paro |
Perciformes | Labridae | Paracheilinus angulatus | native | Angular flasher | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Paracheilinus bellae | native | Bell's flasher | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Paracheilinus carpenteri | native | Pink flasher | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Paracheilinus filamentosus | native | Filamentous wrasse | Ulugsuy |
Perciformes | Labridae | Paracheilinus lineopunctatus | native | Spot-lined flasher | |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Paracirrhites arcatus | native | Arc-eye hawkfish | |
Perciformes | Cirrhitidae | Paracirrhites forsteri | native | Blackside hawkfish | Turagaw |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Paradiancistrus cuyoensis | endemic | Cuyo coralbrotula | Cuyo coralbrotula |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Paragobiodon echinocephalus | native | Redhead goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Paragobiodon melanosomus | native | Dark coral goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Paragobiodon modestus | native | Warthead goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Paragobiodon xanthosoma | native | Emerald coral goby | Bia |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Paraheminodus kamoharai | native | ||
Aulopiformes | Paralepididae | Paralepis brevirostris | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Paralichthys olivaceus | native | Bastard halibut | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paraluteres prionurus | native | False puffer | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus choirocephalus | native | Pig faced leather jacket | Pakol |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus cryptodon | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus curtorhynchos | native | Shortsnout filefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus japonicus | native | Hairfinned leatherjacket | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus nipponensis | native | Japanese leatherjacket | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus pusillus | native | Faintstripe filefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Paramonacanthus tricuspis | native | Estuary filefish | |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Paramugil parmatus | native | Broad-mouthed mullet | Banak |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis alboguttata | native | Whitespot sandsmelt | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis biordinis | native | ||
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis clathrata | native | Latticed sandperch | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis cylindrica | native | Cylindrical sandperch | Banghotin |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis diplospilus | native | Doublespot grubfish | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis fuscolineata | native | ||
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis hexophtalma | native | Speckled sandperch | Tika |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis lineopunctata | native | Nosestripe sandperch | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis millepunctata | native | Black dotted sand perch | Tika |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis multiplicata | native | Redbarred sandperch | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis muronis | native | ||
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis pacifica | native | ||
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis rufa | native | ||
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis schauinslandii | native | Redspotted sandperch | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis snyderi | native | U-mark sandperch | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis tetracantha | native | Reticulated sandperch | |
Perciformes | Pinguipedidae | Parapercis xanthozona | native | Yellowbar sandperch | Buto-sarnal |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Paraplagusia bilineata | native | Doublelined tonguesole | Palad |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Paraplagusia blochii | native | Bloch's tonguesole | Dapa |
Scorpaeniformes | Aploactinidae | Paraploactis obbesi | native | Sulu velvetfish | |
Siluriformes | Plotosidae | Paraplotosus albilabris | native | Whitelipped eel catfish | Alimusang |
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Parapriacanthus marei | native | Redfin sweeper | |
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Parapriacanthus ransonneti | native | Pigmy sweeper | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parapterois heterura | native | Blackfoot firefish | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Parascolopsis eriomma | native | Rosy dwarf monocle bream | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Parascolopsis inermis | native | Unarmed dwarf monocle bream | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Parascolopsis tanyactis | native | Long-rayed dwarf monocle bream | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Parascolopsis tosensis | native | Tosa dwarf monocle bream | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parascorpaena aurita | native | Golden scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parascorpaena bandanensis | native | Banda scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parascorpaena mcadamsi | native | McAdam's scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parascorpaena mossambica | native | Mozambique scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Parascorpaena picta | native | Northern scorpionfish | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Parastromateus niger | native | Black pomfret | Duhay |
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthodidae | Paratriacanthodes herrei | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Paratrypauchen microcephalus | native | Comb goby | |
Aulopiformes | Paraulopidae | Paraulopus brevirostris | native | Shortsnout cucumberfish | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Pardachirus pavoninus | native | Peacock sole | Dapa |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Parenchelyurus hepburni | native | Hepburn's blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Parenchelyurus hyena | native | Hyena blenny | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Parexocoetus brachypterus | native | Sailfin flyingfish | Lawin-lawin |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Parexocoetus mento | native | African sailfin flyingfish | Iliw |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus formosus | native | Beautiful hover goby | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus interruptus | native | Interrupted dartfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus nudus | native | Naked hover goby | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus palustris | native | Borneo hoverer | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus philippinus | native | Philippine dartfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus rainfordi | native | Rainford's dartfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus raoi | native | Rao's hover goby | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Parioglossus taeniatus | native | Taeniatus dartfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Parma polylepis | native | Banded parma | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus barberinoides | native | Bicolor goatfish | Malapunti |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus barberinus | native | Dash-and-dot goatfish | Malapunti |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus ciliatus | native | Whitesaddle goatfish | Saramulyete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus crassilabris | native | Doublebar goatfish | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus cyclostomus | native | Gold-saddle goatfish | Agingoy |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus heptacanthus | native | Cinnabar goatfish | Malapunti |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus indicus | native | Indian goatfish | Malapunti |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus jansenii | native | Jansen's goatfish | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus macronemus | native | Long-barbel goatfish | Saramuliete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus multifasciatus | native | Manybar goatfish | Malapunti |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus pleurostigma | native | Sidespot goatfish | Yangutan |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus rubescens | native | Rosy goatfish | Balaki |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Parupeneus spilurus | native | Blackspot goatfish | Saramuliete |
Perciformes | Eleotridae | Parviparma straminea | endemic | ||
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Pastinachus ater | native | ||
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Pastinachus sephen | native | Cowtail stingray | Page |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Pateobatis fai | native | Pink whipray | |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Pateobatis jenkinsii | native | Jenkins whipray | |
Gasterosteiformes | Pegasidae | Pegasus volitans | native | Longtail seamouth | |
Perciformes | Terapontidae | Pelates quadrilineatus | native | Fourlined terapon | Bagaong |
Clupeiformes | Pristigasteridae | Pellona ditchela | native | Indian pellona | Dilat |
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Pempheris adusta | native | Dusky sweeper | |
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Pempheris japonica | native | ||
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Pempheris otaitensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Pempheris oualensis | native | Silver sweeper | Bulan bulan |
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Pempheris schwenkii | native | Black-stripe sweeper | Kampitan |
Perciformes | Pempheridae | Pempheris vanicolensis | native | Vanikoro sweeper | Kampitan |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Penetopteryx taeniocephalus | native | Oceanic pipefish | |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Pennahia anea | native | Donkey croaker | Alakaak |
Carcharhiniformes | Scyliorhinidae | Pentanchus profundicolus | endemic | Onefin catshark | Pating |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus aureofasciatus | native | Yellowstripe threadfin bream | |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus bifasciatus | native | White-shouldered whiptail | Abo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus caninus | native | Small-toothed whiptail | Bilao-bilao |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus emeryii | native | Double whiptail | Bisugong maylawi |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus nagasakiensis | native | Japanese whiptail | Bilawbilaw |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus paradiseus | native | Paradise whiptail | Bisugong maylawi |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus setosus | native | Butterfly whiptail | Bisugo |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Pentapodus trivittatus | native | Three-striped whiptail | Isdang bato |
Perciformes | Gerreidae | Pentaprion longimanus | native | Longfin mojarra | Burod |
Lophiiformes | Oneirodidae | Pentherichthys atratus | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmodon freycineti | native | Pug-headed mudskipper | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmodon schlosseri | native | Giant mudskipper | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmus argentilineatus | native | Barred mudskipper | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmus barbarus | native | Atlantic mudskipper | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmus gracilis | native | Graceful mudskipper | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmus kalolo | native | Common mudskipper | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmus malaccensis | native | Bia | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Periophthalmus minutus | native | Minute mudskipper | Bia |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Peristedion amblygenys | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Peristedion liorhynchus | native | Armoured gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Peristedion nierstraszi | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Pervagor aspricaudus | native | Orangetail filefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Pervagor janthinosoma | native | Blackbar filefish | Sulay bagyo |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Pervagor melanocephalus | native | Redtail filefish | Sulay bagyo |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Pervagor nigrolineatus | native | Blacklined filefish | Sulay bagyo |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Petroscirtes breviceps | native | Striped poison-fang blenny mimic | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Petroscirtes mitratus | native | Floral blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Petroscirtes variabilis | native | Variable sabretooth blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Petroscirtes xestus | native | Xestus sabretooth blenny | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Phenacoscorpius megalops | native | Noline scorpionfish | Noline scorpionfish |
Gobiesociformes | Gobiesocidae | Pherallodichthys meshimaensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Pholidichthyidae | Pholidichthys leucotaenia | native | Convict blenny | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pholidochromis cerasina | native | Cherry dottyback | |
Beryciformes | Anomalopidae | Photoblepharon palpebratum | native | Eyelight fish | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Photonectes albipennis | native | Whitepen dragonfish | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Photonectes barnetti | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Photonectes coffea | native | ||
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Photopectoralis aureus | native | Golden ponyfish | Sap-sap |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Photopectoralis bindus | native | Orangefin ponyfish | Palipad hangin |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Photopectoralis panayensis | native | Panay ponyfish | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Photostomias lucingens | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Photostomias tantillux | native | ||
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Phoxocampus belcheri | native | Rock pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Phoxocampus diacanthus | native | Spined pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Phoxocampus tetrophthalmus | native | Trunk-barred pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Phyllogobius platycephalops | native | Slender spongegoby | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Phyllophichthus xenodontus | native | Flappy snake-eel | |
Gadiformes | Moridae | Physiculus longifilis | native | Filament cod | |
Gadiformes | Moridae | Physiculus peregrinus | native | ||
Gadiformes | Moridae | Physiculus rhodopinnis | native | ||
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pictichromis diadema | native | Diadem dottyback | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pictichromis porphyrea | native | Magenta dottyback | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pinjalo lewisi | native | Slender pinjalo | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pinjalo pinjalo | native | Pinjalo | Maya maya |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Pisodonophis boro | native | Rice-paddy eel | Boro |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Pisodonophis cancrivorus | native | Longfin snake-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Pisodonophis copelandi | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Samaridae | Plagiopsetta glossa | native | Tongue flatfish | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Plagiotremus iosodon | native | Arrowtooth fangblenny | Arrowtooth fangblenny |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Plagiotremus laudandus | native | Bicolour fangblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos | native | Bluestriped fangblenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Plagiotremus spilistius | native | ||
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Plagiotremus tapeinosoma | native | Piano fangblenny | |
Perciformes | Ephippidae | Platax batavianus | native | Humpback batfish | Dahong-gabi |
Perciformes | Ephippidae | Platax boersii | native | Golden spadefish | |
Perciformes | Ephippidae | Platax orbicularis | native | Orbicular batfish | Kilyong |
Perciformes | Ephippidae | Platax pinnatus | native | Dusky batfish | Bayang |
Perciformes | Ephippidae | Platax teira | native | Longfin batfish | Darapugan |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Platybelone argalus platyura | native | Keeled needlefish | Balo |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Platycephalus indicus | native | Bartail flathead | Sunog |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus albovittatus | native | Two-striped sweetlips | Labian |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides | native | Harlequin sweetlips | Alatan |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus chrysotaenia | native | Yellow-striped sweetlips | Labian |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus diagrammus | native | Striped sweetlips | Labian |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus | native | Lemonfish | Bakoko |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus gibbosus | native | Harry hotlips | Bakoko |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus lessonii | native | Lesson's thicklip | Panapsapan |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus lineatus | native | Yellowbanded sweetlips | Alatan |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus pictus | native | Trout sweetlips | Alatan |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus picus | native | Painted sweetlip | Bakoko |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus polytaenia | native | Ribboned sweetlips | Labian |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus schotaf | native | Minstrel sweetlips | Labian |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Plectorhinchus vittatus | native | Indian Ocean oriental sweetlips | Alatan |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectranthias foresti | native | ||
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectranthias inermis | native | Chequered perchlet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectranthias knappi | native | ||
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectranthias longimanus | native | Longfin perchlet | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Plectroglyphidodon dickii | native | Blackbar devil | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis | native | Brighteye damselfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus | native | Johnston Island damsel | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus | native | Whitespotted devil | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Plectroglyphidodon leucozonus | native | Singlebar devil | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Plectroglyphidodon phoenixensis | native | Phoenix devil | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus areolatus | native | Squaretail coralgrouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus laevis | native | Blacksaddled coralgrouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus leopardus | native | Leopard coralgrouper | Lapu lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus maculatus | native | Spotted coralgrouper | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Plectropomus oligacanthus | native | Highfin coralgrouper | Mambong tigre |
Myliobatiformes | Plesiobatidae | Plesiobatis daviesi | native | Deep-water stingray | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Plesiops cephalotaenia | native | Headstripe longfin | Headstripe longfin |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Plesiops coeruleolineatus | native | Crimsontip longfin | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Plesiops corallicola | native | Bluegill longfin | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Plesiops gracilis | native | Threadfin longfin | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Plesiops oxycephalus | native | Sharp-nosed longfin | |
Perciformes | Plesiopidae | Plesiops verecundus | native | Redtip longfin | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya annandalei | native | Scalynape goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya carolinensis | native | Caroline Islands ghost goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya coerulea | native | Blue coral ghost goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya labiata | native | Barrel-sponge ghostgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya micheli | native | Michel's ghost goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya mossambica | native | Toothy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya muscarum | native | Ghost goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pleurosicya plicata | native | Plicata ghost goby | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Plicofollis argyropleuron | native | Longsnouted catfish | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Plicofollis nella | native | Smooth-headed catfish | |
Siluriformes | Ariidae | Plicofollis tonggol | native | Roughback sea catfish | Arahan |
Siluriformes | Plotosidae | Plotosus canius | native | Gray eel-catfish | Patuna |
Siluriformes | Plotosidae | Plotosus lineatus | native | Striped eel catfish | Ito |
Pleuronectiformes | Pleuronectidae | Poecilopsetta colorata | native | Coloured righteye flounder | Palad |
Pleuronectiformes | Pleuronectidae | Poecilopsetta dorsialta | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Pleuronectidae | Poecilopsetta plinthus | native | Tile-colored righteye flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Pleuronectidae | Poecilopsetta praelonga | native | Alcock's narrow-body righteye flounder | |
Stomiiformes | Phosichthyidae | Pollichthys mauli | native | Stareye lightfish | |
Perciformes | Polynemidae | Polydactylus longipes | native | Long-limb threadfin | Long-limb threadfin |
Perciformes | Polynemidae | Polydactylus microstomus | native | Smallmouth threadfin | Mamale |
Perciformes | Polynemidae | Polydactylus plebeius | native | Striped threadfin | Kuwa-kuwa |
Perciformes | Polynemidae | Polydactylus sexfilis | native | Sixfinger threadfin | |
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Polyipnus danae | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Polyipnus fraseri | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Polyipnus ovatus | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Polyipnus spinifer | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Polyipnus spinosus | native | Spiny hatchetfish | |
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Polyipnus triphanos | native | Threelight hatchetfish | |
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Polyipnus unispinus | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Phosichthyidae | Polymetme corythaeola | native | Rendezvous fish | |
Stomiiformes | Phosichthyidae | Polymetme elongata | native | ||
Polymixiiformes | Polymixiidae | Polymixia berndti | native | Pacific beardfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Pomacanthus annularis | native | Bluering angelfish | Baro-baro |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Pomacanthus imperator | native | Emperor angelfish | Baro-baro |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Pomacanthus navarchus | native | Bluegirdled angelfish | Paru-parung dagat |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Pomacanthus semicirculatus | native | Semicircle angelfish | Balukbuk |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Pomacanthus sexstriatus | native | Sixbar angelfish | Balukbuk |
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Pomacanthus xanthometopon | native | Yellowface angelfish | Paro-paro |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus adelus | native | Obscure damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus alexanderae | native | Alexander's damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus amboinensis | native | Ambon damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus armillatus | native | Bracelet damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus auriventris | native | Goldbelly damsel | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus bankanensis | native | Speckled damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus brachialis | native | Charcoal damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus burroughi | native | Burrough's damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus cheraphilus | native | ||
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus chrysurus | native | Whitetail damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus coelestis | native | Neon damselfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus cuneatus | native | Wedgespot damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus emarginatus | native | Outer-reef damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus geminospilus | native | Sabah damsel | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus grammorhynchus | native | Bluespot damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus lepidogenys | native | Scaly damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus littoralis | native | Smoky damsel | Baro-baro |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus melanochir | native | Indonesian damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus moluccensis | native | Lemon damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus nagasakiensis | native | Nagasaki damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus nigromanus | native | Goldback damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus nigromarginatus | native | Blackmargined damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus opisthostigma | native | Brown damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus pavo | native | Sapphire damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus philippinus | native | Philippine damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus reidi | native | Reid's damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus simsiang | native | Blueback damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus smithi | native | Smith's damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus stigma | native | Blackspot damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus taeniometopon | native | Brackish damsel | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus tripunctatus | native | Threespot damsel | Puyong dagat |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomacentrus vaiuli | native | Ocellate damselfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pomachromis richardsoni | native | Richardson's reef-damsel | |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Pomadasys argenteus | native | Silver grunt | Bakoko |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Pomadasys argyreus | native | Bluecheek silver grunt | Ibalay |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Pomadasys guoraca | native | ||
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Pomadasys kaakan | native | Javelin grunter | Ikuran |
Perciformes | Haemulidae | Pomadasys maculatus | native | Saddle grunt | Ibalay |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pontinus macrocephalus | native | Large-headed scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pontinus rhodochrous | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pontinus tentacularis | native | ||
Stephanoberyciformes | Melamphaidae | Poromitra crassa | native | ||
Stephanoberyciformes | Melamphaidae | Poromitra macrophthalma | native | ||
Stephanoberyciformes | Melamphaidae | Poromitra oscitans | native | Yawning | |
Stephanoberyciformes | Melamphaidae | Poromitra unicornis | native | ||
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Praealticus bilineatus | native | White-dotted rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Praealticus striatus | native | Striated rockskipper | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Premnas biaculeatus | native | Spinecheek anemonefish | Palata |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Priacanthus blochii | native | Paeony bulleye | Siga |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Priacanthus fitchi | native | Deepsea bigeye | |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Priacanthus hamrur | native | Moontail bullseye | Baga |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Priacanthus macracanthus | native | Red bigeye | Siga |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Priacanthus sagittarius | native | Arrow bulleye | |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Priacanthus tayenus | native | Purple-spotted bigeye | Siga |
Perciformes | Priacanthidae | Priacanthus zaiserae | native | Miyake bigeye | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis agrena | native | Network reefgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis cincta | native | Banded reef goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis fallacincta | native | Eightbar reefgoby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis inhaca | native | Brick goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis kappa | native | Kappa reefgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis nocturna | native | Blackbarred reefgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis nuchifasciata | native | Orange reef-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis pallidicincta | native | Palebarred goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis profunda | native | Narrowbar reefgobby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis semidoliata | native | Half-barred goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Priolepis vexilla | native | Ribbon reefgoby | |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Prionace glauca | native | Blue shark | Pating |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pristiapogon exostigma | native | Narrowstripe cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pristiapogon fraenatus | native | Bridled cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pristiapogon kallopterus | native | Iridescent cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pristicon rhodopterus | native | Redfin cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pristicon rufus | native | Rufus cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pristicon trimaculatus | native | Three-spot cardinalfish | Dangat |
Pristiophoriformes | Pristiophoridae | Pristiophorus lanae | native | Lana’s Sawshark | Lana’s Sawshark |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus | native | Ornate jobfish | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides auricilla | native | Goldflag jobfish | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides filamentosus | native | Crimson jobfish | Lambo |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides flavipinnis | native | Golden eye jobfish | Taloto-on |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides multidens | native | Goldbanded jobfish | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides sieboldii | native | Lavender jobfish | Taloto-on |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides typus | native | Sharptooth jobfish | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Pristipomoides zonatus | native | Oblique-banded snapper | Ukag |
Rhinopristiformes | Pristidae | Pristis microdon | native | Largetooth sawfish | Barasan |
Rhinopristiformes | Pristidae | Pristis zijsron | native | Longcomb sawfish | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Pristotis obtusirostris | native | Gulf damselfish | |
Beloniformes | Exocoetidae | Prognichthys brevipinnis | native | Shortfin flyingfish | Aliponghok |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Promethichthys prometheus | native | Roudi escolar | Langpoy |
Perciformes | Sciaenidae | Protonibea diacanthus | native | Blackspotted croaker | Alakak |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Psammogobius biocellatus | native | Sleepy goby | Biyang tulog |
Perciformes | Latidae | Psammoperca waigiensis | native | Waigieu seaperch | Matang pusa |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Psettina brevirictis | native | Dapang bilog | |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Psettina gigantea | native | Rough-scaled flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Psettina variegata | native | Dapang bilog | |
Pleuronectiformes | Psettodidae | Psettodes erumei | native | Indian halibut | Palad |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Pseudaesopia japonica | native | Wavyband sole | Banded sole |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Pseudalutarius nasicornis | native | Rhinoceros leatherjacket | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pseudamia amblyuroptera | native | White-jawed cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pseudamia gelatinosa | native | Gelatinous cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pseudamia hayashii | native | Hayashi's cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pseudamia zonata | native | Paddlefish cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Pseudamiops gracilicauda | native | Graceful-tailed cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias albofasciatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias bicolor | native | Bicolor anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias cichlops | native | ||
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias dispar | native | Peach fairy basslet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias engelhardi | native | Orangebar anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias fasciatus | native | One-stripe anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias flavoguttatus | native | Yellow-spotted anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias huchtii | native | Red-cheeked fairy basslet | Lapu-lapu |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias hutomoi | native | Hutomo's anthias | Kalamuy |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias hypselosoma | native | Stocky anthias | Arawas |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias lori | native | Lori's anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias luzonensis | native | Yellowlined anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias parvirostris | native | Sunset anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias pascalus | native | Amethyst anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias pleurotaenia | native | Square-spot fairy basslet | Squarespot anthias |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias randalli | native | Randall's fairy basslet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias rubrizonatus | native | Red-belted anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias smithvanizi | native | Princess anthias | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias squamipinnis | native | Sea goldie | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias tuka | native | Yellowstriped fairy basslet | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudanthias ventralis | native | Longfin anthias | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Pseudechidna brummeri | native | White ribbon eel | |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus | native | Yellowmargin triggerfish | Kapuul |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Pseudobalistes fuscus | native | Yellow-spotted triggerfish | Papakol |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocheilinops ataenia | native | Pelvic-spot wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocheilinus evanidus | native | Striated wrasse | Ulugsuy |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia | native | Sixline wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocheilinus octotaenia | native | Eight-lined wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia | native | Four-lined wrasse | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis bitaeniatus | native | Double-striped dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis colei | endemic | False Bandit Dottyback | False Bandit Dottyback |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis cyanotaenia | native | Surge dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis eichleri | endemic | Eichler’s Dottyback | Eichler’s Dottyback |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis elongatus | native | Elongate dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis fowleri | native | Philippines dottyback | Philippines dottyback |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis fuligifinis | native | Soot-tail Dottyback | Soot-tail Dottyback |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis fuscus | native | Brown dottyback | Buklak |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis luteus | native | ||
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis marshallensis | native | Marshall Is. dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis moorei | native | Jaguar dottyback | Jaguar dottyback |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis perspicillatus | native | Southeast Asian blackstripe dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis ransonneti | native | Karimunjawa dottyback | Buklak |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis striatus | native | Striated dottyback | Striated dottyback |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudochromis tapeinosoma | native | Blackmargin dottyback | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocoris bleekeri | native | Philippines wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocoris heteroptera | native | Torpedo wrasse | Taysiw |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudocoris yamashiroi | native | Redspot wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudodax moluccanus | native | Chiseltooth wrasse | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Pseudogobius melanostictus | native | ||
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudogramma erythrea | native | Caban podge | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudogramma pectoralis | native | Pectoral podge | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Pseudogramma polyacantha | native | Honeycomb podge | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudojuloides cerasinus | native | Smalltail wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudojuloides mesostigma | native | Sidespot wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pseudojuloides severnsi | native | Severns' wrasse | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Pseudomonacanthus macrurus | native | Strap-weed file-fish | Pakol |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Pseudonus squamiceps | native | ||
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudoplesiops annae | native | Anna's dottyback | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudoplesiops rosae | native | Rose Island basslet | |
Perciformes | Pseudochromidae | Pseudoplesiops typus | native | Hidden basslet | |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus argus | native | Peacock flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus arsius | native | Largetooth flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus cinnamoneus | native | Cinnamon flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus diplospilus | native | Four twin-spot flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus dupliciocellatus | native | Ocellated flounder | Tatampal |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus javanicus | native | Javan flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus malayanus | native | Malayan flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus megalops | native | Dapang bilog | |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus micrognathus | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus neglectus | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus oligodon | native | Roughscale flounder | Dapang bilog |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus | native | Fivespot flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus quinquocellatus | native | Five-eyed flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Paralichthyidae | Pseudorhombus russellii | endemic | ||
Perciformes | Chiasmodontidae | Pseudoscopelus cephalus | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthidae | Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer | native | Long-spined tripodfish | Sungay-sungayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pteragogus cryptus | native | Cryptic wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pteragogus enneacanthus | native | Cockerel wrasse | Ulugsuy |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pteragogus flagellifer | native | Cocktail wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Pteragogus guttatus | native | Sneaky wrasse | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris evides | native | Blackfin dartfish | Takluy takluy |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris grammica | native | Lined dartfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris hanae | native | Blue hana goby | Takluy takluy |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris heteroptera | native | Blacktail goby | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris kallista | native | Beautiful Dartfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris microlepis | native | Blue gudgeon | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris uroditaenia | native | Flagtail dartfish | |
Perciformes | Microdesmidae | Ptereleotris zebra | native | Chinese zebra goby | |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio chrysozona | native | Goldband fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio digramma | native | Double-lined fusilier | Solid |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio lativittata | native | Wide-band fusilier | |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio marri | native | Marr's fusilier | Solid |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio pisang | native | Banana fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio randalli | native | Randall's fusilier | Apingan |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio tessellata | native | One-stripe fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio tile | native | Dark-banded fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Perciformes | Caesionidae | Pterocaesio trilineata | native | Three-stripe fusilier | Dalagang bukid |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pteroidichthys acutus | native | Longsnout weedy scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pteroidichthys amboinensis | native | Ambon scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pteroidichthys noronhai | native | Noronha’s scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois antennata | native | Broadbarred firefish | Ampo |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois lunulata | native | Luna lion fish | Lampurok |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois paucispinula | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois radiata | native | Radial firefish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois russelii | native | Plaintail turkeyfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Pterois volitans | native | Red lionfish | Danuy ranuy |
Perciformes | Percophidae | Pteropsaron dabfar | native | ||
Perciformes | Percophidae | Pteropsaron levitoni | native | ||
Perciformes | Percophidae | Pteropsaron springeri | native | Springer's sand-diver | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Pterygotrigla cajorarori | native | Hyperostotic gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Pterygotrigla hemisticta | native | Blackspotted gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Pterygotrigla hoplites | native | Swordspine gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Pterygotrigla macrorhynchus | native | Longnose gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Pterygotrigla megalops | native | Large eye gurnard | |
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Pterygotrigla tagala | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Triglidae | Pterygotrigla urashimai | native | ||
Perciformes | Pomacanthidae | Pygoplites diacanthus | native | Regal angelfish | Baro-baro |
Perciformes | Rachycentridae | Rachycentron canadum | native | Cobia | Dalag dagat |
Tetraodontiformes | Molidae | Ranzania laevis | native | Slender sunfish | Tsunami fish |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Rastrelliger brachysoma | native | Short mackerel | Alumahan |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Rastrelliger faughni | native | Island mackerel | Alumahang Bato |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Rastrelliger kanagurta | native | Indian mackerel | Alumahan |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Ratabulus megacephalus | native | ||
Perciformes | Echeneidae | Remora albescens | native | White suckerfish | |
Perciformes | Echeneidae | Remora remora | native | Shark sucker | Kine |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Rexea bengalensis | native | Bengal escolar | |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Rexea prometheoides | native | Royal escolar | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Rhabdamia gracilis | native | Luminous cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Rhabdamia mentalis | native | Dangat | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Rhabdoblennius nitidus | native | Barred-chin blenny | |
Perciformes | Sparidae | Rhabdosargus sarba | native | Goldlined seabream | |
Rhinopristiformes | Rhinidae | Rhina ancylostoma | native | Bowmouth guitarfish | Anonan |
Orectolobiformes | Rhincodontidae | Rhincodon typus | native | Whale shark | Isdang tuku |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Rhinecanthus aculeatus | native | White-banded triggerfish | Kaputput |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Rhinecanthus rectangulus | native | Wedge-tail triggerfish | Pakoy |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Rhinecanthus verrucosus | native | Blackbelly triggerfish | Kaputput |
Rhinopristiformes | Rhinobatidae | Rhinobatos whitei | native | Philippine guitarfish | Philippine guitarfish |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Rhinogobius brunneus | native | Amur goby | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Rhinomuraena quaesita | native | Ribbon moray | Malibanos |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Rhinopias eschmeyeri | native | Eschmeyer's scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Rhinopias frondosa | native | Weedy scorpionfish | |
Myliobatiformes | Myliobatidae | Rhinoptera javanica | native | Flapnose ray | Paging dalimanok |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Rhizoprionodon acutus | native | Milk shark | Pating |
Rhinopristiformes | Rhinidae | Rhynchobatus australiae | native | Bottlenose wedgefish | |
Rhinopristiformes | Rhinidae | Rhynchobatus springeri | native | Broadnose wedgefish | |
Perciformes | Terapontidae | Rhynchopelates oxyrhynchus | native | Bakoko | |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Rhynchorhamphus georgii | native | Long billed half beak | Bugiw |
Beloniformes | Hemiramphidae | Rhynchorhamphus naga | native | Buging | |
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Rhynchostracion nasus | native | Shortnose boxfish | Baka-bakahan |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Richardsonichthys leucogaster | native | Whiteface waspfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Rogadius asper | native | Olive-tailed flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Rogadius patriciae | native | Black-banded flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Rogadius pristiger | native | Thorny flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Rogadius serratus | native | Serrated flathead | |
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Rouleina danae | native | ||
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Rouleina euryops | native | ||
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Rouleina livida | native | ||
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Rouleina watasei | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Rudarius excelsus | native | Diamond leatherjacket | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Rudarius minutus | native | Minute leatherjacket | |
Perciformes | Gempylidae | Ruvettus pretiosus | native | Oilfish | Sumpitan |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias alboguttatus | native | White-spotted blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias ceramensis | native | Seram blenny | Anay-anay |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias fasciatus | native | Jewelled blenny | Talingkuk |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias guttatus | native | Breast-spot blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias obscurus | native | ||
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias patzneri | native | Patzner's blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias ramosus | native | Starry blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias segmentatus | native | Segmented blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Salarias sinuosus | native | Fringelip blenny | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Saloptia powelli | native | Golden grouper | |
Pleuronectiformes | Samaridae | Samaris cristatus | native | Cockatoo righteye flounder | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Samaridae | Samariscus huysmani | native | Huysman's righteye flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Samaridae | Samariscus longimanus | native | Longfinned flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Samaridae | Samariscus luzonensis | native | Luzon righteye flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Samaridae | Samariscus macrognathus | native | Large-mouth righteye flounder | |
Pleuronectiformes | Samaridae | Samariscus triocellatus | native | Three-spot righteye flounder | |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Sarda orientalis | native | Striped bonito | Tambakol |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Sardinella albella | native | White sardinella | Tunsoy |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Sardinella brachysoma | native | Deepbody sardinella | Lapad |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Sardinella fimbriata | native | Fringescale sardinella | Tamban |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Sardinella gibbosa | native | Goldstripe sardinella | Tamban |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Sardinella hualiensis | native | Taiwan sardinella | |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Sardinella lemuru | native | Bali sardinella | Tamban |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Sardinella melanura | native | Blacktip sardinella | Tamban |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron caudimaculatum | native | Silverspot squirrelfish | Sigang batuhan |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron cornutum | native | Threespot squirrelfish | Ganting |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron diadema | native | Crown squirrelfish | Sigang batuhan |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron ittodai | native | Samurai squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron melanospilos | native | Blackblotch squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron microstoma | native | Smallmouth squirrelfish | |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron praslin | native | Dark-striped squirrelfish | |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron punctatissimum | native | Speckled squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron rubrum | native | Redcoat | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron spiniferum | native | Sabre squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron tiere | native | Blue lined squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron tiereoides | native | Pink squirrelfish | Baga-baga |
Beryciformes | Holocentridae | Sargocentron violaceum | native | Violet squirrelfish | Sigang batuhan |
Perciformes | Cichlidae | Sarotherodon melanotheron | introduced | Blackchin tilapia | |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Satyrichthys clavilapis | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Satyrichthys longiceps | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Satyrichthys milleri | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Satyrichthys rieffeli | native | Spotted armoured-gurnard | Baka-baka |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Satyrichthys welchi | native | Robust armoured-gurnard | |
Anguilliformes | Nettastomatidae | Saurenchelys taiwanensis | native | ||
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Saurida argentea | native | Shortfin saury | |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Saurida gracilis | native | Gracile lizardfish | Kalaso |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Saurida micropectoralis | native | Shortfin lizardfish | Tuko |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Saurida nebulosa | native | Clouded lizardfish | Kalaso |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Saurida tumbil | native | Greater lizardfish | Kalaso |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Saurida undosquamis | native | Brushtooth lizardfish | Kamutihan |
Scorpaeniformes | Peristediidae | Scalicus orientalis | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Scartelaos histophorus | native | Walking goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus altipinnis | native | Filament-finned parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus chameleon | native | Chameleon parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus dimidiatus | native | Yellowbarred parrotfish | Malunaw |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus festivus | native | Festive parrotfish | Mulmol |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus flavipectoralis | native | Yellowfin parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus forsteni | native | Forsten's parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus frenatus | native | Bridled parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus fuscocaudalis | native | Darktail parrotfish | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus ghobban | native | Blue-barred parrotfish | Malunaw |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus globiceps | native | Globehead parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus hypselopterus | native | Yellow-tail parrotfish | Yapot |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus niger | native | Dusky parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus oviceps | native | Dark capped parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus ovifrons | native | Knobsnout parrotfish | |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus prasiognathos | native | Singapore parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus psittacus | native | Common parrotfish | Isdang loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus quoyi | native | Quoy's parrotfish | Mulmul |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus rivulatus | native | Rivulated parrotfish | Aliyakyak |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus rubroviolaceus | native | Ember parrotfish | Yapot |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus schlegeli | native | Yellowband parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus spinus | native | Greensnout parrotfish | Loro |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus tricolor | native | Tricolour parrotfish | Yaput |
Perciformes | Scaridae | Scarus xanthopleura | native | Red parrotfish | |
Perciformes | Scatophagidae | Scatophagus argus | native | Spotted scat | Kero kero |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Schismatogobius insignus | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Schultzidia retropinnis | native | Fringe-lipped worm eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Scolecenchelys brevicaudata | native | Short tail worm eel | Short tail worm eel |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Scolecenchelys gymnota | native | Indo-Pacific slender worm-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Scolecenchelys laticaudata | native | Redfin worm-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Scolecenchelys macroptera | native | Narrow worm eel | |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Scoliodon macrorhynchos | native | ||
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis affinis | native | Peters' monocle bream | Buruba |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis bilineata | native | Two-lined monocle bream | Asoos |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis bimaculata | native | Thumbprint monocle bream | Tagisang lawin |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis ciliata | native | Saw-jawed monocle bream | Letekan |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis lineata | native | Striped monocle bream | Buruba |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis margaritifera | native | Pearly monocle bream | Buruba |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis monogramma | native | Monogrammed monocle bream | Batuhanon |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis taenioptera | native | Lattice monocle bream | Tingin |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis temporalis | native | Bald-spot monocle bream | Tingin |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis trilineata | native | Three-lined monocle bream | Tingin |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis vosmeri | native | Whitecheek monocle bream | Tagisang lawin |
Perciformes | Nemipteridae | Scolopsis xenochroa | native | Oblique-barred monocle bream | Tagisang lawin |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomber australasicus | native | Blue mackerel | Alumahan |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomber japonicus | native | Chub mackerel | Alumahan |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Scomberoides commersonnianus | native | Talang queenfish | Lali |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Scomberoides lysan | native | Doublespotted queenfish | Dorado |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Scomberoides tala | native | Barred queenfish | Dorado |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Scomberoides tol | native | Needlescaled queenfish | Talang-talang |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomberomorus commerson | native | Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel | Saramulyete |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomberomorus guttatus | native | Indo-Pacific king mackerel | Tanigue |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomberomorus queenslandicus | native | Queensland school mackerel | Tanigue |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Scomberomorus semifasciatus | native | Broad-barred king mackerel | Hasa-hasa |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaena hemilepidota | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes albaiensis | native | Longfingered scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes guamensis | native | Guam scorpionfish | Ampo |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes hirsutus | native | Hairy scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes kelloggi | native | Kellogg's scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes minor | native | Minor scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes parvipinnis | native | Lowfin scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes scaber | native | Pygmy scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenodes varipinnis | native | Blotchfin scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis cotticeps | native | Sculpin scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis diabolus | native | False stonefish | Ampo |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis macrochir | native | Flasher scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis neglecta | native | Yellowfin scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis obtusa | native | Shortsnout scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis oxycephala | native | Tassled scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis papuensis | native | Papuan scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis ramaraoi | native | Rama Rao's scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis venosa | native | Raggy scorpionfish | Ampo |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Scorpaenopsis vittapinna | native | Bandfin scorpionfish | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Scuticaria tigrina | native | Tiger reef-eel | Malibanos |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes cyanostigma | native | Yellowspotted scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes fowleri | native | Pigmy scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes mauritiana | native | Spineblotch scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes nuchalis | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes strongia | native | Barchin scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Sebastapistes taeniophrys | endemic | Eyebrow scorpionfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Sebastidae | Sebastiscus marmoratus | native | False kelpfish | |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Secutor indicius | native | Sapsap | |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Secutor insidiator | native | Pugnose ponyfish | Tambong |
Perciformes | Leiognathidae | Secutor ruconius | native | Deep pugnose ponyfish | Tambong bilog |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Selar boops | native | Oxeye scad | Matang Baka |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Selar crumenophthalmus | native | Bigeye scad | Mat-an |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Selaroides leptolepis | native | Yellowstripe scad | Salay-salay ginto |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Selenanthias analis | native | Pearl-spotted fairy basslet | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Seriola dumerili | native | Greater amberjack | Dorado |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Seriola rivoliana | native | Longfin yellowtail | Talakitok |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Seriolina nigrofasciata | native | Blackbanded trevally | Tonto |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Serranocirrhitus latus | native | Hawkfish anthias | |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Setarches armata | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Setarches guentheri | native | Channeled rockfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Setarchidae | Setarches longimanus | native | Red deepwater scorpionfish | |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Setipinna tenuifilis | native | Common hairfin anchovy | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Sicyopterus fuliag | endemic | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Sicyopterus lagocephalus | native | Red-tailed goby | Anga |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus argenteus | native | Streamlined spinefoot | Alama |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus canaliculatus | native | White-spotted spinefoot | Balanglen kuyog |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus corallinus | native | Blue-spotted spinefoot | Balangin |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus fuscescens | native | Mottled spinefoot | Balawis |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus guttatus | native | Orange-spotted spinefoot | Balawis |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus javus | native | Streaked spinefoot | Lusay |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus lineatus | native | Golden-lined spinefoot | Balanglin |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus puellus | native | Masked spinefoot | Balawis |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus punctatissimus | native | Peppered spinefoot | Balanglin |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus punctatus | native | Goldspotted spinefoot | Balanglin |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus spinus | native | Little spinefoot | Balawis batuhan |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus unimaculatus | native | Blotched foxface | Alama |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus vermiculatus | native | Vermiculated spinefoot | Dangit |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus virgatus | native | Barhead spinefoot | Balangin |
Perciformes | Siganidae | Siganus vulpinus | native | Foxface | Baka |
Stomiiformes | Gonostomatidae | Sigmops elongatus | native | Elongated bristlemouth fish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Signigobius biocellatus | native | Twinspot goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Silhouettea nuchipunctatus | native | ||
Perciformes | Sillaginidae | Sillaginopodys chondropus | native | Clubfoot sillago | Asohos |
Perciformes | Sillaginidae | Sillaginops macrolepis | native | Large-scale sillago | Asohos |
Perciformes | Sillaginidae | Sillago aeolus | native | Oriental sillago | Asuhos |
Perciformes | Sillaginidae | Sillago argentifasciata | endemic | Silver-banded sillago | Asohos |
Perciformes | Sillaginidae | Sillago ingenuua | native | Bay sillago | |
Perciformes | Sillaginidae | Sillago sihama | native | Silver sillago | Aso-os |
Anguilliformes | Synaphobranchidae | Simenchelys parasitica | native | Snubnosed eel | |
Rajiformes | Anacanthobatidae | Sinobatis borneensis | native | Borneo leg skate | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Siokunichthys breviceps | native | Softcoral pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Siokunichthys herrei | native | Herre’s pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Siokunichthys nigrolineatus | native | Mushroom-coral pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Siokunichthys southwelli | native | Southwell's pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia argentea | native | Silver siphonfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia corallicola | native | Coral siphonfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia elongata | native | Elongate siphonfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia fistulosa | native | Fistulose cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia fuscolineata | native | Crown-of-thorns cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia jebbi | native | Jebb's siphonfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia majimai | native | Striped siphonfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Siphamia tubifer | native | Tubifer cardinalfish | Dangat |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Sirembo imberbis | native | Golden cusk | |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Sirembo jerdoni | native | Brown-banded cusk-eel | |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Skythrenchelys macrostomus | native | ||
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Skythrenchelys zabra | native | Angry worm eel | |
Ophidiiformes | Carapidae | Snyderidia canina | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Solea ovata | native | Ovate sole | Dapa |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Soleichthys heterorhinos | native | Black-tip sole | |
Syngnathiformes | Solenostomidae | Solenostomus armatus | native | Armored pipefish | |
Syngnathiformes | Solenostomidae | Solenostomus paradoxus | native | Harlequin ghost pipefish | |
Myctophiformes | Neoscopelidae | Solivomer arenidens | endemic | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Sorsogona tuberculata | native | Tuberculated flathead | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Sphaeramia nematoptera | native | Pajama cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Sphaeramia orbicularis | native | Orbiculate cardinalfish | Dangat |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Sphagemacrurus decimalis | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Sphagemacrurus pumiliceps | native | Dwarf whiptail | |
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Sphenanthias macrophthalmus | native | ||
Perciformes | Cepolidae | Sphenanthias nigromarginatus | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Sphoeroides pachygaster | native | Blunthead puffer | |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena acutipinnis | native | Sharpfin barracuda | Balyos |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena barracuda | native | Great barracuda | Baracuda |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena flavicauda | native | Yellowtail barracuda | Balyos |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena forsteri | native | Bigeye barracuda | Batig |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena helleri | native | Heller's barracuda | Balyos |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena jello | native | Pickhandle barracuda | Bulios |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena obtusata | native | Obtuse barracuda | Batog |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena putnamae | native | Sawtooth barracuda | Balyos |
Perciformes | Sphyraenidae | Sphyraena qenie | native | Blackfin barracuda | Balyos |
Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | Sphyrna lewini | native | Scalloped hammerhead | Pating |
Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | Sphyrna mokarran | native | Great hammerhead | |
Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | Sphyrna zygaena | native | Smooth hammerhead | Bingkungan |
Ophidiiformes | Ophidiidae | Spottobrotula amaculata | native | Lined cusk | |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Spratelloides delicatulus | native | Delicate round herring | Dilis bahura |
Clupeiformes | Clupeidae | Spratelloides gracilis | native | Silver-stripe round herring | Bahura |
Perciformes | Clinidae | Springeratus xanthosoma | native | Indonesia weedfish | |
Squaliformes | Dalatiidae | Squaliolus aliae | native | Smalleye pygmy shark | |
Squaliformes | Dalatiidae | Squaliolus laticaudus | native | Spined pygmy shark | Pating |
Squaliformes | Squalidae | Squalus japonicus | native | Japanese spurdog | |
Squaliformes | Squalidae | Squalus montalbani | native | Indonesian greeneye spurdog | |
Squatiniformes | Squatinidae | Squatina caillieti | native | ||
Perciformes | Opistognathidae | Stalix versluysi | native | Versluys' jawfish | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Stanulus seychellensis | native | Seychelle's blenny | |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Stegastes albifasciatus | native | Whitebar gregory | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Stegastes fasciolatus | native | Pacific gregory | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Stegastes nigricans | native | Dusky farmerfish | Palata |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Stegastes obreptus | native | Western gregory | Sumbangan |
Perciformes | Pomacentridae | Stegastes punctatus | native | Blunt snout gregory | Palata |
Orectolobiformes | Stegostomatidae | Stegostoma fasciatum | native | Zebra shark | Pating |
Anguilliformes | Serrivomeridae | Stemonidium hypomelas | native | Black serrivomerid eel | |
Aulopiformes | Paralepididae | Stemonosudis elongata | native | ||
Atheriniformes | Atherinidae | Stenatherina panatela | native | Panatella silverside | Gono |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Stenogobius genivittatus | native | Chinstripe goby | |
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Sternoptyx diaphana | native | Diaphanous hatchet fish | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Stethojulis bandanensis | native | Red shoulder wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Stethojulis interrupta | native | Cutribbon wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Stethojulis strigiventer | native | Three-ribbon wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Stethojulis trilineata | native | Three-lined rainbowfish | Lulukdayan |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Stolephorus apiensis | native | Samoan anchovy | |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Stolephorus commersonnii | native | Commerson's anchovy | Bolinao |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Stolephorus indicus | native | Indian anchovy | Bolinao na puti |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Stolephorus insularis | native | Hardenberg's anchovy | Bolinao na kurisan |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Stolephorus ronquilloi | endemic | Ronquillo's anchovy | Ligbao na lapad |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Stolephorus tri | native | Spined anchovy | Tuakang |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Stolephorus waitei | native | Spotty-face anchovy | Bolinao |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Stomias affinis | native | Günther's boafish | |
Stomiiformes | Stomiidae | Stomias nebulosus | native | Alcock's boafish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Stonogobiops nematodes | native | Filament-finned prawn-goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Stonogobiops xanthorhinica | native | Yellownose prawn-goby | |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Strongylura incisa | native | Reef needlefish | Haba |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Strongylura leiura | native | Banded needlefish | Balitut |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Strongylura strongylura | native | Spottail needlefish | Balo |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Strongylura urvillii | native | Urville's longtom | Batali |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Strophidon sathete | native | Slender giant moray | Malibanos |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Sueviota lachneri | native | Lancher's dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Suezichthys arquatus | native | Rainbow slender wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Suezichthys gracilis | native | Slender wrasse | |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Sufflamen bursa | native | Boomerang triggerfish | Kaputput |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Sufflamen chrysopterum | native | Halfmoon triggerfish | Kaputput |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Sufflamen fraenatum | native | Masked triggerfish | Pakoy |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Suggrundus macracanthus | native | Large-spined flathead | Kakabit |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Sunagocia arenicola | native | Broadhead flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Sunagocia otaitensis | native | Fringelip flathead | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Suttonia lineata | native | Freckleface podge | |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Symphorichthys spilurus | native | Sailfin snapper | Maya maya |
Perciformes | Lutjanidae | Symphorus nematophorus | native | Chinamanfish | Alsis |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus bathyspilus | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus gilesii | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus luzonensis | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus marmoratus | native | Dapang tsinelas | |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus regani | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus septemstriatus | native | Sevenband tonguesole | |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus strictus | native | Blackbelly tonguesole | |
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus undatus | native | ||
Pleuronectiformes | Cynoglossidae | Symphurus woodmasoni | native | ||
Perciformes | Symphysanodontidae | Symphysanodon maunaloae | native | Longtailed slopefish | |
Perciformes | Symphysanodontidae | Symphysanodon typus | native | Insular shelf beauty | |
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Synagrops analis | native | Threespine seabass | |
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Synagrops japonicus | native | Blackmouth splitfin | |
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Synagrops philippinensis | native | Sharptooth seabass | |
Perciformes | Acropomatidae | Synagrops serratospinosus | native | Roughspine seabass | |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Synanceia horrida | native | Estuarine stonefish | Sumalapau |
Scorpaeniformes | Synanceiidae | Synanceia verrucosa | native | Stonefish | Gatasan |
Anguilliformes | Synaphobranchidae | Synaphobranchus kaupii | native | Kaup's arrowtooth eel | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Synaptura marginata | native | White-margined sole | Palad |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Synaptura megalepidoura | native | ||
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus altivelis | native | Highfin bigeye dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus bartelsi | native | Bartel's dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus circularis | native | Circled dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus delandi | native | Deland’s dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus grinnelli | native | Philippines dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus kiyoae | native | Kiyo’s dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus laddi | native | Ladd's dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus morrisoni | native | Morrison's dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus moyeri | native | Moyer's dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus picturatus | native | Picturesque dragonet | |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus splendidus | native | Mandarinfish | Bunog |
Perciformes | Callionymidae | Synchiropus zamboangana | native | Zamboangan dragonet | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Syngnathoides biaculeatus | native | Alligator pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus binotatus | native | Two-spot lizard fish | Bubule |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus dermatogenys | native | Sand lizardfish | Tika |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus doaki | native | Arrowtooth lizardfish | Bubule |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus fasciapelvicus | native | ||
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus indicus | native | Indian lizardfish | |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus jaculum | native | Lighthouse lizardfish | |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus myops | native | Snakefish | Kalaso laot |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus rubromarmoratus | native | Redmarbled lizardfish | |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus tectus | native | Tectus lizardfish | |
Aulopiformes | Synodontidae | Synodus variegatus | native | Variegated lizardfish | Kalaso |
Myctophiformes | Myctophidae | Taaningichthys paurolychnus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Taeniamia biguttata | native | Twinspot cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Taeniamia buruensis | native | Buru cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Taeniamia fucata | native | Orangelined cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Taeniamia kagoshimanus | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Taeniamia macroptera | native | Dusky-tailed cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Taeniamia melasma | native | Blackspot cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Taeniamia zosterophora | native | Blackbelted cardinalfish | Dangat |
Scorpaeniformes | Scorpaenidae | Taenianotus triacanthus | native | Leaf scorpionfish | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Taenioides caniscapulus | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Taenioides cirratus | native | Bearded worm goby | Baliga |
Pleuronectiformes | Bothidae | Taeniopsetta ocellata | native | Indo-Pacific ocellated flounder | Dapang bilog |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Taeniura lymma | native | Ribbontail stingray | Pagi |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Taeniurops meyeni | native | Round ribbontail ray | Pagi |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Telatrygon zugei | native | Pale-edged stingray | Pagi |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Tentoriceps cristatus | native | Crested hairtail | Laying |
Perciformes | Terapontidae | Terapon jarbua | native | Jarbua terapon | Kanigit |
Perciformes | Terapontidae | Terapon puta | native | Small-scaled terapon | Kaniget |
Perciformes | Terapontidae | Terapon theraps | native | Largescaled terapon | Bagaong |
Perciformes | Istiophoridae | Tetrapturus angustirostris | native | Shortbill spearfish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Tetraroge barbata | native | Bearded roguefish | |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Tetraroge niger | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Ostraciidae | Tetrosomus gibbosus | native | Humpback turretfish | Tabarong |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma amblycephalum | native | Bluntheaded wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma hardwicke | native | Sixbar wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma jansenii | native | Jansen's wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma lunare | native | Moon wrasse | Lulukdayan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma lutescens | native | Yellow-brown wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma purpureum | native | Surge wrasse | Mameng |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma quinquevittatum | native | Fivestripe wrasse | Bankilan |
Perciformes | Labridae | Thalassoma trilobatum | native | Christmas wrasse | |
Tetraodontiformes | Monacanthidae | Thamnaconus tessellatus | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Thorophos euryops | native | ||
Stomiiformes | Sternoptychidae | Thorophos nexilis | native | ||
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Thryssa baelama | native | Baelama anchovy | Bolinao |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Thryssa encrasicholoides | native | False baelama anchovy | |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Thryssa hamiltonii | native | Hamilton's thryssa | Bulinau |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Thryssa mystax | native | Moustached thryssa | Tige |
Clupeiformes | Engraulidae | Thryssa setirostris | native | Longjaw thryssa | Tamban |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Thunnus alalunga | native | Albacore | Bangkulis |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Thunnus albacares | native | Yellowfin tuna | Barilis |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Thunnus obesus | native | Bigeye tuna | Bariles |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Thunnus orientalis | native | Pacific bluefin tuna | Tulingan |
Perciformes | Scombridae | Thunnus tonggol | native | Longtail tuna | Barilis |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Thysanophrys armata | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Thysanophrys celebica | native | Celebes flathead | |
Scorpaeniformes | Platycephalidae | Thysanophrys chiltonae | native | Longsnout flathead | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Tomiyamichthys gomezi | native | Gomez' shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Tomiyamichthys lanceolatus | native | Lanceolate shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Tomiyamichthys oni | native | Monster shrimpgoby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Torquigener brevipinnis | native | ||
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Torquigener hypselogeneion | native | Orange-spotted toadfish | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Trachinotus baillonii | native | Small spotted dart | Pampano |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Trachinotus blochii | native | Snubnose pompano | Ampahan |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Trachonurus robinsi | endemic | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Trachonurus villosus | native | Furry whiptail | |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus | native | Double-ended pipefish | Dagum-dagum |
Syngnathiformes | Syngnathidae | Trachyrhamphus longirostris | native | Straightstick pipefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthodidae | Triacanthodes ethiops | native | Shortsnout spikefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthidae | Triacanthus biaculeatus | native | Short-nosed tripodfish | Tukod langit |
Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | Triaenodon obesus | native | Whitetip reef shark | Pating |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Trichiurus gangeticus | native | Ganges hairtail | Espada |
Perciformes | Trichiuridae | Trichiurus lepturus | native | Largehead hairtail | Espada |
Perciformes | Trichonotidae | Trichonotus setiger | native | Spotted sand-diver | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Tridentiger trigonocephalus | native | Chameleon goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma agrena | native | Fishnet pygmygoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma anaima | native | Pallid pygmygoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma annosum | native | Grey-bearded pygmygoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma benjamini | native | Ring-eye pygmy-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma caesiura | native | Caesiura goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma cana | native | Candycane pygmy goby | Candycane pygmy goby |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma cheni | native | Face-stripe pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma corerefum | native | Colin's pygmygoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma erdmanni | native | Erdmann’s pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma fangi | native | Fang's pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma flavatrum | native | Wasp pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma grammistes | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma griffithsi | native | Griffiths' pygmy-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma haimassum | native | Blood-spot pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma hayashii | native | Four-eye pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma hoesei | native | Forktail dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma hollemani | native | Holleman’s pygmygoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma macrophthalmum | native | Flame goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma maiandros | native | Meander dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma marinae | native | Princess pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma meranyx | native | Day-night pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma milta | native | Redearth dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma nasa | native | Nasal dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma naudei | native | Naude's rubble goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma okinawae | native | Okinawa rubble goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma randalli | native | Randall’s pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma rubromaculatum | native | Red-spotted dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma stobbsi | native | Stobb's dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma striatum | native | Stripehead goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma tevegae | native | Blue-striped cave goby | Kultit |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma trioculatum | native | Three-eyed pygmy goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimma yanoi | native | Yano's dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimmatom macropodus | native | Bigfoot dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimmatom nanus | native | Midget dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimmatom pharus | native | Lifehouse dwarfgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trimmatom sagma | native | Saddled dwarfgoby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Triodontidae | Triodon macropterus | native | Threetooth puffer | |
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthidae | Tripodichthys blochii | native | Long-tail tripodfish | Sungay-sungayan |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Trypauchen vagina | native | ||
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Tryssogobius colini | native | Colin's fairygoby | |
Tetraodontiformes | Triacanthodidae | Tydemania navigatoris | native | Fleshy-lipped spikefish | |
Tetraodontiformes | Tetraodontidae | Tylerius spinosissimus | native | Spiny blaasop | |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Tylosurus acus acus | native | Agujon needlefish | |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Tylosurus acus melanotus | native | Keel-jawed needle fish | Balo |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Tylosurus crocodilus | native | Hound needlefish | Kambabalo |
Beloniformes | Belonidae | Tylosurus punctulatus | native | Spotted long-tom | Batali |
Perciformes | Tripterygiidae | Ucla xenogrammus | native | Largemouth triplefin | |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Ulua aurochs | native | Silvermouth trevally | Damis lawin |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Ulua mentalis | native | Longrakered trevally | Piaka |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Ungusurculus philippinensis | native | Philippines viviparous brotula | |
Ophidiiformes | Bythitidae | Ungusurculus williamsi | native | Williams' viviparous brotula | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus asymmetricus | native | Asymmetrical goatfish | Salmunete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus guttatus | native | Two-tone goatfish | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus japonicus | native | Japanese goatfish | Saramuliete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus luzonius | native | Dark-barred goatfish | Saramuliete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus moluccensis | native | Goldband goatfish | Agingoy |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus nigromarginatus | native | Black-margined goatfish | Black-margined goatfish |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus stenopsis | native | Narrow-tail goatfish | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus subvittatus | native | Deep-water goatfish | |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus sulphureus | native | Sulphur goatfish | Putikan |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus sundaicus | native | Ochrebanded goatfish | Saramuliete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus taeniopterus | native | Finstripe goatfish | Saramulyete |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus tragula | native | Freckled goatfish | Batuhan |
Perciformes | Mullidae | Upeneus vittatus | native | Yellowstriped goatfish | Saramuliete |
Perciformes | Uranoscopidae | Uranoscopus bicinctus | native | Marbled stargazer | |
Perciformes | Uranoscopidae | Uranoscopus japonicus | native | ||
Perciformes | Carangidae | Uraspis helvola | native | Whitetongue jack | Pampano |
Perciformes | Carangidae | Uraspis uraspis | native | Whitemouth jack | Pampano |
Anguilliformes | Congridae | Uroconger lepturus | native | Slender conger | Obud |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Urogymnus asperrimus | native | Porcupine whipray | Pagi |
Myliobatiformes | Dasyatidae | Urogymnus granulatus | native | Mangrove whipray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Uropterygius concolor | native | Unicolor snake moray | Payangitan |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Uropterygius fuscoguttatus | native | Brown spotted snake moray | Payangitan |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Uropterygius macrocephalus | native | Needle-tooth moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Uropterygius marmoratus | native | Marbled reef-eel | Malibanos |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Uropterygius polyspilus | native | Large-spotted snake moray | |
Anguilliformes | Muraenidae | Uropterygius xanthopterus | native | Freckleface reef-eel | Payangitan |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Valamugil buchanani | native | Bluetail mullet | Balanak |
Mugiliformes | Mugilidae | Valamugil speigleri | native | Speigler's mullet | Bilugan |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea bella | native | Bella goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea helsdingenii | native | Twostripe goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea immaculata | native | Red-lined sleeper | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea longipinnis | native | Long-finned goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea muralis | native | Mural goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea parva | native | Parva goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea puellaris | native | Maiden goby | Bakuli |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea randalli | native | Greenband goby | Talingkuk |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea sexguttata | native | Sixspot goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea strigata | native | Blueband goby | Bia |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Valenciennea wardii | native | Ward's sleeper | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia ambanoro | native | Ambanoro prawn-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia attenuata | native | Tapertail shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia dorsomacula | native | Dorsalspot shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia mertensi | native | Mertens' prawn-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia nannai | native | Moon-spotted shrimp goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia nobilis | native | Majestic shrimpgoby | Majestic shrimpgoby |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia ornatissima | native | Ornate prawn-goby | |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Vanderhorstia papilio | native | Butterfly shrimpgoby | |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Variola albimarginata | native | White-edged lyretail | Abo-abo |
Perciformes | Serranidae | Variola louti | native | Yellow-edged lyretail | Lapu lapung señora |
Lampriformes | Veliferidae | Velifer hypselopterus | native | Sailfin velifer | |
Anguilliformes | Nettastomatidae | Venefica multiporosa | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Ventrifossa divergens | native | Plainfin grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Ventrifossa longibarbata | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Ventrifossa macroptera | native | Palau grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Ventrifossa nigrodorsalis | native | Spinaker grenadier | |
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Ventrifossa rhipidodorsalis | native | ||
Gadiformes | Macrouridae | Ventrifossa saikaiensis | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Verulux cypselurus | native | Swallowtail cardinalfish | Dangat |
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Vespicula cypho | native | ||
Scorpaeniformes | Tetrarogidae | Vespicula trachinoides | native | ||
Perciformes | Lethrinidae | Wattsia mossambica | native | Mozambique large-eye bream | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Wetmorella albofasciata | native | Whitebanded sharpnose wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Wetmorella nigropinnata | native | Sharpnose wrasse | |
Perciformes | Labridae | Wetmorella tanakai | native | Tanaka's wrasse | |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Xanthichthys auromarginatus | native | Gilded triggerfish | Papakol |
Tetraodontiformes | Balistidae | Xanthichthys lineopunctatus | native | Striped triggerfish | Sungo |
Scorpaeniformes | Aploactinidae | Xenaploactis anopta | native | ||
Perciformes | Xenisthmidae | Xenisthmus polyzonatus | native | Bullseye wriggler | |
Perciformes | Uranoscopidae | Xenocephalus elongatus | native | ||
Osmeriformes | Alepocephalidae | Xenodermichthys nodulosus | native | ||
Perciformes | Labridae | Xenojulis margaritaceus | native | Finspot wrasse | Mameng |
Zeiformes | Grammicolepididae | Xenolepidichthys dalgleishi | native | Spotted tinselfish | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Xiphasia matsubarai | native | Japanese snake blenny | |
Perciformes | Blenniidae | Xiphasia setifer | native | Hairtail blenny | Boli-boli |
Perciformes | Xiphiidae | Xiphias gladius | native | Swordfish | Big-ho |
Perciformes | Labridae | Xiphocheilus typus | native | Blue-banded wrasse | Mameng |
Anguilliformes | Ophichthidae | Xyrias revulsus | native | Strict snake eel | |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Yarica hyalosoma | native | Humpbacked cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Gobiidae | Yongeichthys criniger | native | Horny goby | |
Perciformes | Zanclidae | Zanclus cornutus | native | Moorish idol | Kalay kalay |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Zapogon evermanni | native | Evermann's cardinalfish | |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Zebrasoma flavescens | native | Yellow tang | Labahita |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Zebrasoma scopas | native | Twotone tang | Brushtail tang |
Perciformes | Acanthuridae | Zebrasoma velifer | native | Sailfin tang | Tudluan |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Zebrias lucapensis | endemic | Darapa | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Zebrias quagga | native | Fringefin zebra sole | |
Pleuronectiformes | Soleidae | Zebrias zebra | native | Zebra sole | |
Beloniformes | Zenarchopteridae | Zenarchopterus buffonis | native | Buffon's river-garfish | Buging |
Beloniformes | Zenarchopteridae | Zenarchopterus dispar | native | Feathered river-garfish | Kansusuit |
Beloniformes | Zenarchopteridae | Zenarchopterus dunckeri | native | Duncker's river garfish | |
Beloniformes | Zenarchopteridae | Zenarchopterus gilli | native | Viviparous halfbeak | |
Zeiformes | Zeniontidae | Zenion hololepis | native | ||
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Zoramia fragilis | native | Fragile cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Zoramia gilberti | native | Gilbert's cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Zoramia leptacantha | native | Threadfin cardinalfish | Kungkungan |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Zoramia perlita | native | Pearly cardinalfish | Dangat |
Perciformes | Apogonidae | Zoramia viridiventer | native |